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8 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

 I personally think the media are driving fear of Covid and that is having a worse effect on the population than the virus itself


Simon, I could not agree more!  Greetings one and all.  This should be at the top but I can't work out how to put it there.


I was at Stalag Surgery yesterday.  I arrived in good time for my appointment and received a b*ll*ck*ng for turning up too early!  I was left standing outside for nearly 10 minutes.  We  can't have too many people in the waiting room now, can we?  I do not wish to tar all with the same brush but it does seem that there are people who relish power and the ability to wield it without limit.  Of these, an inordinate proportion find themselves in the role of surgery receptionist.  Fortunately the person with whom I had an appointment was quite the opposite.  As befits nurses, she was kindness itself.  This is a vital attribute when you are drilling a hole in your patient.  I had intended to book my flu jab while I was there but the welcome with folded arms quite drove it out of my head.  Oh well, another phone call where I press button 1 and hold on for 40 minutes as my ear grows ever more numb.   I was given something to take home with me.  It has been realised that you can't do urine tests ovet the phone so I must return to the fortress with a sample in good time for it to be analysed before the telephone diabetes clinic on Thursday.  I had a letter inviting me to call the surgery to be given the result of my recent blood test but I consider that sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.


Today will see the auxiliary fodder run.  My joy is unconfined.


Best wishes to all



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6 hours ago, BSW01 said:

He’s not changed much, gained a few pounds (haven’t we all?) and has gone a little grey......


This Little Bear was 84Kg when I banged out of work back in March, and now weighs in at 73Kg :yahoo:

This is despite copious amounts of Cake.  It seems all this DIY and Gardening is slowly making me waste away......


9 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

I personally think the media are driving fear of Covid and that is having a worse effect on the population than the virus itself.


I would like to point out i am not denying covid exists i just think its not as bad as main stream media would like you to believe i think the correlation of number of cases and deaths show that 


If only half the population weren't acting like complete cockwombles and actually took some notice of the rules and warnings.  Maybe they'll take some notice when they, or someone very close to them, get a bad dose of The Dreaded C.v.  Or then again, probably not.  There's little doubt in my book that we're heading for another big score very soon.


39 minutes ago, chrisf said:

Oh well, another phone call where I press button 1 and hold on for 40 minutes as my ear grows ever more numb.


We must both go to the same Surgery.......

Our local Boots (a small affair) have stopped taking Flu jab bookings; a call to the Surgery brought joy, however - which was somewhat of a surprise.


In other news......

Sister Dracula "Down yer Gob then Up yer 'Ooter" is due between 8 and 9 this morning, followed by a day of deep joy cleaning.  I'll have some excitement in the form of a someone ringing the doorbell at 3pm - I put a redundant Desktop PC Tower (less Hard Drive) on the local Freecycle (now called Freegle) website and after several weeks someone has come forward and politely** asked for it.  It'll get it out of my way without it going into landfill.  All I must try to do is block out how much it cost all those years ago :(


** It's a sad state of affairs when it seems an increasing number of people send messages with words like "I'll have it" when you've posted an Offered Ad.  No you won't, I'd rather take a hammer to it than give it to a nob like you......

Others also seem to post Wanted ads. with a similar lack of politeness, such as "TV Wanted".  Nope.....

Still, on the whole it's a very useful way of getting rid of stuff that would normally end up in landfill, or Charity Shops won't accept, or you can't get the item to them.


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Good morning all,

Still dull here and the sky has a pinkish tinge.  The forecasts are for a mainly dry and sunny day.

Once again a quick visit to Sainsbury's is needed two days after our main delivery as "we" have decided that something extra is needed.  This is mainly for Joe as a "goody box" of supplies has been created for him to take to University tomorrow. 

Tonight we're going round for a farewell and good luck meal and we are complying with the rules with just six of us as Abbie is away until tomorrow. 

Made a mistake with the T de F yesterday as the last mountain stage was the day before so I missed it.

Quite a lot of Rugby to watch today and tomorrow with the Heineken Champions Cup and European Challenge Cup Quarter Finals.  Don't think I'll fit them all in so will have to be selective.

More tea now needed.

Have a good one, 



P.S. Phoned the surgery yesterday about flu jabs and they haven't got the vaccine yet and don't know when they're getting it.  Local pharmacy not doing jabs this year.

