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Neil, my condolences to Deb’s and her friends family. I don’t know how anyone can do such a thing, cowardice is the only word that springs to mind. I’d better not write down what I think should happen to the lowlife that has done such a despicable thing, as it would probably get censored. 


Goodnight all 

Edited by BSW01
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7 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Oh dear.  Day has ended very sadly, with a phone call telling us that Debs' best friend at work was killed in a hit and run accident while walking home last night. No witnesses currently, which is bad news also, but this is a small rock.  Debs is really cut up, Sue was a friend for many years.  Second friend we have lost to a RTC, life just isn't fair. Cr*p....

That’s terrible news. My sympathies and condolences to you and Debs (and you do know you can always find support, sympathy and help from the denizens of ER)

Given that you are on, as you say, “a small rock“ it probably won’t take time to apprehend the vile individual responsible. Sadly, given the state of the law in the UK nowadays, the legal motions may be gone through after the culprit has been arrested but I doubt justice will be done.

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Greetings one and all


Yesterday I spent a little time trying to bring about tidiness from chaos.  This is something at which I do not excel, far from it in fact, for I tend to lose more things than I find.  Magazines are particularly vulnerable to being mislaid.  When they do turn up they do so in the last place that I imagined they would be.  There is no obvious solution and I expect that I will continue to be frustrated when something goes AWOL.


I was delighted to find the name of someone I know in the honours list, though to be strictly accurate my attention was drawn to it by a post on F***book.  Daryn Carter, Director and Programmer of Bristol Pride, has been awarded the MBE for services to the LGBTQ+ community in Bristol.  This is high level recognition par excellence and I am hard put to it to recall anyone else who has been honoured for comparable reasons.  Take it from me that the award is well deserved.


Quite the opposite of deserved is what has happened on Neil’s island.  May whoever hit and ran be brought to justice.


Best wishes to all



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This talk of honours lists reminded me of the short street of 25 houses I grew up on. One person living there was awarded the MBE. Another, who I went through school with, was awarded the BEM later in life, after he’d moved away. Plus there was a guy who’d played football internationally for Scotland. (Then there was the rest of us.)

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Good moaning from a part of the Charente that's gradually getting lighter.  


Neil, terrible news, thoughts and prayers with all involved. I hope that thevpolice get a result quickly.


We had quite a good day yesterday. Starting with our usual video chst to Emily and her mum's. She is really coming on and saaying recognisable words, including NO, which can be said with  an attitude. Nana and an attempt at Grandpa also feature but without the attitude. Then we went on a 9 mile bike ride, first stop to check a friend's  gute for storm damage, then on to some friends  to see Jill who has had a cataract op. Coffee and cake were provided.  Then back home.  A good little ride out.  In the afternoon  I even managed some productive time in the shed.


Today we're helping an 80 yr old couple pack and start to move. They are moving nearer their daughter and also the hospital in Rochefort. Today the daughter and her husband are bringing a hire van to be filled with boxes. All the helpers are then getting a meal. 


Regards to all.






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13 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

This still makes I larf.........................................must be me age you know.................................................


Not Spike Milligan‘s finest script, perhaps. But still head and shoulders above much that passes for so-called “comedy“ nowadays.  Although I am old enough to remember the Goon show (not from listening to it on the radio, when originally broadcast, but by listening to it on my Uncle’s 78 rpm record collection and to the repeats)  I didn’t really appreciate the goons until my teens.  One comedy programme, however, I did appreciate at the time and even more so now, was Round the Horne.  A fond, but very distant and vague, memory is of attending a recording of Around The Horne at the Paris Theatre in London.  Being pre-pubescent, I missed most of the double entendres in the script of the show that was being recorded, nonetheless I greatly enjoyed the experience. And now, 50 years on, I appreciate the comedy (and the writing) even more – given the benefit of age, experience and world weary cynicism.

8 hours ago, polybear said:

For me that would be KLM - they give (gave?) out little china replicas of actual dutch houses, filled with Bols.  A bit of a collector's item, judging by Ebay.  I've got a couple from my trip to S. Korea in 2001...


Gosh, that brings back memories. I still have about 4 of these little Delft porcelain houses filled with Bols (there was a time when I flew KLM long haul quite a bit). Either the porcelain or the stopper must be fairly porous because all four of these little houses are completely empty of liquid, despite having never been opened (I have just gone to the drinks cabinet to see how many of them I have). Mind you, I did acquire them around 94 or 95 so probably it’s too much to expect that a porcelain container would still contain a volatile liquid like Bols (curiously, whilst I like gin and have about five or six different types in my drinks cabinet, I never got on with Genever).

Well off to do some “putting away” of books (I have numerous piles to re-shelve). I won’t say “file” as that would imply somewhat more planned organisation then I feel like doing.


Enjoy Sunday


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5 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

She is really coming on and saaying recognisable words, including NO, which can be said with  an attitude.

Yes, it’s funny how quickly children learn that, isn’t it?

