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6 hours ago, Compound2632 said:


I doubt even the most refined Mancunian pronounces it Chorlton-cuem-Hardy. It's not an accent I'm too well attuned to but I imagine Chorlton-coom-Hardy might be closer?

Nah, us Mancunians would just say Chorlton. 


But seriously, if I was to try to write it down phonetically, it would probably look something like


Chorltun cm ‘ardy. 

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Good evening everyone 


There haven’t been any surprises today and I’ve been able to spend about half of the day in the workshop. Sheila was using the kitchen for some laundry duties straight after breakfast, so I was instructed requested to stay out of the way. Dutifully I hid in the cellar until about 10:30, when I emerged once the coast was be clear. 


Whilst I was downstairs I once again checked the HiFi, but I still can’t get an input signal to the computer. However, I have been able to rule out all the elements of the HiFi. Yesterday I dug out the old speakers and connected them up today, everything worked perfectly, so I think the problem definitely lies in the sound card. So I’ll have to have another look at some point in the future. 


Once upstairs, I started cleaning the water jug and changed the filter, before preparing everything for the casserole and put in the oven. By the time all that was done it was almost 11:30. I’ve managed to get the turntable well track painted with a dirty brown colour. I then turned my attention back towards the handrails. I carried on building the handrails for the extra platform, these have now all been fitted and before packing up for the day, I gave the well a very thin wash of black acrylic paint. 


Goodnight all. 

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Greetings one and all


I could get used to Zoom meetings.  Tonight is the third in a row when I am due to have one - an e-gathering of the LGBT in Faith group, live from Park Road Methodist Church.  Those attending real meetings are expected to bring something to share.  The logistics of sharing the contents of a packet of shortbread on line look like defeating me but I suppose I could hold a piece up to the webcam.  It was easier to embrace the concept of 'show and tell' at last night's meeting, which was of Chilterns Area Group.  Here a part assembled chassis, there a newly weathered loco, all with no risk of damage from clumsy handling.  On Tuesday night we had the AGM of the LCGB Bedford branch and held our hands up to our cameras when voting the committee back in for yet another year.  It's a case of getting by and making the best of the circumstances in which we exist.  Calling it living is too great a leap of the imagination for me.  If it were not for that ruddy virus our meeting last night should have been in the afternoon over lunch in a pub.  When the ordeal is finally over, will the pub still be there?  I would much rather have face to face meetings but some folk are so scared of the virus that they won't go out and the owners of meeting rooms will not hire them out to the likes of us.  Some might call this ridiculous.  I could not possibly comment.


For some inexplicable reason I opted for paperless dealings with National Savings and Investments.  Overnight came an e-message.  Getting to read it first thing in the morning is a bit of a rigmarole.  The webshite claims to be easier to navigate than it used to be.  It could hardly be more difficult and I wondered briefly whether the site's designer had spent his/her honeymoon in Hampton Court Maze trying to find his way out.  The upshot is that I have now noted the numbers of the bonds that I have purchased, just in time for the number of monthly prizes to be reduced.  it is much quicker to open an envelope but there is no way back now.


Best wishes to all



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7 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

And Trump casinos

and Trump steaks

and Trump the boardgame

And the Trump travel website 

And Trump magazine

And Trump mortgage company 

And Trump university

And Trump Tower, Tampa

And Trump Vodka

And Trump Trumpnet communications network

And 'Tour De Trump' bike race


You forgot the golf courses....


30 minutes ago, chrisf said:

The logistics of sharing the contents of a packet of shortbread on line look like defeating me......... 


Every cloud has a silver lining....:yahoo:


30 minutes ago, chrisf said:


For some inexplicable reason I opted for paperless dealings with National Savings and Investments. 


The upshot is that I have now noted the numbers of the bonds that I have purchased, just in time for the number of monthly prizes to be reduced.



NS&I?  Ah, yes....:mad:

The very organisation that announced a rate-topping savings account (a lofty 1.16%, no less), as featured by Martin Lewis on Moneysaving Expert a few weeks ago.  All to do with sucking in lots of money for the government, it seems.  So lots of people put gronkits with them, including a certain Mr. P Bear.  Smoooth as silk.

Then a few weeks later they announce the rate is to be cut from 24th November to 0.01% :angry:.  What a Grade A bunch of time wasting Wan**rs.  So a certain Bear had to shift his gronkits out again....

(It would be interesting to know if this was their plan all along; I wonder how many people put money in and then took it out again?  I daresay a lot just said to themselves "s0d it, I can't be bothered" - which of course is exactly what NS&I wants).


12 minutes ago, Barry O said:

The non appearance of our get together also means I can't get to Harrods to buy one of their Christmas Puddings. Having checked them out on line the delivery cost is not cheap! Pah! ( even though I no longer eat it the Herberts will rebel if no pudding is on offer).


Buy an Aldi one and hide the box - they'll never know the different....


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I have been into London only once since February and that didnt involve beer but just to catch a train to Brum. Our old MR club members get together in Croydon has been called off. I did suggest that it could still go ahead if we used the outside seating at the pub but can't bank on the weather playing nice.


Today will be shed time.

Edited by roundhouse
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Good moaning from the Charente. It's not raining and there are even patches of blye sky. As mentioned last night a successful day was had in La Rochelle. I then had a successful evening  in the shed, details elsewhere soon as I dread the awl.


Not a lot on the agenda  today, in fact the calendar  is blank till Monday, though No 2 son has his birthday on Saturday. I may well head for the shed this morning and tidy another area of floor ready for painting in due course.


Regards to all.



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The bin wagons dawn chorus is in full swing this morning headed by the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon. I see now that 66% of the population think that putting the clocks back should be done away with. I am one of that 66% and I consider it an anachronism in this day and age. I too am getting used to Zoom meetings, the problem with holding our AGM by Zoom is about 25% of the membership are not online. Time to get on and run a bath, be back later.

