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Nice to see Debs back,  I noticed she has got nearly a full set of icons, so I gave an " i" can others give her a full compliment :)


I'm still having RMWEB keyboard problems,  though I notice it's spread to facefart. This is the third attempt... 


I've just cut 430 4 inch*4 inch*10ft fence posts divide the size but not the quantity by 160 and you'd be there . They're still copper though as I forgot the paint amongst other things,  I'm still trying to sort home muddling kit from that I use at the MRC,  as it all got mixed up during covid imprisonment. 


I noticed all 4 of the pub restaurants I pass on the way home had full car parks at 15:30 in the afternoon,  and the cremated Swan this evening.  I was expecting some fall off now the discount has gone. 


I've consumed 3 cheese laden crumpets and most of a glass of Highland Park.. 


So I bid you awl goodnight.. 

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Things looking a bit grim over to the west. I hope the fires are extinguished soon before anyone else get hurt or property damaged but I feel that it’s going to happen. All I can say is take care over there. Problems here seem a little more trivial. 
Bil and family have gone off for the weekend and have left Sydney here with us which is absolutely fine with us. Recently black dog has been on the prowl so hopefully Syd will see him off. Not really done anything constructive or significant today, but don’t really care. Perhaps tomorrow will be a bit more productive and may get a bit of shed time.
Read a posting in Wright Writes earlier, quite moving. 
Anyway, Goodnight 


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Been delving into Farcebook and found some more local groups including one just for the estate where I live. Speaking of Farcebook there has been no end of complaints about their new page layout. If anyone prefers the old layout you can keep it by using this. 


Tea is waiting to be drunk, be back later.


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Good evening everyone 


Well the weather today has been pretty dismal, grey all day, but warm enough not to need a coat or jacket. There were a few times that it looked like it would chuckinitdarn any minute, but it didn’t. However, the rain arrived late in the evening, it’s still raining now. 


Apart from this morning’s 2 shopping trips, I’ve done bu99er all. Although, just  before dinner I bought some styrene strip from Ebay, because I can’t lay my hands on the stuff that I’ve got in stock, no doubt this will turn up after the new stuff arrives. 


After dinner I did some on line research and found a few more photos of the turntable at Yeovil Junction, including a couple of the actual vacuum motor itself. So several sketches have been made and will be used to construct the vacuum motor platform extension I plan to make. 


Goodnight all. 



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Welcome back Debs - great to see you dropping in.  Please repeat and visit again  although I think you'll need to get the awl polished and ready for use.


i'm definitely not going to add all the emoji thingies I seem to have available as there are 228 of - many of which I don't understand but the odd thing is I've got 14 which are allegedly ones I've recently used, or does mean they are the most used by any and everybody?

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Ey up!

Lummy its raining..BBC weather forecast wrong again.

Nice to see a message or two from Debs. @Chris116 don't be stepping on her Debships toes...


Hope things improve in the fire areas in the USA. My ability to bring rain worked well in Oz back in January but flights now would not be ok for me at the moment. 

@roundhouse enjoy your walk and also your meetup with @AndrewC,


Time to drink my mugatea! Then time to kick Saturday into some semblance and get ready for my umpiring in Follifoot today.


Positive thoughts to all ERs.



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Mooring part 2 again,  yep lost the typing again. 

Very cool out there with a northerly breeze,   mostly clear skies. 


As part of Ben the bounding about collies patrol, I inspected today's proposed work.  I'm going to be using left over bits of timber from the temporary framing that supported the boat previously. That will leave smaller bits for putting in the stove..  I'm good at generating firewood. 


This timber will support the last sections of BBQ tiling to be done.  That's when I can get the tiles,  the blue mosaic tiles have been stocked by the orange shed for years, now I want them they're out of stock. 


The alleyway entrance will mostly be using new wood,  today's project for that is to get a roof on, requiring more framing and some ply. 


Muggacoffee number 2 has been consumed,  time to head for the builders yard. 

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9 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

...Bil and family have gone off for the weekend and have left Sydney here with us which is absolutely fine with us. Recently black dog has been on the prowl so hopefully Syd will see him off...

You’ll be surprised to learn how effective dogs are in assisting in the treatment of many psychological dysfunctions. Not for nothing are dogs considered to be the quintessential “support animal” (unlike cats, who generally - I think – are indifferent to whether you live or die as long as you leave the tin opener to a relative who can open their tins of food).
Certainly, as my own experience bears out, it is very hard to keep on feeling sorry for ones self  when you have a dog requiring care and attention.  And if you have a really good rapport with your dog, they will sense when you are not in the best of condition and will “be there for you“. It’s very hard to put into words, but their presence and their affection is an amazing tonic.

8 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

Welcome back Debs - great to see you dropping in.  Please repeat and visit again  although I think you'll need to get the awl polished and ready for use.


i'm definitely not going to add all the emoji thingies I seem to have available as there are 228 of - many of which I don't understand but the odd thing is I've got 14 which are allegedly ones I've recently used, or does mean they are the most used by any and everybody?

