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Breakfast and pills taken,  Ben is tucking into his food with bacon fat dripped over it... 


If The year is speeding up, then good riddance, 2020 has not been a good vintage.. 


One wonders if the political considerations to delaying the lockdown, was so that it will be low for the Cxxxxxxxs season... If you had held it earlier then the figures may have been  rise again.  Also it brings it closer, to the arrival of a vaccine so that may prevent or reduce a third wave. 


Muggacoffee 2 is due... 


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Morning, drier and brighter, though still windy, might venture out later as the weather might just be iffy enough to keep the crowds in home eating Sunday roasts. Those 66 thingys are they buses or lorries as I can't see where you put the coal and water to properly pull a train along those parallel bits of metal.....................................................:diablo_mini:

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66 thingies.

We were at an exhibition some years ago. Ray was back & forth to one of the trade stands. So I meandered off nearby & on a small demo (or maybe organisation) stand, a long green thingie with large yellow letters along the side was running up and down a short strip of metal bits. It was well out of my knowledgeable-Ish range of M7s & paneers.  It was :maninlove: at first sight!  :wub:  So hands off! :mosking:

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8 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

I had a look at the menu and, to my eyes, hardly “arty-farty” and not even remotely “fine dining”. I would even say the menu is fairly pedestrian (and for that price I’ve eaten in Michelin starred restaurants). Chucking a load of expensive ingredients (like truffles) into a dish does not make it either “arty-farty” (or Haute Cuisine for that matter). Some menu items are quite appealing (the game terrine, for example) and you can’t go wrong with a Christmas pudding. But overall??? (and I pity the vegetarians who are stuck with a “Cashew, Brazil nut and cranberry nut roast” when there’s so many amazing vegetarian dishes out there).


And to answer your implied question, a ballontine is a a de-boned leg of chicken, duck or turkey stuffed with forcemeat or other ingredients (and, yes, I can debone a turkey leg, but it does require a very sharp boning knife [which I have] and lots of practice [not so much]). I wonder if they are making their own ballontine or “buying in”?


You can diss my seasonal repast as much as you like but it's a case of needs must.  I am spending more than I would wish on one meal and the prospect of not being alone on the one day of the year when no-one should be alone.  Perhaps I should have described it as pretentious rather than arty-farty: whatever, it is further upmarket than I would normally choose but it's one day a year - a day when I would so much rather have been in another country among friends.  It saves me the torture of slaving over far too big an item of poultry that seems to last for ever with no-one to share the experience.  I can cook OK.  Mostly I enjoy cooking and for most of the year I have to.  I might eat in a Michelin star place if someone else was paying but I don't move in those exalted circles.  Bully for those who do.



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1 hour ago, BokStein said:

Here's what's on my menu:






Oh dear, no....that's the offerings of food banks, left over from last Chr*****s.  Here's how do do it in style (iD, look away now....):







46 minutes ago, southern42 said:

I then started to notice little patches of fine brown dust on the front edge of the shelves  - coming down from the inside of the worktop?  Friday I moved a couple of packets and noticed a thick layer of the stuff...

So, yesterday, it was Battle Stations. By the time I had cleaned every item on the top shelf, hoovered & wiped clean shelf & under surface of worktop, and put most of the items back, the day had gone. 
Today’s delight - the rest of the cupboard.



It's one of life's mysteries just how does so much sh1t manage to get inside a closed cupboard??

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How messed up is the world getting! Today our Department of foreign Affairs and Trade issued a travel advisory against the US of A citing risk of civil unrest and potential violence.


Not that we are allowed out of the country and if we were we'd be nuts to go to the worlds Covid hotspot, but who'd have thunk a couple of years ago that it would join Afghanistan etc on our list of no go countries?

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12 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:


So maybe a good deed for Christmas might be to 'adopt' as part of your support bubble a single person who lives alone thus enabling them to enjoy a Christmas dinner

I wondered if perhaps MiL could come to us for a couple of weeks over Christmas as it would give her family in Enfield a break. However she is already in a bubble with them and since September you can’t change a bubble. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. We seem to have missed an anniversary?  Ian and Sherry's fifth a couple of days ago. Belated good wishes to you both. It's still dry outside but a bit blowy so no outdoor stuff will get done. I'm with Mike with regard to turkey's. The way they are interbred to produce something that mother nature would abhor makes the Kennel Club look like a paragon. I've found that Tess Coes still stock venison, as steaks or burgers would you believe so a venison steak is pencilled in for C*******s dinner. I have had venison before, that was in a restaurant at a family celebration. I quite liked it and as I recall it was a bit like beef but sweeter and stronger. That was forty or so years ago though. Welcome to our newest ER, jafcreasey, you will find us a friendly lot but guard your cakes if a certain Polybear and HH are in the vicinity.

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58 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

I'm afraid that many people are going to be alone at Christmas if what Michael Gove said this morning come to pass.

That's ok by me, a long session in th workshop will suffice, but:


Who would dare to remove the Obergrumpenfuhrer?


Hereford and Poole have both declined in the past.


MG would be mincemeat

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35 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Morning all from Estuary-Land. We seem to have missed an anniversary?  Ian and Sherry's fifth a couple of days ago. Belated good wishes to you both. It's still dry outside but a bit blowy so no outdoor stuff will get done. I'm with Mike with regard to turkey's. The way they are interbred to produce something that mother nature would abhor makes the Kennel Club look like a paragon. I've found that Tess Coes still stock venison, as steaks or burgers would you believe so a venison steak is pencilled in for C*******s dinner. I have had venison before, that was in a restaurant at a family celebration. I quite liked it and as I recall it was a bit like beef but sweeter and stronger. That was forty or so years ago though. Welcome to our newest ER, jafcreasey, you will find us a friendly lot but guard your cakes if a certain Polybear and HH are in the vicinity.

It’s a long time since I have regularly done my major food shop at Tesco, but I recall that they used to stock both ostrich and kangaroo. I made myself a kangaroo bourguignon which was quite successful although as kangaroo is a lot less fatty I ended up overcooking it. The most tasty ostrich I ever ate was in Cape Town where I had it in a red wine and gooseberry sauce served on a bed of garlic mash.

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