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Good morning all,

Still dull here but a dry and sunny day is forecast.

We've got an earlier than usual Sainsbury's delivery today as we're off to Nicki's for a couple of hours to oversee John the roofer fixing her guttering.. Hopefully it's just a cleaning out job that I would have undertaken in years gone by.  However for common sense (our old friend)  reasons I no longer scale ladders that high.  

After that back home to move some money around as my pensions have landed.  

Have a good one,



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Ey up!

Nice morning here so far. Her indoors has gone shopping at moreasons so I can fin8sh my mugatea before kick starting Thiursday.


A visito today should mean more parajjel lines of nickel silver being laid. This means a lot of wire strangling by me over the next few days.


Blood? Not my cup of tea but if needs must I can  work with it. My first cricket first aid course included my colleague and I bandaging the then Yorkshire Coach David Byas with splints etc..he has never forgiven me!


I shall away and have some breakfast then...


Tally Ho! Watch it Thursday  I am coming to get you!

Have a great day everyone!



PS @grandadbob stay well clear of ladders...people working at heights etc..you know it makes sense...

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Good moaning from a rather warm Charente.  More slides scanned yesterdayband the firstvthree of six mortices cut for the new gste, sfter some practising on scrap wood.  We had an hour in the pool later. A discovery was made. The little blow up floating beer bottle holders onle work with stubby bottles not taller ones. Fortunately I was able to rescue the beer before it was spilt.  In the evening we watched the final part of The Spy starring Sacha Baron Cohen.  A very well made and impactive series. Tonight we are going to start watching Des.


This morning I'm off with a friend, Grace, to get more cheap oak firewood before the  sawmill shuts atvthe endbof the month.  This afternoon, all being well I'm off to gaveca guy try and find out why the aircon doesn't work on the Volvo.  If the eventual result isn't too costly I'll have it repaired.  As well as cooling the car in hot weather it is also very effective in demisting the screen when it's damp.


On other maters, I'll continue to use ourblocal patisserrie for cakes if only due to the young lady who runs it.


Regards to all.



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Mooring awl, Inner temple hare,

A better nights sleep, 4.15 +1 +1.5  hours much better.


Ben the Alarm clock Collie didn't appear this morning, he was snuggled up happily in bed , till I headed for the kitchen..

He was Ben the very pleased with himself Collie later having found a rabbit to chase..

Very clouded and dull this morning, but "no" temperature, neither warm nor cold..


I've just finished this weeks major system, and when someone turns up from that section I'll hand it back to them.


So now I'm measuring 10G Ohm, even longer to wait to settle than yesterdays 1G Ohm , even less movement allowed or the values change. 5 such measurements to do so with Cal labels etc after, that's about 3 hours work. Then I need to go prepare the major system  programme for the next 3 months,,


Ah the man appears, system handed back.


The mystery of the big oblong bales of straw has been solved, they have now been formed into a 3 high U shaped stack, enclosing an area of maybe 50 ft by 100 ft. inside of which several lorry loads of Clay marl have been dumped. It's noticable the current manager of the field around us, is spending  a lot more effort in looking after the soil. Spreading Muck and Clay Marl, which the previous manager, didn't do that sort of thing, though there were chemicals sprayed on.


 I hope be leaking the red stuff later today, as a glucose meter should arrive.


I've been First Aid trained from School days, but only had to use it for very minor events, I hope it stays that way, as I'm not that good with people, let alone those with a major injury..


Almost time for the first reading , It's down to a standard deviation of 2,  it needs to be below 2 for this measurement.



Time too.. Ah 1.5 record some results..


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Talking of meetings, my other halfs mothers horticultural society in West Sussex has just been wound up due to them not being able to meet or have their annual competition. This society had been going for many years and was quite a large group years ago when a fellow modellers father was heavily involved till he passed away suddenly. The remaining funds are going to a charity.


Another sunny day here in Surrey and currently painting wheels in the shed.


Today I hope to lay the last few paving slabs on the main patio amongst other jobs around the house. 


Might be beer o'clock later unless a friend whos comming down for our old MRS members meet up in Croydon on Saturday wants to go for beer on Friday. Hes not in a lockdown area but may well be for future meets so he wants to make the most of it even if there will only be five of us.


Still trying to book a trip to the IOW but all the early morning trains and crossing for a Saturday in over a weeks time have gone when looking on Nat Rail but but if the crossing is booked separately then plenty of space on those Hovercraft of fast cats. These days you have to book the crossing in advance due to reduced occupancy and reduced fast cat sailing with two hour gaps around lunchtime. However it makes it quite a lot dearer doing it separately. maybe we wont be visiting the IOW this year but it wold be good to ride the old trains one last time.


Time to get on with things. Enjoy your day and stay safe.

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Morning all.

It is pleasantly warm. I did about a third of my daily exercise target yesterday but it is I believe a target. It wasn’t my heart or lungs that made me restrict the walk it was knees and hips. They need a bit of “running in”, but without the running. 
Aditi spent most of yesterday evening taking part in a French Circle Zoom meeting. It went quite well.


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Good morning everyone 


It’s quite a bit duller today and not as warm either, but at least it isn’t raining. Once again not a lot planned for the day, I may do some pottering about in the garden.


