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Mooring Awl, inner Temple hare,

A near solid night's sleep of about 6.5 hours so far. I'd like more, but some pink pills will be required.


There's been another round of updates to this tablet, the on screen keyboard has changed again..

There were a set of updates to the main pc as well.. it said it was going to reset..which it did, then downloaded more, then reset, then downloaded more then reset again before it was happy..


Plans for today,

That door needs making,

A shelf needs installing above the seat once I've worked out the safe distance so a GDB incident to my head does not occur.

A little boxing in of the window surround by the lathe bench just to tidy that up.


It's 06:00 so the brown eyed alarm clock has just got up and is now giving me the stare from the doorway..


Time get up...




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Morning awl,


Just passing through before further eyelid inspection.


12 minutes ago, chrisf said:

Greetings one and all


It was encouraging yesterday to be given some dates for the diary and in one case to be invited to print the ticket for the event in question.  Slowly but surely (?) life is being rebuilt.  I can now look forward to a balmy day in the grounds of Hatfield House on 18th July with top class entertainment by among others Richard Thompson, Kate Rusby and Sam Sweeney – all worth the money I paid almost a year ago.   To carry on tempting providence, The Stables have new dates for Trials of Cato and Grace Petrie and Sidmouth Folk Festival is hoping to be back in the first week in August.  I’ve already paid for those too.  All I have to do now is find the safe place in which the tickets for these gigs have been put.  It will be a while yet before life is anything remotely close to normal but there is a feeling of HOPE, absent these many moons.


Me being me, I feel that there is still some long-term uncertainty in the final quantity of chickens which might actually hatch!


15 minutes ago, chrisf said:

From hope we go to hopeless.  Yesterday yet another misguided motorist headed south along my street on which traffic is only permitted northbound. To get halfway down the street before anyone [me] yelled “Oi!” at him took some doing.  On the road surface at the north end of the street are painted white letters a foot high proclaiming “No Entry”, flanked by poles bearing the discs emblazoned with that legend.  I wonder whether his is a problem of adult literacy or blindness.  We will never know.


A certain street in Petersfield has, at its entrance, enough width for two cars; the leftmost (in permitted direction of travel) comprises several parking bays. Further along said street, one finds access to two car parks, both faced with clear signs suggesting that, on exit, turn THIS way.


I can recall two occasions when (presumably non local) cockwombles have demonstrated their inability to understand traffic signs.


In the first, errant cw comes face-to-face with a double decker bus in the narrow section with the parking bays; guess who stands their ground.


The second is even better as the obstructing vehicle to the progress of the cw has an interesting array of blue and red lights on its roof rack and some word, IIRC, beginning with the letter 'P' adorning  various of its surfaces. The observer from said, ostensibly white, vehicle dons his regulation headgear and strolls to the errant cw to 'have a word'! (I suspect along the lines of: "what part of 'One Way Street' do you not understand?")

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Morning from a damp Surrey. Was raining when I went to the shed at 6 am.


Not the best nights sleep but did manage around 5 hours with a break in between.


Yesterday I saw a FB post form one of our local pubs that had just put on tap a nice dark brew so, in accordance with the new rules I emailed them to order and promptly had an email back to say all ready for collection.  a short drive later I was outside said pub and paid for the 4 pints. I had a chat to the landlady (all other staff back on furlough). She said that we could turn up without pre ordering as long as we stand on the pavement and call her from our mobile. That complies with the draconian laws that we now have. Yet we can just walk into an off license or a supermarket and buy alcohol without pre ordering.


The Ale went down well yesterday afternoon.


Today we had planned on a number of different walks but the forecast is for heavy rain most of the day along with strong winds. One route was to walk down Reigate hill but the road is closed Southbound and after a drive northbound yesterday , not even is there a footpath open, not even a temporary one and the busy northbound carriageway is so narrow that there is no way of walking down or up it. So that option is out anyway and I suspect that we will be staying in with the only exercise being lifting a pint glass.


Waiting to hear from brother in HK if his offer for a bungalow near Oxted has been accepted. If it all goes ahead that may keep me busy helping him refurbish it.


Hopefully more crust earning today in the form of glazing brass interurban units.

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8 hours ago, polybear said:


There's a fair chance that a call to the council will result in a new bin FOC - there's a good chance the bin men may refuse to lift it one day as unsafe.

We have to buy our own garden waste bins in this area. We then pay an annual fee for them to be emptied. Hence why my frugal neighbour prefers to use ours. 

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7 minutes ago, AndyB said:

We have to buy our own garden waste bins in this area. We then pay an annual fee for them to be emptied. Hence why my frugal neighbour prefers to use ours. 

Well how about a gentle walk across and swap the bins???


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Yesterday's fun was confined to kitchen plan-mode; putting little black pen marks on walls to show where cupboards will go.  This proved to be a worthwhile exercise, as it showed that an existing leccy socket will be behind a tall cupboard :angry:.  Chasing the wall to enable the socket to be moved is on today's job list, along with more chasing (= more dust and mess :angry::angry:) for a spur outlet for the cooker hood.  I also discovered that a 500mm wide wall cupboard needs to be 400mm wide if I don't want to start running out of wall to fix it on.....

