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"That's unfivetunine Tony." :lol: :lol: :lol:

Well done Sir BoD.

A bit windy today, but clear except for the South East cloud atop the mountain.

I was listening to a classical music program on the radio yesterday evening until 6:30 when it goes off the air. Switched off the radio and went through to the kitchen. Opened a can with my electric can opener and switched on the kettle. A couple of minutes later still no action from the kettle. Looked inside, no convection action apparent. Checked the plug, both ends. Checked that the can opener still worked. It didn't. Oh oh, I've blown a fuse!

(Opener and kettle and processor and toaster all work off the same plug). Checked the lights. No lights. Checked the outside light. No light. Checked with neighbour. No power.

Contemplated a cold Supper whilst having a compensatory brandy.

6:45 - power restored.

Had a celebratory brandy. Hot Supper back on the menu. :P

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Morning All,


Dull and raining here again today - seems par for the course at the moment. I have got another day of meetings and then it's weekend - Yippee!


Two teacher stories that spring to mind. We had a Maths teacher who was a dab hand with the blackboard rubber. He could hit anyone in the room with the felt side of the duster - which didn't hurt, but left you looking like a miller. Then we had a chemistry teacher who had trouble controlling the class. That was until the day he lost his temper, and happened to have a steel ruler in his hand. The show went something like:


"Right you lot, one more word out of ANY of you and..." which was followed by a dramatic swish of the ruler.


Just at that second, a wasp flew past - he cut the wasp clean in two and both parts fell onto the desk in front of him. The effect was stunned silence... Strangely enough, he never had any problems with control after that :icon_lol:


Tony - not a good place to breakdown! I know that road very well. However, I would suggest that the coolant is going somewhere! With today's pressurised cooling systems, it isn't usual for cars to overheat unless they have lost coolant first - particularly on a winter day. I don't know how au-fait you are with cars, so apologies if I am telling you something you already know. Have a look around the oil filler cap and see if there is any white sludgy stuff, plus look and see if there are any coolant stains in the engine bay or foot well. You've already said you aren't producing a cloud of steam that James Bond would be proud of!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium



Not really cold outside at 6?°. I think today will see me head to the optician to order new lenses.




Just at that second, a wasp flew past - he cut the wasp clean in two and both parts fell onto the desk in front of him. The effect was stunned silence... Strangely enough, he never had any problems with control after that :icon_lol:




Reminds me of how I once played darts in the garden (the disk hung on a tree) and missed the disk - but the dart did hit the 3/4" water hose laid out several metres behind it, piercing it :lol: .

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Glad to hear your wife is OK Tony.


Must have been a little scary for her to breakdown in the outside lane of the A13. Good to read the boys in blue turned up to rescue her.


Came down this morning and the ashes of last nights fire were still glowing, so couldn't resist putting a log on. It's quite cold outside, after all.


Best thing we ever did.....and it gets rid of all my old scrap wood.smile.gif

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Good Morning all!


POETS day here again on the "sunny" south coast as I'm on yet another 'overseas' business trip on the other side of Portsmouth Harbour.


A blowout on the bike means I'm on the bus/foot too, how inconvenient - I'd forgotten just how much rip-off Gosport's bus fares are! Still, hopefully fix the blowout Sunday ready for the new week.


Plans for this afternoon include spraying my 3 2010 boards with PVA/Water mix to seal them as they're MDF topped.


Have a good one everyone, work for HMS seems to be getting in the way at the moment of my RMWeb access, shocking!

Edited by Graham Kendall
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Morning All, Was very frosty out a little while ago but now it seems to have settled into being nice and grey and damp! No phone calls or meetings scheduled so it sounds like a day for working from home.


All this activity on 2010 challenges is a bit worrying. I have a trackplan but that's about it! Not quite sure when I shall find the time to actually build anything either. What with stuff still to do on Cramdin ( a complete baseboard as yet unstarted!) and the fact that I won't be retiring in March, my schedules have somewhat gone to pot. Could be a real challenge.




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Guest Max Stafford

As one, particularly loathed, Master was found up to his thighs in Regents Park lake one lunchtime, I can claim to be part of the Form which redressed the balance slightly.

Along with many others, I used to pray for him to die overnight.

Sadistic and psychopathic is my diagnosis of him at this remove.


Various 'things' started happening in his Periods.

