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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Mainly blue sky and the sun has made an appearance. A fine day is in prospect.

I've been "missing" since Saturday but only because I just didn't get around to posting.

Busy weekend included watching rugby, some good and some not so much.  Not so much included Sale v Quins last night with the latter managing once again to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the Premiership Rugby Cup Final.

Saturday night saw us saying farewell to Joe before he left for University.  His parents delivered him on Sunday and from the photos sent back his quarters look extremely nice and comfortable and his 5 housemates are a friendly bunch who've made him very welcome.  NIcki doesn't normally shed tears but got quite emotional  and did cry when the time came to say goodbye.

First up today will be a visit to the bank to obtain a bit of cash and I'll also pop into the nearby excellent butcher to pick up some steak.

After that I will be mainly washing the car which, although it hasn't had much use, is filthy.  Possibly because I don't think it's been cleaned since the beginning of lockdown!   Slapped wrist for Bob, it's not as though I haven't had the time.

Talking of "Nelson's Blood" I leave you with this:



Have a good one,




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7 minutes ago, jamie92208 said:

... the distaff side won't listen to anyone except 'karen from farcebook'....

Ah, yes, farcebook.... One of the curses of modern life. Apart from the unpleasant, entitled, arrogance of the founder (a good example being how he behaved when in front of a Senate committee in the US), what could have been a useful social platform has become a particularly large rock under which skulk assorted unpleasantness: such as conspiracy theorists, political extremists, peddlers of lies, disinformation and plain out right untruths as well as purveyors of offers that are too good to be true... Against which, Nigerian scammers trying to get you to invest in recovering a Nigerian Prince’s Fortune seem positively benign.

And less we forget, twatter has elevated narcissism to beyond an art form. Apart from the fact that most people do not have anything to say that would be interesting to anyone outside theIr circle of family and friends, there is also the matter that there is not very much you can say in 280 characters. Nuance, subtlety and reason are conspicuously absent.
Sadly, both platforms amply illustrate the unpleasant stupidity (or is that stupid unpleasantry) of much of humanity. Individuals, for the most part, are benign and nice; but get them together en masse and much nastiness can (and too often does) occur.
Sometimes, in my more cynical and misanthropic moments, I do wonder what ever happened to good ole Eugenics :devil::jester:

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8 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

That's a  very nice Andy Burnham you have there. Would it be presumptuous to suppose you have another Andy Burnham on the other side of the step to match it?

Thanks, but no, on the of the step is a smaller pot with an ivy in it. Another Andy would there would make opening the door rather difficult. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

 It is a very pleasant morning here.

My Facebook page seems to be mainly adverts from Amazon, videos of people rescuing animals and old photos of Essex and London. My Twitter timeline is mainly comedic. I don’t understand the thinking behind sending me commercial links to big military drones on Twitter though. 
Aditi is going to take me to Leigh on Sea today to the Heart Failure Clinic. They may or not adjust my medication for pulse and blood pressure (67 and 118/73 just now). Pulse is a bit higher than I think they want me to have but I am nowhere near the target dose for medication yet.  Aditi is taking me as parking there is difficult so she can drop me off and go and park somewhere and I can phone when she needs to return. The first time she took me (pre Covid ) she went to Wetherspoons for a coffee but won’t be doing that this time. 
Have a nice day 


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1 hour ago, grandadbob said:

Talking of "Nelson's Blood" I leave you with this:


A couple of years before the tragic death of Trevor Grills at Guildford, which was a great loss indeed (was it really seven years ago now?)


Morning all


I was just about getting caught up yesterday and about to post when there was a shout from downstairs, "The dog's wee'd on the settee" which of course resulted in a rapid logoff and switch off of the computer to tackle the said mess.


So new what happened yesterday - well, apart from the said mess, not a great deal, with 30747 at work - how I wish she wasn't in the present climate, but the pre-school is taking precautions over the admission of kids - temperature checks, phased arrivals, and separation of the age groups..


