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Weather has turned very fall-like. The pipe band gave a concert tonight and commented how it was like Scotland. The event was free-ticketed to limit attendance. About 50 may have been there. It started at 6:30 but the ticket said we should have our chairs set up by 6:50.

Big bookstore chain still trying to sell MRJ from about January.

We bought a new plastic mat for the computer chair. The previous one seemed to have developed a slippery surface in places.


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Early in my career, I would think nothing of driving from Luton-Newcastle upon Tyne and back in a day. A 500 mile round trip, but a relatively straightforward drive up the A1, interspersed with a Little Chef stop or two. Always in a brand new car to do the journey, no speed cameras and relatively free flowing traffic.


It's so much different these days. A two hour drive to the Midlands fills me with dread. The seemingly endless roadworks, stop-start traffic, poor driving standards from all vehicle types and an absence of anything but camera-based enforcement. That's what I find tiring, leaving me pretty frustrated at journey's end. A two hour drive into East Anglia on the other hand, is nowhere near as stressful and I barely feel the effects.

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When working in a building service company years ago weekly trips from leeds to gatport airwick and/or Heathrow for meetings quickly ran in my Ford Mondeo..


I bought the car when I left having had it for 3 years..it had 104,000 miles on the clock...



Edited by Barry O
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Mooring Awl Inner Temple hare, 815/510

3 hours plus 3 .25 hours plus 0.25 hours sleep.. not as much luck as ChrisF..


A sort of neutral temperature on this mornings Patrol As Ben the pleased with himself Collie found something else to chase.. A cat.. I don't know where that's from as there are no slave owning cats within 1/2 a miles.


Dry broken but mostly cloud this morning, this is the first I've left the upstairs light on as it was still dark-ish in the house when I left..


The new covid rules are, as usual,  muddy as far as sailing is concerned.. The social side of sailing has long since gone. Although they have been allowing 30 on the island for the sailing each weekend. We could probably get 100 on the island getting their boats out without breaking the 2 metre rule, and we have one of the most confined sailing club yards in the country due to being on the tiny island.

According to the latest missive from the club, they as usual are awaiting clarification from the RYA from HMG.


Meanwhile Macarthy and Stone purveyors of miss described housing to the elderly.. err that could be me, when did that happen? .. Have finally restarted work on their Stalham site. I've seen a few visits by their company vans since lock down started, but yesterday a digger was at work and a couple of other men wandering around doing things..


Another escaped Effin clown in the middle of Wroxham this morning... a muntjac deer wandered out of one gate way across the road and into another just a gentle slowing required this time..


I finally got given the missing piece of test equipment at an hour before my finish time last afternoon, that  left me with 16 hours to do 8 hours work. Whether or not it's completed depends mostly on the three hour automatic run, as it can't be left to finish on it's own as it will kill the batteries in the voltage measurement standard.. the voltage standard runs from batteries  so  mains noise doesn't interfere with the measurements..


Time to check the company spam and then get started..


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You may remember my comments about a lady falling overboard at great Yarmouth Yacht station a couple of weeks ago.. This is taken a few hundred yards down river from there a hire cruiser a couple of years back with engine failure.  you can see the effect of the tide there.

Note, the Coast guard man once aboard the hire cruiser, is seen hauling at something  on the bow... That's the  rope for the mud weight which is used as an anchor on the broads , it's dragging ineffectively on the bottom..


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Moaning all from the boring borough. Looks like we've got 2 more micro pubs open with another pair due shortly. That will bring the total to 14 plus 3 more just over the border in Greenwich. 


Driving again. Last Oct I did Carlisle and back in a day while moving the offspring to his new abode. That was my longest UK distance in a day. We've had the new Landy for 19 months now and only just hit the 10,000km mark a few weeks ago. That would have been about 4 months or less back in Canada. 


The builder next door hasn't got his way with the HMO application and the whole thing now has to go before the planning board. I'm going to have to write and present a 2 min speech on why I'm objecting. The hard part will be making it only 2 minutes. 


In other news the new washer arrives today. Since our laundry area is upstairs we've been moving furniture in the hall and making sure the old one is ready to be removed. Somehow I don't think the delivery guys are going to be happy, even though it is noted on the delivery. 


coffee time. Enjoy the day. 

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' morning all from red dragon land.


Overnight rainfall is drying up. Sun later...


After several weeks of abandoning the cutting board, I managed a bit of m*d*ll*ngyesterday, despite the ravages of seasonal irritations - I cut a millimetre off the length of a tube which is to fit over a lamp iron!  Today, I shall glue the tube onto the back of its headboard.  If I can muster up a bit of fortitude, I hope to carry on with the other bits that need doing.


Toot on the flute is also taking its toll, so I am just concentrating on one tune, stripping it apart, and working on each little bit at a time.  Frustrating yet satisfying.


Fitt :training: and :danced: Elfie pulling their socks up.


Take care all and don't get caught out by the ever-changing rule book...  :banned::protest:



Best wishes

Polly - 'Er Indoors out of the pollen

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Good morning everyone 


Late on parade this morning, we both overslept, despite the radio coming on! Anyway, breakfast has now been eaten and I’ll shortly head off to the workshop to continue working on the turntable. The plan today is to build a platform and shelter at one end for the vacuum control gear. All I’ve got to go on is a photo in a book, so an awful lot of guess work will be involved. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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2 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

...........various scantily clad young ladies hung off the back and side of these vehicles throwing out goodies.



So why on earth are you posting a picture of 2CV's painted like tablecloths??  We need pictures.....


1 hour ago, grandadbob said:

My record was 3 hours for 27 miles coming home one night due to an overturned lorry.  



Thought for the Day:

What do you do when you're stuck on the M25 in a humongous traffic jam and dying for a poo?

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bin day today including the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon. Yesterday I gave the weeds on the patio a dose of glyphosphate and the effects are beginning to show already, except for the one or two I missed. A bit more gardening will be done later.

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