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Evening all from Estuary-Land. On another forum which has a 50/50 UK and US membership the American proprietor of the forum said that he didn't vote in 2016 because he didn't like either candidate but he voted for Biden this time to get rid of Trump. I notice that several senior republicans are making a point of not supporting him.

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Good evening everyone 


I’ve had quite a productive day, the turntable bridge deck has had some more weathering applied and a start has been made on the side girders. The well is now almost finished, a little more weathering to the area between the side wall and the track and then I can apply the brick paper and finally a coat of Matt varnish to seal everything. 


The final items arrived for the J1 class conversation so all the bits were gathered together and put in the same box. 


The evening was rounded off with a nice bottle of merlot and watching yet another Danish (and I don’t mean bacon!) thriller. 


Robert, condolences on your loss. 


Goodnight all. 

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My father in law used to work in the Haribo factory they could eat the sweets but not bring them home. Although occasionally they would give some new lines away to staff you would get sick of them. We occasionally went to what is now Tangerine to buy big boxes of missshapes from the staff shop usually coconut mushrooms and wilko mints which are liquorice pieces covered in a hard white mint coating similar to torpedo 

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Good morning one and all,


Up very early this morning (03:00) due to my knee playing silly bu99ers, an early breakfast later and I am now sitting in my comfy chair with Lucy snoozing by my side - a very small thing indeed, but one that gives me great pleasure. Given that, by any standard, 2020 has been a pretty dismal year (not that 2019 or 2018 were immeasurably better for me), the presence of the Wolfpack has been, indeed, great solace and comfort. Furthermore, it is incredibly difficult to wallow in self-pity when you are up at 3 am taking care of a little dog who has been vomiting because of something she ate (as happened Friday night). I, at least, tend to worry more about Lucy (and Schotty) than about myself.


Anyway, enough of this maudlin autobiographical nonsense - on to more interesting topics.


I note that the present White House incumbent has been given at the big elbow. But I fear, despite the undeniable Electoral College Votes, the incumbent is of such a character that he will prefer to raze everything to the ground, as far as he can do so, rather than concede and leave anything intact for his successor to build upon. History is full of such characters and amply illustrates the destruction they can let loose when they are determined to go down in flames and bring everything else down with them. Just think of the Emperor Nero.

Politics has always been, to put it rather mildly, a “rough and tumble“ business and perhaps the post war period - when politics was conducted in a somewhat more collegial and tolerant manner - was nothing more than an unusual deviation from the way politics has been conducted over the centuries. It’s certainly not “collegial and tolerant“ any longer. I think that the Internet, with all the various social media platforms, blogs and so-called news sites, has driven and fuelled the current political divisiveness. When you get your revenue through ads on your website, then clickbait is the name of the game. If, for example, Bachmann and Hornby are working on developing the specifications for a new 36 pin decoder and Bachmann argues that the Hornby specifications are too narrowly defined, what sort of headline would get the most clicks: “Hornby and Bachmann Still To Agree on 36 Pin Specs” or “Bachmann Slams Hornby as ‘Too Restrictive’”.


Mr Bear’s suggestion about how to manage that scrote scootering about without lights, numberplate, helmet or concern for anybody else, is satisfyingly extreme. Whilst it is probably (and I say probably) not a terribly good idea to return to the penal standards of Georgian Britain - when someone could be hanged for stealing goods to the value of 12 shillings or more - it does seem that we have gone too far in the opposite direction.

I would suggest there are three actions that could be implemented which would immeasurably benefit everybody in the country.

Firstly, give the police clear guidance as to what the expectations of the public are and ram that home into the thick skulls of the senior officers. So, no more going after people whose tweets, whilst not per se inciting violence, disruption or criminal activity, are not considered in line with the current PC orthodoxy but rather go after real criminals (reading many of the tabloid stories, it is hard not to come to the conclusion that in the UK nowadays your collar is likely to be felt by the plod for an intemperate tweet rather than for a criminal act);


Secondly, redefine what should be the aim of a defending legal counsel. This, in my view, comes down to 2 things: to acquit people who are truly innocent and to get the most appropriate and best sentence for people who are truly guilty (so no more getting a career criminal off on a technicality or sentencing a teenager to a year’s custodial sentence for stealing a £60 pair of sneakers during a riot);


Thirdly, and finally, make sentences truly punitive for serious crimes. The US system of justice has many, many faults and is often perceived as being a vindictive legal system, but one thing they do get right is that when they sentence a criminal to prison for 30 years, that criminal will serve 30 years (or a considerably significant proportion thereof). Unfortunately, whilst these 3 concepts are pretty simple to understand, the details of executing them are complex and complicated. And as such, require a “grown-up” conversation between interested parties (with give-and-take on all sides).... Oh well, one can but dream.


Enjoy your Sunday!



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13 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Afternoon All,We got a message yesterday saying that the hospital that was treating Mils husband had decided that they  were withdrawing all treatment that wasn’t of a palliative nature and during the night we received another message that he’d passed away late last night... (my emphasis)

Firstly, I’m sorry to hear about the sad situation, you have my condolences.


