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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Went out like a light last night and slept through until eight, this morning the sore foot was not sore but the itching under the dressing is driving me mad. Can't complain though as it's preferable to the soreness. Now off to run a bath.

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Goodnight Good morning everyone 


Another dull and wet start to the day, although thankfully it isn’t raining at the moment. Once Sheila has finished her breakfast my first task is to clean the washing machine, that should earn me a few more brownie points. I also need to go and retrieve the recycling bin from wherever the bin have decide to leave it. After that the day is mine to do as I want, so I’ll head downstairs and continue making the delay start circuit boards I began last week.


As for families, I have a brother in Canada, who I speak to every month, a half sister also in Canada who I regularly email throughout the year. 5 cousins also in Canada and 1 in America who I never hear from, a cousin who lives in Malvern with her husband, we email and speak regularly and another cousin who lives locally I occasionally bump into when I’m out shopping. I also have a brother and 2 sisters who live within 2 miles from me who I never see or hear from, but that is another story. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Gold
13 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

... nearly forgot that it’s Christmas Day a week tomorrow ...



There is also another party leader telling us one thing and his MPs telling him another ... the conclusion?  It would have been the same whatever 'party' had the misfortune to be in place with the Covid pandemic and, it seems, to be the same with other countries as well with one possible exception and their finances are not that good either.  

Its also likely that whatever is stated, apart from one party state countries, that the main complainers will be those who will still do 'what they want' - politicians of whatever hue just cannot win.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is rather overcast and breezy here. No idea of temperature I have not been outside. Aditi seems convinced it will rain later. 
We are not going anywhere except for perhaps a walk round some of the nearby roads. It is only busy here at school drop off and collect time. That doesn’t seem as busy as usual either. I think today is the last day of term for local schools. Secondary schools will have a staggered return after the New Year. 
Looking at local Covid rates,I suspect that ours are not quite as high as some nearby areas as Benfleet doesn’t really have a significant shopping centre. People are not likely to the local shops. Benfleet is one of those places where people live but shop and work elsewhere.  
Relatives. We do talk to Aditi’s Mum twice a day. My brother mainly converses by text or other messaging services. Aditi’s brother is  the most likely to ring us for a chat, often while he is waiting to collect the children from school. He was the first person in the family to get a Covid vaccine yesterday. 

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  • RMweb Premium
34 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Indeed. I suppose even the most disciplined and well educated people will eventually succumb to "Covid Fatigue" and the Swiss are no exception.


To be brutally frank: the problem is that Covid 19 is really not lethal enough to create even a medium term reset of most people's mindsets. Let face it a huge number of the fatalities were in elderly (70+) people and in too many countries the elderly are shunted off and are "out of sight, out of mind"; other vulnerable groups include the morbidly obese, uncontrolled hypertensives and similar individuals and they are essentially invisible. Furthermore, to make things even more complicated, it is estimated that 80% of CoVID-19 infections are asymptomatic. And again, if it's not visible then no-one cares.



*p.s. The world is now so screwed up, that in the event of a zombie apocalypse, it wouldn't be long before there would be zombie rights activists

As Peter BB said its difficult for the politicians to get a handle on this. Its not only one party states that have largely overcome the Covid19 but single democratic states such as New Zealand and nearer home Fraggle Rock are virtually free from the disease. The reason why is not hard to see, a single government for the whole territory whereas in the UK we have the devolved parliaments all doing their own thing. A prime example is the USA with fifty different states doing their own thing compounded by a leader who was dismissive of the whole thing but paid the price with his presidency. What is needed is a single cohesive policy for areas such as the UK but I can't see that happening any time soon. 


35 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:



I reckon the only things that would make most people sit up and take notice (apart from a real Zombie Apocalypse*) would be if something really, really nasty - like Ebola - became airborne transmissable.


I, for one, can't wait for Q1 2021 - when I should be in line for the CoVID19 Vaccine. After that, the selfish, mouth-breathing, cockwombles can do what they like (and maybe between their inconsiderate and asocial behaviour and the anti-vaxxers refusing the vaccine [more for us] there will be a decrease in the "stupid" subpopulation around the world.....)




*p.s. The world is now so screwed up, that in the event of a zombie apocalypse, it wouldn't be long before there would be zombie rights activists

Unfortunately they breed, probably at a faster rate than Covid, or even Ebola can get rid of them.

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  • RMweb Premium

The company seems to have spent more money on the Christmas boxes this year, it's a stack of 6 foil coloured boxes in different colours + plus a bottle of wine. Investigations will happen tonight once home..


Has anyone got any spare submarines.. I think according to the weather radar south Wales needs them..


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  • RMweb Premium
9 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

As Peter BB said its difficult for the politicians to get a handle on this. Its not only one party states that have largely overcome the Covid19 but single democratic states such as New Zealand and nearer home Fraggle Rock are virtually free from the disease..

It's nothing to do with that , it's everything to do with traffic, New Zealands population is less than 5 million, Heathrow on it's own has nearly 7 million travel through it each month (pre covid) then add all the other international airports in the UK  and there is a massive through put of people travelling in aluminum recycled air virus spreading tubes. 

