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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Apart from the odd shower its been pretty dry today with plenty of sunshine. In fact there's very little cloud tonight so we can look forward to a chilly morning. Now to get on with Facebook which has been very slow lately.

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  • RMweb Premium
38 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:

The computer is never wrong however the same cannot be said about the operator. I was just following orders mein fuhrer.


I agree completely.


Computers don't make mistakes, they merely interpretate what has been put in by the operator. 

Edited by BSW01
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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone 


Well the rain has been pretty awful all day, we’ve had very large puddles in the back for most of the day. The one nearest to the house almost dried up once, but has been topped up regularly. 


This evening I completed the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix, once again there were a few people wearing their masks incorrectly and a few teenagers who didn’t have one on at all! Personally I think they should have somebody on door patrol stopping those not wearing masks from entering!


 Goodnight all 

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  • RMweb Premium

Today while doing the house cleaning I noticed 4 black spots on the kitchen ceiling. Largest is over 1" x 1/2".  SWMBO pointed out that it was right where we had the yougurt incident last week. So these are lumps of several-days-old blueberry yogurt. 

I tried scraping it off and got a little scrap. Dye may have gone into the plaster. More work tomorrow, maybe.


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Greetings one and all


I’m suffering from an ear worm.  I say suffering but I’m quite enjoying it really.  The song in question is the UK’s last Eurovision winner, “Love Shines A Light” by Katrina and the Waves.  It seems to be all over YouTube at the moment and I can enjoy it with but one click of the mouse.  Should I ever lapse from sanity and have another go at karaoke, it has to be a contender for something that I can murder.  It’s a fine anthem and there is no particular reason why it should be sung by a girl.


I keep getting silent phone calls.  My reaction is to dial 1572, add the number to my personal blacklist and then ring back the guilty number to tell it how displeased I am to receive silent calls.  Sadly this happens so often that BT now tell me that I have filled my personal blacklist.  Deleting one number to make room for another is quite a rigmarole.  It involves repeated pressing of 1 whenever the recorded voice so directs.  The other recurrent irritation is that when I ring back the electronic voice tells me that the number I have dialled has not been recognised.  Grrrr.


Talking of irritations: the day when we no longer have to wear those pesky face masks cannot come a moment too soon for me.  If they offered the protection that is claimed for them, and if they did those who rule us would not have waited four months before making them compulsory, everyone would wear them – wouldn’t they?


Best wishes to all



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  • RMweb Premium

Ey up! Changing the clocks needs to be  done away with... it is great having the "extra hour" but my bodyclock takes a fair while to adjust.


We whould have worn facemasks earlier (and should stamp genteely on those that don't wear them) but - protect thecnHS meant covering up the lack of such items...pah!


Today, her indoors is off out for a "vaccine" test shot followed by an eye test (in Headingley not Barnard Castle!).


Looks like I will get very wet walking to the post office..Pah!


Meanwhile.. if you think Royal Mail is slow try sending parcels and letters to Australia.. Ozpost seem to have developed a new "Black Hole" approach...


Time to drink my mugatea..then, watch out Tuesday I am coming to get you!!

Positive thoughts to all ERs especially the " missing" ones.



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Good moaning from the damp Charente.  I now have a nearly demolished shower. Therevis no chance of repairing it and making do as parts of the plinth that I've uncovered are rotten. Chipboard and water don't mix.  It would have been completely demolished but the idiot who installed it didn't install stop valves in the.water supply pipes.  Plan B is now in operation.  I'm off to Angouleme  this morning to look at new shower cabinets and plumbing arrangements  for a pump on the waste outlet. The day will not be wasted however as I'm going to gave lunch whilst I'm out then soend the afternoon trainspotting with my mate Andy. Sounds like a good plan for the day.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple hare..

 A terrible nights lack of sleep, I spent 3 hours looking at the ceiling in the bedroom to the accompaniment of rain hammering to get in through the windows.. Then gave up and went down stairs where I got several 1 hour ish pieces of somnolence..


Ben the silly Collie wanted out this morning, but after a few steps, the dawn chorus frightened him and he wanted back in...


Year ago.. mid sixties  Mum almost fell through the floor, the leaking waste pipe between the floors rotted some solid wood in the bathroom.. The leak was big enough to make the wood soggy and run down the exterior of the boxed in  waste pipe, but not big enough to spread out onto the ceiling downstairs and give anyone any warning...


Maximum sized puddles out there, to be joined by the remains of Hurricane Epsilon, for those up on Fraggle rock and the surrounding mainlands they've got a second soggy bit after that and strong winds for the week.. batten down the hatches time..


Well this week I had 2 major systems, now I have two major system, but one of them has to be done twice, as it has now got an upgrade to be done in the middle...  7.5 -8 days work doesn't go into 5... so someone will get theirs late back..


Time to... get the second one into  the lab..




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  • RMweb Premium

Hmm  in the usual company spam is a message , they are getting rid of Skype, and all phone communications will be done through MS teams, as they still haven't told us properly how to use MS Teams this should be interesting..

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16 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

I do :) :jester::rtfm:

-4 this morning, rather "brisk" getting the newspaper, and only expected to reach -9 overnight tonight ;)


Tally ho.

My apologies for neglecting the honourable member from the land of a billion frozen lakes & mosquitos. In the past I've endured temps below -42c on many occasions. Mostly in Northern Alberta. That is when your p*ss freezes before it hits the snow, and when propane turns to jelly and the tank has to be warmed in order to be usable. Calgary hasn't actually hit -40c in my lifetime. Many winters with -39c throughout the 60s and 70s though. Looking at the highest and lowest temps over the past 60 years you can see a definite trend. -33 is the coldest in the last 10 years and the all time high of 37c last year. On average Calgary's temps are around 4c warmer over the past decade than in the 70s. 


