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Guest Max Stafford

I wouldn't recognise a quadratic if you bounced it off my head! Whereas I had a natural flair for English as a child, in mathematical terms I was and am educationally sub-normal! :laugh:



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Quadratics aren't too difficult if you can find someone who can explain them properly.


I really struggled with Maths throughout school, but finally got a teacher who could really explain things in a way that I could relate to. It was good enough to get me an Engineering degree, but I still have nightmares about second order differential equations and Laplace transforms!

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  • RMweb Gold

A mathematician who can think like a normal person is a good find. I have come across more than one who when I asked what they were studying gave replies that stated if they could explain it to me they wouldn't be studying it.

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Morning all.....:D


Dogs are barking like crazy, so that's the builders arrived for day two. Just to pick up on your questions. The kitchen units will stay Tony, although we are considering getting some new doors to a more modern pattern and then spray painting them a similar colour. The opening facing you in the pics will be bricked up to separate the old dining room from the hall. The stair gate will then be back in business, keeping the cats and dogs apart. They wouldn't hurt each other, but it does stop the dogs from barking and chasing the cats and gives the cats a quiet, peaceful area where they can relax.


The beam you can see lying at an angle is the new beam that has to go above the opening. It's a new one on me consisting of three parts. A plate steel centre and two really dense wooden beams bolted into one very heavy sandwich. It takes five of them to lift it, so today will be interesting....


Nearly finished the ballasting on the new board. Limited myself to an hour or so to stay interested and it looks fine, but it is a time consuming business.


Didn't have a clue when it came to quadratics at school, but then I have not needed them in 40 years of working, so perhaps they were superfluous after all.


Bright and sunny outside, so looks like another goodun'.....B)

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Morning all. Okta'd up to the max in the Athens of the North, quite dark threatening ones at that and the wind seems to be getting up too.


Had rather a disturbed sleep as someone had a doorbell fetish between 3.30 and 5.15 this morning. Whether it was some resident of the block who'd lost his/her keys and couldn't raise their partner or an undesirable, I don't know. At that time of the morning, I'm not making any effort to find out. Unfortunately my dreams wove around something similar too, so I don't really feel I've had a very restful night.


Gordon, you have my sympathies for cleaning up the dust after that, doing the landing and my bike on Monday night was enough for me...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright one. Plans have changed, I was expected to go for a walk but it seems the staff now have a visitor arriving this morning so I am excused and can escape to the shed. :yahoo:


Gordon I know you have a penchant for modelling on the kitchen table but don't you think taking out walls so you can bring the whole layout down is a step too far?


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all!

I'm ashamed to say I've only just woken up - still, you're allowed a lie-in occasionally aren't you? huh.gif

Mind you, it should teach me for my late night activity on AGWI (speaking of which, thanks Don for the comment biggrin.gif)

It's quite strange because if I close my curtains I wake up around an hour or more later than I usually would, hence normally I leave them open... laugh.gif

Oh yes, and don't even get me started about maths and quadratics - let's just say I was doing fine until I started A level where my teacher told me its best I should probably leave because I didn't get an A at GCSE!


Not sure what I'm doing today - I finished of those geography cards so I could start my economics but I feel more inclined to have a rest day and work on AGWI.


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my teacher told me its best I should probably leave because I didn't get an A at GCSE!


I got a B at GCSE, and I never did A-level Maths.


Didn't stop me getting an HND in Electrical and Electronic Engineering and a degree in Electronic Engineering though!

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  • RMweb Gold

Thought I'd have a run out and spend some time at Carlisle station. Interesting few hours. BUT have just been to the model shop and spent more than I intended. Question: what's the best way to sneak it in when I get back.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thought I'd have a run out and spend some time at Carlisle station. Interesting few hours. BUT have just been to the model shop and spent more than I intended. Question: what's the best way to sneak it in when I get back.


Just take it in and demonstrate what all your purchases do. Your family will be so pleased you have an interesting hobby.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


It's as quiet as you would expect it to be on a holiday, and the weather is sunny and slightly windy. We may be out for dinner today – in between, I guess we'll have to see.


Cheers, guys... ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Already warm here. I should be putting the bin bags out but I've been sorting out (ie paying) Matthew's travel insurance for his trip to Vietnam.



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Morning All,


It looks like it is going to be a great day here. Blue skies, and a touch of wind - which hopefully will keep things a little cooler.


I am planning to head off into the Taunus for a spot of Geocaching.


Time for a coffee - Have a good day everyone...

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