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2 hours ago, chrisf said:




I was at Stalag Surgery yesterday.  I arrived in good time for my appointment and received a b*ll*ck*ng for turning up too early!  I was left standing outside for nearly 10 minutes.  We  can't have too many people in the waiting room now, can we?  I do not wish to tar all with the same brush but it does seem that there are people who relish power and the ability to wield it without limit

Theres a lot out there enjoying this newfound power. Luckily still plenty of sensible ones. Its very difficult to plan to get somewhere at the right time even on a short journey. Earlier in the week I had to meet the owner of the property my brother is intersted in. Its a 15 minute journey. However I spent most of that stuck in a traffic jam next to Redhill station, made worse when a train arrives as everyone has to go out the narrow  back exit down the steps, along the narrow pavement then press the pelican crossing button, just as the three way temporary traffic lights go green the pelican crossing goes red. Traffic backed up some way behind us. Quite a few people did not look happy and one couple were lost standing at the bottom of the steps from the station exit with their cases wondering where to go, as the signage is very poor. No doubt they didnt get any info form the Gestapo manning the entrances / exits from the station. The booking office has one set of doors blocked off and closed . I thought the idea was to have as many doors open to get fresh air in to enclosed spaces. The only doors left open had people just standing in the only open doorway but the Gestapo obviously werent interested in that.


Today we are heading into Croydon but not by train. It will be by bus. This could well be the last meet up this year of our old model club friends. Just 5 of us with one coming down from Warrington, so that will be his last trip for a while. If we do head to Chester in a few weeks he may still not be able to come if there is a ban on non essential public transport. Chances are that we may cancel the hotel booking anyway.


Just come back form the shed where Dulcote was applied to a few items

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Mooring Awl,  Inner Temple Hare, 

4.5 hours + 1 hour + 1.5 hours. Sleep..  Good for me.. 


Hmm T De  F,  big mountains down there,  pretty Chilly too,  and a bit of Argy.


Took Ben the I want to play Collie,  out who found a toy he'd left out before, therefore not doing as he was supposed to. 


Breakfast has been had,  no carbohydrates were consumed. 


Ben the scaredy Collie,  was then taken out again,  he had just completed what he was supposed to be doing, when he ran back to the house. There was a loud noise,  a tractor and cutter is demolishing the verges and anything else in its way. 


Shortly we shall head for the big city,  a route has been planned,  requirements worked out,  and minimal contact  nearness  with pedestrian Cockwombles will be maintained. Before escaping out again. 


Time to.... Find bank books,  masks,  shoes... 




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Chilly 11c this morning, outside that is.  Sunny and breezy, also outside.


Some shopping to do this morning (veg stall only open on Saturdays) after my low-carb breakfast, A1c went from 52 to 36 in 6 months by low carbing only.  Still only 3 CV cases here who were all returnees from the UK straight in to isolation so no community cases at all for over three months - life here is normal bar no tourists cockwombling about the place.


Lunch with a friend planned, he has a new friend in tow, looking forward to meeting her and hoping it is the beginning of something nice.

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Went to Sainsbury's and whilst there picked up some liquid refreshment for myself that was on offer. :yes:  Enquired at the in-store Lloyds Pharmacy about flu jabs and was told I'd have to book online but it would be October.  Have now done so for me and The Boss for the 12th.  

Coffee now and then a visit to The Shed is planned.



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1 hour ago, AndrewC said:

If the neighbour on the other side was a bit more aggressive we could go to court to get part of the extension demolished. Long shot and expensive if I did it on my own but with 2 party wall act violations on one ticket it may have been enough. 


Too much stress these past few weeks. The property crap next door.



May Bear ask - how did the scrote violate the Party Wall Act?  Any Legal Cover on House Insurance Policies, or perhaps no-win, no-fee?

Personally, Bear favours a sledge hammer.  Great for reducing stress too.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Was a bit chilly first thing this morning but warming up nicely now, on the south facing back of the house. The treasurer for a society is retiring after many years service and the rest of the committee are discussing a suitable retirement gift. He is a GWR fan so a book on the subject was suggested, the problem is he has an extensive personal library that probably contains anything and everything that is suggested or available on the subject. He's not retiring until the next AGM in March so we've plenty of time. Thats it for now, be back later.

