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I have found family were living almost within walking distance of where we lived in both Leicester and Derby and never knew they were there, my maternal Grandad had loads of brothers and sisters his children didn't know existed, most odd. We were called by some solicitors some years back to go and clear a house in Derby, that turned out to be my mothers Aunt and she'd never heard of her!!

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21 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

I have found family were living almost within walking distance of where we lived in both Leicester and Derby and never knew they were there, my maternal Grandad had loads of brothers and sisters his children didn't know existed, most odd. We were called by some solicitors some years back to go and clear a house in Derby, that turned out to be my mothers Aunt and she'd never heard of her!!

Any money?:biggrin_mini:

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35 minutes ago, tigerburnie said:

I have found family were living almost within walking distance of where we lived in both Leicester and Derby and never knew they were there, my maternal Grandad had loads of brothers and sisters his children didn't know existed, most odd. We were called by some solicitors some years back to go and clear a house in Derby, that turned out to be my mothers Aunt and she'd never heard of her!!

More common than you might think for families to split apart like this. My father had an elder half-brother and elder half-sister that he only found out about when he was 80.

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During my Dad's ancestry research we found out that a very distant cousin several times removed worked for George Lucas's Industrial Light & Magic on the first Star Wars film, he was a 'Foley Operator', which (I think!) is something to do with the optical effects department. Much closer to home another element which we now know is 100% spot on is that my uncle Tony was the duty rozzer when Mira Hindley was nicked in October '65 (four days after Brady), he was the arresting officer. We recently found out that his son John (my cousin) who was also a rozzer, attended the aftermath of the IRA bombing in Warrington.


I find this stuff fascinating - we're all entwined in history one way or another, be it intimately or just as passers by.


Stay safe all ;)

Edited by Rugd1022
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Please pass on my thoughts and good wishes to Dave 



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Flippin heck,, young Dave ill!.. Hope he gets better soon as I have missed his banter on RMW as well as his knowledge of all things Midland. Please pass on my best regards if you would be so kind..



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3 hours ago, J. S. Bach said:

So, were there any?? :biggrin_mini:

Yes, there were known to be, which is why that term was included in any search meant to find publications dealing with that topic.


In fact, there were lists of all sorts of mis-spellings known to exist which had to be included in searches to try to make sure all relevant publications were retrieved. (Though theory says that that is impossible in anything other than a small, finite, tightly-controlled collection.)

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Afternoon all,


And HH please pass on my best wishes to HH for a good and quick recovery.


And to trees of the family.  the one, or part of one my dad did sits on the desk a few feet from me and that goes back to 1643 for the direct line.  however years back in his direct research he came across a distant cousin living in Scotland who line of the family had moved northwards out of Yorkshire when the brother of dad's great grandfather (or grandfather?) had moved to Scotland for work.  This distant cousin was even more bitten by the genealogy bug than my dad and eventually hired a pair of prefessional genealogical researchers to have a real go - which they did.  They added a second archbishop to the one we already knew about and took the line right back to 1066 when that line of the family arrived in England illegally having crossed the Channel in the company of several thousand of their mates all working for a bloke called William.  They did quite well out of William and got their own small bit of Yorkshire in return for helping him destroy other parts of it and adjacent counties.  And that really was where the family was centred apart from a branch in Gloucester and, of course, the one who went to Scotland plus others gradually going elsewhere.  My day came south just before the war to live with an uncle whilst he did his year as journeyman having just finished his apprenticeship. (that uncle had won the Military Medal during the Great War and finished up that war as an RSM in the Canadian Army which he'd joined in 1914 not long after he emigrated to Canada, he remained in England after the war).


