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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Mrs Stationmaster often talks about 'moving back home' (same home town as Brian USA although she left it a lot later than he did and has a family history stretching way back on the other side of the Tamar).  But it is a bit on the remote side for all sorts of things and decent property is not exactly cheap.   The same goes for the better coastal areas of Wales, always nice to visit but living there is different from holiday visits although again it depends very much on what your interests are.  . But the more remote coastal areas are ideal if you are happy to stay in one place most of the time and can put up with the summer invading hordes and the winter weather.

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Rain pounding on the roof woke me up this morning at 0430, it was a real frog-strangler and kept on coming down. I decided not to make my usual Friday food/breakfast run at 0645 (Walmart opens at 0700) but it subsided around 0615 so everything was accomplished. Plenty of time now to catch up on ER.

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  • RMweb Premium
8 hours ago, polybear said:

 ...snip... Whilst it won't recover lost emails, one option would be to include your own email address as a recipient on all emails; these can then be moved into an archive folder for safe keeping.  Works for me. ...snip...


7 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

 ...snip... Chrisf, have you thought of installing a email handling system such as Thunderbird that then allows you to store your emails on your own computer. I did that when Virgin media started getting silly and it works well.

Regards to all.


I use Thunderbird (81.0b4 32 bit) and created archive folders. I then copy any received/sent emails to the appropriate folder. As PB says: "Works for me." And no lost emails.

Edited by J. S. Bach
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  • RMweb Premium
8 hours ago, roundhouse said:

Morning from a breezt and damp Surrey.

 ...snip... Next pub insisted that we downloaded the NHS app in the doorway despite us asking to sign in with pen and paper ...snip...

And what happens if, like me, one does not have an activated cell phone? :huh:


Note: I only use mine now (and that only very rarely) as a camera.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Something weird going on, I switched on RMweb and I have it set to threads I have posted in. Only problem was Early Risers was nowhere to be seen on the listing despite re-loading the page. So I opened one of the other threads read it and came out but still no Early Risers and the same happened with the other threads. I then opened another RMweb tab and the same happened there. I then went into my notifications (on the second tab) and managed to get into Early Risers from there. I then went to the first tab and re-loaded and Early Risers re-appeared. It seems to be OK at the moment but I wonder if other threads are in hiding.

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  • RMweb Premium
6 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

 ...snip...Have you considered flying to mainland Greece (Athens) and then taking a ferry? It may take 7-8 hrs but overnight in a cabin could be a relaxing way to start (and end) a holiday.   ...snip...

You beat me to it; I was going to suggest Athens also and the ferry (still the Kydon?) to Chania; the overnight second-class cabins were quite nice and the food reasonable and good. If one is really cheap thrifty, deck class (third-class?) was nice also, at least in the summer. Actually, there were at least two ships on the Athens-Chania run as one left each end daily for the overnight trip, 2200 to about 0630 or so. Please note that this was back in 1972!!!


6 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

 ...snip... You poor bear. Arthritis is a real bu99er

To be pedantic, “Arthritis” is an umbrella term and includes osteoarthritis (aka Arthrosis), rheumatoid arthritis and gout - which is why you’re getting blood test - to help get a definitive diagnosis. Treatment differs according to type. ...snip...

And to all, may this Friday truly be a POETS day



So far, I have been lucky, I do not have Art or Bruce although Dad suffered from both.


PS: POETS has meant to me Postpone Everything, Today's Saturday. Of course, other words may be substituted! :yahoo_mini:

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

 ...snip... He can join his mate Chump and have a syrup stitched in as well.

There is a strong resemblance even now. :jester:

PS: I am sorry to say that your present PM is the first one that I could name since Mrs. Thatcher was in office. And that is only because I have read so much about him here.

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  • RMweb Premium
3 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

I have a device inherited from my parents that has opened every lid that I've used it on. Its a simple straight flat bar with a hook at one end and a sliding ratchet. I just hook it over the lid, pull the ratchet so that it grips the lid and then it acts as a lever.

I have seen them; as an aside, Dad would use a rather large pipe wrench when Mother needed help with a recalcitrant lid. :biggrin_mini:

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  • RMweb Gold
20 minutes ago, J. S. Bach said:

And what happens if, like me, one does not have an activated cell phone? :huh:


Note: I only use mine now (and that only very rarely) as a camera.

