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Greetings all from Sidcup where the sky is grey but it is reasonably warm outside. Work continues, one step forward two steps back it seems at times. Younger Lurker still continuing to settle into the new school. Today is the day that Mrs Lurker does not work so she is dropping him off and taking him which is probably why i have had a brief moment to post on here.


have a good day all

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I once drove from kinloss home in one hit leaving at 5pm arriving home at 130pm i had to use the coast road via Aberdeen rather than the A9. I tried to get a Travelodge room all i could get was either scotch corner or ferrybridge. So i thought i may as well carry on scotch corner to ferrybridge used to be 56 miles to the side of the power station before rerouting of the A1.

Needless to say it was the longest 56 miles on Earth.

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I have driven  over a few mountain passes, I think some over 2500m. In the old days cars with carburettors used to bang and knock terribly. We once hired a terrible Hyundai Getz that had a choice of neutral or first going up through the summer snow to the Franz Josef Hohe on the Grossglockner. Though there is lot less snow (and glacier) nowadays than when I first went there when I was 12.


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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Earlier this afternoon I spotted a couple of mushrooms growing in the garden. They're edible (shaggy inkcap) but I'm going to leave them until they're ready to spoor then I'll put them down in the wildlife corner. Tidied up the patio while I was out there, the weeds need no encouragement to grow. Muggatee now awaits, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Back along I regularly used to drive down to Falmouth earlyish on the morning of the Sunday before the weekend before Spring Bank Holiday - b various country roads to get me to the A304 3 at Andover then straight through to Exa and thence westward via the southern side of Dartmoor and into Cornwall at Saltash.  Always drove non-stop apart from the essential halts at things like traffic lights and road junctions and I maintained a moving average speed log/target for the entire trip often aiming to beat the previous year's time.  Usually an enjoyable drive although by around St Austell the traffic started to build up and was not so much fun as various empty country roads nearer this end.  Coming back was invariably hellish as it was normally the wekend after the bank holiday so it coincided with the first emet evacuation eastwards of the year  - occasionally so bad that I actually came up the motorway instead of turning onto the A303 off the Exeter bypass.


Very different the last time I went down a few years ago - train to Truro including a nice cooked meal and collect a hire car at the station there.  Drive around Cornwall fo however long we were there then return teh hire car to Truro station and catch the train home.   Much more restful than even an early start long distance drive down to Cornwall.


Last night  Mrs Stationmaster and I watched the latest tv incarnation of the James Herriot stories and she was distinctly unimpressed.  I had also watched the first prat last week and am prepared to give it a chance but honestly it really seems to fall short of any previous on-screen incarnations, including the film version in which Simon Ward played Herriot.   Some of the characters come over as distinctly wooden although MrsHall is a very lively soul and obviously thoroughly in charge of Siegfried while Sam West is trying is hardest in the latter role.  But there it seems to stop and Diana Rigg was awful as Mrs Pumphrey.  I might give it a further chance but, Mrs Hall apart, I find it difficult to seee much hope for it.  Other of course will have their own opinions.


Met Office weather forecast has been pretty accurate today.  i don't know anything about current BBC weather forecasts as I gave up submitting myself to their tv news programmes a couple of years ago and I don't pay much attention to the radio news and weather forecasts either.  And while they're not much use to us living a long way from the coast I have found the Met Office shipping forecasts, including the extended Outlook which goes about 4 days ahead, to be fairly accurate.


Enjoy the rest of your day everybody.  A wedding recepytion will be taking place across teh road at the weekend with, as far as they can, good social distancing in force and as much as possible taking place out in the garden.

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7 hours ago, AndrewC said:

We used to drive to Seattle for a long weekend. That was just under 1300km.

I’ve driven Edmonton to Vancouver in a day - once! That’s 1150km, and any time I did it after that, I split it, usually at Kamloops.


3 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

So i thought i may as well carry on scotch corner to ferrybridge used to be 56 miles to the side of the power station before rerouting of the A1.

Needless to say it was the longest 56 miles on Earth.

That was the thinking that got me doing Edmonton-Vancouver in a day. Kamloops by about 7pm - well, you can’t stop for the night at that time, can you? Next civilization (using the term loosely) on the road is Hope, but that’s less than 150 km from home, so you have to keep going. But that’s the busiest stretch of the whole road, and doing it in the dusk and darkness after that distance was not fun.


I regularly drive 640 km into the Interior of BC to visit family. In summer, I can do that quite happily in a day, with usually 4 stops on the way for food, toilets and gas. But at other times of the year, we split it over 2 days. It’s not the stress of driving, it’s the possibility of encountering large and stupid things on mountain roads in the dark. (The wildlife can be dangerous, too!)

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Aditi’s uncle who lives in California phoned today for a chat to see how I was and we also had a chat about the fires. He said he and his house are safe but there is so much smoke that the sun is dull orange in a dark sky. 

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Evening, Not much  to report. As hoped a little more paperwork done, managed to balance the books. 
Don’t know what tomorrow will hold, not had an indication from SWMBO so I’ll just have to wait and see. Glad to see Ian’s back but do feel it’s been a bit quite here of late. I hope everyone’s safe and sound especially those missing .

Dropping asleep as I type this so I’d better wish everyone a goodnight,


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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Glad to see Ian back and I hope we hear soon from the other missing ER's. Arthur Itis is still hanging about, he seems to like the humidity, hopefully the seaweed twirlers are right about a hot dry weekend. Bin day tomorrow so I've got to get them out for tomorrow morning.

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Good evening everyone


Nice to see Ian popping in again. 


The sun continued to shine all day and the temperature was very pleasant indeed, I was able to sit on the bench outside the workshop and enjoy my mid morning muggertea, the first time I’ve been able to do that for well over a week!


Today I’ve had a very productive day. My first task was to remove the doors from the bathroom cabinet, I then marked a pencil line one each door to indicate how much needed to be removed. I then set up one of my portable work benches outside the shed and sanded both doors. Once happy with how much had been removed, a quick wipe down and then everything was then taken back to the cellar. There I applied a coat of quick drying primer, whilst that was drying I headed off to the workshop. I then set about making 4 brass bushes, one for each of the turntable wheels. The kit wheels were a bit too sloppy on the supplied axles and they each had a very visible wobble as the turntable operated. The axle is approximately 2.5mm diameter, the hole in the wheel was around 2.8mm diameter, hence the wobble. This was cured by making a brass bush, just over 4.7mm diameter, 3mm long and with a 2.5mm hole through the centre. I then enlarged the hole in the wheel to 4.7mm and pushed the bush, which is an interference fit into the whole, the result is no discernible wobble now and they are also very free running. I managed 3 before dinner leaving one to do after dinner. 


I went in for dinner a few minutes early so I could top coat the cabinet doors. After dinner I gave the doors a second top coat and then carried on making then fitting the bushes.


Wheel with bush fitted. 



I packed up for the day a little early so I could re-fit the cabinet doors, which now open and close a lot easier and no longer stick, Sheila is delighted.


I used to love driving when I was younger, even up-to a few years ago I didn’t mind it at all, but towards the end of my working career, it became less enjoyable. Possibly because the roads were a lot busier, or maybe there were just lots more idiots, I’m not sure. I could regularly clock up 600 miles in a normal week, on one occasion I managed to clock up just over 1000 in 5 days, I definitely don’t miss driving that much now! It’s now just over 3 years since retired, in that time my car (which I bought new) hasn’t yet clocked up 6500 miles!


Goodnight all. 



Edited by BSW01
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