Today, we have loads of matters medical, as 30747 has a blood test, then an emergency dentist's appointment, and the dog has a visit to the vet as her ears are again troubling her.  Nothing medical for me - though I must try to get a face to face appointment with a Dr, as I have to sort out various things - and given that several of my friends are having prostate trouble, and I haven't had mine checked for a couple of years, I'll try to make an appointment.


Due to restart at LASAR as the shop has finally re-opened, and at the manager's request, I am doing Fridays instead of Mondays - though how that matters as to numbers, social distancing etc when I'm in a back room on my own sorting books, I have no idea, but the Trustees of the charity seem to be all over the place when it comes to deciding on the running of the shop - and of course, we could close again iif the lockdown is reinstated.


Regards to All





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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


Another sunny start to the day, so hopefully I’ll be able to do all the jobs I want to get done in the garden today. There are a few plants that I want to lift and divide, then reposition, as where they are currently, they are hidden by larger plants. 


The rmweb is the closest I come to any form of social media, I’ve never fancied going on either farcebook or twatter, there are too many “big companies” who’ve now jumped on the bandwagon, but I’ve never really seen what was so appealing about them. Also, the number of people I see walking around zombie like looking down at their phones instead of where they’re going really makes me want to shout at them “IS IT THAT BLOODY IMPORTANT!” but I bravely hold my tongue. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



Edited by BSW01
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Music lovers

(particularly those who were raised in the 1960s) - try this for size - the vocals are just to clean and pure that I think even the Beach Boys would have said "well done"



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Someone mentioned Farcebook this morning. When I switched on this morning there was a couple of membership applications for groups that I administer. All that happened when I went in to Farcebook was that it kept buffering. So I disabled the 'old system' and lo and behold it opened on the new system. I then switched the old system extension on again and reloaded and the old system came back.

4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:


Apparently, or so I have read, one of the things that “gave away“ American spies during the Cold War was perfect teeth: a product of both extensive, preventative (and sometimes corrective) dental intervention and a juvenile diet rich in milk.

I recall that my maternal grandfather (and as this is a childhood memory, so my grandfather at the time would not have been more than, say, 50 years of age) already had dentures and this was not uncommon. It would be interesting to learn what percentage of the over 50 population in the UK versus that in the US actually are denture wearers in 2020.



Over fifty years ago I worked with a chap the same age as me (21/22 at the time) who had a complete false set of dentures which quite frankly was appalling even back then. My dad lost all his teeth when he was in his forties due to a gum infection bought about apparently by his war service in Burma. Speaking of which, towards the end of the war, during the push on Rangoon his unit came across some escaped POW's. They had eluded their Japanese captors and had come across an abandoned pineapple plantation. Of course being starved by their captors they fell upon this bounty and as the Japanese were no longer pursuing them they stayed living on a diet of pineapple. When they were rescued and were given normal food their teeth started falling out. Apparently there is an enzyme in pineapple that has a detrimental effect on the teeth and gums.

2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Ah, yes, farcebook.... One of the curses of modern life. Apart from the unpleasant, entitled, arrogance of the founder (a good example being how he behaved when in front of a Senate committee in the US), what could have been a useful social platform has become a particularly large rock under which skulk assorted unpleasantness: such as conspiracy theorists, political extremists, peddlers of lies, disinformation and plain out right untruths as well as purveyors of offers that are too good to be true... Against which, Nigerian scammers trying to get you to invest in recovering a Nigerian Prince’s Fortune seem positively benign.

And less we forget, twatter has elevated narcissism to beyond an art form. Apart from the fact that most people do not have anything to say that would be interesting to anyone outside theIr circle of family and friends, there is also the matter that there is not very much you can say in 280 characters. Nuance, subtlety and reason are conspicuously absent.
Sadly, both platforms amply illustrate the unpleasant stupidity (or is that stupid unpleasantry) of much of humanity. Individuals, for the most part, are benign and nice; but get them together en masse and much nastiness can (and too often does) occur.
Sometimes, in my more cynical and misanthropic moments, I do wonder what ever happened to good ole Eugenics :devil::jester:

As mentioned above Farcebook seems to be reducing to the lowest possible denominator. The new system is aimed at those with the IQ of a gnat. 