I presume the pub would use their right to forbid entry. They can do this as long as their reason is not from a list of discriminatory practices. The track and trace was only released nationally yesterday so I suspect it will take a day or so for everyone to get it settled. Someone could I suppose start a rumpus on the doorstep, get Tasered by the police and end up on the Pubwatch list and solve the problem by being banned more widely. 
MiL was taken out for coffee yesterday in a hotel by Aditi’s sister. Reservation by phone, fill out paper form as she didn’t have her phone with her. 

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Moaning - and truly worthwhile it seems...


Nothing to report from yesterday, BUT, called the big box store to check on my shed delivery for today, goes like this;

Me: "Hi, I'm checking on the shed order I placed on the 11th. with delivery on the 25th."

Them: "Ah, someone called on the 12th and didn't manage to contact you...the delivery date on the online order is only an 'estimate'"

Me: "Pity it doesn't SAY that then, there was no indication I needed to follow up"

Them: "No problem, we can deliver it tomorrow" - checks delivery address, hangs up :O


Well, it would be NO PROBLEM if I wasn't expecting to start pre-assembly TODAY, as I have family coming to help tomorrow - cockwombles :(


Well, I'll POETS anyway as we have a neighborhood gathering in someones' front garden/yard around 5 :)


Sunny and 15 first thing, headed for 28 later.


Hope the weekend start well for everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Before making my last post I should have read the notice at the top. I met my friend in Tess Coes this afternoon, the first time in six months (though we have communicated by phone a couple of times each month). His daughter is now in a care home, fortunately not to far away in Billericay. One hears of young people like her being placed hundreds of miles away from their families and then being locked up 24/7, we treat murderers and rapists better. 

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I've just gone out to check that there's nothing amiss what with the wind blowing a hooley outside. The side gate which I mentioned has a small pile of bricks holding it shut and I've moved the garden wheelie bin close to the back of the house to stop it doing walkabout. At least the gutters on my house are pretty secure, they're thick concrete slabs (Finlock) it would take a lot of wind to shift them. 



Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Premium

Very windy here but it has been sunny most of the day. Now just..cold!


As we the good people of Leeds are in a "Local Lockdown" I checked for the things we can and can't do.. clear as mud and totally random it seems..


BUT we can still play our final cricket tomorrow.. PAH!!  It is really weird - are the Aliens now in Control?



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A pleasant visit to the station last night to watch (camera batteries failed) a Class 60 (60 055) pass through with a revenue freight train rather than Notwork Fail supplies. Apparently, first pass by a Class 60 and first revenue train for six years! The usual gang were there to record it. With works at this station this weekend, more engineering trains are due.


9 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

I'd better not mention that three months today is Christmas Day.


I noticed the Chinese Secret Service were evident in my local supermarket this evening - Ming Spies! (What a shame the groan button only applies to the whole post ;) )


2 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Something weird going on, I switched on RMweb and I have it set to threads I have posted in. Only problem was Early Risers was nowhere to be seen on the listing despite re-loading the page. So I opened one of the other threads read it and came out but still no Early Risers and the same happened with the other threads. I then opened another RMweb tab and the same happened there. I then went into my notifications (on the second tab) and managed to get into Early Risers from there. I then went to the first tab and re-loaded and Early Risers re-appeared. It seems to be OK at the moment but I wonder if other threads are in hiding.


I have bookmarked "View New Content" on my RMW link and often notice that its content may vary, sometimes including, sometime excluding threads which you have just visited in a previous session.


I've also noted that the time frame seems a tad random; I have seen it jump, when loading new activity, directly from, say, 1 hour ago to, say, 6 years ago! Probably more a function (feature?) of the engine hosting the forum, I guess.


2 hours ago, Tony_S said:

I presume the pub would use their right to forbid entry. They can do this as long as their reason is not from a list of discriminatory practices.


To me, not being allowed in because your 'phone does not support apps is discrimination.

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  • RMweb Gold

When my  Dad had a pub in the 50s he always said he could refuse to serve anybody without giving a reason and on a few occasions he did and said afterwards he just didn't like the look of them!  His reasoning was that although it was called a public house it was in fact his house and he was allowed (by law) to decide who entered.


This oldish article from the trade paper The Morning Advertiser seems to back this up but things may have changed recently.

Perhaps Joseph could spell out the current laws/regulations for us?



Edited by grandadbob
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