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11 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

The treasurer for a society is retiring after many years service 


Well done to him for being replaced - it's the sort of position that can be a pain to get shot of if you've being doing it too long. On the one hand, it's easier to just carry on with the routine than face the hassle of handover, on the other, everyone thinks you're doing it so capably they don't believe they could do it as well and are reluctant to volunteer. A really well-run society should have fixed terms of office with a two-term limit, plus an extra term for anyone transitioning to chair.

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I am quite interested to know what media outlets have been scaremongering. I thought there was a period towards the end of the first lockdown period when there was a lot of irresponsible media coverage about “freedom” and various articles pointing out the alleged errors of experts which were often just a change due to more information.
The only scary media (not your mainstream media) stuff I have seen is by those who try to deny Covid is real or minor and is a plot to control us . I think this is like the Y2K computer problem which was minor because people worked hard to prevent it. If you live in a low Covid infected area some of the advice may seem a bit restricting but I suspect it wouldn’t be a low Covid area if the national restrictions hadn’t happened. As someone observing from a position of shielding it wasn’t so much the relaxation of lockdown it looked as if some people just interpreted it as back to normal or “what can we get away with now”. 

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Good morning everyone 


Late out of bed this morning, we both over slept so I guess we must have needed the kip. We will soon be speaking and wishing Amelia a happy birthday, she's 14 today, where does the time go? After that I'll head off to the workshop and carry on working on the turntable control panel.


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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37 minutes ago, Compound2632 said:


Well done to him for being replaced - it's the sort of position that can be a pain to get shot of if you've being doing it too long. On the one hand, it's easier to just carry on with the routine than face the hassle of handover, on the other, everyone thinks you're doing it so capably they don't believe they could do it as well and are reluctant to volunteer. A really well-run society should have fixed terms of office with a two-term limit, plus an extra term for anyone transitioning to chair.


From the responses, I deduce that @jamie92208 has held a treasurer or similar committee role that he found hard to pass on and @Two_sugars has been offered such a post! I really wouldn't want to discourage anyone from volunteering as many groups do find these positions difficult to fill but do have an exit plan and make sure what you're doing is straightforward enough for the next sucker to do it, even to your high standards of perfection.

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41 minutes ago, Compound2632 said:


Well done to him for being replaced - it's the sort of position that can be a pain to get shot of if you've being doing it too long. On the one hand, it's easier to just carry on with the routine than face the hassle of handover, on the other, everyone thinks you're doing it so capably they don't believe they could do it as well and are reluctant to volunteer. A really well-run society should have fixed terms of office with a two-term limit, plus an extra term for anyone transitioning to chair.

I was secretary of the MRC for a couple of years. Then another member said that he'd like a try at the job, a few seconds later it was his. After a couple of years he quit as secretary and I asked him wasn't he suspicious of the speed with which I vacated the post. I might add that both the MRC and the society rules require the committee members and officers to stand for re-election, and volunteers are asked for, thats when the members sit on their hands.

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39 minutes ago, Compound2632 said:


From the responses, I deduce that @jamie92208 has held a treasurer or similar committee role that he found hard to pass on and @Two_sugars has been offered such a post! 

Err . . . . No I haven't . . and If i was I wouldn't take it . . .I have enough problems of my own, thank you very much.


Anyways, moving on . . . . . Sunny at wake-up, then turned grey, now trying to brighten up.


Have a good day everyone . . .stay safe.




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15 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

...SWMBO has spent today immersed to an unhealthy degree in the news reports ....Interpreted as "We're heading into the abyss from which we will never return and most of us will die from Covid"...

That is sad to hear. I too have been looking at the data recently and my take on the situation is that, yes, the number of infections will rise over the next few months (and probably considerably) but this will not be accompanied by a concomitant rise in mortality. Probably for two reasons:  The truly vulnerable will have already succumbed to the infection (as we observed at the beginning of the pandemic) and the merely vulnerable will be taking adequate precautions.

