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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Need to pop down to the big orange shed tomorrow for a few bits and pieces, though I might put it off until Monday when it should be quieter. Now to finish ploughing through Farcebook, be back later.

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Morning awl inner Temple Hare,  again,  not seen me before this morning ?


It's because this is the third attempt at typing this.   The keyboard is doing strange things,  it's a strange interaction between RMWEB and this tablet computers keyboard.  It's not happening on other forums.  Even those using the same software. The main problem is still the keyboard disappearing when I hit the enter key. This time I got dumped into the song title thread. 


The Barleywood colour is one from cuprinol,  I bought it because it "guarantees" it will last six years on the can.  If it lasts that long I will be impressed,  the BBQ woodwork  is fully exposed to the sun facing south. The paint didn't seem expensive compared it it's competitors. 


I've not managed to keep in contact with anyone from school days,  being a moving target for most of my life, it's not been possible. 


Time to.. Do nothing,  until summoned by Ben the alarm clock Collie. 

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2 hours ago, TheQ said:

The Barleywood colour is one from cuprinol,  I bought it because it "guarantees" it will last six years on the can.  If it lasts that long I will be impressed,  the BBQ woodwork  is fully exposed to the sun facing south. The paint didn't seem expensive compared it it's competitors. 



My train shed is Cuprinol Barleywood. In the shade the colour stayed pretty good for nearly 11 years. In direct sun however, it does fade fairly quickly. I repainted it about 3 months ago and can already see a difference between where the wall is shielded by the fence and where it gets full summer sun. Even with the fading, this was the first time I'd repainted it since the shed was built. The stuff does last. 


Great to see Tony home and hopefully receiving the royal treatment. 


All may hospital visits apart from one have been day trips. I will say that my 2 day stay had a great view of the Rockies and Glenmore lake. Other than that, I practically tore open my stitches jumping about trying to convince the doc to let me go home. 


It is Sunday. BBQ breakfast, an extra latte perhaps, and off to the shed for some m*delling in the form of module rebuilding. 

Enjoy the day. 

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58 minutes ago, Barry O said:


Chrisf.. go tothe A1/A17 turn off.. the farmers kitchen just off the roundabout serves very bice food..and lots of it! If we are travelling south we stop there as part of the "Grantham, The Streamliner Years" operator feeding stations. Excellent!



Have a great day!

Enjoy what you do!


If you are referring to the "Friendly Farmer" at that junction it comes up on the internet as permanently closed... http://www.friendlyfarmer.co.uk/

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Great to hear Tony's getting better and hopefully he'll be up and around soon. Baz, I haven't played cricket for years so I'm not sure what the rules are now in the circumstances you described with regard to runs scored or is it just one unhappy batsman. You still see a few numpties going unmasked, as Flavio said, if you have a medical condition that means you cannot wear a mask should you be out at all? 

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8 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

if you have a medical condition that means you cannot wear a mask should you be out at all? 

That really depends on the medical condition and your individual circumstances.  


I am exempt but I was never required to shield nor self-isolate.  Had I not gone into work I would not have been paid these last six months.  My role was not furloughed nor was it available for furlough. 


I am, in fact, exempt twice over.  Once because of a medical condition and once because rail staff on duty in open areas are explicitly exempted by edict of the Government under the temporary Covid legislation.  


I respect Flavio's opinion as a medical professional and I also believe he would also understand the need for each of us to make personal decisions.  There are a good many medical conditions which can exempt someone from the face-covering requirements but which do not necessarily make them any more vulnerable to contracting - nor to spreading - the dreaded lurgy.  Those who might be at much higher risk are aware of that fact.  I suspect that many have had the option to work from home, furlough or shield and have therefore not been out and about much if at all for months.  

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

As for your Swiss Trip,  I’d be getting ready for a refund. Not only because - for the foreseeable future - anyone returning from Switzerland to the UK will have to go into quarantine, but also because if you travel anywhere in Switzerland (by train, tram or bus) you MUST wear a mask. Something you have repeatedly said you hate.


I'm ready.  A letter from the travel company is due at the end of the month.  In happier times it would comprise a request for the balance of the cost of the trip but because of the quarantine situation I am braced for a refund of my deposit, having paid nothing else yet.  When my trip to Dublin fell apart in March I got all the money back except the premium for the travel insurance.  I even got back the cost of the afterparty in the grounds of a museum.  I do hate the wretched mask, with a passion, but if needs must, etc etc.  If they were as effective as has been claimed, surely those who rule us in the UK would not have dallied for four months before making their use "obligatory"?  Mind you, says he straying too close to politics again, we have a Secretary of State for Transport who has advised people not to use the trains.


As for the absence of an invitation/summons to the diabetes clinic, I need to talk to the surgery tomorrow about something else.  I do know the consequences of leaving it untreated but I am on medication, which is hardly leaving it untreated.  Perhaps the vets collective is concentrating scarce resources on those in greatest need?  All that used to happen at my clinic was that I would stand on the scales and the nurse would tut-tut.



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Morning (just) all,


Yes, I began to tripe this 2 minutes before the morning ended all you won't see it until after the morning (I regard the morning as ending at 12.00, others might not).


When it comes to masks I don't mind wearing one but Mrs Stationmaster doesn't like it one bit while the GD doesn'y t have any choice - q 12 hour shift fully masked fir the entire shift with the only break from it being the meal break (which of course being the NHS is not part of the working day so her day at work actually totals 13 hours).  Under present rules there's really no way round this in hospitals because now if a member of staff test positive that mean their entire  shift is quarantined which can mean a ward or clinic or whatever having to close because there is nobody to staff it for part or all of the day (in just teh samew way as various food processing factories have had to close).


Ah now old school friends /colleagues - although we were not necessarily close mates at various times during our school days we regularly - in pre Covid times - went out for a meal with a couple of chaps who started in the infants school in the same year/class as me.  One of our number - our current Mayor - went to the Secondary Modern )remember those?) while other two of us went to the Grammar School and were in the same class right through until we left after A Levels.  Coincidentally I saw him at the surgery last week and helpfully suggested that if he were to wear his mask the right way up it would be much more comfortable and effective ;)


G word might take place today but the temperature is forecast to rise a bit in the coming few days so deferral might take place.  and more importantly the brown bin (garden recycling for teh use of) is getting pretty full so hedge trimming won't be on the agenda - but the ;a lan/grassland, cutting of, might.


Have a good day everybody and take care and i'm sure Ferrari's likely performance today at Monza is unlikely to have an adverse effect on Tony's blood pressure.

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