I also discovered that some of the leccy back box threaded lugs feel decidedly tight and don't do the screws much good; fortunately Google was my friend and I discovered this is a common problem - CK make a re-threading tool for M3.5, available from Toolstation for about seven quid.  One will be on today's order - I prefer TS over SF for home deliveries as they only require a £25 spend for free delivery, whereas SF want £50.  No-brainer.

Bear's sleep was interrupted by the need to pee every 2-3 hours, and in the end I got up 20 minutes before the alarm cos' I wanted another.  Blood tests a couple of months back showed nothing untoward; the doc did say there was a little pill that would help, but the conversation didn't go into further detail at that point, so I've no idea what it is or what the drawbacks are.  Maybe I'll get around to asking...


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Ey up!

Very wet outside this morning.. not sure if it is still raining. I will delay my daily stroll for a while..


Her indoors made some sugar free biscuits and fruit bars yesterday. The test proved they were very acceptable! But she has put a lot of them in the freezer..yer what? She intends to makes some orange and quinoa cup cakes today....better test two of them!


I have had a bit of a problem with the eye they lasered. It must have worked as my glasses are not working as well as they should do.. i can see new glasses being required when they have finished mucking around with my eyes.


Time for my mugatea, stay safe, stay in... enjoy your day!


@roundhouse noticed that darn sarf is seeing an inceease in infections.. the North West is decreasing, so the measures seem to be having a positive effect up there..



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15 minutes ago, AndyB said:

We have to buy our own garden waste bins in this area. We then pay an annual fee for them to be emptied. Hence why my frugal neighbour prefers to use ours. 


Sounds like giving the bill for a new bin to your neighbour is in order - then padlock it so the b'stard can't use it after you've said no...

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Precipitating down here this morning, so that's my excuse sorted for NOT going for a walk today.:good:


THANKS AGAIN for all the kind and caring comments yesterday, really appreciated and noted. I sat in the chair all day yesterday and now have square eye syndrome from looking at my Flip Flop screen most of the day.


Today will be much of the same, and will keep away from Facebook, TV and Radio until about 4.30 for the C4 Grand Prix Highlights.:dancer:


Have a good day one and all, and most of all stay safe.

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Morning raining again, my point rodding has arrived with no destructions on how to assemble, good job someone's done a vid on youtube eh?, now waiting for the fine applicator glue thingy to arrive before much fiddling about can take place. Might watch some rugby later, take care all and stay safe.

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3 hours ago, BokStein said:

Me being me, I feel that there is still some long-term uncertainty in the final quantity of chickens which might actually hatch!


I cannot disagree but the temptation to grasp at straws which have hope on the other end is difficult to resist.



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20 minutes ago, chrisf said:


I cannot disagree but the temptation to grasp at straws which have hope on the other end is difficult to resist.





grasping at straws is no problem.. it has always helped m through interesting time sin my past life...



Being positive is  a good plan.. I "hit the wall" recently  for a variety of reasons .. but, thanks to grasping at the odd straw things have brightened up no end..


Mind you.. it is misty and hoyingitdown here.. but the aroma of baking from the kitchen will see me through.. at least until some sampling can be undertaken!



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2 hours ago, Barry O said:

She intends to makes some orange and quinoa cup cakes today....better test two of them!



That does not sound like adequate quality control.


Yesterday's Welsh cake bake resulted in a 25% batch test followed by a 30% afternoon tea session.


The remainder, although fighting a valiant rearguard action, are unlikely to last until this evening.

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Much of my day will be spent lifting, carrying and putting. 

Some of the rest of the day will be spent unputting and putting somewhere else.


Then more lifting, carrying and putting.


(Please note that in my case putting has nothing to do with balls, holes and sticks)

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Good morning all,

Dull, damp and dismal here.  Raining steadily, has been for some hours and is forecast to continue for most of the day.  

The Boss is unhappy that the G word won't be able to be dealt with today.  I'm not.  :no:


21 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

Rained last night;  cramp/arthritis in both legs/feet last night at various times (her fault as she shoved to my side of the bed so I couldn't get into anti-cramp mode);  


Your side of the bed Mike?  You possess a SIDE!  I'm lucky if I'm allowed a 9" strip right on the bloody edge.  I should've been a mountaineer because I'd have had no problems camping out on a precipice.  I do it every night.


Son Steve popped in earlier to deliver a couple of items that Sainsbury's don't do.  I say "in" but of course he stayed "out" at a sensible distance.

Still dithering about ordering a certain little wheeled thingy that I don't "need" but really would like.  Trouble is there are certain other thingies on order already and I had told myself that enough was enough for now.  I can see an argument developing between Sensible Thrifty Bob and Foolish Profligate Bob.

Two rugby matches to watch today with Italy v Scotland at 12.45 and England v Georgia at 3.00pm.  That's my afternoon sorted then.