As has been said elsewhere on ER, the media are doing their very best to turn what is a very nasty, but nonetheless still manageable, virus into a zombie apocalypse. To put things in to perspective: the “Hong Kong Flu” pandemic of 1968 killed at least 1 million people worldwide, and the “Asian Flu“ pandemic of 1956–1958 is estimated to have killed at least 2 million people worldwide. Neither of these pandemics led to the situation we find ourselves in with CoVID- 19.  Of course, the coronavirus and the influenza viruses are different things with different sequelae and, of course, medicine was not as sophisticated and life saving therapeutic options as numerous as they are today.  Which raises the interesting question of whether or not a lot of how people are reacting to the coronavirus pandemic is because the threat of sudden death (through war or catastrophic illness) is no longer present for most of us.  Unlike in 1956 or 1968 when the memory of a very real threat of sudden death or catastrophic illness was still present in the population at large.

15 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Fat isn't an issue - read Dr Jason Fung's books. The 'killer fat' thing from the 80's is disproven by a lot of more recent research. Pastry however.....is made from flour, which is an issue. 

Well, carbohydrates can be a problem especially if you are genetically disposed to have a bu99ered up metabolism. But the real problem with carbohydrates is that they are ubiquitous, turning up in the most unlikely of items and usually in the form of high fructose corn syrup (and its’ derivatives). HFCS really is a nasty little molecule, but is ubiquitous because it provides a sense of taste and satiation that vanished from processed foods when produces started removing fats....

As I have mentioned elsewhere on ER (and probably ad nauseam), I lost 40 kg eating a high-fat, high protein and low carbohydrate diet. I am now at the point where I can only eat but so much carbohydrate before I start to feel that I have ingested the equivalent of a bowling ball!
Regardless of whether you are metabolically impaired or not, I find the best way of dealing with carbohydrate intake is simply to be aware of what’s going in. So, tonight I may have a small bowl of gnocchi with chanterelles, mushrooms and bacon, but during the day I will have anticipated the carbohydrate intake and (as I write) my carbohydrate intake for the day so far is about 5 g.

14 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

....a lot of the science around covid at the beginning was heavily flawed because of the newness of the virus...

I have to slightly disagree here, the science wasn’t flawed per se, but there was too little data, and inconsistent data to boot, to allow scientists and clinicians to make little more than educated best guesses at that time based on experience with similar - but not the same - viruses.  Then, as more and more (and better quality) data was accumulated, scientists and clinicians developed a better understanding of the disease, how it is transmitted and the likely outcomes of infection.  You still hear people moaning, about some of the current guidelines for management of and protection from CoVID-19, that “if they want us to do X now, why didn’t they tell us to do X at the beginning?“ , I think, illustrates how scientifically illiterate to many people are.

14 hours ago, Tony_S said:

...As for my blocked arteries it can’t be an unhealthy diet. Bad genes and medication side effects probably. 

Definitely bad genes, Tony, definitely bad genes. Medication has a minimal impact compared to what your genes will do to you given half the chance. To illustrate my point there is something called Triple Negative Breast Cancer (a breast cancer that lacks the receptors for oestrogen, progesterone and Her2/neu), which is a particularly nasty beast. But to add to that mutations in the BRCA-1 and BRCA-2 genes and nothing short of an act of God is going to help you (at least at present, but we are trying to find some solutions). As one of my geneticist colleagues once said: “the best way to have a healthy and long lived life is to have the right choice of parents“; implying that genes determine everything (personally I think it is a  70/30 split in favour of the genes, the minority opinion belonging to the environment) . 

Now off to walk the doggies, have a great (and genetically unmutated) afternoon

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1 hour ago, polybear said:


May Bear ask - how did the scrote violate the Party Wall Act?  Any Legal Cover on House Insurance Policies, or perhaps no-win, no-fee?

Personally, Bear favours a sledge hammer.  Great for reducing stress too.

This could be a long one. 
Let’s just trim the list to:

failed to provide a party wall notification. 
demolished shared chimney stack and blocked my flues without any permission. 
blocked neighbour’s right to light with the dormer.

Parts of the loft and dormer over reach the middle of the party wall. 

Damage to back wall rendering across the boundary. 

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1 hour ago, Tony_S said:

I am quite interested to know what media outlets have been scaremongering. I thought there was a period towards the end of the first lockdown period when there was a lot of irresponsible media coverage about “freedom” and various articles pointing out the alleged errors of experts which were often just a change due to more information.
The only scary media (not your mainstream media) stuff I have seen is by those who try to deny Covid is real or minor and is a plot to control us .


Tw@ts like this don't help either.......



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