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The Q - are you sure that it is your keyboard and not something to do with the site.  Quite  a few of us, including our American Abel not seen for some time, have had problems.  Hopefully your problem will be passing, mine now means that there is a PW that I am unlikely to forget since forgetting it is the means by which I can visit.   Only twice tonight, that's good going.


Masks, a pain but I tend to agree with ID and today did find one rather a struggle and just could not stop it misting up the specs. - just as well that no driving was involved.

Edited by PeterBB
Spelling correction.
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Good evening everyone 


I managed to get the tidying up that I wanted to do in the cellar competed. I also managed to take and post a few photos of a modified loco on another thread, which seem to have attracted some positive comments. 


After dinner I managed to get an hour or so in the workshop. But this was mainly finding places for the few items I'd decided to relocate from the cellar. 


I also have trouble with the disappearing keyboard when I use my phone. It disappears every time I hit the return key. But to get it back I just touch the screen where I want to start the next word and it magically reappears. It's a bit of a pain, but ho hum!


Goodnight all 



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10 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

Not wishing to belittle your fox problem GDB it could be worse like one of our American correspondents had problems with Bears coming round. 

Canadian, please!

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Mooring awl,  inner Temple Hare,, 

One hours sleep then woke up thinking this is going to be a bad night,  then 5 hours,  sleep.. This has been followed by a little bit of semi dozing.. 


I am slowly coming to the conclusion it is this site, that is causing keyboard problems ,  which is odd,  because at least 3 other sites I use are fairly obviously based on the same background software. The other thing is why did this only start a few days ago.. 


We have foxes in our garden occasionally,  though I've not seen a live one,  just finding a dead one in the garage once,. I have seen them on the roads around here though. They don't seem to be efficient at getting rid of rabbits which we are getting a lot of.


7 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Just done a five Milestone Moving Average, and it's damned close to a year.


. Now is this a true figure, or does it include any posts that may have been run over by a train or speared by the Awl within 28 days? 


Time to get off the sofa and get some breakfast. 

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Ey up!

Monday already. Doesn't time fly when you are having fun?


Enjoy your trip Chris. Take a small bottle of sanitizer with you though..just in case.


Hope everyone is ok and has a good day!


Positive thoughts to all ERs especially the "missing" ones..



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1 hour ago, TheQ said:

....We have foxes in our garden occasionally,  though I've not seen a live one,  just finding a dead one in the garage once,. I have seen them on the roads around here though. They don't seem to be efficient at getting rid of rabbits which we are getting a lot of....


I would assume that the reason the foxes are not making any inroads into the rabbit population is that they are finding easy pickings in the form of raiding rubbish bins for food scraps. Which is not good for foxes, humans or even the rabbits (predation is necessary to keep the rabbit populations at a manageable size so that the healthy survive and have enough to eat).
There is one US state, I forget which, that has very strict restrictions on deer hunting. In the absence of predators and human culling, the deer population has exploded leading to starvation amongst the deer and them invading suburban gardens. Not good for deer or humans. Predation and/or culling is necessary to keep the populations down so that the prey animals are themselves well fed and healthy (given that most predators, by preference, target the old, sick and lame animals).

Given that any biological population, be it animal or insect, is kept within manageable limits by disease, predation or starvation, I wonder how long it will be before nature catches up with H0mo sapiens? Given how we are destroying so many habitats and in the process stumbling across small populations of animals harbouring some very nasty diseases indeed, I suspect a plague to make CoVID 19 look like sniffles in Kindergarten will be coming along sooner rather than later.
Whilst starvation as a means of seriously thinning of the human population is unlikely, there is also a possibility  that predation could be what thins out humanity - where the predators are alien beings from off planet (If not from outside the solar system).
According to some of the more bizarre theories circulating around the mythical “Area 51“, the various UFO and alien visitations so far experienced by Earth are merely a prélude to a full scale invasion. At least that is what the “tinfoil hat“ brigade would have you believe. Mind you, all the reasons postulated by various science fiction TV series for invading Earth really do not hold up to scrutiny. Why invade Earth for water or natural resources when they are free for the taking in the asteroid belt?  I think that there are only two viable reasons for a full-scale alien invasion of Earth: to use us as labour (voluntarily or involuntarily) or as a source of food, just because we are sapient doesn’t mean we won’t taste good to some entity or other.

And on that, definitely “out of this world” note,I bid you a good Monday



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I’m building a short wall in the garden, using treated timber 4x4s. I need some more #8x3” deck screws, so I went to get some while doing other errands this afternoon.


I tried three different DIY stores.  None available in bulk, and none in boxes of less than 1000. Apparently, there are problems with supply and demand is up with people doing projects while off work. An employee in one store said they got a shipment on Thursday morning; by Thursday evening they had all gone. Contractors heard they’d got the shipment and were wheeling them out by the cartload. They expect their next shipment in 2 to 3 weeks.


Looks like I’ll have to make do with what I’ve got.

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Good moaning to all.  Chrisf I wish you luck with your call to the durgery and with tomorrow's  trip to the south west.


Here it's sunny but cooler than a few days ago.  My main task this morning will be digging out  a channel for casting a concrete step to form the basevof a gateway. Once done I can start making the gate to fit the opening.  I may also spend some time trying to mat h up some negative strips with the rest of the film they came from.  I had quite a bit of success yesterday.  


Apart from that I wish you all a good day.



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