 It was well into the population long before anyone knew what was happening.


NZ and AUS plus Fraggle rock for that matter are Destinations, no throughput of people just visitors (and not that many), stop the visitors.. easy no covid or very little...


The big hot spots in the USA (initially) were New York and other international airport cities on the west coast.. 

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

Indeed. I suppose even the most disciplined and well educated people will eventually succumb to "CoVID Fatigue" and the Swiss are no exception.


To be brutally frank: the problem is that CoVID 19 is really not lethal enough to create even a medium term reset of most people's mindsets. Let face it a huge number of the fatalities were in elderly (70+) people and in too many countries the elderly are shunted off and are "out of sight, out of mind"; other vulnerable groups include the morbidly obese, uncontrolled hypertensives and similar individuals and they are essentially invisible. Furthermore, to make things even more complicated, it is estimated that 80% of CoVID-19 infections are asymptomatic. And again, if it's not visible then no-one cares.


I reckon the only things that would make most people sit up and take notice (apart from a real Zombie Apocalypse*) would be if something really, really nasty - like Ebola - became airborne transmissable.


I, for one, can't wait for Q1 2021 - when I should be in line for the CoVID19 Vaccine. After that, the selfish, mouth-breathing, cockwombles can do what they like (and maybe between their inconsiderate and asocial behaviour and the anti-vaxxers refusing the vaccine [more for us] there will be a decrease in the "stupid" subpopulation around theb world.....)




*p.s. The world is now so screwed up, that in the event of a zombie apocalypse, it wouldn't be long before there would be zombie rights activists

 You mean that fortress Switzerland is ... vulnerable... wow!  God help you if they have panicked already.. as deaths rise (and it does actually affect all ages  then Switzerland may go into complete melt down.  It is lethal enough to have killed a lot of people across the globe  if you mean that the public are not convinced it is lethal.. I would agree but we see a lot of deaths above our 5 year averages.





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3 hours ago, Barry O said:

 You mean that fortress Switzerland is ... vulnerable... wow!  God help you if they have panicked already.. as deaths rise (and it does actually affect all ages  then Switzerland may go into complete melt down.  It is lethal enough to have killed a lot of people across the globe  if you mean that the public are not convinced it is lethal.. I would agree but we see a lot of deaths above our 5 year averages.





Of course Switzerland is vulnerable (we are - believe it or not - only human) and some kantons are better than others in local management (Suisse Romandie I don't think is a particularly shining example of good CoVID management). Whilst I am more than well aware (being in the biz) of the lethality and distribution across the ages of CoVID-19, the fact remains that the majority of people who become infected will have no or minimal symptoms (that they are a [biological] menace to others is another matter). And in the absence of a really noticeable tranche of society popping their clogs rapidly (a sudden decimation of the 18-30 age group would make people sit up and take notice - they are the most noisily visible), most people think they can safely ignore the situation (out of sight, out of mind, as I have posted).


The excess mortality above the 5 year average should be taken with a (large) pinch of salt. It is well documented that many hospitals and clinics have shut down all services bar CoVID treatment (sometimes justified, more often not) and people who would have otherwise had effective treatment for lethal-if-left-untreated conditions have not been treated and are thus dying and contributing to the excess mortality numbers.

Edited by iL Dottore
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4 hours ago, PeterBB said:

There is also another party leader telling us one thing and his MPs telling him another ... the conclusion?  It would have been the same whatever 'party' had the misfortune to be in place with the Covid pandemic and, it seems, to be the same with other countries as well with one possible exception and their finances are not that good either.  

Its also likely that whatever is stated, apart from one party state countries, that the main complainers will be those who will still do 'what they want' - politicians of whatever hue just cannot win.

Well said young Man.:banghead:

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I may have missed some other posters with very pertinent comments.


Just thinking of the zombie rights


We would have zombie lives matter 

Linekar would have a couple in his house 

The Bbc would employ a load to meet diversity targets.

We could have the Undead discrimination act.


Back to normality 

By this time next week it will all be over

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Went down to Tess Coes and now have enough dinners for the weekend. The local pub which before the Covid-19 crisis seemed to be doing well is still open for business doing take away meals so I might try them in the next few days. The sore foot was playing up again when I got back but another change of dressing has sorted it. Now to decide on whats for dinner tonight, be back later.

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POETS, sure, whatever...


Nothing notable yesterday.

Whitney here for the day, always fun, then dropped her back home and obtained a take-out from our favorite Mexican establishment.

Continued with our watching of a slew of Christmas movies, this time "The Santa Clause". As with all Christmas movies, no judgements required, it's all personal choice and what you like :)


That done, and a couple of glasses of a very suitable red Bordeaux consumed, nothing left but to go to bed.


Nothing much planned for the weekend, baking mince pies and a Zoom with friends fills the busy social whirl! :O :jester:


-4 and overcast, +4 the expected high.


Enjoy the start to the weekend...

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