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Mooring Awl Inner Temple Hare, 

a much better nights sleep of 6 hours solid, though straightening up after waking screwed up into a ball was painful, this was followed by 2 hours semi dozing..


From what I've read elsewhere , in many cases if you've had the genuine vaccine shot first time then the second dose is likely to give you a sore arm , possible headaches and a feeling of being rough. This is because your body has been alerted to the virus by the first dose.. So if you don't get the effects then you either had the placebo first time, or it didn't take first time which is why they intend giving out second doses anyway..


From an American web site, they are getting Covidiots in hospital who have caught it... Who are coughing out that they must have cancer because covid doesn't exist..


Dry cloudy and dark this morning on Ben the desperate Collies patrol, he really wanted out...


The roads are covered in leaves , deeper in some places as the hedge smasher has been out on our lane..


The hole in the road has been filled and the barriers around it removed.. Pity they've left the road closed signs up all down the road..


This weeks major cal itself is going well, But I'm half a day running late after just over 1 1/14 days, as both days they were  late handing it over in the Morning .. What's the betting some one comes round later demanding to know why it's late back...


The orange shed on the way home, to collect battens, that with stuff I already have in stock should keep me busy next weekend.. I need to check once home if I've got enough resin for fibreglassing..  Though I don't need much for the keel.. You don't want too much resin in stock as it deteriorates and hopefully the keel is the last glassing for some time..


During the typing of this rubbish, I have type in over 16,000 characters (numbers) into a spreadsheet.. and the results processed..  


Time to reconnect the machine onto DC current , only 160 characters to type..


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Chisf . . . . .I had a colonoscopy abandoned because it was painful, and I was called back the following week for a C.T. scan.


Good morning all  .. .Dull and grey here on the Costa


This afternoon I will be venturing to foreign parts . . . .My mates wife has to go for a CV19 test at James Cook Hospital, and he still can't drive because of his cataract ops. . .


They thanked me for the last two runs with a bottle of Cardhu..


Have a goodun, and keep smiling . . . .



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Moaning all. The borough is still boring. Hermes have now lost/damaged/stolen 3 of our last 4 beer shipments. Investigation initiated by PostNL as they are ultimately on the hook for over 350€ worth of loss. We shall see. Replacements via a different shipping method are being negotiated by SWMBO. 


Shame about the loss of the groan button. Then again it typifies why the internet will eventually eat itself. I prefer the early days of alt.rec.models.rail, a few flame wars but no bunglec*nts. 


Work is still merde. I've chosen to take a couple of days off just to regain my sanity. The more I see of the coming brexpocalypse the more worried I become. 


Time for some domestic duties then off to Pesco's for cow juice and chicken embryos, followed by a drop off at the local Collect+ location with a returned bit of Virgin media gear. (their computer was down all weekend and I was unable to get the parcel returned)


Try to enjoy the day. 

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Her indoors has returned.. her next check up is 3 months time.


A bit dark outside for the time of day..


The Groan button.. well when you have someone using it to push his "why is it that locos from Company Y are being ignored"  it means we all lose out..self opinionated plank!


Instead of the button juts use the old standard , as in "GROAN"  or words to that effect.


Parcel 1 delivered earlier, parcel 2 due now...




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Morning, disturbed sleep seems to be catching, I'm sure I did sleep but woke up tired and my head was stuck to the pillow for a bit. Roket glue has arrived, so some muddling may commence, will need to be in the right frame of mind, it looks flippin' fiddly. Take care all.

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30 minutes ago, Barry O said:


The Groan button.. well when you have someone using it to push his "why is it that locos from Company Y are being ignored"  it means we all lose out..self opinionated plank!

Much as I like Andy Y and have a lot to thank him for, for providing RMweb, unless there is more to this than meets the eye, I feel it is a bit of an overreaction and spoils it for everyone just for the sake of one or two sarcastic ‘feedback’ buttons. Having said that it is his call to make.


I must declare a vested interest here... most of my recent feedbacks have been groans.

