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56 minutes ago, polybear said:


Could you interest  your local Councillor to come round and take a look/hear your objections?  They might then light a flame under the ar5es of Buildings Control.......

Sadly, as mentioned earlier, the developer went with a private building control company instead of the council. Little any councillor can do really. All 4 of the local ones in 2 wards filed objections to the HMO with no effect. The response from planning was almost apologetic stating they could find no part of the T&C planning act to allow a refusal. 

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Afternoon awl, 


Sanded and dyed the cockpit combing,  the dye hasn't taken well,  I suspect the varnish coat I tried, had soaked into the mouldings in places and is giving patchy results.  Quite what I'll do about that I don't know. 

The inside of the combing was given a coat of blue paint,  that's revealed more sanding required... 

Deck and hull given a light intercoat sanding then recoated with varnish or paint. 

Stencils applied to stern and paint stippled through,  stencils then removed.  A good representation of what I want. Next week I'll get a artists brush and apply more paint when the stippling has dried and I can't smudge it. . 


Ben the happy Collie took me for a long walk,  although he chose the short route.. 


Dinner is about to arrive.. 


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1 hour ago, AndrewC said:

Sadly, as mentioned earlier, the developer went with a private building control company instead of the council. Little any councillor can do really. All 4 of the local ones in 2 wards filed objections to the HMO with no effect. The response from planning was almost apologetic stating they could find no part of the T&C planning act to allow a refusal. 

Surely the building control company is open to a negilgence claim re the encroachment that you have mentioned. The problems that will ensue could be a minefield if you want to sell your house. I seriously reccomend legal advice and speaking to the neighbour again

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Finally sorted out the airing cupboard, despite disposing of about 25% of the contents its still full. Some more of the contents will be going to the charity shop.

1 hour ago, AndrewC said:

Sadly, as mentioned earlier, the developer went with a private building control company instead of the council. Little any councillor can do really. All 4 of the local ones in 2 wards filed objections to the HMO with no effect. The response from planning was almost apologetic stating they could find no part of the T&C planning act to allow a refusal. 

A private building control company? Surely they should operate within the various building control acts. Simon has just beat me to it but just to say any such company has a duty of care. Not only do as Simon suggested but set in motion legal action to sue the building control company. And don't let the council off the hook so easily either as its ultimately their responsibility.

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  • RMweb Premium
2 hours ago, polybear said:


Any ideas as to why the message has never been seen before, or reported to you?


I have 2 suspicions.


1. The dealer I bought it from knew that I wanted a 3yr old manual diesel with less than 50K on the clock so adjusted things.

2. The carchad bben some sort of lease/fleet car so thevlessor may have adjusted it to raise the resale value.

At thectimevI didn't know much about fault codes. Nor did the guyvwho serviced it for me in the UK for many years. I'd parted company with the dealer after hectold me, with a straight face, a total load of balderdash about how an intercooler worked. I never went back after that. The guy yesterday appeared to know what he was doing and let me see all the codes on screen.   As I said earlier there's notva lot I can do now but I have been very happy with the car. It owes me nothing, has justvgotva CT forvanother 2 years (MOT) so why raid the piggybank until it finally dies. It does everything I need including being comfortable to drive to and from the UK and will tow the twin axle trailer fully loaded, plus it does 50mpg. I am certainly going to have a close look at thd service history  I inherited out of curiosity.



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Sorry for the legalese but what was relaxed in the planning process was the Gpdr general permitted development rights which basically allow homeowners some room to have extension/loft conversion without having to go through planning But they still need to adhere to Building regs.

Another point is this building inspection company employed by the developers or is it under contract to the council. I know some councils have contracted out certain services to the private sector eg Wakefield Council contracted a lot of back office functions to Engie and Waste to Shanks.

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  • RMweb Gold
21 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

Surely the building control company is open to a negilgence claim re the encroachment that you have mentioned. The problems that will ensue could be a minefield if you want to sell your house. I seriously reccomend legal advice and speaking to the neighbour again


I don't think so. They are only there to see that the construction meets the relevant standards.


Totally agree that this is not an issue which can be left alone. It would be a potential nightmare for any future sale.


As much as I feel that our planning system is often too much of a constraint, I totally disapprove of the way that loft extensions have been allowed under permitted development. The skyline of London has been ruined by poorly designed "dormers".

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Afternoon, just, by two minutes! :o


Yesterday, success installing the security camera, altogether a very decent item so I'm well pleased.

We went to our friends for dinner/vino, and he had recovered enough to make it downstairs to their TV room, so we polished off the last two episodes of "Death In Paradise" season 9. We eagerly await the availability of season 10 over here...


Today, just about to depart for Trevor and Meagans' to install her "chicken cam", so she can watch/monitor/check on her chickens "at all times"!

Later I'm informed I NEED a haircut - apparently I'm starting to look embarrassingly shaggy, and since the barber is the Mrs herself, I'm ordered to present myself for a trim.


12 when I retrieved the newspaper this AM, heading for 24 and partly sunny all day.


Enjoy the rest of the day.


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Always interested to learn of things which allegedly 'taste like chicken' in the faint hope that it might be true because alas nowadays it very often can't be said of chicken (although we do know where to get reasonably decent tasting ones, fortunately).   Far better tho' is the sound of Flavio's rabbit recipe - a proper meal based around an excellent meat although hare tends to have a little more flavour (especially the the dish io had in a restaurant in Berne 20 odd years ago.   And of course the game season is just about upon our continental neighbours - something I used to enjoy immensely about SNCF and SNCB staff restaurants at this time of year.