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48 minutes ago, chrisf said:

Yesterday I spent a little time trying to bring about tidiness from chaos.  This is something at which I do not excel, far from it in fact, for I tend to lose more things than I find.  Magazines are particularly vulnerable to being mislaid.  When they do turn up they do so in the last place that I imagined they would be.  There is no obvious solution and I expect that I will continue to be frustrated when something goes AWOL.



Bear's thoughts are with Neil and Debs (not forgetting Donk & Friends too) at this terrible time; perhaps the scrote will crawl out from under their stone once they've sobered up and/or drugs out of their system....


Losing things? Ah, yes, Bear can do that too.  Yesterday's mystery was the Great Missing Slipper, of the white flip-flop type given out by Hotels as freebies - one of which had suddenly gone AWOL.  Absconder was found yesterday evening inside one of my Rigger's Boots normally worn when excursions to the bad garden or shed are involved.  No doubt I had stuffed my paw in the boot whilst still wearing said slipper, only to leave slipper behind when removing boot....


Today will see washing of the car carried out - something that has not been carried out for several months now (no use = no dirt).  Not high on my list of favourite jobs; I now split the task between two missions, with the second being used to do the door/boot/bonnet shuts and fiddly alloy wheels - a surprisingly time consuming process I find.

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Condolences to Mrs NHN.


We had a close call on our way to Chester the other day. A BMW overtook us at a cross roads (no indicator used either) as a car pulled out of the side road going the opposite way. A few more inches out and the BMW would have rebounded into us at speed. Further along the road the same BMW overtook the car in front of us again no indicator.


Yesterday we had our first trip on the Churnet Valley railway. £20 per person including breakfast for a two hour run was very good value despite not being able to see much out of the window due to the heavy rain.


Today the Peak district but not sure where we will go next as will see what the Govt announce on Monday.

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Good morning all, 

Lots of blue sky, the sun is shining and it should be a (mainly) fine day.

Two rugby matches watched and enjoyed yesterday and the right teams won.  Now looking forward to the final in two weeks time.

Usual Sunday breakfast has been offered, accepted and will be consumed shortly.

I think I've only known two people with honours (MBEs).  The first was my old company transport manager when I first started work, I'm guessing his was for services to the transport industry.  The second is an old schoolmate who got one a few years ago for services to education.  He became Head of a failing school for autistic children in Newcastle that was threatened with closure and turned it around and eventually became Chairman of the Governors.   I lost touch with him when I left school but met up with him again about 4 years ago.  Been keeping in touch via Zoom over the past few months along with half a dozen other old schoolmates.

Today I will (hopefully) be visiting The Shed as I still haven't finished the platforms.  Also got to replan the track in the goods yard as I'm not happy with it.  This evening I'll be watching the F1 highlights (if there are any)

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
Posted before I'd finished.
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When I moved in political circles I knew a few titled and awarded characters, not many did much to get them..........................I didn't hang around long enough to pick up anything, though according to Ancestry I'm a direct descendant of King Alfred the Great( funnily enough I didn't meet him though).

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18 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

according to Ancestry I'm a direct descendant of King Alfred the Great( funnily enough I didn't meet him though).


Most of the population of Europe is descended from Charlemagne which makes us umpteenth cousins several time removed. How could one be an indirect descendent of Alfred?

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6 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Must be the most frustrating job in the world being the bloke who fits indicators to BMWs.

I seem to recall a saying about BMW drivers that they think they own the road but that Mercedes drivers know they own it.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Working in Local Government you tend to know a few recipients of gongs and other awards, a (very) few well deserved but most you wonder why, such as the council leader who got an OBE. It was rumoured that it stood for Other Bu@@ers Efforts in his case. On the genealogy front I've obtained a few more snippets from distant relatives but more of that later.

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Morning G'day all,


Sunny here at present but the clouds are coming and going so they'll no doubt be back.   Talking of BMW drivers there was only one idiot in that category in Tesco's car park yesterday - but then I only saw 2 BMWs the whole time I was there so 50% isn't a bad score.   Far nicer when driving home and being passed by a Lambo and a Maserati heading in the opposite direction - maybe a 'supercars day out'?


I knew a number of folk who had things like MBEs and one of my Guards received the BEM the year he retired but the real rarity was a chap who received the RVO - which is in the personal gift of the Sovereign so no political monkeying about or any of that sort of thing - a proper award for what he had done in part of his work career.   Alas in many respects the way honours are dished out in the Civil Service on a buggins turn basis adds an element of disrespect to a good part of the process and awards to, say, tv personalities and sports stars etc also seems to be based more on a sort of popularity contest rather than - in so many cases - real achievement or service to society.  I do think an honours system is a good idea but I'm not so keen on the way it is used with plenty of those who should generally receive recognition being ignored because it doesn't suit those who draw up the proposal lists.


No big plans for today but there'll no doubt be some sudoku to occupy my attention and the large Sunday Times crossword to be acted jointly by herself and me 0- but mainly herself.


and according to one Sunday 'paper it looks like the next stage is going to be to restrict unnecessary movement of people out of high infection rate areas.  I bet that'll get as much notice paid to it as already happens with politicos and their puppeteers.



Have a godo day one and all and stay safe.


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