For example, the lights would suddenly start swinging in harmony.

The Waste basket would suddenly skitter across the floor.

(Wonderful thing fishing line!).


Ten minutes could successfully be wasted at the start of a lesson just by leaving a chair at the front.

'What's this chair doing here?'

Forest of hands.

'Don't know, sir.'

'Shall I move it, sir?'

'I'll go and ask the Sergeant (Janitor) shall I, sir?'

... and so on.

The boy tasked with removing the chair would re-appear fifteen minutes later, still carrying the chair.

'I took it to the Head, sir, and he told me to take it away'.

'Shall I move it, sir?'

... ad infinitum.


My defence is ... he started it.


It sounds just like dealing with our senior management, Dd. Thanks for the handy hints and tips...! ;-)



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Morning chaps. Very cold and frosty here in NW Durham this morning. And my URTI that's been plaguing me for about 2 months now has returned leaving me sounding like Johnny Vegas again.


Meant to be going out tonight to a dinner down in Durham but if I still feel like this I may stay home.


Off to the dentist now for regular check up.

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I feel as if I've done enough for the day already. I went out while it was still dark and and made my car fit for human habitation so my wife could use it. I also remembered to transfer her parking permit. At 8 o'clock I rang the garage and asked when they could look at her car and they said bring it in now so I did. I then walked back via the post sorting office to collect a parcel.


My wife's Clio has a 1.6L engine and there isn't much room in the engine compartment to work even if I could see a leaky hose etc. There are quite a few sensors attached to everything as well. My first Ford Cortina had enough space round the engine to be able to replace almost anything without too much difficulty but things did seem to need replacing frequently! The Clio has done over 100000 miles so we can't complain too much about the odd component failure. My wife always seems to meet nice police officers when stranded.



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Morning all


Parky here this morning (about minus three - forecast was plus one overnoght), and as it was wet yesterday, and I was late home, car was still wet when I parked up, and the end result was a struggle to get it open this morning - the car cover froze to the bodywork in places as well. Roads not too good either.


Still, bright and sunny here - usual winter high pressure weather - cold and bright. Most of the rain that we got earlier in the week is now forming slippery patches everywhere. The ground's so saturated that nothing's draining away now.


Gordon - I'm with you on the wood burner, as I've had one for about fourteen years now, and it's miles better than a gas fire - the current one is one of the airwash door models, so there is no coating of soot on the door glass - and it's very controllable. When it's running, I don't need radiators on in the living room or front upstairs room where the chimney runs through. I do find that a spoonful of coal every couple of hours also helps (it's a multi fuel really). I'm quite lucky as my next door neighbour owns some farmland with a nice selection of hardwood trees, and he saves the wood from fallen branches and trees, and logs it up, then only charges for his time and fuel to deliver. All I do need to do is to make the logs smaller to fit the stove.


A log fire keeps you warm several times - once when you stack the logs, once when you chop them to size, once when you burn them, and once when you take the ash to the bin.


AND it's (allegedly) carbon neutral when you are burning only wood. Only problem with wood is that you do have to use a chemical occasionally to make sure that the residues don't stick to the sides of the flue.

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I just read a report on how a florist in New Zealand manipulated addresses of other flower shops in the same area in Google Maps in order to gain an advantage. She may now face a prison sentence for her actions. A Google spokesperson was quoted as saying that this were the first such incident ever to be recorded by the company which demonstrably served a malicious purpose.

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I've just had a nice walk to the local industrial estate to collect the Clio. The temperature sensor had failed and the fan wasn't turning on. The ECU actually switches the fan but fortunately that was OK as they cost lots of money whereas the sensor was ??20. The coolant had overheated in the traffic-jam and released itself through the safety valve, condensed on the inside of the bonnet and run out of the front grill. The cooling system and head gasket were checked and were OK. Mrs S is very happy as she really does like that car.



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Flippin eck! First one, what is the world coming to. Not up through choice though, off to the MHR to drive a Santa Special. Bit shorter day than normal, hence the late start. Haven't been up there for a while, will get either 9F 92212, 850 Lord Nelson or 34007 Wadebridge to play with, so should be a good day. Straight over daughter and SiL's after that for food, beer and port. Stay over, back home tomorrow, determined to get some modelling done. Hopefully a good weekend, have a good one yourselves.

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