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7 minutes ago, BoD said:


..... and not forgetting H'Angus the Monkey.




Brilliant; he did the job for eleven years so must've been reasonable at it.

edit:  I wonder if he kept his promise for "free bananas for schoolchildren"?

edit 2:  Just thought that Bear could run for Mayor, but no way am I giving away free cake to the little bleed*rs so I guess it's not for me after all.

Edited by polybear
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Morning all.

It was sunny earlier but is cloudier now but definitely warmer. Aditi was very pleased with the birthday card I had got for her. “Did you ask a neighbour to buy it?” , I said I had chosen it and purchased through Amazon.  At least I had a card to send as our local letter post seems to be in disarray, strange postmarks and mail arriving after quite a few days (parcels not affected).

Anyway Aditi is planting bulbs today which is something she will enjoy as a birthday treat. We don’t have a birthday cake but there is everyday cake. I won’t need to sing Happy Birthday again, with my singing voice it was probably safer when she wasn’t fully awake this morning. We have a photo of a special cake as my cousin posted a cake photo to Aditi! 
I booked my car in for a service and MoT in December. They are not (unlike Ford) doing collections but I will drop it off and collect later in  the day or next day, it isn’t likely I will be going anywhere. The garage is in Chelmsford but it doesn’t take long to get there and back. 

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6 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Oh that I could buy mince pies at Intermarché.


I remember that branch of Tess & Co's well. The entrance to it's delivery bay was opposite the entrannce to our car park and sometimes we would gave to wait to get out whilst an artic reversed into the store loading bay.  We also had to cope with sugar tankers reversing  past the nick into the Haribo factory and beer drays delivering to the Working Men's club that was opposite the entrance to the cell area. Fun.



I remember a sugar tanker taking the front off a patrol car there it was quite amusing.  My Fil was Secretary at the Wmc incidently.

I also remember the police station when it was parking underneath before the cells were extended.



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Aditi has designated the slippers she bought for winter as her birthday present and has ordered a Bundt cake tin as she doesn’t like the look of our similar cake tins and they are too small anyway. 

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Was up at 230am to a solid wall of smog could hardly see past the back fence. 

Still no result from the US.

We looked into the Grants for energy saving windows/doors we miss out because our house was built in 2007 but the french doors are useless to quote a certain bear turdycurses

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13 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Aditi has designated the slippers she bought for winter as her birthday present and has ordered a Bundt cake tin as she doesn’t like the look of our similar cake tins and they are too small anyway. 

Hope the tins bear  and hippo proof

Birthday greetings to Aditi

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Afternoon awl, 

The permanent dividing walls of the workshop are in place, 

The back wall is from the centre post, one full width sheet plus a 20inch wide strip then the gap for a doorway,  then 20 inches of shelving to the wall.

The 40 inches from the door gap I've started shelving, 2 shelves so far,  two more to do. The rest to the center post will be a built in seat with storage beneath. 


From the centre post forwards is the other 28 inches of the part sheet used on the back wall.   Then the gap through to the work bench is 38 inches. 


Tomorrow I'll clad the side of the workbench,  and do the door above it . Build the corner seat,  and maybe start more electrics. 


Also done was the sealing of the back ripples of the asbestos roof which went fairly well.. 

SWMBO took Ben for his walk,  he refused fairly shortly after, due to being frightened by a pheasant cackling.. So he cut his walk short.. 

Later he was out sunning himself,  when he came running into the garage frightened again so I put him in the house.. 


We too have had the grant phone calls.. We don't qualify even if the phone call we're genuine. 



Edited by TheQ
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15 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

Hope the tins bear  and hippo proof

Birthday greetings to Aditi

Probably is bear resistant. It is made in France , land of cake tins. Going round kitchen shops in France is fun, trying to work out what something is used for.  

Edited by Tony_S
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Oh, I forgot.  Happy Birthday to Aditi.  Relaxing time now, more jungle has been cleared and we have discovered a Bay tree and a Young Yew tree, both ofvwhich will be kept. The bramble, and the convoluted Cottoneaster that it's wrapped round will go however.



