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A productive day for Bear - the studwork for the boxing in of the pipework is now 98% complete, with just a diddy bit to do (i.e. fixing the last few noggins) tomorrow; the plasterboard covering has still to be applied but in the grand scale of things that's the easy bit.  Timber work is accurate to within a degree (vertical and lateral).  That's the problem with being having been an Aerospace Engineer, with a Clinometer in the cupboard......:banghead:

Tomorrow's main plan will be the picking up of leaves (deep joy, my cup runeth over....) and I 'spose I'd better wrap up and isolate the outside taps too, cos' if I don't it'll get me back with a vengeance.

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On 04/11/2020 at 02:03, PhilJ W said:


The biggest problem now is the habitat, or whats left of it. It will take several years to recover so the animals will have to be released gradually. Another thing about Kangaroo Island, the indigenous koalas are 'disease free' implying that other koala populations carry a (unnamed) disease. 


Urban Development on remaining pockets of  koala habitat is ongoing, particularly in South western Sydney which has the last disease free colony on the mainland.  If anyone wants to help, here is a petition calling on the NSW and  federal governments to implement measures to protect what remains.




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4 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

no Yorkshire tea

Also absent from Ocado currently so the pickers in t' 'ills above 'oodersfield must be very socially distanced.  

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  • RMweb Gold
4 minutes ago, Tony_S said:

. I have no idea if they have Yorkshire Tea, 

Just had a look at our Waitrose online and Yorkshire Tea is available in Gold, Hard Water , Decaff and normal varieties. Well it is at least today, some on offer too. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Sounds like the battle of the Somme outside this evening. Perhaps they're letting the fireworks off before lockdown starts. Mention of tea reminded me to re-order for C*******s which I now have done so. Thats all for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


This morning’s rain didn’t last long, by the time I set off for my shopping expedition at the Trafford Centre the sun was shining. However, the expedition wasn’t as successful as I’d have hoped it would be, I was unable to get 2 items of clothing, which Ava had chosen. 1 item was in stock, but it was slightly shop soiled and the other matching item wasn’t, so an on-line order will have to be made for these. But as neither of us will be going anywhere, at least there should be someone in to receive the parcel.


This afternoon I needed to book my next hormone injection, (the first at my GP’s surgery) something that Chrisf will know all about. The thought of trying to get the message through to checkpoint Charlene that this treatment HAS to be given on specific dates was something I wasn’t looking forward too. I initially phoned the surgery, but a recorded message advising that I should use the surgery website and select the ‘ask my GP’ option’. So, with a little bit of scepticism, I used the new ‘on-line option’ and surprisingly found the whole process was quick and very efficient. It was fairly simple to use, the hardest part was thinking up a suitable password! The result is I now have my appointment, on the specified date, although it’s at 9:10 in the morning, so an early start, but having said that, the surgery is only a 15 walk away, I just hope it’s not chuckinitdarn when I go. 


Goodnight all 

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  • RMweb Gold
6 hours ago, Compound2632 said:


They'll be people from Reading trying to find a river crossing that isn't totally snarled up as a consequence of roadworks at the Tesco roundabout on the Vastern Road side of Reading Bridge. It was nearly me, until I thought of the lane by the Flowing Spring, cutting out over half of the queue to Sonning Bridge. (Don't tell everyone.)


Next time I need to travel between Reading and Caversham (tomorrow morning) I think I'll go round by Cirencester.

Some years back I was coming off the A329(M) motorway spur and decided the best route to avoid the Reading rush hour was via Sonning so duly set off yup the A4 and via the shortest route through Sonning village to the bridge.  There was a large SUV in front of me all the way until he got to Playhatch roundabout - where he turned left back towards Caversham and Reading.  Sonning is ok if you get there at the right time but it has long queues in the peak hours.


Spring Lane down by the Flowing spring definitely cuts the cornet off - when it isn't flooded - but it is poorly sighted for getting out at the Sonning end.  So nowadays I often stay with the main road and turn at the Playhatvch roundabout instead.  Last time I did that the car in front went vis Spiring Lane and I went via Playhatch - and passed as it waited to get out of Spring Lane ;)

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13 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

I must admit that words attributed today to the current incumbent President of the big place across the ocean have confirmed my suspicion that he lives in cloud cuckoo land.  Apparently he had said counting should be stopped once he had a majority.  Doesn't this halfwit realise that time wise the West Coast bit is a long way behind the East Coast bit so unless they all start the counts simultaneously some counting will take place after other results are in?   It seems to me a surprisingly unsophisticated country which isn't able to arrange for all counts to take place at the same time and not until after all ballots have been cast - weird.

I don’t want to get political, but I’ll just say don’t underestimate the man!


About coordinating counts - all arrangements for federal elections are under the control of the individual states. They aren’t likely to give up any of that control - coordinating with other states would likely be interpreted as that.

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Well it's 03:45 and neither of us can sleep. RRH has just been in the kitchen and informed me of an impending crisis. 


She says that we only have two teabags left.


In ordinary circumstances this might mean me making a 20 miles round trip to get some.

But as we are limiting ourselves once again to necessary journeys we will have to manage until it's official morning. That may mean acting like we were still in college and using the teabags many times. 

I know, that's just nasty....



Edited by MrWolf
Stupid autocorrect
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  • RMweb Premium

A couple of (factual) comments on North American elections.

There are 5 1/2 time zones.* That creates all sorts of confusions.

In Canada it used to be illegal to reveal results to locations where the polls hadn't closed, in case it influenced voting. This seems to have be kiboshed by the interwebby. People out west hated turning on the TV at 8:00 (local time) and hearing "The new government will be ..." before the ballot boxes had even been opened.

In the USA the elections are run by the individual states, each of which has its own set of regulations. The times of counting advanced/mailed in ballots varies. 

They are voting for more than a president -- congress and 1/3 of the senators. I'm not sure if more levels of government are on the ballot or not.


* in Canada. I'm not sure where Alaska and Hawaii come in.


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