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Evening all from Estuary-Land. 

1 hour ago, figworthy said:


No picture, but when I was taking my morning constitutional, a lady was standing by a bus stop with a horse on a halter (but no saddle).  The horse was busy trimming the adjacent grass.



Do they let horses ride on buses?:jester:

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Having read up on carb flu,  it's says possible headaches.. Hmm... yep.. 

PS this gadget changed carb to covid,  I forced it back.. Both times, its not that bad... 


The lady of the house across the road has a horse,  it appears in their garden occasionally along with a friend, I'm not sure if it's a breed,  it seems large,  with very large hooves,  it's definitely not an athletic racer..  But it's not as big as a shire or Suffolk punch. 


Since I have no intent of going abroad again  , this gadget only has the full map for the UK on it 633Mb, it does have an outline of Europe with major cities and roads. About 15minutes for a full upgrade... 


Time to try for more sleep.. 





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Oh I meant to say CPL  coal, a national chain of coal merchants,  is now in panic mode to sell off conventional coal,  before its ban in February. You have to buy it in 1 ton pallets of 25kg bags,  but at £248 a ton it's an enormous saving over normal prices.. 

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Greetings one and all


For some strange reason yesterday was not all that productive.  Lunch was mid afternoon and a nice piece of steak.  The episode of “Dragons’ Den” which went out last night was the one which gave the world “Look After Your Bills” after a bit of a cliff-hanger.  I was trying to write something but getting nowhere fast and a bit of dragons versus entrepreneurs was a welcome distraction.


I see we have been talking about PE/games teachers again.  As I may have said before, there is something about them which is far from endearing.  It is almost as if it gave them pleasure to encourage their charges and what they were wearing to get covered in mud.  Most of them taught something else besides games/PE.  At Latymer Upper School in Hammersmith one of the masters, Alan Watson, had been an Olympic oarsman before becoming a woodwork teacher.  Another, “Milky” Parish, who taught Latin and English, must have had enough spare periods to be asked to take a third year group for games.  For some reason our group went to the Old Latymerians field at Whitton on the school coach, known affectionately as Charlotte.  In the autumn and spring terms old Milky would sit in the pavilion and let us get on with it.  The summer term was another matter.  Milky was as passionate about cricket as it was possible to get but he did not have the motivational skills to infect me with his passion.  I was sh!t scared of projectiles coming out of the sky in my direction, so expecting me to catch a cricket ball was optimistic beyond reason.  Milky, an amiable old boy, was also noted for growing massive radishes which he would give as prizes in class.


Best wishes to all



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Good morning all,

Dry here with a mainly blue sky and sunshine.  Sunny spells and scattered showers are forecast.

Lazy day yesterday but F1 highlights watched and enjoyed.

My hip is complaining somewhat this morning, probably due to the aforementioned lazing about.  We haven't been doing much in the way of walking lately so that needs to be addressed starting today.

Have a good one,








Edited by grandadbob
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Greetings all from the boring borough. 

In local news yet another micro-pub opens today in the area. This is the Hanger II. The original is over at the Oval in Sidcup. Looks nice from the pictures on twatter. Best of all it is less than 10 mins walk. This is number 13 of the currently proposed 15 in the borough. Goes some way to partly replacing the more than 35 pubs that have closed in the borough since 2010. 


Plenty of horses here. There is a small stables just down the road. Originally  it was more of a retirement home for old ponies. The new owners have turned it into something special. Just throw "George Mead Memorial Stables" into your favourite search engine. They only seem to have a fecesbook page which won't link on here for some reason but there are other review sites and info. There are also a couple of alpacas roaming around there. We get military mounted rides from Woolwich passing by as well as frequent horse drawn funeral processions. There is another stable and farm just along the way on Shooter's Hill too. The stable is a leftover from the Olympics and replaced what was once the off hours home for the Blackheath donkeys. Those have long since retired to live out their years at Eltham Palace. 


Finally managed to finish replacing the insulation on the shed roof. It was a long and tedious process to remove the old stuff, and cut 24 segments of Recticel foil backed extruded foam. Several bazillion spiders, webs, husks, and egg nests have been hoovered up in the process. I predict a hopeful reduction in arachnids next spring. If I get a couple of dry days I'll be able to unwrap the osb and start replacing the inside lining. The original plan was plasterboard but it hasn't stood the test of time. The osb will also allow for parts of the layout (yes I mentioned modelling) to be attached to the walls. 


