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May I suggest one of the  larger species of parrot if you want to avoid having to continually replace pets as they shuffle off this mortal coil. If my one lives to its stated captive lifespan   my son will be inheriting him. 


They can be pretty loud but.


I remember in the early '70's a mature aged  couple moved in across the road. They had a pet galah, and on their loungeroom bookcase they  had a framed photo of the ladies father on the day in 1919 that he  returned  from the trenches of WW1 France.  On his shoulder was the same galah..


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Mooring awl,  Inner Temple Hare, 

6.5hours solid sleep,  helped by taking two ibuprofen when I didn't intend to,  the latest batch is not in little pink pill format,  but are identical in shape and form as the metformin pills.  The tinfoil  packs are currently similar too. 

Once I had two in my mouth I realised the taste was different,  put my glasses on  and found out was different.. So I took metformin as well as the ibuprofen .

This means less aches and pains overnight,  my hands have only slightly noticed the fact it's bucketing down out there,  and a solid nights sleep. 


It's an early poets day today,  but the landrover  is needed to paddle in, as wood is required for shelf building, it will be inside work looking at the forecast for Friday. If the orange shed cutting machine isn't working,  I'll still buy the sheet timber required but it will slow construction. 


As the second oldest of my generation of the family including cousins, we are all still around,  except for one that died soon after birth.  The oldest I still have slight contact with as she's on the family messenger page and appears on the facebook feed, she's  living down in the Reading area with her own family. 


Time I think for breakfast... 




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5 hours ago, J. S. Bach said:

That is easy, DO NOT let the cat out!


I'd given some thought to that, but for me it seems very unfair to the kittie to effectively keep him prisoner all his life :(

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There's not many passenger Jumbos left, but the freighters will continue for some years.


 A 777 can carry more passengers than the original Jumbo , with only two engines, a lot less fuel and maintenance costs, so it's not a surprise..

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Ey up!

Chuckinitdarn here...


The Gasman cometh ..again...


Parcels are also due..her indoors is off volunteering so I may have a quiet day. Hurrah!!!


I would love to have a dog as a pet.. but we have been away in recent years for up to 3 months a year.. not fair on the dog... saw a lovely rottweiller yesterday...sigh....



Now lets be up and atem today good people!

Stay safe, enjoy your day!


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17 minutes ago, polybear said:

On the radio just now:  The last two BA Jumbo's are off to the scrappie's today :cray_mini:

The end of an era, that's for sure.

No great tears from here. We felt we didn't get the best of their fleet on the Heathrow-Vancouver route when they were regulars on it. Often delayed due to equipment problems (one pulled out of the takeoff lineup at Heathrow due to "navigation equipment failure"!!, having already been delayed by equipment problems in the galley), cabin lighting, entertainment systems not working etc.

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A bit damp here but not raining at present.


Hopefully it isn't too wet to our first stop today which is at the old Ellesmere station to get photos.


Then visit a brewery for more impending Covid restrictions supplies on our way to Chester.

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Good morning all,

Breezy here and more rain due and there's a chance of some sunny spells this afternoon.

Three bin lorries due, one appeared at the end of the road 30 minutes ago and then disappeared so I'm guessing it's a different driver doing it his way.  Probably going round the block and coming in the other end.*  Anything for a change! 

Two delayed parcels arrived and two more arrived early.  Nothing else due apart from Sainsbury's delivery in about half an hour.  We're popping over to Steve's after that to drop off a couple of items he couldn't get.

Have a good one,



*Yep, they're back.







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Blowin a bit of a hoolie this mornin, so I ain't gonin a walkin today.:fie:

Plus the fact that I couldn't get to sleep last night, so was messin about  on me Flip Flop until 04.15 and then decided it might be prudent to try and at least get some sleep before the rest of today got under way.

Time for Blood Pressure check, ablutions and breakfast me finks.:good:

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1 hour ago, polybear said:

On the radio just now:  The last two BA Jumbo's are off to the scrappie's today :cray_mini:

The end of an era, that's for sure.

We flew home from Denver tonLondon on a BA jumbo last year my first flight in a BA one. My first ever flight was in a CP Air Jumbo from Manchester to Toronto in 1978. My brother started with BOAC on VC10's then converted to Jumbos after a few years. So it is a bit of an end of an era.  


Anyway yesterday went well.  The frame of the swing was erected and the fixing holes marked out. I managed to dig one hole through the tree roots and rocks. I will attempt another one or two today depending on the weather.  Some more tidying in the shed may take place.  Not a lot else to report.