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Chris F, having worked in an operating theatre during my student days neither gastroscopy nor colonoscopy are undertaken lightly.  I can understand the effect on you of an incomplete clearance and have seen a surgeon 'red with rage' in feeling for a patient who was to be subjected to the colonoscopy who had obviously not been cleared.  I would hate either but of the two colonoscopy would in itself be less traumatic and as ID stated may result in the removal of a benign polyp that is better 'out than in'.

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2 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:

Although I'm not aware of the causes surrounding removal of the groan button, it seems incredible to me that there could be any sane reason that such an act would be deemed necessary for a site such as this, unless that is there are some who inhabit the site who are members, or at least affiliates of, the mass nutters brigade. Maybe I'm just one of the old guard who regrets the passing of common sense and general decency from today's world but I'm really getting fed up with the intrusions in life of those who want to impose their 'rights', extremes of political stances, propensity for recourse to legal action for the slightest cause etc. or who see forums such as this as excuses for anonymous anti-social and insulting behaviour. I sometimes wonder whether I am being over-sensitive about such things or am I simply out of step with the modern norm. Whatever the reason, I do despair sometimes. Sorry about the rant.




I believe the infraction concerned was as a result of trying to impose things "North Eastern".

So how come it's never happened to those who wish to promote the ways of the paneer, green paint and copper cap?????


As an aside:

Maybe there should be a campaign to re-instate the groan button?




Edited by newbryford
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14 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

There is a long history of insect (mostly fruit fly) related quarantine measures at the Queensland / New South Wales border. I can remember when young having the car inspected for fruit at the Coolangatta / Tweed Heads border.

Though perhaps oddly when I have crossed that border by coach we didn't even stop.  There was just a brief announcement from the driver on the one occasion when it mattered to the effect that we were "Now entering Queensland - you may want to se-set your watches to BBT.  Banana Bender Time."  As a "Countrylink" driver (on contract to the rail operator from the coaching business) he was a New South Welshman.  IIRC the firm was based in Grafton.  


There is the Fruit Fly Exclusion Zone in northern Victoria intended to safeguard the major crops of the region.  I have never been stopped when crossing the boundary though there were signs and dire warnings of fines.  The signs I saw looked to have been well used as target-practice by the local gun club.  Or similar ;)   I could quite easily have carried fruit in either direction without hindrance.  On the once occasion we crossed whilst on a V/Line "railway" coach (similar situation to Tweed Heads as above) all we got was a driver's PA message advising anyone with fruit to drop it in the bin beside him before leaving the vehicle.  


14 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Anyone entering Australia by air at least into the 90s was subjected to the drama of the cabin being fumigated by blokes with arms held high, holding a can of bug spray in each hand walking down the aisles.

Had that many times.  But usually by ladies of a certain poise and appearance as it was the cabin crew who fumigated our flights typically when departing Singapore or Kuala Lumpur.  I wondered why they ceased doing that; I never learned the answer.  


Good after-lunch one and all.  A tediously boring morning was had being assigned to a very quiet location at the House of Fun and therefore not even having the option to interact with customers.  It comes around by rotation but isn't one of my favoured spots.  I'm paid the same so it gets taken on the chin with a grin-and-bear-it attitude.  


SWMBO has Zoom meetings all afternoon so I am required to remain quiet.  No swearing in the direction of the modelling projects then :jester: and also if I must enjoy music it has to be via the earpiece.  Which then means I don't hear her when she asks for a muggersomething.  So where did I put the CD of Saint-Saens "Organ Symphony"?  Final movement as loud as the speakers will stand without distortion.  That and the strident D-major of "Oh, fortuna" from Orff's Carmina Burana are the two which father always said would bring about the end of the world through sonic destruction if everyone listened in synch!!!  



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Good afternoon all


First of all best wishes to Chris f, I haven't had that procedure but I have had the camera somewhere else unmentionable by his was it uncomfortable and it felt like you were piddling yourself uncontrollably.


Jamie i have had a sleep monitor before it fitted on the finger like one of those blood oxygen level thigybobs. Hope Beth is ok


Dave couldn't agree more 


I have read the posts in question just another keyboard warrior armed with his tippy tappy. Finding conspiracy theories in everything. I do think he should apologise to Andy Y and everyone else for the loss of the groan button


Hermes. Well did you see the footage of a collection point and the driver just chucking stuff in to the back of the van.