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What a lovely morning, the walk was much enjoyed as yesterdays was rained off. 


Were meeting an old modelling mate for coffee at a Garden Centre later, but will probably use separate  tables as Ray is 93, and we are all being careful these days.


In other Mod.......g    news I have finished photographing my Seven Mills Sidings and doing the write up and that has now been submitted. 


Have a great day one and all, and MOST OF ALL, stay safe.

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Good morning everyone 


Another dull, grey and cool (9C) start to the day here in the northwest of England, but at least it isn’t raining, we had quite a bit yesterday afternoon. Today’s plans are to continue painting and weathering the turntable, hopefully I’ll get the well finished today and possibly make a start on the bridge. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 




PS, I’ve also got the Meachers Global Logistics ad 

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Virtual bring and share...

Something to consider.  Is this something innate In all of us, I wonder.

In the days of making sacrifice, the lamb (for instance) was slaughtered, cooked and offered to the gods, but it was the humans that ate it.


Not wishing to contravene religious policy but just in case....


Edited by southern42
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Morning all,


Currently the sun is shining although we had a spot of drizzle a while back.  Our intention (as in orders have been issued) us that today we shall visit a purveyor of light fittings in Reading in order to purchase an LED replacement unit for an existing fluorescent unit in the kitchen which decided not to work a little while back notwithstanding replacement of everything normally replaceable - and the LED unit gives far more light.  It is just possible that replacement of the main light fitting in the dining room might be added to the list by 'someone' which - I'm told - means the 4 wall fittings also need to be replaced because they won't match a new main fitting.


On far safer ground Tesco will be visited for various comestibles including 'something' required to make lasagne (pasta?) plus the 'papers and to collect a prescription.  On wider news the lad's HQ office in Geneva has gone into 100% WFH mode from today due to the surge in Covid cases in Switzerland where the national rate of infection appears - according to one source - to have reached 100.  Here the GP's surgery is becoming reluctant to have patients visit the surgery although the rate of infection has  thus far risen only very slightly to 75 (it is 89 in Reading).


GDB - do you have a back-to-back gauge to check the wheelsets on your pp-prairie?  Careful study of how it goes wrong - if you can face the testing - should indicate which bit comes off first and likely causes especially the b-to-b (particularly on the pony trucks) and the spring tension on the leading truck or if a screw is too tight stop the trucks turning properly.


The sun shines so after another cuppa it will no doubt be time to rearrange the cars and head for Reading - fortunately the shop concerned is on an industrial estate right next to the railway.


Have a good day one and all and take care.

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare,

I've been extremely busy with work this morning hence being late on parade..

Now I can slow down a bit as there are 5 current shunts next, each needing a 15 minute warm up time.


A bad nights sleep maybe 4 hours, not helped by Ben the restless Collie wandering around either..

A  fully aching set of finger joints doesn't help either, a bit late forecasting the rain we've had.. of which there is a small band in the area at the moment.. 


I'm also feeling extremely short of energy at the moment, I think this may be cause by the removal of many carbohydrates and the substitution of my previous Sarnies for lunch, with rabbit food..


While awake brain went into overdrive on thinking about doorways and their placing in the garage workshop. One was easy, as the lathe area has to be kept clear so it makes sense to have the doorway to the storeroom at the edge of that area.. Leaving the rest of the wall to be shelved or shadow boarded.


The one at the side of the work bench is more difficult, as it's in two parts, one is at the side of the work bench to allow long Items to overhang into the garage, the other is again, alongside the clear area, this time for me to stand next to the work bench.. The problem being , is the  door frames, as the one by the workbench corner need not to be there or be removable without weakening the structure so say an 8X4 sheet of ply can be processed on the bench which is only 3ft by 6 foot...


One current shunt measured..


Whatever I decide, I'm off to the orange shed tonight for more OSB, and some trestles, unmentionables for the supporting of..


I see there is a proposal to increase the London congestion charge area out to the North and South Circular, something I'd been expecting for years.. This will of course  bring Ally Pally into the zone, increasing costs for the exhibitions held there and reducing the numbers attending. It certainly would make me think twice about going there for either reason..


 I wouldn't be surprised if some shows look for a venue just outside the new Zone.. Many years ago the London Collie club moved it's shows outside the zone, just due to costs, and are now held in Welwyn and Newbury.

As it is, I've not visited London inside the zone since long before it existed..

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4 hours ago, polybear said:



NS&I?  Ah, yes....:mad:

The very organisation that announced a rate-topping savings account (a lofty 1.16%, no less), as featured by Martin Lewis on Moneysaving Expert a few weeks ago.  All to do with sucking in lots of money for the government, it seems.  So lots of people put gronkits with them, including a certain Mr. P Bear.  Smoooth as silk.

Then a few weeks later they announce the rate is to be cut from 24th November to 0.01% :angry:.  What a Grade A bunch of time wasting Wan**rs.  So a certain Bear had to shift his gronkits out again....

(It would be interesting to know if this was their plan all along; I wonder how many people put money in and then took it out again?  I daresay a lot just said to themselves "s0d it, I can't be bothered" - which of course is exactly what NS&I wants).


I don't have a savings account as such, I pay a direct debit into another private pension with Aegon(they were my last employers pension providers), this paid over 4 percent last year and seems to be doing better than average this year.

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12 hours ago, BSW01 said:

Nah, us Mancunians would just say Chorlton. 


But seriously, if I was to try to write it down phonetically, it would probably look something like


Chorltun cm ‘ardy. 

One cannot successfully pronounce the place names Besses o'th' Barn nor Hall i'th' Wood without a local accent.

Edited by Gwiwer
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