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Evening All,

Tony_S please wish Aditi a Happy Birthday.

Not much to report today but managed a visit to Morrison’s and M&S so I’m stocked up on cider, smoked cheese, Hayward’s sweet pickled onions and I’ve got a selection of ready meals and meat pies.

The fish and chip flavored crisps are a bit of a disappointment really. I can’t really make out the taste so I don’t think I’ll be getting any more but I’m definitely on the lookout for some more Golden Wonder sausage and tomato flavor, they are quite nice! I think the UK is leader when it comes to crisps, when I’m abroad in supermarkets I’m always disappointed with the flavors available. All you seem to get is ready salted and paprika and sometimes cheese and chive. No prawn cocktail,  beef and onion, lamb and mint sauce etc.

Im on my second dose of cider and crisps (prawn cocktail) and feel I’m beginning to ramble on so I think I’ll wish you all a goodnight,


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Good evening everyone 


Despite getting to the butchers fairly early, there were no pasties, so I had to make do it ha steak and ale pie for my dinner instead, ooh it’s a hard life sometimes!


Once I’d packed away the meat rations I finally got the leaves swept up. I filled the wheelbarrow twice, once in the back garden and then again in the front garden. They are both looking a lot tidier now, but no doubt I’ll be doing it again next week. The whole process took about 2 hours and was completed before dinner time. In fact I even managed an hour in the workshop before dinner. After dinner I spent another hour in the workshop before packing up and coming back inside for my mid afternoon muggertea. 


Goodnight all 

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10 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Just come across this on Farcebook.


Woolworths toy counter just before C*******s 1951. And biscuits as well.


And who remembers these:-


And of course the fruit jellies sweets that were so loaded with sugar that its a miracle we had any teeth left.




Proper toys, then elevenses :)

Where will Bear find this mystical shop?  A Tr*in Set for seven shillings and a pound of biccies for tuppence will make the pension stretch nicely.  In fact at that price it'll be biccies all round, on me.  Not an offer Bear makes lightly, or often.

If only Fishpools in Waltham Cross still had it's Toy Department, complete with m*del railway section.  Every Christmas they had a huge collection of lego that you could use to make your own "whatever" and submit it for their competition.  Never did win - must've been a fix.


7 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

Not much to report today but managed a visit to Morrison’s and M&S so I’m stocked up on cider, smoked cheese, Hayward’s sweet pickled onions and I’ve got a selection of ready meals and meat pies.


Were the nondescript Pickled Onions that Mrs EH kindly selected for you not quite up to scratch by any chance ;)



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Good morning all,

A dry start with some blue sky and some sunny spells are forecast.

No major plans for today apart from waiting in for parcels. The Boss is doing domestic stuff but does not need my hindrance assistance so I may venture to The Shed which has not seen me at all for several days.

Before that though a decision has to be made about what to have for breakfast.

Have a good one,


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Where do all these Covidiots come from? We've had them protesting in London as well. My theory is that they are aliens from the planet Covidia and Covid-19 is their secret weapon and they are using us as guinea pigs. Their mind numbing idiot ray has not been successful however. They tried it on the orange one not realising that you have to have sufficient mind to numb and they have now numbed what little there was. On to other things, bright and sunny at the moment but fortunately no frost. Now off to run a bath, be back later.

Edited by PhilJ W
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1 hour ago, polybear said:


Seems that my attempt at blaming any shortfall on "mice" fell a little short, with the boss saying that there'd need to be more mice that soldiers in the Chinese army to swallow that little lot.  (Actually, there were that many mice - once; trouble is they were chocolate mice and a certain Bear felt that some measure of pest control were in order. 


Would you please keep the tails of any rodents and despatch them to the APHA for examination.


This is in order to ascertain the extent of resistance to rodenticides in rats and mice!