Time for work. <sigh> Need a countdown clock on my laptop I think. Salted caramel latte today. My sugar & caffeine levels are just about at the right point to be able to stay awake for the first of today's 4 waste of time meetings. 


Enjoy the day. 



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10 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

A point of amusement whilst having a walk through Laxey later was this house where they appear to have brought in the kid's ponies to cut the grass!  The horsebox was out the back.




They're cute, though I did get kicked in the leg by one once when I was a cub (and no, I wasn't being nasty to it either).  Bl00dy well hurt too....


1 hour ago, chrisf said:

Milky, an amiable old boy, was also noted for growing massive radishes which he would give as prizes in class.




Just what every schoolboy has always wanted..... :huh:


In other news, and for those who are not fans of fireworks:



Bear's plans for today include doing "nicer things", like hopefully sorting the power input to my projection clock; one of both parts of the connector on the side of the clock is bvggered, meaning an intermittent contact - fine until you move it, at which point the time resets to 1200.  Then it has to go on the window sill to "see" the satellite and update to the correct time.  But when you move it back to the shelf the slightest power glitches means the time resets again...:angry:  So now the plan is to hard wire the lead from the mains adapter straight into the clock and do away with the connector.  That's if the clock wasn't designed by some nob who doesn't want you to get into the clock without busting it.  Other less fun tasks include the collection of the missing blood test form from the docs, plus a dive into the Co-op since I'll be walking past the door.  I'd better get going as it's supposed to rain at 10am.....

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Good moaning. The twirlers saybit should be raining but it's sunny outside. 

I got the 40 sq metres of floor painted yesterday, only 50 to go in the main section. However a leaknwas discovered in the bathroom.  Our shower blocked up a few days ago and I must have puncturef/ dislodged something sorting the blockage. The shower sits on a 7" high plinth so it's about 12" from the lip to the floor. I think that the water from my shower yesterday has all drained into the plinth and then seeped through onto the bathroom flloor.  Deep joy. At least the floor was drybthis morning and we have another shower off the bedroom. I suspect that the leaking one will have to be comp,etely dismantled to get at the trap/ outlet.  


Anyway I'm off shortly to repkenish essential liquid supplues from the vineyard/distillery.


Regards to all.



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Wood Work killer also kills all bugs, I apply WW killer to all the wood going into the garage, (or model railway shed), if it's still wet when taken in, it evaporates and does a good general insect kill of any in the vicinity.

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3 minutes ago, polybear said:


Bear has recently discovered that Fly Spray works very well on the 'orrible little bleeders too :yahoo:

No sprays allowed according to SWMBO. Too close to the veggie beds and greenhouse. No slug pellets, weed killer, bug killer, plastics, etc. I think she is turning hippy in her old age. However, the food grown this year has been far nicer than any store bought stuff. 

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28 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

No sprays allowed according to SWMBO. Too close to the veggie beds and greenhouse. No slug pellets, weed killer, bug killer, plastics, etc. I think she is turning hippy in her old age. However, the food grown this year has been far nicer than any store bought stuff. 

You don't need chemicals in my garden ... You need a shot gun... rabbits.. hares, deer, pigeons 


I think Donk has a new name...







Big Foot..

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Spiders are not only worth encouraging but are a necessity. If it wasn't for them we'd be overcome by insects so destroying them is not a good idea.


I sympathise with Jamie as I had a similar problem a couple of years ago with the same sort of arrangement when a drain pipe became loose under the shower stall. The resultant job was a real PITA. I recommend a stiff libation or two be got ready before embarking on the project.



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16 minutes ago, Dave Hunt said:

Spiders are not only worth encouraging but are a necessity. If it wasn't for them we'd be overcome by insects so destroying them is not a good idea.


It has been said that the natural world would be a lot worse off with the loss of any species ....  apart from one.


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Good morning everyone 


Dull wet and miserable outside, intermittent heavy showers, about every 15 minutes at the moment. There are no firm plans for the day, but I do have a couple of little jobs that want doing. However, if the past is anything to go by, these leaves ‘little’ jobs can often turn into bigger ones! I hope not. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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