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Early Risers.


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Exactly, Don.

Complete with a lump of homemade cake.

I have learned over the years.

There is a succession of elderly ladies knocking on the door with these 'gifts' at this time of year.

They go straight on the bird table (which lists further as a result).

The fact that they usually get a bottle of Raffle Quality wine in return probably encourages them but is bought especially for the purpose.

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"Raffle Quality wine" I love that qualification! I wonder could it be used in a "Guide to Wine" book? One might then have to designate the source of the raffle.

Boy Scouts raffle, Church raffle, Society Charity drive" and so on..

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I see now that there are advantages to living on a dual carriageway ...


Don't you get tired of dodging the traffic?


Eeeh when I wer't lad, we used t' live in't shoe box in't middle of t'road!

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"You was lucky to have a shoe box. We had to curl up in't potholes."


And you try tellin' t'kids of today that, an they won't believe ya!


(Sincere apologies to Monty Python's Four Yorkshiremen!)

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  • RMweb Premium

I am, possibly, a bit unusual when it comes to Christmas, as I try to put everything away after the event carefully - allow the outside lights to dry off, and put them back carfully coiled in the box - and also the inside ones. Means that there is a bit less chance that I will be fighting to get them to work. Also, the cards are usually written in November, and dus to the distances involved, many family presents are wrapped and delivered by September - also Mrs 45156 and I also try to buy all the presents in the January sales, then store them until needed - we still allocate the same spend as we would at Christmas, so people get a much better quality gift than they would otherwise (although I'm Scottish, I'm not all that tight and the Christmas spend just happens at a different time, and is a similar amount).


Wow - currently no oktas, and no leaks.



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  • RMweb Premium

And you try tellin' t'kids of today that, an they won't believe ya!


(Sincere apologies to Monty Python's Four Yorkshiremen!)


It is funny you should say that but when at college as a mature student I actually recounted my early childhood; outside toilet, cold running water, no central heating, a coal fire to cook with, a pig in the orchard owned by the landlord a two up two down house with only one door and no electrical appliances at all. It was all completely unbelieveable to students only 10 years younger than me.

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  • RMweb Premium

Don't you get tired of dodging the traffic?


Eeeh when I wer't lad, we used t' live in't shoe box in't middle of t'road!


Nah need for a shoebox as there's plenty o' room amongst the trees in the central reservation. I 'aint no Injun neither!




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I am, possibly, a bit unusual when it comes to Christmas, as I try to put everything away after the event carefully - allow the outside lights to dry off, and put them back carfully coiled in the box - and also the inside ones. Means that there is a bit less chance that I will be fighting to get them to work. Also, the cards are usually written in November, and dus to the distances involved, many family presents are wrapped and delivered by September - also Mrs 45156 and I also try to buy all the presents in the January sales, then store them until needed - we still allocate the same spend as we would at Christmas, so people get a much better quality gift than they would otherwise (although I'm Scottish, I'm not all that tight and the Christmas spend just happens at a different time, and is a similar amount).


Wow - currently no oktas, and no leaks.




Mind you, make sure you get them between Christmas and New Year before VAT goes back up to 17.5%...!

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I am, possibly, a bit unusual when it comes to Christmas, as I try to put everything away after the event carefully - allow the outside lights to dry off, and put them back carfully coiled in the box - and also the inside ones. Means that there is a bit less chance that I will be fighting to get them to work. Also, the cards are usually written in November, and dus to the distances involved, many family presents are wrapped and delivered by September - also Mrs 45156 and I also try to buy all the presents in the January sales, then store them until needed - we still allocate the same spend as we would at Christmas, so people get a much better quality gift than they would otherwise (although I'm Scottish, I'm not all that tight and the Christmas spend just happens at a different time, and is a similar amount).


Wow - currently no oktas, and no leaks.




These days that's probably one of the most sensible ways to deal with christmas, giving people beter gifts without spending any more money. As long as it's not the latest must have toy/gadget!!

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Morning All,


Amen to the shortest day coming along soon! This morning, the weather here is disgusting. There's a cold wind, and it is chucking it down with very cold rain.


I have also got another all day meeting!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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Agree with you, Robert, awful weather it is. Wll most likely head to the uni later on to pick up my certificate - wonder how I'll be feeling then, holding proof of my having completed a chapter of my life in my hands... :unsure:


Later ;) .

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I have a Xmas tree with a serious attitude problem. According to the box it is 'frosty with balls'



Wll most likely head to the uni later on to pick up my certificate


Don't you have a formal ceremony Dominik?

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Morning all, just about to head north to Shortliner territory again...


Getting the 0833 up to Inverness for a meeting where I'll probably have about 2 minutes' worth of input. Next time I'm asking to videoconference in from Edinburgh...


Just a thought, BoD - do you / did you teach in P'lee? Just wondered if you ever taught my two younger cousins...

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  • RMweb Premium

Don't you have a formal ceremony Dominik?



Most German unis have done away with such ceremonies long ago, though some institutes will hold farewell parties on their own expense. I think the English Studies Institute does, but only by the end of any one term - which, in this case, won't be before March.

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