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33 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

Hope the tins bear  and hippo proof


No such thing....


20 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

Probably is bear resistant.




Bear has cut the grass for the last time this year :yahoo:and picked all the leaves up (including those from buddy-next-door's front garden too - he's lent me his SDS drill so fairs fair) :dancer:

Just looked out of the bedroom window to see....leaves landed in the front garden :angry: Barstewards.  Still, very few left on the tree now, in the grand scheme of things - so hopefully I've pretty much seen the last of them.


I see the sensible one has taken the lead in Pennsylvannia - get that one and he's in.  Seems the orange one actively discouraged his supporters from voting by post.  What a donut.


Tomorrow?  I might just fit the new kitchen window.

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18 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Happy Birthday Aditi!


Next door neighbour of 32 years is moving out at the end of November.  Sad to see her go but she can no longer manage the house on her own.




Always a worry, that.  Losing a neighbour/friend and the trepidation of what the replacement will be like....


In other news:

I see the parasites have stooped to a new low:


Edited by polybear
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Has the Orange one got an ulterior motive regarding the postal vote? God knows what he is trying to do 

Why cant he man up and just thank his supporters tell em its not over till all votes are counted then if he has to go he goes with his head held high not like a spoilt 5 year old .


Or is that too simple? 

In other news could it be another time Parliament has been misled by Scientists with the Coronavirus figures. Who knows ,the Gov have to follow their scientific advisors, what if they were wrong we end up with less dead a positive but what about the economic damage?.

Fences round a halls of residence in Manchester. What is going on there, what a strange situation my immediate thought is what a set of Snowflakes but then i thought what would i say if it were a care home. I am reminded of a quote pinned on the door of my English class room at school i cant remember exactly but it went something like.

When they came for the Communists i said nothing

When they came for the Trade Unionists i said nothing. 

When they came for the Jews i said nothing 

When they came for me no one said anything becauses there was nobody left.


Im not trying to be political im trying to get things of my cheast

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Happy birthday Aditi...


POETS, fine with me. :drink_mini:

Yesterday replete with changes to reports for the Long Island client.


Added to that, the Mrs and I are getting election weary even though we are deliberately avoiding all the media since it's nothing more than speculation interrupted by sh!t-for-brains ranting and declaring everything on the planet is either a fraud or fake news. Pity there's no John Wilkes-Booth around IMHO!:rtfm::triniti:


Today will almost certainly see the final results roll in and then more stupidity will start. As previously stated, given bum-stain insists there is massive voter fraud going on, IF he wins how will he answer that charge, does it suddenly become "sorry, my mistake"?!?!?

Such a dimwitted moron, still amazed he manages to crawl out of bed from under his rock every day <sigh>:jester:


The weekend will be quieter since our "pod" friends are now in Arizona, but possibly getting together on the patio with the Mrs niece and family as the weather is nice.


11 first thing, 23 the expected high. All weekend is supposed to be much the same, then we plunge to highs of 5 or less after Tuesday...


Have a good start to the weekend everyone.


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1 hour ago, Ian Abel said:

Added to that, the Mrs and I are getting election weary even though we are deliberately avoiding all the media since it's nothing more than speculation interrupted by sh!t-for-brains ranting and declaring everything on the planet is either a fraud or fake news. Pity there's no John Wilkes-Booth around IMHO!:rtfm::triniti:


I'd love to meet one of sh1t fer brain's bodyguards and ask:

"Would you REALLY take a bullet for that pr*ck?"


1 hour ago, Ian Abel said:

Today will almost certainly see the final results roll in and then more stupidity will start. As previously stated, given bum-stain insists there is massive voter fraud going on, IF he wins how will he answer that charge, does it suddenly become "sorry, my mistake"?!?!?



Surely if he does win then he'll have to declare the whole vote null and void and have to start all over again.....:laugh:

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

Captain Cynical has many, many highly trained, ruthless, minions placed to protect the facility (here are some of the Light Brigade Lads on a tea-break.

Aditi has been to the Swiss Evil Henchperson Training Centre. No one ever saw that Bond again. She has had considerable success in liberating cakes in Switzerland. 





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