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Morning all


Lovely sunny day here but cold.  I have spent an hour outside cutting and splitting some logs, and when I came in my hands were freezing, although the rest of me was warm from the work.  Later I plan some gardening and then a walk, so as to make use of the rare nice day.

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Morning, I might have fancied a trip to Switzerland but I hear the sea fishing isn't up to much, so I will pass, though now the Grouse shooting and Deer stalking are at an end I do have some spare ammo.................................

Off out for the afternoon catch you later.

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Good morning everyone 


A bit late on parade today due to a bit of a lie in. I then went straight to the workshop and carried on working on the turntable bridge. I'm currently sat in the sunshine enjoying my second muggertea of the day.ehilstvsome paint dries. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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Good afternoon one and all. 
Lots of things to comment upon today:

Flavoured Crisps - the tuber equivalent of Marmite: either you love ‘em or you hate ‘em. When I first came to CH, they only had two types: plain and paprika, the latter having only the colour in common with the (alleged) flavouring. Now they have branched out and we can now have cheese and onion as well... (the English speaking verein I belong to imported a case of Guinness flavoured crisps. Gods, they are addictive...)


Colonoscopy Preparation (a.k.a “Bowel Prep”) both the gastroenterologists and the GI Surgeons of my acquaintance were very fond of the HHH enema approach to cleaning out the bowel (soapy water: High, Hot and Hell of a lot). One in particular was particularly demanding of the patient: firstly a low residue diet, then a fleet enema to start things going and finally a Triple H Enema. Having said that, a squeaky clean colon is certainly the pre-requisite for many sorts of bowel surgery. Even though the E. coli in your bowel are “friendly and helpful“ E. coli, you certainly don’t want them in the abdominal cavity... A well washed out and squeaky clean colon is also incredibly important when a colonoscopy is being done. The last thing you want to do is go through all that effort, up to and including sedating the patient for the procedure, only to find that you “can’t see sh1t“ (well, actually you can, but you get my meaning). TBH given a choice I would rather have a colonoscopy than an endoscopy (specifically a gastroscopy) because with a colonoscopy you don’t have to overcome the gag reflex.


Broken Biscuits: I wonder what ever happened to the whole concept of selling on broken biscuits? Whilst improvements in food production technology probably means there is very little wastage, at least in terms of broken biscuits, I think it is a shame if they just throw the broken biscuits away rather than sell them on at a greatly reduced price (I absolutely hate wasting food). It’s probably “an elf and safetee” regulation or something that broken biscuits can no longer be sold to the public. Apart from the aspect of wasting food, there is also the fact that children now, and in the future, will be denied one of the great pleasures of childhood: a bowl of broken biscuits slowly softening under a good ladleful of hot steaming custard. Although such a treat probably contains trillions of calories, billions of carbohydrates and enough sugar to give an elephant a month long sugar rush, there was something both comforting and reassuring about such a treat.


So, to conclude this afternoon ramblings, a question to all my fellow ER is: what was/were your favourite childhood treats that are no longer available (or no longer permitted) or (if you have moved far away from your childhood home) no longer easily or readily accessible/available. For me, apart from a bowl of broken biscuits and custard, I also have fond memories of a cup of hot Bovril and two slices of hot buttered toast after swimming lessons at the local swimming baths (located near the Town Hall and long before “leisure centres“ reared their ugly heads)



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As Stationmaster rightly says our house is well insulated, when we bought it the front door didnt fit correctly there was a gap at the lower side you could walk through this was changed at our insistence. The back door is a french door it was made by Anglian  but it is dropping apart and it is not very secure. I recently replaced the front door with a high security composite door. OIwouldn't want intruders feeding themselves to Rolo the security dachshund. 

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The answer to Flavio's question in my case was beef dripping on toast. It has to include a good dollop of the jelly from the bottom of the dripping bowl and the toast* hot enough for it to melt through. Followed by a slab of mum's bread pudding. Unhealthy? well I'm still here 60+ years later. *Toasted with a toasting fork over an open fire.

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