Over the years the name has changed mightily varying between containing either a 'y' or an 'i' until  both eventually disappeared; having or not having an 's' on the end usually preceded by an 'e' until that disappeared in the same way as the i/y had gone; also containing an 'e' in the middle which at some time became an 'a'.    So basically French origin of that line and the surname (which in one of its various forms is shared with a town in France).  My mother's family were fairly consistently Vale of the White Horse but I don't know how far back that goes although at one time they were known as 'the Giants of Ashbury'.  Meanwhile Mrs Stationmaster claims long standing Cornish ancestry with a smidgeon of Devonian.  No bishops in her lot but one was transported to Aus for sheep stealing while another had a while in Bodmin gaol for committing an act of arson in Penzance. there is also a more teniuous link with the Pellews which she has yet to run to earth.


Tight bins to get round teh back, greenhouse contents to water and so on; curry for dinner tonight.  Enjoy the rest of your day folks and it looks like Belgium is the best place to stay safe.

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13 minutes ago, The Stationmaster said:

Afternoon all,


And HH please pass on my best wishes to HH for a good and quick recovery.


And to trees of the family.  the one, or part of one my dad did sits on the desk a few feet from me and that goes back to 1643 for the direct line.  however years back in his direct research he came across a distant cousin living in Scotland who line of the family had moved northwards out of Yorkshire when the brother of dad's great grandfather (or grandfather?) had moved to Scotland for work.  This distant cousin was even more bitten by the genealogy bug than my dad and eventually hired a pair of prefessional genealogical researchers to have a real go - which they did.  They added a second archbishop to the one we already knew about and took the line right back to 1066 when that line of the family arrived in England illegally having crossed the Channel in the company of several thousand of their mates all working for a bloke called William.  They did quite well out of William and got their own small bit of Yorkshire in return for helping him destroy other parts of it and adjacent counties.  And that really was where the family was centred apart from a branch in Gloucester and, of course, the one who went to Scotland plus others gradually going elsewhere.  My day came south just before the war to live with an uncle whilst he did his year as journeyman having just finished his apprenticeship. (that uncle had won the Military Medal during the Great War and finished up that war as an RSM in the Canadian Army which he'd joined in 1914 not long after he emigrated to Canada, he remained in England after the war).





You and I are either related or our relliies were mates of Bill le Franc as some of my mob came over the channel in dodgy boats

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2 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:

Thanks for the message of concern. I'll keep you updated.






I'll pass on everyone's best wishes to Dave, and will pass on any messages.


HH, Please pass Dave my Best Wishes for a Speed Recovery!

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10 hours ago, AndrewC said:

One annoyance we discovered is just how much our cat sitter was taking the p!ss. £10.50 a 20 min visit is what he advertises. Will feed, clean, play, water plants. etc. With a Ring door bell we were able to see that he averaged less than 8 minutes per visit. The garden cam showed he never went near the greenhouse, or watered anything. SWMBO has now lost several tomato plants and 3 hanging baskets. A rather curt nasty-gram to be sent after we get our keys back. The search for a new cat sitter for future trips is underway.



Personally I'd also consider changing the locks - getting a set of keys cut is all too easy these days.


Best wishes to our resident Tom Cruise for a speedy return to fully serviceable once more.

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A full day without the interweb here, it has been three days for some parts of the island, after a hardware 'upgrade'. Ahem.  Manx Telecom are in the doo-doos it would appear.  So apolos for anything I have missed, but best wishes to Dave, whose writings I have always enjoyed fully.


My paternal family history goes back to the Romans, Hadrians Wall and all that, not Mike's lot,  the maternal side includes Fletcher Christian, as in the Bounty, my Mum's maiden name  was Christian.

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Best wishes to Dave and get well soon. 

4 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

I have found family were living almost within walking distance of where we lived in both Leicester and Derby and never knew they were there, my maternal Grandad had loads of brothers and sisters his children didn't know existed, most odd. We were called by some solicitors some years back to go and clear a house in Derby, that turned out to be my mothers Aunt and she'd never heard of her!!


3 hours ago, Andrew P said:

Any money?:biggrin_mini:

I used to watch Heir Hunters on mid day TV. My surname came up in one show but no relation unfortunately. There was one chap who died intestate and they couldn't find any relatives despite his estate exceeding a million pounds.

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