Have a good one.


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Good morning everyone


Dull and wet here in the northwest of England, much wetness falling out of the sky over night. Late up so consequently a late breakfast, I've only just got to the workshop. 


I will make a start on adding the final panel wiring to the turntable control panel. Once done I'll be able to give the whole lot a test run. But it might take a couple of days to get it all done. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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GDB Did you actually miss last night's rugby?  Ireland beat Wales last night but the real winner was penalties.  What I did notice was the new Irish scrum half's service and the Irish follow-up was generally breath taxingly fast.


Like everybody else the rain is making it a gloomy day but it will be totally occupied by shredding ... SWMBO has finally persuaded me to get rid of 60 years worth of bank and credit card statements as we are running our of room.  

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit grey and overcast here at the moment, and a bit breezy too. Rain is expected any time now.

34 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Much of my day will be spent lifting, carrying and putting. 

Some of the rest of the day will be spent unputting and putting somewhere else.


Then more lifting, carrying and putting.


(Please note that in my case putting has nothing to do with balls, holes and sticks)

Sounds like some of my days. Having lived in this house for 32 years it gets rather cluttered, even more so as I'm something of a hoarder. Favourite expression "I'd forgotten I had that.".

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Out first thing but it is rather windy and wet, the walk while Debs was being Pilated was truncated.


One way streets - there was a corker here when Parliament Street, the main shopping street (such as it is) in Ramsey was changed in direction a few years ago.  There were several oldies that continued to drive along it the wrong way as 'they had always done so and no come-over (standard insult here) was going to tell them otherwise'.  Intervention of the blue serge type was steadily increased to persuade them otherwise, but I still see one occasionally who does it.  They of course are in such a state of decreptitude they shouldn't be driving anyway, but it is hard to stop them sometimes.  And yes, they basically drive past the police station.  


Mrs H is hard at updating her CV as she has identified a new job she would like t try for in another civil serpent department, but it is probably spoken for already - such is life on an island, equal opportunities or not.  Mostly not.

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36 minutes ago, PeterBB said:

GDB Did you actually miss last night's rugby?  Ireland beat Wales last night but the real winner was penalties.  What I did notice was the new Irish scrum half's service and the Irish follow-up was generally breath taxingly fast.



I did see it Peter but didn't really enjoy it even though Ireland won.  Too many penalties.  I did think that Gibson-Park and Lowe both looked quite useful though.

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Afternoon all,


I haven’t been on parade for a couple of days as work has been very busy. Not that I’m complaining, after two years of very thin pickings, it is nice to see cheques going in to my corporate bank account (my SWISS corporate bank account, hee, hee). Unfortunately, tomorrow I have to finish compiling the paperwork to send to the tax authorities. Sadly, although my company is ticking over nicely, I am - by no stretch of the imagination - anywhere near the sort of financial territory that requires an army of highly specialised (and incredibly expensive) tax lawyers!

And whilst the Guardian property section is announcing that it has never been more affordable to buy a large London property or a country estate (assuming that you have [a] over £15 million to buy one and  you have the necessary readies to pay for the running and upkeep of said properties), the only time I think about “protecting my monies from the authorities“ is when I want to squirrel away a few m*******g tokens for my still-to-be-started GWR layout and I don’t want to Mrs ID to find out what sort of expenditure I am contemplating.


There have been quite a few posts over the last few months which could be best described in Biblical terms as the “lamenations, wailings and the gnashing of teeth of the accursed“, however as inventive (or as pedestrian) as these may or may not be, there is one missing: lamenations over having to eat one’s own cooking! Now, don’t get me wrong, I am a fairly decent cook (with moments of brilliance) with about half a dozen dishes in my repertoire that never fail to please (such as my French Apple Cake, Jägerspätzli, perciatelli al limone, Venison Suet Crust Pudding, Chorizo and Lentil Tagine, “Swamp Gumbo” or Tiramisu). But there is no longer any excitement  in these dishes, furthermore with pandemic restrictions limiting interactions with other people over dinner to non-existent, there is also no sense of needing to “up my game“ for guests.

In normal times I would end up in London at least twice a year. A liquid lunch with the usual hooligans, malcontents, wide-boys, scofflaws and old lags of the ER “Brains Trust” reintroduces me to the pleasures of proper beers and ale; whilst my peregrinations around the capital would take me to various purveyors of the finest ethnic comestibles and first class restauranteurs. My tastebuds would be re-awakened (Swiss food, whilst good, is bland) and my culinary MoJo gotten going again.. but 


But alas, it’s not to be in twenty twentee! (sighs theatrically) it’s almost enough to make me give up, open a tin of beans ‘n’ franks, crack a can of budget lager and kill my remaining brain cells by watching Celebrity Cooking Dance With Me



And don’t even get me started on Christmas lunch, do you know how even a small s*dding turkey lasts when only 1 person eats the leftovers??? Bloody months that’s what.

Edited by iL Dottore
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