8c and was sunny in the boring borough. Now awaiting rain for the rest of the day. <sigh> That's all for the weather. 


Another meh day awaits. Pumpkin spice latte at the ready. 

Enjoy the day. 

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8 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Hmm  in the usual company spam is a message , they are getting rid of Skype, and all phone communications will be done through MS teams, as they still haven't told us properly how to use MS Teams this should be interesting..

Join the club. I'm still waiting for my Teams induction web course 6 months after I was migrated from Skype. They didn't move us all at once though. Half of our practice was on teams, half on skype for months over the summer. Can you spell frustration? 

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  • RMweb Premium
8 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

Quite frankly they couldn't kick their way of of a wet paper bag.  They certainly haven't got the forward planning skills to wipe their behinds before pulling up their trousers, so anything bigger than that and you'll have no hope.



Would Bear be right in thinking you have some nagging doubts then?  :jester:


1 hour ago, chrisf said:

If they offered the protection that is claimed for them, and if they did those who rule us would not have waited four months before making them compulsory, everyone would wear them – wouldn’t they?




Bear still feeling somewhat spoogly - the dizziness is still present, though not enough to cause any noticeable issues.  Not sure of today's plan yet - I'm hoping that deliveries of the SDS drill (from Mr. Bosch) and SDS masonry drills (from Axminster Tools) are pretty sharpish, though today or tomorrow is far too much to hope for.  I've a new kitchen window to fit (it's been sitting in my lounge for several weeks and I'd quite like to get it out of the way) and also get some pipework boxed in, so the use of the drill would be a real asset.  Still, a big list of other kitchen refurb-related jobs require attention also;  Bear's problem is that he has a bit of a "serial mind" rather than "parallel mind" - get one job done before starting the next; the problem comes when there's a delay to the first job.....


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  • RMweb Gold
54 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Hmm  in the usual company spam is a message , they are getting rid of Skype, and all phone communications will be done through MS teams, as they still haven't told us properly how to use MS Teams this should be interesting..

I did my first MS Teams meeting a few days ago. Went very well.

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Morning, day didn't begin well, the wabbits are back............................need to dig out the rifle again. Got the grass cut yesterday so the "G" word can be avoided today, might go out with my camera looking some wildlife to photograph, take care all and enjoy the day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


The rain had stopped as I sat down to eat my breakfast, but it’s just started again, so that’s put a stop to some leaf clearing. So not sure what I’ll be doing today, yesterday whilst clearing out a cupboard in the cellar I found half a dozen small plastic containers, so I might give those a clean and take them to the workshop. I may well end up spending some time in there, that’s a real shame!


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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  • RMweb Gold

 Morning all.

It is raining here. I didn’t see or hear a forecast but I am not planning to go anywhere today. The new maps showing electoral ward level Covid cases show our very local infection to be lower than surrounding areas though still more than last week.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, it is indeed draughty and wet oop north.


Mrs NHN to the Dr's first thing for blood extraction, prior to some 'work' on her hand on Friday.


Not sure what we will do for the rest of the day, I suspect I will be informed soon, as my opinion is stalking around the kitchen. :rolleyes:


Anyone notice that tanker HH attacked is a bit high out of the water for having come FROM Nigeria? As in where Nigerian Fines (high grade crude) comes from? Hmm. :butcher:


OK, first job issued, extend lead on the toaster as it 'needs' to be in a different place to where it has lived happily for the past 17 years.  Change for changes sake identified. :mad_mini:


'Teams' communication in Trackshack was usually by rolled up sheet of paper thrown to other end of office.....:lol:



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I was alright until I o looked at the map mentioned by Tony - our immediately local rate is 85 so higher than all the country places round about.  Probably down to the tech pupils wandering about the town in groups with about as much social distancing as the average ant hill.  But of course they have to be 'allowed to continue their education' .  It's a shame somebody can't educate them in the simple art of basic infection control but it would seem that apparently intelligence is no longer a requirement for 6th form level education.  I've already said at home there's no way I would use a weekday train on our branch if that lot are behaving in anything like their normal litter dropping and mucking about manner.  And the worrying thing is that many of them are going to be uni students next year or the year after:(


Anyway nearer home the GD has returned to work today - which happens to be her first booked working day of the week - and then she's off until the weekend when she has some successive night shifts.  No bad news has been heard from her so we are assuming that all is going reasonably well.  As far as anything else is concerned it is raining off and on (mainly on) so any outdoor work can be forgotten.   In any case I am shortly expecting a 'phone call regarding some possible article writing although the details aren'y t yet known apart from it having 'something to do with railways' (of the full size variety) - I shall see.


Have a good day one and all and stay safe.


PS There are several different photos of the tanker Nave Andromeda on news websites - some show her loaded,  others show her empty.  AIS shows her as on passage Lagos - Southampton (not Fawley) and she is in fact currently alongside at Southampton Docks but that might be in connection with the incident.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Premium

Yes @New Haven Neilshouldn't it have been fully loaded?


Brisk walk to the PO to post parcels.. its a very thin (and cold ) wind but no rain on my trip.. Result!


Her indoors had forgotten to take her NHS number with her.. so.. a quick text or two sorted it all out! - Sahme is I can still remember my original nHS number - MFUN xxx



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