Edited by PhilJ W
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Morning all......I like the sound of a "Wareners pie", though I am a pastry addict, but SWMBO has me on rations lol, apparently being just shy of 6 foot 4 and 18 stone I'm big enough without the help of pastry.

Enjoy your day, off out to do .......................something.

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1 hour ago, BSW01 said:

Thanks, but no, on the of the step is a smaller pot with an ivy in it. Another Andy would there would make opening the door rather difficult. 

Oh that's such a pity as having two Andy's either side of the door would have looked very stylish. Good  luck with you lifting and splitting. Now is the best time to do such as it allows the plant time to put out new roots prior to winter.

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20 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

I wonder if that is the reason that the British are reputed to have the worst teeth in Europe, if not the world. Almost as if some people act/think that if they can’t get it  for “free” on the NHS they won’t bother taking care of their teeth...

but I can understand why the NHS might be somewhat reluctant to cover all dental procedures, given a huge amounts of sugary drinks, sweets, confectionary and the like consumed on a daily basis by many people in Britain.

You jammy so-and-so!

I do have one or two good local butchers, one of which gets his pork from a local farmer who feeds his pigs a bottle of beer each day. With the result that they are very happy pigs and very tasty pigs as well.

Where I usually shop it is difficult to get meat on the bone, although occasionally you can get an entire lamb carcass or a quarter lamb carcass to butcher yourself (I’ve done this a number of times - dismembering a quarter lamb carcass that is - and I can tell you it’s not as easy as dismembering a human :jester::biggrin_mini::diablo_mini:  The anatomy being the same, yet very different [if that makes any sense to you.])  I can get, thankfully, entire pork bellies with fat and skin, although not on the bone. And I have to confess, that abundant quantities of slow roast pork belly help to get me through the more challenging months of my diet. It’s surprising how quickly you can go through a 3 1/2 kg pork belly, depending on how I prepare it I might get as much as six meals out of one.


I thought that it was common practice to gut all animals immediately after slaughter; you certainly do that when you shot a deer or a wild boar, even though you may not skin and dress the animal until it has hung for some time. There is an excellent reason reason for getting an animal immediately after slaughter and that is all the cheerful little microbes in the animal’s gastrointestinal system are still happily alive and, worst case scenario, will start consuming the gut contents and happily produce methane  - causing the belly of the ungutted animal to swell and possibly to explode. Furthermore, even if the guts don’t swell and explode, they can leak colonic contents into the abdominal cavity contaminating the meat with little bugs like E. coli (not all E. coli are malicious little pathogens, many are quite beneficial, but in the absence of a proper analytical laboratory , you’d be hard pressed to tell which was friend and which was foe).

Thank you, Mike, for the links to the various butchers, although I am sure they can do mail order, there’s no point in shipping things to Switzerland, even paying a premium for next day airfreight, the Swiss would still impose the limit of 1 kg of meat that can be imported at any time duty-free (apparently they even have tables indicating how much meat contents various items, such as salami, contains. So, apparently, you could import 3 x 1 kg salamis, providing that the meat content  In each salami  does not exceed 330 g of meat).

Game, most surprisingly, does not have a limit as to how much you can import (but given the cost of venison you soon bump into the upper limit of how much you can import into Switzerland in terms of Swiss franc value).

Well, I’m off to have a brandy (the one brandy I can drink by the bucketful comes from my adopted home town of Bologna and is called Vecchia Romagna, Etticheta Nera. An eminently drinkable brandy for very little money.


zum Wohl, mitenand!



3 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Oh that's such a pity as having two Andy's either side of the door would have looked very stylish. Good  luck with you lifting and splitting. Now is the best time to do such as it allows the plant time to put out new roots prior to winter.