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Will have to do any shopping this morning as I'll be waiting in this afternoon for the central heating engineer. Will be sorting out the airing cupboard and hanging out the items that got a bit damp to dry. Roundhouse, sorry to hear of the horticultural society being wound up, I fear many organisations are in the same boat, especially those that are 'nomadic', not having their own exclusive premises. By nomadic I mean those groups who rely on church halls and the like for their meetings and events. Even those that are well founded financially and membership wise might find it hard to keep going especially those with an older membership profile. I think that I'll have to up my exercise, I'm not putting on any weight but lack of exercise is causing the joints to stiffen up and the phlebitis to come back. Its surprising how much mileage one puts in just visiting model railway exhibitions and swap meets/toy fairs. The toy fair at Brentwood is a case in point, it is so large that it is easily a couple of kilometres walked if as I do you traverse the aisles two or three times as I often do (6 aisles 90-100 metres long X 3).

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19 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Ah! Buzzword Bingo!



I've filled this card at least 10 times over this morning so far. 

I feel like switching paradigms and throwing all the ninja rock stars under the bus. 

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G'day all.


The sore forehead seems to be less sore and I think I really need to somehow change the dressing on it - a mirror might help?  A few aches in various places presumably a result of the earth fault I suffered but definitely feeling a bit brighter today.  So I will probably tackle the washing as I think I'm up to putting various stuff in the machine and turning a knob and pressing buttons in the correct order to achieve a result, of some sort.


Pleasantly warm and sunny outside but you can forget the G word and the front hedge can remain grotesque in appearance - anyway the birds love it like that.  Indoors it's more like a sauna than a house as the two machines belt out enough heat between them to keep the average concert hall up to the old OS&RP Act required minimum temperature.  One or two cooler spots but the heat didn't help yesterday, I left the bedroom fan running most of the night and actually managed a good night's kip.


No other earth shattering news but herself and the Good Doctor are taking to the briny today in order to make the crossing from Starcross to Exmouth, and back.  I'm not sure how you socially distance on the Starcross ferry so have issued relevant instructions to herself in that respect - it seems they too are enjoying reasonable weather and they had a good day out at Paignton Zoo yesterday where the human behaviour was reportedly sensible and of course the behaviour of the captives was even more sensible.  Fortunately the adopted/sponsored orangutan was spotted so the trip was doubly enjoyable.


Enjoy the rest of your day one and all and stay safe.

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50 minutes ago, Coombe Barton said:

Ah! Buzzword Bingo!



just had the monthly chat with the boss where he's supposed to check how it feel, and keep me motivated.. He's more **** off than I am.. we spent most of the time discussing when to retire. The above being routine, doesn't help much either..

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13 minutes ago, TheQ said:

.. we spent most of the time discussing when to retire.

During Aditi’s final year the college had management consultants in and senior academic staff were given “coaching sessions”. Aditi had to choose a topic (something preventing her performing etc) and the coach would help her to deal with it. They chatted about walking in mountains and food. He said her topic was impossible, something about how to implement impossible targets set by those on the floor where students and staff were not permitted to enter!


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Aditi had a couple of standard answers at annual reviews to the line managers questions near the end of her career. 
What do you see yourself doing next year? Answer, “your job.”

.....in 5 years ? “my garden”.


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After something like 5 years at my final big railway employer somebody in Human Remains was looking at my record in connection with the calculation of my redundancy terms.  He 'phoned me and said he couldn't find a record of when I'd attended 'Company Induction'.   I carefully explained that there was no record of my attending it because I hadn't attended it (although in reality every date they had ever offered clashed with important work commitments so they probably gave up in the end).   But it then started to get kafkaesque as he wondered out loud whether I ought to attend one before I left on redundancy - he was not a very imaginative soul.

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Talking of appraisals I remember being given one that took a considerable amount of time to complete, it being new to both of us, my then boss and asked me to type up the form. So the following year, rather than go through the same process I completed the form and presented it to him. Given the fact that I had by then reached the top of my salary band there was little financial incentive. 

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BIN day, everything suitably BINned and either awaiting pickup or already taken :good:


Quiet again yesterday except for Bob visiting the vet for his shot/checkup. Went well although with the current restrictions they pick your pet up in the parking lot and have a telephone conference with you about his condition. Probably makes a LOT of sense given the larger percentage of pet owners are in the higher risk demographic it seems.


Today, not much, work and a vino run as we're getting short on "supplies" :help:


A cooler 5 first thing and hazy, only looking at a high of 17 perhaps.


Enjoy the day.

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The images (on the Wheeltappers F1 thread) of the Unimog clearing up the track after the incidents at the Tuscan Grand Prix  inspired me to order a similar vehicle for my race track. Not yellow but I wasn’t going to pay lots of money for a yellow one. I just need to make a brush and vacuum unit out of scrap plasticard.  Aditi said she liked the toy lorry. 

Edited by Tony_S
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I believe Sally is suffering from wind, and definitely not behaving like a lady.. 

Keep your head down. 


Major Cockwomble on the way home, an artic, did a 360 round a roundabout,  in the Outside lane of 3, taking all the cars on and entering it with him. Absolute chaos, how there wasn't a crunch I don't know. I was lucky to still be in the queue to join as he passed me for the second time. 


Another hour and it's time to make a hole in a finger.. The glucose meter has arrived I've checked it with the standard glucose liquid so its in Cal...

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Someone turned the light on, glorious sunshine all day, I had the lights on in the house at mid day a couple of days ago, so after a fruitless trip out with my camera looking for Spoonbills(birds for those that don't know) we went over the hills into deepest darkest Aberdeenshire for a jolly then home again, saw a train at Montrose, so they must be running some sort of schedule with a bus onwards to Stonehaven and points north. Roast Chicken and roastie spuds for tea, unhealthy but tasty with a can of Scrumpy.

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