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  • RMweb Gold

Nice 17 mile bike ride this morning only spoiled by bike appearing to seize completely about 3 miles from home...


Not the missing tyre lever ?




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  • RMweb Gold

No... Just suddenly the pedals wouldn't turn. Suspect there's some dirt and stuff get into the cylinder where the pedal levers go in... No idea what it's called!


Is your crankset seizing in the bottom bracket or just the individual pedals won't rotate? You need to oil the bike if you are planning to put it away for a while.





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I think it's the crankset seizing in the bottom bracket. It had run beautifully for 14 or 15 miles, then suddenly the pedals just jammed at 6 o'clock position. Got them going again with a bit of effort after changing gear, but still hard work. Will try some WD40 on it but have booked it in for an (overdue) service next week.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think it's the crankset seizing in the bottom bracket. It had run beautifully for 14 or 15 miles, then suddenly the pedals just jammed at 6 o'clock position. Got them going again with a bit of effort after changing gear, but still hard work. Will try some WD40 on it but have booked it in for an (overdue) service next week.

I don't ride my bike now but I don't think I ever used WD40 on it. I had a pump action bottle of Halfords "oil with added Teflon" formulated for "All Terrain Bikes". It seemed very effective. I use tiny amounts of it now on my trains as it doesn't seem to affect plastics.




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  • RMweb Gold

We had a bit of excitement on the dog walk. As I was late (waiting for small vacuum cleaner, ballast / flock recycling for the use of to arrive) I didn't go to the park but took him to some nearby fields. Robbie has met many of the dogs who are walked over there before and joined in all the communal greeting and sniffing when one dog started getting aggressive to him. Robbie ignored it, and the dog's owner said her dog only ever growled and never did anything when of course it did and rushed up, knocking Robbie over and trying to fight with him. Fortunately no blood was spilled and the other dog (one of those non allergenic breeds) will I presume stick to growling in future.





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Interesting facts from our Pete again. I'd no idea Britain was so affected. While I've seen the odd dust devil on a hot day and a waterspout once in the North Sea, The only tornado I've heard of is one in Birmingham a couple of years back which to be fair did make a bit of a mess!

There was one which damaged the signalbox at Newmarket some years ago - there's a reference to it in the first paragraph on this page.


Edit - I found this picture of the damaged box, so I changed 'destroyed' to 'damaged' in the sentence above! Apparently, though, the box had been moved off its foundations, which caused serious problems with wires and point rodding.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Just got back from St Helens from the vets, where the dog had her operation, and walked into the consulting room on a lead - then the nurse injected her with Methadone as a pain killer, and she went zonko in the back of the car, and she has been asleep on the rug ever since, and she has just shown signs of coming round now. The problem was a mass in her ear, but it was not what the vets expected, but some sort of cheesy fluid which has been sent to the labs for testing, but the surgeon did say that the operation was needed, as the stuff had to be drained, and the op was the only way to achieve that. The very good news is that whatever this stuff is, it's not malignant in any way.


Just watching the Eddie Stobart progamme on Ch5 and there is a very interesting item about how they managed to replace a bridge on the ECML near Middlesborough, and it looked to be a very interesting process.


Meantime, I'll get on as the dog will need some close supervision - may not be online again until Monday, but an acquaintance of mine is holding one of his ery rare garden open days with steam train rides on his 7.25 inch gauge live steam garden railway - I'll try to get some photos and post them here (provided I remember to get some batteries for the digital camera when I'm at work tomorrow.



Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Looks like we're in for another scorcher – though there is a growing chance for thunderstorms once again. I think I'll try and get some fly screen for the bedroom window. Of course, I'll also get back to that 27000 on my workbench... :yes:


Have a good day, guys!

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Morning all,


Hot & wet today I guess here......Tony, cable laying is out side now (done all the stuff in the plant) now just over 1,5K of 11KV outside, mix of over & under ground. Just hope it doesn't get stolen before I get the generators commissioned!


7,25 in the garden, Stewart lovely! hope the weather holds for you on that outing. Don't forget the camera & batteries!


Have a good un.

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Morning All,


Lots to comment on today! I was out all day yesterday and didn't log on last night. I watched the first part of the Eddie Stobart programme (including the bridge) - but unfortunately a rather difficult phone call interrupted the second half.


