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Morning all.

It may have been raining all night as it was when we closed the curtains last night and opened them this morning. Garden looks suitably watered and I don’t think the new hose will be required for the hanging basket. 
I haven’t been informed of any tasks today, though I suspect a walk will be suggested even if it continues to rain. We have lots of clothing for wet weather. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up with a wunny dose so not much will be done today. ChrisF, hotels are usually fully booked up for Christmas by now. I know because I tried to book a Christmas stay a few years ago a bit earlier in the year than now. Best bet is to sign up for the Travelzoo newsletter for last minute bookings and at bargain prices too.

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2 hours ago, BokStein said:



Having seen puddles lakes in places I've not seen puddles before, my guess is that there has been a little precipitation recently!


£sd - a wonderful mix of bases 12 and 20 (21 if you can stretch to guineas!). Where would sport and the railways be without imperial measurements?


Cricket pitch = 1 chain (22 yards)

Railways: 80 chains = 1 mile

Horse racing: 1 furlong = 10 chains, 8 furlongs = 1 mile.


As for weight, bases abound!


16oz = 1lb

14lb = 1 stone

8 stone = 1 cwt (hundredweight)

20cwt = 1 ton.


At least with the SI system, Napoleon did not get his way with 400 degrees in a circle!

Yes I remember them well from primary school. the joys of having to learn how to do long division of pounds shillings and pence (there I used the posh full name as lsd has acquired another meaning).  Also tables had to be learnt.  1 to 12 times plus 14's and 16's.



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2 hours ago, Barry O said:

Need to re-book the Gasman. In "fixing" our problem he knocked the pressurised  water tank thermostat off.






Nah, 'course he didn't.  Must've been faulty/done by someone else/insert other excuse.  He could fix it - for a price....


1 hour ago, grandadbob said:

"If you want me to cook some breakfast you better get a move on!"  So a move on I got!  :rolleyes:  Now suitably refuelled with eggs, bacon, tomatoes, toast and coffee I can face the world.



What, no sausages, chips, beans and fried bread?  You've been robbed....

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1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Woke up with a wunny dose so not much will be done today. ChrisF, hotels are usually fully booked up for Christmas by now. I know because I tried to book a Christmas stay a few years ago a bit earlier in the year than now. Best bet is to sign up for the Travelzoo newsletter for last minute bookings and at bargain prices too.


Thanks, Phil.  It didn't look too good while I was googling yesterday.  I'm already in 'he who expects nothing' mode.  Travelzoo rings a bell ...



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4 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

I though the firkin was also a measure of excess.


As in "Too firkin hot", "Too firkin heavy", ...

18 gallons X 8.3 pounds is,  150lbs ish  plus no doubt the weight of an iron bound oak barrel, yes for me that's too firkin heavy... 


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  • RMweb Premium
12 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Son has just been telling me of a customer's installation of a gas hob he condemned.

  • DIY job
  • Owner had coupled hob to gas supply with hose meant for taps.
  • Should have been stainless armoured.
  • And it leaked.
  • So he used gaffer tape.
  • He ensures that he takes photos of the "before".




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1 hour ago, The Stationmaster said:

And so to £sd.  ..... miles, chains, and yards - beautifully simple system to understand and of course it fitted nicely with mph.  And we still seem to manage quite well with multipliers of 60 or 24 when it comes to time - which is dead easy to convert into mph, one simple division you can do in your head.

And "A mile a minute" or 60mph was very easy to reckon as "Even time" namely travelling 60 miles in 60 minutes or the equivalent of that over a shorter distance.  


I have never had a problem with Imperial measures.  I can recite rods, poles, perches, chains, furlongs and most of the others which were still in common use 50 - 70 years ago.  I even explain to our younger staff today what a "chain" is when they enquire about those numbers you see painted along the railway or structure plates with a cryptic message such as "6m 17c" on them.  I think in "old money" though prefer not to convert it by relative value these days as it makes a takeaway coffee seem even more expensive than it is.  Currently £2:6:4d to the nearest (old) penny.  I'm sure it used to be 3d in Lyon's Corner Houses. :O 


I worked in cellarage for a short time and knew the sizes there too.  Albeit we invariably referred to them as "an 11", "a 22" or a "36".  


Where is the array of nicknames for our currency today?  Where, for instance, is the tanner or bob?  And how many below a certain age have the slightest idea what a florin was or how proud a child would have been to receive a half-crown pressed into the palm by a visiting uncle as a gift.  


Time for this old fart to brew another muggertee.  And yes, it is still raining.  

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  • RMweb Gold
19 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

d "A mile a minute" or 60mph was very easy to reckon as "Even time" namely travelling 60 miles in 60 minutes or the equivalent of that over a shorter distance.  

Strangely enough 60kph is a kilometre a minute...

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  • RMweb Gold
27 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:



Where is the array of nicknames for our currency today?  Where, for instance, is the tanner or bob?  And how many below a certain age have the slightest idea what a florin was or how proud a child would have been to receive a half-crown pressed into the palm by a visiting uncle as a gift.  



Bob of course is still very much with us - but he's a Grandad now. ;)

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