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Very cold wet and windy outside,  we've obviously had large quantities of liquid moonlight overnight.  I swept the raised patio clear of water , in the hope of it drying before work commences there later.  When the patio floor gets tiled a small slope will need to be incorporated. 


Ha, as I type this,  the weather man on TV reports Weybourne met station is still reporting 40mph.

It's still very overcast but there are signs of brightness to the north and Weybourne .. 

Padded thermal overalls today I think.. 



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9 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

...Sympathies to ChrisF and Flávio with their respective travel arrangements....

No sympathy is needed, Robert, although the supportive thought is greatly appreciated. Being the jaded, dyspeptic and cynical old g1t that I am and having observed, from afar, the three-ring circus which appears to be the current British approach to the pandemic, I decided that – sh1t will happen - and pre-emptively (and presciently) changed my arrangements. No fuss, no muss, no toys thrown from pram! 

9 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

Beth and I visited a Walmart in Roseville, California (it happens to be next to a huge Union Pacific marshalling yard by a strange coincidence) when we were in the US last year. Sure enough there was a Walmartian at the checkout in front of us. I wanted to get a picture but was told very firmly to put my phone away. As to what she was wearing, the outer covering was many yards of highly stretched lycra. As to what was underneath I dare not even contemplate. She couldn't get through the checkout without turning sideways.



Hmmm.  My late father, a keen amateur historian, claimed that after the Founding Fathers arrived in what became the US, much of the subsequent immigration was from - as he put it - the detritus of Europe. Which, if indeed true, and supported by the historical evidence, would explain a lot about Walmart....
Equally interesting (and equally contentiously) he claimed that the difference between the US and Australia was that Australia was Britain’s dumping ground for the “criminal classes“  (most of whom were transported for trivial “crimes“ often committed in the name of survival), whereas the US was the favoured destination for the “religious loonies“. Indeed, it is claimed by some historians that the Puritans fled to America because they weren’t allowed to persecute others (such as Quakers) for not having the “right religious approach”

8 hours ago, Dave Hunt said:


Zum: Sicherheitsdiensthauptamt 'iL Dottore', Braunschweig Grun Strasse, Grossewesterneisenbahndorf, Der Schweiz.

Liebe Herr Flavio,

Wir haben fur Sie ein E-post aus England - :blum_mini:



Velcome to Switzerland, Herr Hunt.  We have notified your embassy that you are here and after a week or two in a sanatorium, we will be sending you back to England to fight the good fight!

7 hours ago, laurenceb said:

Having spent 4 months in relative isolation, getting out and about is proving hard. I think that if I had been getting my food shop delivered I would probably never go out again.life on the outside is scary, and I dont mean corvid

Night awl

Given my dyspeptic and cynical worldview (formed from my experiences In the hospital and as a paramedic with the worst that humanity can offer)  I am perfectly happy to avoid most people and most places. I am perfectly content to be on my own, I have a small circle of extremely high quality friends and acquaintances for those biologically necessary interactions we humans need. And a well stocked larder, freezer and - most importantly - library means that I can happily exist with just the company of my dogs (and Mrs ID) for months on end.

6 hours ago, BSW01 said:

...I then set off for the Trafford Centre where it was quite busy, once again there were a few people not wearing masks, the vast majority were under 30 ...


Who knows, maybe we will be seeing a return to true Darwinian principles. In other words, if you behave stupidly or make a stupid mistake it is terminally lethal. Callous? Probably not, it is -  after all – what got our species to where we are today.  Let’s face it, in our evolutionary history if you forgot to check for snakes in your bedroll or misjudged the spear throwing distance for taking down a bison (lunch?) then you generally didn’t leave any descendants. Which is as it should be.

41 minutes ago, TheQ said:

....Ben the alarm clock Collie stopped snoring and is sitting in the doorway giving me the big stare.. 

You are going to have “a soggy doggie“. It is also urinating down here and whilst Schotty is most happy to go out in wet and cool weather, little Lucy is a little bit more fastidious (let’s not forget that she spends most of the summer lying in the garden “working on her tan“). As far as Lucy is concerned, getting cold and wet is something for “other dogs“.