Regards to all.



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Morning all.

Food and parcels are arriving today. Only one substitution on the food order, the oven chips will be 1.5kg instead of 1kg. 
The parcel is a new android tablet for Aditi. She never wanted a tablet but accessing Essex Library online and permanent access to weather and world news persuaded her to use an old one of mine. It is now failing so a new one was ordered. She opted for free 5 day delivery instead of £6 next day courier. The free delivery is next day DHL anyway. 
I think the rain has stopped a little earlier than forecast. Garden looks quite damp though. 

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Morning, SWMBO had a feral kitten that lasted for over 20 years, more wild than a pet really, but not replaced, she killed far too many animals in our gardens and we didn't want a house cat either, similar thoughts to the Bear. Only "pet" I ever had was a Saker Falcon that I flew for 8 years, she was lure bound so didn't hunt, but was flown most days back in the 1980's when I was fit enough to hurdle 5 bar gates when she went for a wander. Kept us both very fit lol.

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Good morning everyone 


The rain has stopped and the sun is shining. As there is no more rain forecast for the day, I’m off to start rebuilding the shelving for the shed, I may be some time. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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Morning, Mrs H on to her bus, and a wee walk around town completed.


I have several cousins, two of whom are very, very rich indeed (self made millionaires), but they're mostly 'darn sarf' in the UK and one in Germany so we have little contact these days.  


Thinking about the 747's, it brings age into focus, as the first time we went to New Zealand on holiday it was on an Air NZ brand spanking new 747-400, on it's first revenue earning flight - the crew were very proud of it.  It'll be recycled into Nissan radiators by now I suppose.  My first flights in my Merch days were on Tridents and 707's....eeek!


I had my flu jab on Monday and have not been quite 100% since, with achey joints more than usual and lethargy turned up to 10.  Today does see an improvement, with a bit more life in the old bod.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. My first (and only) flights in a 747 was way back in 1979 to JFK. It was with BA and I must admit that the amount of space provided even in cattle class was very good but back then they only carried just short of 300 passengers. The only gripe was that they showed the same Star Trek film there and back. There was supposed to be a different film coming home but they had a problem with the new fangled video tape player. Bin day today, I heard the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon early on and its companions are audibly about. Tea to be drunk, be back later.

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Morning all.


A slightly earlier appearance here as I am not playing at the House of Fun but instead preparing for the Great Trip West which commences tomorrow.  We have been biting our nails over whether or not Boris would allow us to go.  Even at this stage something may be announced on Monday which may force us to return early but we hope not.  Thus far we are in a lesser-infected area (though it's rising) and are destined for an area of low infection.  




Ours was an RSPCA rescue at the age of 18 months.  Our previous two were also rescues at young ages.  Currently His Lordship is 6 1/2 and has always been a house-cat.  In Australia he had access via a flap which he was frightened of to a secure outdoor area.  Here he lives indoors as there is no flap.  He has become accustomed to the outside area of the Terrace from which ha cannot see much apart from through the picket-gate and up to the sky.  New this year is a gradual introduction to walks outside under our supervision.  As he is naturally wary he hasn't bolted or simply out-run us, one of us is always between him and the gate and he comes inside when called.  Once a cat-person always a cat-person in my mind.  Upon the loss of a family member I would suggest waiting a short while and then visiting the local RSPCA or making contact with the Cat's Protection League or another reputable animal shelter.   



Jumbo Jets


Thank goodness they are a part of history.  A game-changer when they first appeared and they have outlasted many other types but they were noisy beasts.  Were any fitted with the latest "whispering" style of engine?  Living right beneath the Heathrow take-off path if the wind is in the eastern half we suffer a good deal of aircraft noise.  One of the benefits of the Covid emergency has been quiet skies.  Even now most flights out of LHR are smaller aircraft with a steeper flight path and which therefore overfly the Hill of Strawberries at a greater and less disturbing altitude.  They are also not carrying a full payload.  The occasional A380 has returned and will be very low over us and with engines on full thrust they make quite a racket.  The 747s were screamers and not only deafened us but shook the place.  Their passing will not be lamented here.  I flew on some; they were cramped inside compared with the A340 and 777ERs we more often flew on at the time.  We have been spoiled in recent years by the well-appointed and quite generous seating which Emirates offer on their A380s.  

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