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Very early mooring awl,  

Ben the very unhappy Collie was very unsettled all evening,  

At about 00.35, Thor arrived, a  terrified Ben leapt into the bath and started to try to dig his way to safety.  After SwMBO calmed him down,  I encouraged him down the living room. He's immediately gone and hid in his safety cage.  So I'm now on the sofa,  with the TV on slightly louder than I would normally,  encouraging words spoken when ever Thor hits his anvil.. 


It's been chuckinitdarn for over 5 hours,  some wind has arrived.  Good job I got the marquee got sorted. 


It's also a good job I don't have work in the morning.. 


I think Thor is on his way home,  I will turn the TV down shortly and try for some more sleep. 



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6 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

As I mentioned over in TNM, a Juno of  No 1 FTS was practicing some quite strenuous exercise over the local fields this morning. So his extraction may be imminent.


Cake and Malt Whisky for Dave can be sent to me and I will look after it.

Hippo, Will you also guarantee that said items sent to Dave via YOU, will not be aloud to go out of date before consumption please?:D

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Mooring awl,  and it almost is with the amount of soggyness that fell overnight. 


I did get some more sleep last night, Ben came out of his cage about half an hour after my previous post. 


Not surprisingly with the TV on overnight it reinforces the statement" you know when a politician is lying, he / she opens his mouth " you just wonder how they can keep straight face.. 


I've just looked at the weather stations, the nearest onshore shows a westerly about 15mph, the nearest offshore buoy shows a North easterly of about 15 mph. The forecast for both is a northerly with scattered showers. 

As it is it's cool, very overcast, dripping wet with a northerly wind here.


Plans for today,  well that depends on how much additional soggyness arrives.,  At least one more section of capping or fillet must be fitted to the boat,  additionally I have reprinted the boat name to a larger size,  if it's too wet to work outside,  that needs cutting out and using as a template to mark out the stern if it fits. 

Outside there's the doorway to the alleyway to be worked on and finishing the barbeque area. I ordered some cladding for the barbeque area Monday evening,  the house of strong ladies indicates it will arrive next Wednesday,  it actually arrived 41hours after the order. 


Time I think for Muggacoffee number 2.




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8 minutes ago, Andrew P said:

Hippo, Will you also guarantee that said items sent to Dave via YOU, will not be aloud to go out of date before consumption please?:D


Photographic, dated evidence of said items actually reaching Dave would be more appropriate.  Said items must be devoid of any evidence of teeth or lick marks, though non-destructive sniffing is permissible - so long as no packaging seals are broken.

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1 hour ago, polybear said:


Photographic, dated evidence of said items actually reaching Dave would be more appropriate.  Said items must be devoid of any evidence of teeth or lick marks, though non-destructive sniffing is permissible - so long as no packaging seals are broken.

But how does one check if more nefarious forces have deliberately sent contaminated goods if a taster and tester is not employed?


We ex-military types band together in times of need and stand together to protect our wounded comrades.

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Good morning all,

Glad to hear that Dave is improving and thoughts with Rick and Mrs G.

Greyish sky at the moment but it's dry after last night's downpour(s).  Sunny intervals, scattered showers and possible thunderstorms on today's menu.  During one heavy deluge I poked my head in the loft again and was glad to see that all seemed to be in order and dry.

Caught up with the recorded rugby which is just as well as I believe some seven matches are being shown over the next few days.  The Boss will not be amused. 

Mind you, talking of Herself, we've found that if anything the lockdown has actually brought us together more, albeit somewhat forcefully!  In the past we've had a fairly active social life with family and friends and there's no doubt this has been badly missed (by both of us) but surprisingly we haven't ended up killing each other.  The Boss is still rather worried about  going to the shops but in the past couple of weeks  we've been out shopping if necessary although most stuff is still being delivered.  She will not be using public transport anytime soon, she didn't like it before all this.

Talking of which I have been instructed to "get a move on."  It appears that "we" once again forgot to order something from Sainsbury's that is nothing to do with me so have to go and get it!