I have no knowledge of their operation but I do know how a pallet network operates i would hazard a guess that there isn't enough management/security supervision on night shifts in the hub areas.


I would.be happy to.join a campaign for the reinstatement of a groan button 


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3 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

remove polyps

Last colonoscopy for me included some polyp removal planned after the previous one. Turned out they weren’t polyps just pseudopolyps, so nothing to worry about. 

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10 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

. Each forum is different I guess

There was a time when people on this forum got upset and went and started their own. A couple of them then started falling out on the new ones and left those. They probably have blogs now and don’t allow comments. 

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6 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

Though perhaps oddly when I have crossed that border by coach we didn't even stop.  There was just a brief announcement from the driver on the one occasion when it mattered to the effect that we were "Now entering Queensland - you may want to se-set your watches to BBT.  Banana Bender Time."  As a "Countrylink" driver (on contract to the rail operator from the coaching business) he was a New South Welshman.  IIRC the firm was based in Grafton.  




Funny lot that from Grafton, three stations up the line from where I lived.. Wolf Hall is there, as in Henry VIII and the Seymour family ie Wife 3 the one that died, not beheaded or divorced

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2 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

There was a time when people on this forum got upset and went and started their own. A couple of them then started falling out on the new ones and left those. They probably have blogs now and don’t allow comments. 

Not Just this forum or hobby, I've come across that in Sailing / Norfolk, one bloke got thrown off the 2 main forums, so created his own with a similar name.. 


He then got trolled so badly (death threats etc) the police got involved... Luckily it wasn't anyone involved with the two main forums...

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2 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Not Just this forum or hobby, I've come across that in Sailing / Norfolk, one bloke got thrown off the 2 main forums, so created his own with a similar name.. 


He then got trolled so badly (death threats etc) the police got involved... Luckily it wasn't anyone involved with the two main forums...

There have been threats of unpleasantness on earlier versions of RMWeb. Also just downright weird. A couple of what are now known as sock puppet accounts. It was so obvious. 

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I'm glad that I have not had to endure most of the medical procedures described here. The one exception was an endoscopy about twenty-twenty five years ago following a urinary infection just to check that everything was OK (it was). They began by squirting anaesthetic up the 'eye' with what looked like a water pistol. It must have been effective as I didn't feel a thing. In fact I was feeling quite comfortable and I was told I could go home. Home is only ten minutes walk from the hospital so I started out. What I didn't know and was never told was that the effects of the anaesthetic would wear off quickly, like as in switching off a light. I was half way home when it happened and it felt as if my bladder was suddenly full of razor blades. I was told that the best thing to do was keep drinking plenty of water to flush things through. 

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2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Unpleasant as a colonoscopy is, it is by no means as unpleasant as a gastroscopy. For although the cleansing routine is not as unpleasant as for a colonoscopy, the gastroscopy involves getting past the gag reflex - which is no fun, believe me.



Bear had a gastroscopy several years ago, as a part of the investigations into trying to locate the cause of the dreaded "Big H" (they never did find anything - fortunately - but found a fix so Bear's happy).  Personally I found the procedure nothing like as scary as I'd imagined, though when the doc asked if I'd like a soft anaesthetic or a throat spray I did reply "both"....


27 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

I have read the posts in question just another keyboard warrior armed with his tippy tappy. Finding conspiracy theories in everything. I do think he should apologise to Andy Y and everyone else for the loss of the groan button


Do you have a link to the discussion in question - I'd quite like to see what this numpty is about (and I don't mean Andy Y!!)

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1 hour ago, newbryford said:


I believe the infraction concerned was as a result of trying to impose things "North Eastern".

So how come it's never happened to those who wish to promote the ways of the paneer, green paint and copper cap?????


As an aside:

Maybe there should be a campaign to re-instate the groan button?




I wonder if that was the same person who kept moaning about the Hatton's generic coaches not having exclusive North Eastern features. A bit of urine extraction seemed to have no effect, but everybody ignoring him seemed to give the desired result. Come to think of it that was before the introduction of the groan button, perhaps if it was available he would have plenty of groans on all of his posts.

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