The wanderers have returned having had an enjoyable time on the Exe estuaryside at Starcrss and last night they visited on eof my favourite eateries - 'The Swan' at Exminster where the roast was always a good option especially if you took advantage and had lamb, pork, and beef at the same time on your plate.  it seems the 'help yourself' to veg element has however gone the way of most good things.  So dinner tehis evening was some sort of M&S quickie thing from a motorway service area shopping arcade and the macaroni chesse had clearly had the chees part of the recipe worked out by someone who didn't understand how that dish should taste (the hint is in the word 'cheese'.


And with herself home it will be back to three in the bed tonight (because the cat wil have to share with two humans instead of one - of course you knew that was what I meant,  didn't you?)


Enjoy the rest of t your day folks and stay safe (apparently Devon wasn't too bad at all in that respect).

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3 hours ago, AndrewC said:

Sadly, as mentioned earlier, the developer went with a private building control company instead of the council. Little any councillor can do really. All 4 of the local ones in 2 wards filed objections to the HMO with no effect. The response from planning was almost apologetic stating they could find no part of the T&C planning act to allow a refusal. 

You could.still contact the planning department regarding illegal development because on the face of the information you have supplied Andy they have carried out development outside the area that they will have had planning for. Then there is the party wall work which from what you described earlier you didn't receive any Statutory notice of or get the chance to reply to. Which contravenes the Party wall Act of 1996 (iirc) 

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15 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:

Evening all,


Always interested to learn of things which allegedly 'taste like chicken' in the faint hope that it might be true because alas nowadays it very often can't be said of chicken (although we do know where to get reasonably decent tasting ones, fortunately).   Far better tho' is the sound of Flavio's rabbit recipe - a proper meal based around an excellent meat although hare tends to have a little more flavour (especially the the dish io had in a restaurant in Berne 20 odd years ago.   And of course the game season is just about upon our continental neighbours - something I used to enjoy immensely about SNCF and SNCB staff restaurants at this time of year.


The wanderers have returned having had an enjoyable time on the Exe estuaryside at Starcrss and last night they visited on eof my favourite eateries - 'The Swan' at Exminster where the roast was always a good option especially if you took advantage and had lamb, pork, and beef at the same time on your plate.  it seems the 'help yourself' to veg element has however gone the way of most good things.  So dinner tehis evening was some sort of M&S quickie thing from a motorway service area shopping arcade and the macaroni chesse had clearly had the chees part of the recipe worked out by someone who didn't understand how that dish should taste (the hint is in the word 'cheese'.


And with herself home it will be back to three in the bed tonight (because the cat wil have to share with two humans instead of one - of course you knew that was what I meant,  didn't you?)


Enjoy the rest of t your day folks and stay safe (apparently Devon wasn't too bad at all in that respect).

Going back to tasting of chicken it was a long standing joke on the Terry Wogan radio show that everything tastes like chicken apart from chicken. I remember watching a programme on eccentric folk who lived on Bodmin moor.one old.boy used to collect road kill and freeze it for culinary purposes. He opened freezer there was allsorts in it Barn owl,badger he was asked what it tastes like. Chicken he said, the camera crew pulled out a hedgehog they asked him if that tastes like Chicken he said no it tastes like cat

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1 hour ago, The Stationmaster said:

Evening all,


Always interested to learn of things which allegedly 'taste like chicken' in the faint hope that it might be true because alas nowadays it very often can't be said of chicken (although we do know where to get reasonably decent tasting ones, fortunately).   Far better tho' is the sound of Flavio's rabbit recipe - a proper meal based around an excellent meat although hare tends to have a little more flavour (especially the the dish io had in a restaurant in Berne 20 odd years ago.   And of course the game season is just about upon our continental neighbours - something I used to enjoy immensely about SNCF and SNCB staff restaurants at this time of year.


The wanderers have returned having had an enjoyable time on the Exe estuaryside at Starcrss and last night they visited on eof my favourite eateries - 'The Swan' at Exminster where the roast was always a good option especially if you took advantage and had lamb, pork, and beef at the same time on your plate.  it seems the 'help yourself' to veg element has however gone the way of most good things.  So dinner tehis evening was some sort of M&S quickie thing from a motorway service area shopping arcade and the macaroni chesse had clearly had the chees part of the recipe worked out by someone who didn't understand how that dish should taste (the hint is in the word 'cheese'.


And with herself home it will be back to three in the bed tonight (because the cat wil have to share with two humans instead of one - of course you knew that was what I meant,  didn't you?)


Enjoy the rest of t your day folks and stay safe (apparently Devon wasn't too bad at all in that respect).

Yes I can heartily concur that the Swans Nest is a fine eatery having visited several times when my Parents lived at Topsham, and we lived at Buckfastleigh. The last time I was in there was July last year, when we took my Mothers ashes to be scattered with Dads at Exeter Crem, and then went for lunch there with my cousin and his wife. The Antiques place next door always fascinates me, then of course there is the Railway, an added bonus. Back when Mum and Dad lived there the 50's were in their final year on the line.


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2 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

There is a lovely moon tonight only a crescent and low but it's an orangey colour 


Probably our smoky left overs as the weather lady mentioned it might travel that far.  Our smog has at last cleared away so now we know where it might have gone!:o


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