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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2 minutes ago, simontaylor484 said:

Good morning all 


Just had call dracula on the way 


I rarely see Sister Drac or Nurse Drac. I now see one of Drac little helpers for blood removal. ..one is ex Army and is very good the others vary from a slight bruise mark to a 

Rondonculasly large one.



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Morning, during the lockdown we have and still are basically shielding, we have visited our daughter and they have visited us, but in the garden and maintaining distances with adults, though the grandkids have been squashed a bit lol. We are very lucky being so rural with a walk to the beach at the quiet and difficult to access end only a mile away(though we avoid weekends unless it's raining), we can cycle on quiet roads and I have both the garden and other hobbies I can manage without bumping into folk, pretty sure this has kept us sane. It also helps (for me at least) that I like my own company, fishing on my own has been a large part of my life for decades, I often travel to and from the destination in company, but then wander off on my own. SWMBO is also the kind of person who can busy herself with crafts and baking and we both enjoy the countryside we are lucky enough to live in and we have taken to going out for a drive to places not visited before and taking a picnic every now and then to supplement the stimulation of the soul, keeping away from the crowds is easier now folk are going back to work and school. We avoid watching "live" tv as a lot of it is woeful and often depressing, instead we tend to record what we want to watch and watch when it is convenient. We do miss seeing friends but zoom and various apps the wife has on her phone allows us to keep in touch, I guess retiring 5 years ago sort of eased us into being together more than when I was out at work.

We still haven't been in any shops, just the chemist once a month for prescriptions and we are able to get our needs delivered, even a new tv arrived yesterday as the old one had taken to constantly switching itself off or the screen would just go black, food is delivered from a choice of 3 supermarkets and a couple of local farmers for meat and eggs, to be honest it would not bother me if I never went in a shop again.

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Good morning everyone 


Last nights rain has stopped falling but the ground is still very wet. Hopefully it won’t rain again during my walk to the butchers shortly for the weekly meat rations and a pastie for dinner. Upon my return said rations will be stored and muggertea No2 will be made and consumed before heading to the Trafford Centre for a few more comestibles. 


After that the rest of the of the day once I’ve refitted the blind in the bathroom is mine. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a restless night last night, or rather Arthur Itis did and he kept waking me up, he's a lot quieter this morning and I didn't have to resort to paracetamol. No hot water this morning so I had to scramble up into the loft to re-start the boiler, when I did so the central heating sprang into life. The forecast is cold but mainly dry for the bank holiday, even frost is predicted in some places. Thats it for now, be back later. 

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mmmmmmm, I spoke too soon, it’s p!ss!ng it down now, best put on my rain coat I think. 

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Morning All


Site is up but very slow and flaky - had to consider doing some modelling instead of reading about it - hopefully it will get back to normal soon - I know Andy has been working hard to try to get things back quickly, and when all's said and done, it is not really down to him as he's in the hands of others who are letting him down.


30747'a niece arrived on time from Scotland, and Lily is beside herself with joy.


Back sometime soon.


Regards to ALl


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Greetings one and all


Today the hiraeth is on full power and I wish I were 160 miles away.  Were it not for that ruddy virus and all the disruption that it has caused, I would be heading for Cardiff to march in the parade at Pride Cymru with about 15,000 other like-minded souls.  How I miss the atmosphere!  Spectators line the pavements up to five deep and many of them cheer.  It’s terrific, even when the temperature is 33 degrees and there is no shade.  Cardiff is at the upper limit of how far I am prepared to drive out and back in one day.  Fortunately there is a frequent train service between Cardiff Queen Street, the nearest station to the assembly point, and Cogan, where I park and don or doff my rainbow boots.  Last year my journey back to Cogan was in a Pacer whose flanges squealed all the way.  One must take the rough with the rough.


Meanwhile, back in the all too real world, my Christmas and New Year holiday has taken a step nearer to cancellation with the inclusion of Switzerland in the quarantine list.  Things can change in three and a half months but I have no cause for optimism.  So I get to save four thousand pounds.  Big deal.  I would rather have the holiday. 


Best wishes to all



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