What the hospital did is appalling and could probably be considered, quite rightly in my view, as malpractice - if not criminal malpractice. One of the fundamental pillars of modern medicine is consent: consent to be treated and consent not to be treated. And for those who can’t give or withhold consent themselves (for whatever reason), like MIL’s husband, consent devolves to the next of kin. There may be a very good medical reasons for withdrawing treatment but it should never be unilaterally decided by the hospital or attending doctor.


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Ey up!


A bit of a lie in (6am) achieved  today.


Mugatea is here so I will return later. Stay safe, enjoy your Sunday however yo can,  positive thouhts to all ERs.


Edited by Barry O
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Greetings one and all, with condolences to Robert [Erichill].


Many thanks, folks, for the kind and supportive words.  The considered wisdom of my 29 year old e-friend Harry, who popped up unexpectedly yesterday afternoon, is that it's probably nothing.  It is not unknown for him to be right and I hope he is.  However, there was sad news yesterday that the former Chief Rabbi, Jonathan Sacks, has died of cancer aged 72.  I'm 72!  When I was approaching 69 I got very worried when a number of celebrities passed away at that age - David Bowie and Alan Rickman to name but two.  I shall try not to flap unnecessarily in the week between now and the phone call from the screening practitioner, which is due on Monday 16th at 12 o'clock.  High Noon indeed!  Do not forsake me, o my darling.


I mentioned Harry just now.  In his words he is super-busy and was working at home yesterday.  In my words he is raking in a jolly sight more than a crust and helping Amazon to achieve world domination even sooner than we all expected.  We are discussing the best way to keep in touch.  I have berated him more than once for not checking his Messenger thread with sufficient frequency.  Yesterday I deleted a message which he had not read and which on reflection was crosser than I had intended.  I had just posted a replacement when he responded.  He is disaffected with social media and wants to reduce the use of his phone.  The solution is not at all obvious.  One day, perhaps, he will learn to compromise.  Who am I kidding?  He works for Amazon!


How could I have forgotten that yesterday would have seen Wycrail?  Thanks, Mike, for reminding me.  It will surely come to pass that once again we will put the world to rights over a cuppa and a slab of bread pudding.  Roll on the day.


Best wishes to all



Edited by chrisf
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Mooring awl. Inner Temple Hare, 

4.5 hours sleep,  then 1.5 then 3/4 hour  not bad for me,  I'm surprised my back isn't complaining more.. 

At each wake up the non orange contender was speaking,  I think they had the speech on permanent loop.. 


It was foggy last night,  it's misty this morning,  on Ben the I want out Collie's patrol,  everything is dripping wet,  very soggy.   90% cloud cover,  and cool out there.. 


Yesterday's post evening meal diabetic test scored the lowest yet,  at 5.1 , since practically no carbohydrates were eaten yesterday that's not a surprise.. The average score is still slowly lowering,  but the rate of decrease is decreasing. 


Plans for today,  I regret I'm not where I should be,  IE at the sailing club,  lowering the flags at,  11:00.

So  except at 11:00- 11:02.




More wood work, 

first finish off my seat,  then the under lathe drawers need installing. 

Then some wiring,  I've been looking at others workshops on line,  and realised my plan for socket positions wasn't good. So some different positions have been chosen,  with a more distributed approach. It will require more connections but other than that it's not a problem.. 


Time to go find a non carbohydrate breakfast. 






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7 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Broken biscuits, Barnsley market, Tuesday’s its second hand market, everything’s broken!


Second-hand biscuits?  Not even Bear has to resort to such measures.  I like a custard cream to look like, well, a custard cream - not like a bourbon (which in my opinion is a pretty poor excuse for a biscuit)


7 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Evening all from Estuary-Land. On another forum which has a 50/50 UK and US membership the American proprietor of the forum said that he didn't vote in 2016 because he didn't like either candidate but he voted for Biden this time to get rid of Trump. I notice that several senior republicans are making a point of not supporting him.


Alexa kindly played (via BBC News) Mr. Biden's speech (inauguration speech?) earlier, whilst Bear was still in his pit.  Pretty impressive stuff in my book - I hope he can deliver, and that others give him that chance.

As for senior republications not supporting him, well it is reasonable for all to have the opportunity not to support him on occasion (a good safety measure - giving a President a blank mandate to do as they please unopposed is not a good way); however if they come up with a blanket statement as they have then they have no business in the job - it makes them poor losers too.


Bear just hopes that half the country give Mr. Biden a chance  to do a good job - surely that's not too scary is it?  Sadly I suspect that M16's are being readied as we speak.


Bear had a pretty cr@p night - awake at half twelve with simultaneous cramp in both thighs; boy is that a real bitch.  And just when I thought it'd gone it came back, numerous times.  All down to the day's acrobatics clambering over & standing on the sink unit when putting the new window in.  And then a lousy headache when I woke up, though a couple of pink pills post-sultana bran appear to have seen that off, hopefully.


Today's fun is limited to cleaning up the conservatory after yesterday's fun, then "making good" around the conservatory side of the window.  Then the glass can go in.....