Have a splendid Sunday!


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1 hour ago, Dave Hunt said:

Morning everyone. I'm currently waiting for the doctors' daily round to see whether they will let me go voluntarily or whether the big guns will have to be unleashed and Baz's Challenger 2 brought into action supported by HH's artillery. I have high hopes that since no politicians are directly involved the common sense approach will be taken and an all arms response will be unnecessary. On the other hand a ride home in heavy armour has its appeal.... 


Have a good Sunday folks. Stay safe and avoid the attack of the Walmartians.



A Challenger 2 has its own tea making facilities and via a Berrisfood funnel a toilet! Plus air con, hydrogas suspension and a way of taking you anywhere (except if the slope is greater than 33 degrees of incline...)


Good Luck



Edited by Barry O
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I hope Dave is allowed out for good (or bad?) behaviour soon. Sun is shining but its still cold enough for the central heating to come into action. Tea is waiting to be drunk, be back later.

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4 hours ago, grandadbob said:

Good morning all,

Windy night and we have a greyish sky but there are hints of blue appearing.  A cool, mainly dry day with sunny spells is forecast.

Time was spent in The Shed yesterday, firstly tidying then playing with the larger variety of wheeled toys.  I have been finding 3 link couplings difficult to cope with, particularly as the board is at eye level.   However with the aid of a step and a little illuminated shunting pole thingy obtained from eBay I'm getting the hang of it.  Haven't fell off the step (yet) either. 

Today will see another Shed visit and after lunch there are a couple of rugby matches being televised followed by F1 highlights.

Eggs, bacon and other nice things have just been offered if "you get a move on."  I cannot refuse that and will comply before she realises how much sport I'll be watching later!

Have a good one,




4 hours ago, Andrew P said:

STEP?          A BLOO*Y STEP?        Are you mad?       

I keep falling off my milk crate, (did it again yesterday) WE / YOU / ME, us old folk, should have more sense.

I know we haven't but we should have learnt by now, that jumping from a great height without a Parachute is not a wise move.

Come to think of it, jumping from ANY height even WITH a Parachute is never a good idea in my opinion.:o


Stay safe one and all, and keep your feet firmly on terra firmer.:good:

Been back into the Pit Of Doom / POD, and found the answer to NOT falling off my crate.


DON'T stand on the darned thing in the first place.:D


It works for me.:good:

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I have been listening to the radio today which is nothing unusual for me but I was struck by two of the adverts that have played a number of times. 


The first is for the "Eat out to help out" campaign which ends tomorrow so why is it being pushed so hard? I will admit that by tomorrow evening I will have enjoyed four meals with my wife under the scheme. 


The second is from the NHS telling us to eat healthy. 


Have the powers that be who after all are using our money to pay for these two adverts thought about the fact that they are pushing fattening food in one and saying you should avoid fattening food in the other? 


Is this a case of left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing? 

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14 minutes ago, Chris116 said:

I have been listening to the radio today which is nothing unusual for me but I was struck by two of the adverts that have played a number of times. 


The first is for the "Eat out to help out" campaign which ends tomorrow so why is it being pushed so hard? I will admit that by tomorrow evening I will have enjoyed four meals with my wife under the scheme. 


The second is from the NHS telling us to eat healthy. 


Have the powers that be who after all are using our money to pay for these two adverts thought about the fact that they are pushing fattening food in one and saying you should avoid fattening food in the other? 


Is this a case of left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing? 

Just normal methods of operation at a senior level...

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50 minutes ago, Andrew P said:



Been back into the Pit Of Doom / POD, and found the answer to NOT falling off my crate.


DON'T stand on the darned thing in the first place.:D


It works for me.:good:

Even worse than falling off the blasted things (almost) is when the one you are using has spent a bit too long outdoors in the sun and starts to disintegrate beneath your feet.  It's not really much different falling into one from falling off one - apart from the scratched ankles.

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