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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Watched the final episode of 'Roadkill' this evening. I thought the ending would be a bit more exciting but it turned out to be a damp squib. Still a bit of catching up on Farcebook to do before bed.

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2 hours ago, brianusa said:

 And then what would that world talk about?:o   The possibility of a black female president of the Good 'ole US of A in 2024:excl:

Or possibly even earlier than that?

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56 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Watched the final episode of 'Roadkill' this evening. I thought the ending would be a bit more exciting but it turned out to be a damp squib. Still a bit of catching up on Farcebook to do before bed.

The second episode is on tonight over here.  I have great hopes for this series as the BBC/ITV et al have not been having good luck recently.  "Maggie Cole", also on tonight, is one example!:(


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Good morning all,


Another rather unpleasant night, if this carries on I might break out the opiates after all. Which is, quite frankly, not something I really want to do given that I am saving my unused tramadol for future recreational use. :jester::devil::D


I had mentioned earlier that Schotty, once again, had injured his back and was on “light duties“. Fortunately, it is only muscular and not skeletal (there was the potential for it to have been down to a disk problem or other  vertebral problem which would not have been good news). Things are now back to normal except for the fact that the vet has instituted a total ban on him chasing after his ball. This of course is a major blow, as Schotty is very much a ball junkie and could chase the ball until he dropped from exhaustion. So now I have to come up with a way to fill the final third of our daily dog event that doesn’t involve him chasing a ball (we have a routine: every morning I take them out and we walk along the river bank for about 20 minutes, we then go to the Dog Club where I train them for another 20 minutes followed by, again at the Dog Club, 20 minutes of games and running around). Of course, I could always give him a “search and destroy” mission. Scattering home-made turkey treats into the long grass provides the “search” aspect of the mission, whilst Schotty  wolfing down the treats provides the “destroy“ part of the mission. But any suggestions from dog owning ERs are welcome.


On another note, and slightly political, I have looked at the commentary following the election of the US president and can only shake my head at the sheer idiocy and ignorance on display from all sides of the political spectrum. At present, quite rightly, we are concerned about the health risks associated with CoVID-19, however I think we are overlooking the dangers of another virus - which is so widespread throughout the population that no one even remarks upon it. I am, of course, talking about the “stupid“ virus: anyone infected with it experiences a drop in rational IQ. In mild cases this could be anything from believing that the Earth is flat or that Ringo Starr wrote all the Beatle’s hits, to - in severe infections - believing that the world is hollow with an advanced civilisation inside it pulling the puppet strings of the politicians up on the surface to believing that the world is run by a secret cabal based in Switzerland (actually, the latter IS true. I know that because I take the minutes for the cabal, being honorary secretary).


So, what can be done to prevent catching the “stupid virus“, or if exposed, dealing with infection? The answer is very simple: abundant, as needed, self administrations of CAKE, lasagna (the real lasagna verde alla Bolognese, not the horsemeat stuff you get in the UK), whiskey, porkpies, chocolate digestives, steak and kidney puddings and beer. Coupled with extensive reading of everything and anything you can lay your hands on* - preferably books with small pictures and big words (as opposed to what gets churned out for the unthinking every day: printed material with big pictures and small words). The more you read, the better able you are to see things in 3D, as opposed to the monocolour one-dimensional view one usually comes across.

* Romances, Westerns and books about football excepted!


Have a splendid Monday start!



Edited by iL Dottore
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6 hours ago, BSW01 said:

The turntable bridge is now complete and I’m very happy with how it’s all turned out. A little more work needs to be done on the well and then that too will be completed. I’ve also painted a figure that will stand on the bridge platform next to the vacuum stand pipe. It’s been a long time since I’ve painted a figure and I quite enjoyed myself.


Very nice, though the Awl QRF has been scrambled and are incoming - ETA 2 minutes.  If you have a basement and a steel door you might stand a chance, if not then don't bend over...

(Thought: I hope quoting such a post doesn't trigger The Great Awl in Bear's direction.....)


55 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Of course, I could always give him a “search and destroy” mission. Scattering home-made turkey treats into the long grass provides the “search” aspect of the mission, whilst Schotty  wolfing down the treats provides the “destroy“ part of the mission. But any suggestions from dog owning ERs are welcome.


How about kill the covid denier?  You could video it and make money posting it on youtube....

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Greetinngs one annd all, after an inadvertent lie-in.  Tut, tut.


Until yesterday i had thought that steaming open an envelope was the stuff of folklore.  When I discovered a seasonal greetings card that I had somehow forgotten to post last year I put it to the test.  Mission accomplished!  I retrieved last year's round robin, inserted this year's and resealed the envelope, which already carried a postage stamp.  It appears that the pritt stick used to re-seal it is past its best and much more gooey than it should be.  Not a lot else got done yesterday but I did watch "I was Monty's double" on BBC2.  The cast included the familiar faces of Sid James and Leslie Phillips, both of whom I spotted, and Alfie Bass, who I did not.


My enthusiam for fireworks is much diminished.  There is usually a fairly decent display at the nearby rugby club but I was not conscious of it this year.  Doubtless it has fallen victim to the all-conquering, all-stifling social distancing rule, which if left in place once we are finally rid of that ruddy virus [fat chance!] has the capacity to ruin the viability of the entertainment, hospitality and public transport industries.  The best displays I have attended in recent years have been those in Zurich, which must be among the most spectacular in Europe and has a terrific atmosphere.  I found it amusing that bottles were provided for members of the public wishing to launch their own rockets: they had once contained not milk but champagne!  Wandering round the sound stages before the 20 minute display revealed much about Swiss culture.  It was gratifying a few years ago to discover that Switzerland has finally discovered the Beach Boys.


Belated birthday greetings to Douglas and best wishes to all



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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare, 755 /472

An odd nights sleep, 1.5 hours 2 hours 3 hours.. always felling my legs are on the edge of cramp.. as they feel now...

A combination of being on my feet for most of the 3 day weekend and being on this restricted carbohydrate diet, is leaving me feeling quite weak.

And this is another 4 day week for me..


Ben the changeable Collie, disappeared upstairs as soon as I had finished my break fast, he did thunder down stairs when I opened the back door to leave, but refused his walk.. and I suspect went back upstairs once I left...


The weather on the way in was also changeable,

Wet roads dry sky,


Wet roads mist and occasional heavy fog,

Dry roads and fog,

Drizzle from above, wet roads..

Rain from above , wet roads


Can't remember any particular food I fancy from my younger days, though I remember snaffling Farlys rusks.. which were meant for my little brother who was born when I was almost 10...

a bag of chips on the way back from cubs I suppose.. would also be a treat for me...


T'is Time to wander down the lab and find this weeks major equipment.


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit foggy first thing this morning but now its lifting. There was some rain last night so everything is soaked so not much can be done outside at the moment.

2 hours ago, polybear said:


How about kill the covid denier?  You could video it and make money posting it on youtube....

Covid itself is killing off a lot of deniers. I Googled 'Covid deniers killed by Covid-19' and there were too many to count. Most seemed to be in the USA and a lot of those were apparently following the line taken by a certain ex-president. I can now see some of their families reaching for a lawyer.

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10 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

 A bit foggy first thing this morning but now its lifting. There was some rain last night so everything is soaked so not much can be done outside at the moment.

It is odd how a few miles away it was clear at first and is now getting misty. Very wet out. Our boiler service is due today so I went out to move a dustbin so the exhaust can be reached and checked there was nothing near the gas meter cupboard. Definitely damp out. The gas person will,be the first visitor inside our house since March!


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