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Good evening everyone 


Like yesterday, I’ve spent the most part of the day in the cellar, apart from going to the workshop this morning to get a couple of files. Using paint stripper on the fireplace yesterday was very slow, so today I got my blowtorch out to see if that would be any better. I also decided to dismantle the fireplace to make working on the top of the fireplace, the underside of the mantelpiece and the basket in front of the grate easier. However, getting the rusty screws that were tightened up well over 120 (possibly more) years ago wasn’t easy. But applying gentle heat to them with the blowtorch did the trick and I had the fireplace down to its component parts in a little under 15 minutes. I then started using the blowtorch to remove the paint, this speeded up things quite dramatically and I was able to get most of the paint off using that and a shave hook before dinner, leaving just the basket front and the mantelpiece to do after dinner. 


It is now at the 90% complete stage, all I need to do is apply some paint stripper and use a wire brush to get the little bits that remain. I’ve done some parts already and it does come off quite well, I just need to use a lot of elbow grease. Several photos have been taken to show Sheila how it’s coming along and she’s getting quite excited by the amount of detail that is being revealed. 

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4 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

And I thought growlers were a type of iceberg that sunk the Titanic!

No, a growler is fairly small - less than 2 metres across and only showing about 1 metre above the water,  The iceberg which did for the 'Titanic' was by every account much larger than that and that is supported by the fact that indicates it was sighted at a range of in excess of 400 yards (based on the extent to which the ship had been able to turn before the collision).


There were numerous reports of various sorts of ice from a number of ships in that part of the Atlantic earlier that afternoon and evening ranging from several reports of 'a large icebergs' down to field ice and pack ice but only one message mentioned in the UK report into the sinking referenced growlers.

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Good morning all,

Not light yet but it is dry and breezy.  Showers forecast with the chance of sunshine later.

First bin lorry is outside as I type with two more to come.

Sainsbury's due at 8.00ish but haven't heard yet what we're not getting. 

Also got a parcel due which is a present for The Boss but I don't think I'll be able to hide it so she will get it early.

Funds have been slightly enhanced by a £30 lottery win last night.  (although it doesn't repay what I've spent lately!)  *  :rolleyes:

A few more decorations were done yesterday and we should finish off today.

Have a good one,




* Including a deposit on a wheeled thingy from the NRM!  I knew I'd succumb eventually.

Edited by grandadbob
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49 minutes ago, chrisf said:

I doubt that I shall enjoy being in the witness box but if the perpetrator is to receive his just deserts I have no choice.  I know now when the trial is scheduled and anything else that comes up will just have to be fitted round it.


I'm sure that if you explain to the Hospital that those dates are a no-no for any treatment then they'll respond accordingly....and send you an appointment for exactly the same day......:banghead:


48 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Ey up!

Up early for her indoors to prepare to go to moreasons. Problem is ..she woke up at 4am.. then made herself a mugatea, then turned her light on and read..  "Did I wake you up dear?"... expletives were uttered but I did get back to sleep in the end.


Ah...the subtle approach.  Did Mrs. B make you a cup of Tea too?  Thought not  :)


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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

A good nights sleep of 7 hours with just one small wake up and turn over.. I needed that..


Ben the Alarm clock Collie was 1/2 an hour early this morning and was desperate to get out... He ran out into the darkness did what he wanted and ran back in again.. Desperate, but not brave enough to stay out in  the dark...


Light drizzle, very cloudy, still breezy after the 50mph winds last night.


We have orange flood warnings around the Norfolk Coast, we are surrounded by them, but not on our high bit of ground, just up at Bacton they're on a RED warning.  It's   near spring tides, but luckily the wind is only briefly Northerly according to the forecast so I don't expect it to amount to much..


My Poets day as I have tomorrow off..


Yesterdays cross check of the major system passedOK.


I have another high accuracy thermometer, it came in late yesterday, it's one of our ex demo machines being sold off after a year in such use.. Another new one will have been put into the demo fleet. The problem is, as this happens year after year, I end up with lots all coming in for cal at the same time each year.. This one is off to Ireland to it's new owner.. That'll be Monday ....


I've typed this during it's 45minute self cal bit.. It's on it's last line


Time to start typing in results..






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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a better night last night but the ankle is still sore. The lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon has started off the bin wagons dawn chorus so no one's asleep now. Time to run a bath, be back later.

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NCT61315 - your video was very interesting.  Not many cars and the odd motorcycle. What did come across was the number of bicycles and the huge number of people walking and in particular just crossing anywhere and many without any sign of looking before they ventured out or just going anyway.  Also the odd car taking off and doing what we now call cutting up the already moving traffic i.e. the tram.  The overall impression however ws of serene peace in Leipzig.

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Morning, frost this morning, now clear blue skies and a gentle but bone numbing breeze from the north, been and dug some carrots and parsnips to go with the roast pork that will be dinner later. Still fiddling with point rodding, not quite reached the point where I wish I hadn't started, but this is most likely the last Wills kit I buy. Enjoy your day and stay safe and sane.

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3 hours ago, chrisf said:


Baz urges me to think about the colonoscopy.  Right now I am thinking of little else.  There is an ominous silence from the bowel screening team about the alternative possibility of a CT scan.  I suspect that the answer will be No but if you don’t ask you don’t get.  Tomorrow I expect to speak to the “lucky” friend who is my first choice for life support.  Should I opt for the colonoscopy I must be escorted home afterwards.  I did ask whether I might be put in a taxi alone but apparently something bad happened once.  As for being put in a hospital bed afterwards, don’t even think about it.  The answer would be No even without the virus.  Three days of self-isolation afterwards is a nuisance but what’s three more days on top of all the others?  Thanks also to Dave Hunt for the thoughts.

I went through a colonoscopy in September and was told that if I had any level of pain relief I would have to stay in the ward for three hours and be escorted home by a responsible adult. However if it was done with no pain relief then I could go home on the bus twenty minutes after they had finished. As my wife is disabled she could not escort me, so it was no pain relief and the big red taxi called the 493 bus route for me. The procedure was uncomfortable but visiting the dentist is worse. 

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My wife and I have different weather forecasting apps on our phones. For today mine says that from 1pm until midnight there is a 0% chance of rain while hers says 1pm has 95% chance of rain, 2pm is 75%, 3pm is 15% and then between 5% and 10% for the rest of the day. I have once again decided that the best way to know what the weather is doing is to look out of the window! As we wanted to visit the park so SWMBO could have some exercise and we could feed the swans, geese and ducks on the lake I fear the rain will be putting a stop to our plans. 


In other news there won't be a hurricane, now where have I heard that before? 

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