An unexpected phone call yesterday from a (hopefully) foxy nurse tells me to expect another C-19 test today - deep joy :( . Still, every voucher helps.


A big, big drop-off has been not cancelling my RAC Breakdown cover (I got free AA Cover when the MG is serviced) - despite seeing it as a "to do" reminder on the laptop for a couple of weeks - they are due to collect payment from my card today.  I did try on numerous occasions yesterday, but was always left in a queue until I eventually gave up.  Not to be beaten, I called the card provider instead and have hopefully put a block on the payment going out; it seems the relevant RAC Renewals Dept. may also be closed today.....  If the worst happens and it does get renewed then I can still cancel within 14 days, but lose twenty five quid :(

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Good morning from the Charente, where it is cloudy.  Chrisf, I hope you hear good news in due course and am glad that you have been in touch with Harry.


Here, daily orders haven't been posted yet so I will await developments.  One thing that I can say with certainty is that later today I will consume the rather large piece of fruit cake that was bought yesterday.  The Chasse are still on full alert for marauding bears and pachyderms.





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1 hour ago, chrisf said:



How could I have forgotten that yesterday would have seen Wycrail?  Thanks, Mike, for reminding me.  It will surely come to pass that once again we will put the world to rights over a cuppa and a slab of bread pudding.  Roll on the day.


'Bkackmoor' should have been ot Wycrail yesterday for its second outing but that has now been put back to at least 2022 due to them already having a full line up for next year. Today I am hoping oto set the layout up on the patio to give it another good test along with three locos that I have been modifying for someone so that they stay on the rails.


Erichill16 - my condolences.

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Moaning awl. Another crisp and clear morning, now also looking a lot more uplifting following the U.S. election!


Unfortunately, it would seem the covidiot rally yesterday was a right clusterf**k as (predictably) hygiene and distancing regulations were flouted throughout and authorities appeared rather helpless in the face of such disobedience.

Furthermore, the organisers had obtained a superior court ruling which actually allowed the rally to occur in the city centre after all as opposed to the venue on the Exhibition Centre grounds previously mandated by the municipal authorities, so the general public was rather heavily affected by the chaos which resulted from the main rally as well as a number of other right-leaning/anti-Muslim/tinfoil hatter copycat rallies and a string of counter-protests.


As if we actually needed any further proof of these being rather interesting times… :O

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On 01/11/2020 at 11:42, jafcreasey said:


SW 18kt, gusting 36kt


Weather much like the news overnight, though the sun is now making fleeting appearances.  Slow start to the day but a tour of the Bombay Sapphire Distillery, Whitchurch awaits with Mrs C - desperately trying to make use of gifted vouchers before expiry.


The poor state of our roof means that the lounge continues to leak, but hopefully assistance will be forthcoming soon.  Yesterday's announcement presumably means our new drive will be okay to start Wednesday, but wait with bated-breath.


With little now on the horizon, I look forward to what Bachmann will announce on Tuesday.


Stay safe.


Thank you for the warm welcome last week and I continue to keep abreast of everyone's updates in these difficult times.




SE 5kt


Weather much calmer than last Sunday, and fortunately so, as we still await a quote for our roof repairs despite a couple of visits now.  Work on the drive commenced as planned though not without issue as our neighbours sought clarification of the boundary and the intended finish alongside their drive - fortunately all now resolved but crippling for the anxiety!


With national restrictions now introduced and Mrs C's salon regrettably closed until December, the news that I'll remain in the office was bittersweet, but I'm sure she'll make the most of the break before the build-up to Christmas.


Trying to keep some normality at the weekends, we managed to book a visit to Ightham Mote, Sevenoaks later this morning though it seems strange to still be able to go to the National Trust during 'lockdown'.


Bachmann's announcement on Tuesday was a welcome distraction - how I would love a layout big enough to see a malachite green ex-LB&SCR H2 Class stretch her legs!


Stay safe on this Remembrance Sunday.





They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.


Edited by jafcreasey
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Morning all,


Just a quickish report in as 'the road' is supposed to be have everyonge standing by their front gates/gaps in their wall/fence at 11.00 for 2 minutes silence.  it will be interesting to see how big the turn out is.


Last night was b not too noisy and teh cats seemed happy enough by ut all blinds were lowered and curtains closed and that helped to keep out a lot of the noise.  fortunately there was none really close at hand.


Enjoy your day and stay safe (if that is possible in those places where not only is the lockdown appearing to be ignored but the longstanding basic simplicity of social distancing is also being flouted by the brain dead).

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Remembrance Day  observed - Dad served in the Navy, Lieutenant (E). His elder brother was an NCO who served with the Gurkhas as a liaison, he attended the Cenotaph with them every year until he passed.


Broken biscuits - when we lived in the UK we used to go to the KWVR often as a day trip, especially in the winter as they run steam every Sunday.  There was a bakers in Haworth that sold big bags of broken biscuits, they were really good, Wylde's I think it was.  No longer there when we last went a couple of years ago. :cry:


Take care.

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