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Morning all, proper raining stair rods out there, Tescos due to deliver later, so I doubt we will go far today, still buzzing after yesterdays wildlife adventure in the Cairngorms, watching wildlife at work even if a bit distant is certainly one step up from watching it on the goggle box. Enjoy your day and stay safe if you can.

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  • RMweb Gold
1 hour ago, Happy Hippo said:



I should emulate GDB and go to my large expensive shed and do some work, although in my case it will be to see whether our neighbour's electric steam iron is repairable.


Hmmm.  I haven't managed to get there yet because after breakfast The Boss suddenly decided she wanted to start online shopping for an event in December.  As she doesn't "do" computers this meant that yours truly had to sit dutifully beside her and type out her orders etc.  Only just finished!  :banghead:

I will now try to get there after a much needed muggacoffee.... actually I'll take it with me before she thinks of something else.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. It certainly poured down last night and has only just stopped. Will have to venture out later for a few necessities but not much else to do but fit the catch to the ex coal shed door. I've found a problem with that in that I will have to remove the old catch and handle. There's probably a hidden screw or two somewhere and those that are visible are under several coats of paint.  Time now for one more muggatee, be back later.

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4 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Just a thought, what happens if Donald Trump was to die between now and polling day?

The Constitution allows for Mike Pence to take over as President to fill out the existing term. That's the easy bit. Quite what would happen to the election I don't know but I suspect that a lot of Lawyers would make a lot of money.



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  • RMweb Gold
12 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Just a thought, what happens if Donald Trump was to die between now and polling day?


I don't know the US Constitution well enough. But given their fondness for shooting Presidents, I would think that it must be covered.

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21 minutes ago, Happy Hippo said:

I asked the same question on Google and this seemed the most readable result:



19 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:


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Afternoon awl, 

It was merely raining,  but now qualifies as Dreich as its Misty as well.. 


On climbing the ladder I found the remains of a very broken hook for the telephone wire attachment,  unable to remove it, I've screwed in a very large stainless screw bent into a hook for the wire.  At least it means if something bigger than the landrover comes in it won't take the phone wire with it. 


This morning I observed the orange shed had deleted the entry for the blue mosaic tiles we were using in the BBQ area. So I paddled down to the BBq and counted the minimum number of tiles we need to make sensible finish to the pattern. I think we can just make it with what we've got.  That does means we need something else for the other side of the patio. So do we go for a close match or a complete contrast? I have not heard from the jury on that yet...


After that since I was wet anyway,  I hoisted up the boat,  a bit difficult as the wind kept twisting the boats position.  Got there in the end,  so the boat is now 32 inches above ground level instead of 12, allowing fitting the keel weight spreading plank to be fitted weather permitted. 

I should with a little digging be able to fit the keel as well. 


The Ben insisted I take him for the long walk,,   wet comparatively warm,  ideal mozzie weather,  I got bitten 3 times on the face, once on an eyelid  and once on a thumb going down the lane,  so I resorted to cross country through the ex cornfield on the way back.


A row of 8 large trees which were on the leeward side of the lane were all toppled,  some had snapped, some pulled up their roots , they are down in the small valley,  that must have been some gust that snapped the oak tree in our garden,  took tiles off our roof,  and blew down those trees. 


Of the tiles I've discovered they are a French design,  that were common 100+ years ago,  I've found one place with them 50 miles away,  but I'll try the nearer in Norwich reclaim yard first. 


The farmer has extended the concrete pan with building rubble which from observation includes white and blue wall tiles , glass and..., 1 Lego brick. 


During the typing of this,  a glass of red has disappeared , I will. Now see if the mozzie has got through my eye lids.. 

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

Just a thought, what happens if Donald Trump was to die between now and polling day?


With such elderly candidates (saving your reverences) one would think this would be something that ought to be thought through even in ordinary times.

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33 minutes ago, polybear said:

Bear weighed in at 83/84Kg back in March, now down to 72Kg :happy_mini:  Diet?  Dream on.  Exercise?  Nope.  Garden and DIY?  Yep.


Domestic chores (indoors or out) use a lot of energy and are much more productive* (based on the end results) than 'going down the gym'!


*you feel you've achieved something as you can see a change and so can everyone else!

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13 minutes ago, BokStein said:



Domestic chores (indoors or out) use a lot of energy and are much more productive* (based on the end results) than 'going down the gym'!


*you feel you've achieved something as you can see a change and so can everyone else!


AFAIC, gyms are a waste of time and money if you're living a 'normal' life!

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  • RMweb Premium
48 minutes ago, BokStein said:


AFAIC, gyms are a waste of time and money if you're living a 'normal' life!


Well, that depends on your idea of a normal life. If:

  1. a normal life involves tramping 10 miles a day over the fells keeping tabs on your sheep, or
  2. a normal life involves a full English breakfast in the morning and pie and chips and six pints in the pub in the evening,

you're probably right.

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