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Evening all,


running very late today because other folk herself seemed to want to us ethe 'puter when I might have been visiting eaerlier.  Hope things when well for Tonyy today and that recovery will go well.


I was duly sent off to an appointment at the chirpractor this afyernon - foortunatelu y in the Good Doctor's car because of the weather -only to find that I was 24 hours too early for my appointment.  It seems that contrary to what I was told when making the appointment that 29 October this year is not on a Wednesday.  Maybe I should have queried that at the time but I don't keep a calendar.


Interestinto read that somewhere actually has peiople cleaning the streets - ours is done about 3 or 4 times a year bya. sweeping machine which completely fails to deal with the verdant growth in the gutters.  Leaves are never swept but just let to rot and form skating rinks where you least expect.  Very different from what i remember as a lad when the council had a couple of blokes going round the town all the time; now its contractors attending occasionally instead of someone there every day with a broom and shovel although at least the numerous litter bins etc are emptied fairly regularly.  So definitely plenty of scope here to get the unemployed earning their dole money using a stiff broom and shovel without hurting anybody's employment.  And the lads in the parks dept would no doubt welcome some help as the Gardening Buddies (a group of gardening lady volunteers including Mrs Stationmaster) have not been at all active this year for various reasons so some of the towns bits of public flower bed etc areas are in need of attention.


As for the Govt acting on Covid I expect they're still arguing among themselves and with any one else who does Burnham and decides to argue with them  I have a very strong impression that things would be a lot better if ordinary people actually paid some attention to the very simple rules to limit the spread of infection instead of either totally ignoring them or regarding something as simple as social distancing as some sort of veiled attack on personal liberty (or maybe there are just lots of folk after Darwin Awards?).


The foc x seems to have made our porch a regular night time spot but some quadruped managed to poop there this afternoon so the doormat is now in the dustbin which might pout him off (even if he was the one who dumped).  Maybe we'll find out in the morning?

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On 28/10/2020 at 00:24, simontaylor484 said:

There is growing evidence that lockdown does not work


When Melbourne went into lockdown their daily infection rate was around  700 - about the same as UK or France at that time.


This week  the new case total for Melbourne over the last 3 days was  0, 0 and 2.


The UK yesterday reported 24,701...


The other weak link in the UK response is the slack-arsed quarantine regime for in-coming travellers - still letting in people from a list of 50 or so other countries without needing to quarantine at all, allowing people to travel from the airport/dock on public transport to the place of quarantine and allowing quarantining in your own home or with friends and being able to go out if necessary for shopping etc.

Here its much more hardcore and is the reason that Australia has locally acquired infection rates in the single figures once more.

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To reply to stationmaster the sweeper will probably have nylon brushes they will not pull weeds out unless they are dead. We used to spray weeds using roundup and a sticking agent using a sprayer mounted on quad bikes. Perhaps the legal actions in America a couple of years ago has altered what is used.

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1 hour ago, simontaylor484 said:

To reply to stationmaster the sweeper will probably have nylon brushes they will not pull weeds out unless they are dead. We used to spray weeds using roundup and a sticking agent using a sprayer mounted on quad bikes. Perhaps the legal actions in America a couple of years ago has altered what is used.

There is only one weedkiller still allowed, glyphosate as the UK managed to convince the rest of Europe that when used correctly it has a minimal safety impact on the user. Please note the words - when used correctlyt. Also the UK has the tightest regulations concerning the use of Weedkiller's. A number of authorities have tried alternatives, such as vinegar but none so far have the same long term effectiveness.

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4 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Here its much more hardcore and is the reason that Australia has locally acquired infection rates in the single figures once more.

Total of direct CoViD-19 fatalities per 100,000 of population in 2020 tabulated (by me) a couple of days ago:


Australia: 3.62

USA: 68.9

UK: 68.1


I am quite sure the combination of the big moat and the international travel moratorium have helped reduce numbers in Australia but closing state borders and strict lockdowns have no doubt helped as well.


Pandemic-related "excess deaths" (including deaths not directly caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but related to people not seeking care or not having "normal" access to care during the pandemic) are approaching 1 in 1,000 in the US.

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Total of direct CoViD-19 fatalities per 100,000 of population in 2020 tabulated (by me) a couple of days ago:


Australia: 3.62

USA: 68.9

UK: 68.1



Bear here.....

Wow, the UK is *almost* as successful as Trumpie and his handling of the Big V.  If only that were a good thing.....

I wonder if Mrs T has started packing yet?  No doubt Trumpie has endless "cry foul" options all worked out for next week.....

I do look forward to the release of his tax returns - maybe that'll be the first order of the day  for his successor ;)

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare.. 766/479

A good nights sleep, 7 hours near solid.. I needed that..

and with other good news that advert at the bottom has started showing adverts of interest to people on this forum, and Dogs trust  maybe it's got the message...


Ben the changeable Collie wanted out this morning and enjoyed himself with a very good snuffle around...


Very red Sky as I approached work, the farmers warning is correct looking at the radar..


One thing I haven't seen mentioned is we are due the 10 yearly census next March ... Hands Up if you think that will be delayed.. Ok that's everyone then..


Time to go see if there is any more company Spam or info on yesterdays bad new, as the meeting about it finished minutes before I went home..



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