It is incredible that they can replace a whole bridge in 48 hours. Normally they seem to play around for months with these things. It was just a shame that the new bridge was so ugly compared to the old girder bridge!


That's a nice picture Jam.


Stewart, glad to hear that the operation sounds as if it was a success.


Sixoh, sounds like your bottom bracket bearing might have failed. WD40 shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a bicycle! It is only a very light lubricant, and therefore ideal for small things like hinges. Unfortunately for heavier lubrication it is pretty useless - and will actually act as a de-greaser. Lubricating a bike with WD40 is actually worse than using no lubricant at all.


I'd say strip down the bottom bracket and replace the crankset bearings.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all...:D


Looks like another warm and sunny day awaits. Hoping to attack Eastwood 2 this afternoon once the chores are out of the way. Building works are now well underway and I have to say the amount of dust spread throughout the house has been manageable with most of it coralled into one area by the polythene sheeting.


Next week will see the electrician, plumber, tiler and eventually, the decorator. Mrs S and I are not ones for expensive holidays, so having a decorator in to do the work is one of those jobs we see as a good alternative to sunning ourselves.


Other than the normal bits and bobs, a quiet weekend all round.


Have a good one..

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, quite bright but cloudy here, warm though. Grandson #2's first birthday today so I'll be going to Middle Wallop later for the party - hopefully a proper jelly and ice cream jobby! Tomorrow sees me driving on the Mid Hants, it's supposed to be a tad cooler and raining so that will make being on the footplate slightly more comfortable.


Have a good one.

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Guest Max Stafford

Morning chaps!

Following on from yesterday's cloudlessness, today we have full cloud cover and a north wind although the wind is pleasantly cool rather than cold and the cloud is thin meaning it's still quite bright.

I'm waiting a couple of locos in the post this morning after which Abi (who's currently wolfing down breakfast!) will get her walk.

Other than that, I'm going to spend the afternoon with a Bachmann class 37 then off to Tony Graham's birthday tea tonight!


Have a good day, the lot of you and like Robert says, keep that WD40 away from your bikes! :lol:



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Looks like another lovely day! Unfortunately I've gotta go for a haircut which probably means we're going shopping today - I hate shopping!


Very nice picture Jam. Is that near home?


Yep, in the same village as I live - albeit uphill! Tis a lovely area and I don't look around anywhere near as often as I should. I haven't been into the forest for years. Must be my teen idleness! I did take a couple more photos on my little cycle if you're interested.


Speaking about bikes, I think mine is in dire need of some TLC. The main gears don't work and as I found out going down a hill yesterday neither do the brakes! I'm also sure that the performance isn't as good as it could be. - admittedly it is quite an old bike though. I'm not sure that it has ever been serviced to tell the truth! huh.gif

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  • RMweb Premium

keep that WD40 away from your bikes! :lol:

Indeed, it's dreadful stuff for lubrication, and often leaves a sticky deposit behind as well as stripping the grease from a bearing race. It has its uses, but I tend to use light lube oil for most bearings and similar applications. I once saw an antique clock that had stopped, and the reason was that the owner had lubricated the movement with WD40 (or one of its equivalents)and it removed all that was left of the light clockmaker's grease and left a horrible residue behind. The clock needed a full overhaul and the movement had to be fully stripped and all the wheels immersed in a cleaning fluid, then the movement was rebuilt. Cost was over £200.00 to put things right, all for two squirts from a two quid can of stuff.


Busy weekend now, with the dog recovering (still very dopy, but trying to get back to her normal antics quickly which is an encouraging sign) and me off to the Barry Cryer/Colin Sell gig in Lancaster tonight, then hopefully to the open garden with steam operation tomorrow. Also stuck in work today as I had to do a swop of my day off to allow me time to go to the vet's yesterday. Also at last, I've managed to co-ordinate two hospital appointments for next week - one for a check of my leg lengths, and for some sort of shoe lift, the other to go back to the trauma clinic as I'm still getting pain from the hip, and it is now over nine months since surgery, so I was hoping that this might have abated a bit.


To those exhibiing this week, may all your derailments be in the fiddle yard, and your couplings stay connected. To those viewing at exhibitions, have fun and don't take the backpack with you. Otherwise happy weekend to everybody.


Regards to All



(Edited to remove a double post - again)

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