I certainly support and echo your greetings to the mythical “Debs” (like the Greek or Roman gods, “Debs“ is both familiar and an unknown quantity, capable of inspiring love and devotion as well as sheer, abject, bowel loosening terror). “Therefore never send to know for whom the awl comes; for it comes for thee."

As for all the emoji,  isn’t that what the young people have instead of literacy? :O :D :diablo_mini:

2 hours ago, chrisf said:

....They want me to borrow a blood pressure meter, take my own blood pressure and pulse and calculate my BMI.  There is a questionnaire to complete about my feet and some other things.  It asks “How is your mood?”...

Well, that’s bloody stupid and make no mistake. If you want to have a wonderfully inaccurate blood pressure reading, you do it yourself using a cheap sphygmomanometer acquired from somewhere. Did they provide instructions on where you need to place the cuff? Did they tell you that the most accurate reading is when you have been quiet and supine for five minutes? Did they tell you when you need to start measuring the blood pressure (i.e. .when do you measure the systolic and when do you measure the diastolic) I think not!
It’s hard enough, with some patients (of which you might be one), to get a blood pressure reading using professional equipment, let alone with a DIY set from a supermarket. It’s almost a W Heath Robinson/Professor Branestawm approach to health care.

To be honest, I’d be much more upset about being fobbed off with a “do it yourself amateur diabetologist kit” by my GP than by missing a parade or two, no matter how exhilarating and enjoyable such things are. Parades and such will always occur again in the future, but once diabetic complications get a foothold, that future is no longer assured.

54 minutes ago, roundhouse said:

....We have no trains on ther mainline today so it will be a bus back home so that negates the one way system at our local station.

What happened? Did the TOC break their Hornby train set?

I always find it astonishing how railway repairs and maintenance in the UK require shutting down huge sections of line to all traffic, whilst in Europe they manage to do most repair and maintenance with single line running. This, understandably, causes some delay but otherwise it’s pretty much business as usual. Maybe The Stationmaster can provide an expert, erudite and insightful assessment of why this is so in the UK.

I’m feeling a bit rough this morning, not because – unfortunately - of any misbehaviour on my part yesterday evening , but merely because work didn’t end until close to midnight (I was working with a US client and they decided to have an important Friday afternoon [their time] meeting that I absolutely couldn’t miss). I think a quiet morning killing things on the PlayStation awaits as the turkey breast that I finely sliced, slowly dries out in the dehumidifier - snacks destined for both Lucy and Schotty.


have a great weekend!



Edited by iL Dottore
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Here are the instructions from the surgery's letter:


"To undertake home blood pressure monitoring you should measure your blood pressure twice each morning and twice each evening for 7 days and then record it on the enclosed chart.  Further details about approved blood pressure monitors can be found on [webshite address].  If unable to buy a machine please call the surgery and arrange borrowing one.  Disregard the first day's readings and work out the average reading for the other days."


The chart goes into a bit more detail:


"In the morning, sit in a chair comfortably upright with your arm supported on a table beside you with both feet on the ground.  Put the cuff on your upper arm [5cm above your elbow] resting on the table, the cuff should be roughly at the level of your heart.  Press the on/start button on the BP monitor and take two readings at least 1 minute apart.  Record the readings with your pulse rate and any comments.  Repeat that evening and for a total of 7 days."

Details of two other webshites are given where further info may be found [or may not!].


One does wonder what the doctors do all day.  I might ask the nurse who is to administer my next hormone injection on Friday next.



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36 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

What happened? Did the TOC break their Hornby train set?

I always find it astonishing how railway repairs and maintenance in the UK require shutting down huge sections of line to all traffic, whilst in Europe they manage to do most repair and maintenance with single line running. This, understandably, causes some delay but otherwise it’s pretty much business as usual. Maybe The Stationmaster can provide an expert, erudite and insightful assessment of why this is so in the UK.


Engineering works I believe. We had been considering going to the IOW to get a last ride on the old stock but last weekend the line was shut South of Havent adding an hour to the journey. This weekend no trains on the mainline through Redhill, so looked at going via Guildford but the line is shut South of there. Third option was to go via Dorking then ot Horsham but the Dorking to Horsham line is replaced by buses so that ruled out IOW for this weekend. I remember travelling through the tunnel on the BLS out of Spiez whislt they were widening the tunnel to double track with trains still running through it.

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Greetings all from the boring borough. 

Lovely meal out last night. A bit of celeb spotting and a bit too much rum. 


Today's shopping has been curtailed so it is off to Horrorsons apres breakfast. A fast trip to Bexley Brewery to raise a glass to their 6th anniversary and obtain some limited birthday brew. Lastly it is off to the uncharted wilds of Croydon to catch up with some other strange ER and his long suffering partner. <that was a joke> We haven't seen them since January so we are both looking forward to the visit and some beer. 


Enjoy the day. 

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Good morning all,

There are one or two small patches of blue through the clouds here.  Sunny spells are forecast with a southwesterly breeze and it should stay warm and dry.

Today is mainly OCD for me.  (Oven Cleaning Day)

I may be gone sometime as the appliance has been neglected for a while and it it will take some considerable attention on my part to try and restore it to its normal (almost) pristine condition.  

Have a good one,


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