Would the ivy be named perhaps i could suggest Ivy Tilsley keeping the Manchester theme

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Been a busy morning so far therapist been and district nurse


Baz i hope you manage to escape back to the better side of the pennines.


Farcebook and twatter are not something i bother with but i do know it can cause massive problems. 


Anyhow im just watching the avengerd on itv4 wondering if the writers were on some sort of mind altering substances at the time 


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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Ah the 120 over 80 syndrome, sorry target at which those with diabetes of the Type 2 variety must aim  and which will upset nursey if not achieved.


Then to Farcebook - well, and as various others on here will know, I am there but under a fake name ( a consequence really of not wishing to make known too widely the fact that I am there but it was handy on one occasion when I posted a few home truths about a certain well known bearded 'entrepreneur' and his pig ignorant involvement with the rail industry).  The reason I joined was to keep an eye on progress back towards normal when RMweb is en panne and it is very useful for that plus things we hear from various folk who don't always post here.  Twatter appears to be aimed at the totally vacuous members of the (in)human race so no need to bother with that nonsense.


I'm not sure what the latest set of so called 'restrictions' are apart from pubs having to close by 22.00 (an interestingly ofd fashioned idea which no doubt  reminds many of us of our youthful years when the pubs closed at ... wait for it. ...  22.00).  And apparently you will have to be served only while sitting at a table - what a delightfully continental idea and you no longer need to go abroad (if you could) to enjoy it.  and that seems to be that unless I'm missing something.    However shutting pubs at 22.00 will apparently be the death knell of the hospitality sector - strange then that there were far more pubs in this town when they had to shut at 22.00 than there have been at any time since.  Oh and you've got to work from home if you can as offices are no longer as safe as they were last week (although it no doubt really relates to the gauntlet folk have to run in order to reach their office).  If that's it, and all of it,  I really can't see why all the existing rule breakers who are busily spreading the virus are getting so upset - maybe it's the threat of bigger fines reduciing their beer and drug spending?


And back to normal real life - today is preparation for bin day tomorrow which could be interesting because shall be trying to have something of a clear out of stuff from the freezer in the garage.  the indoor temperature remains way in excess of the outdoor, even on a fairly sunny day but soem sections of wall are now down to about 18% water content so progress is progressing.


Enjoy the rest of your day folks and stay safe.

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  • RMweb Gold
34 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Those links presented a very difficult choice.  Should I press the laugh button or the groan button?   A difficult one but in the end i decided they were so ridiculous it had to be a laugh in order to remain sane.  The  worrying thing of course is that somebody probably actually used those 'recipes' and made and an ate one of those peculiar conglomerations.  But it would be even more worrying if anybody actually ate them and then praised the 'cook' for their culinary prowess. 

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Chewsday, and with it ... not much at all!


Last evening we (buddy and I) railed on about the state of the US, government in particular and had ample time to complete the destruction of all the idiots before the ladies returned from their book club and we were silenced, and needing to be more "polite" :) :O


Nothing happening today to speak of, the upper mid-west moving briskly towards Autumnal, then Winter, predictions vary so far as to the expected weather here.


Slight warming trend here right now 15 first thing and sunny, heading for 28 for the high.



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Afternoon all, due to a mix of SWMBO feeling sore and the wind blowing a hooley, the bikes were left parked and the "G" word was hit with gusto, I also used a lawn mower, a strimmer and a shredder and some loppers, gardens looking a lot tidier if a tad bare, the gardens seem around 25 percent bigger too.

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  • RMweb Premium
1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

I saw this small-fonted line near the top:

"Note: This article may feature affiliate links to Amazon or other companies, and purchases made via these links may earn us a small commission at no additional cost to you. Find out more here."

And immediately lost all interest in the site and left it. There may have been other hidden traps/spam links there.



1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:


Did we ever eat such stuff....


....and consider ourselves as sophisticated whilst doing so!


Yes, and some of it was actually pretty good; at least to a young kid. As far as the second line, I have absolutely no idea, we never were. :biggrin_mini:





Edited by J. S. Bach
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