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Mooring awl inner Temple Hare, 

 Three hours, sleep  long gap, three hours sleep. 

Ben the desperate Collie wanted out an hour ago but is now snoring. 

That might be because there is a line of rain heading north, less than ten miles away according to the radar,  and my fingers. 


A note for those who don't live in the UK,  Dental charges,

under 18s, very low income, pregnant women,  war injured ex services,   no charge. 

 Very low income means having no savings of over £ 6000, and it's very complicated,  but the maximum income for not qualifying for free treatment is about £16,000(before tax) 


Band 1 £ 22.70,  that's inspection,  clean and if required X-ray. 

Band 2 £ 62.10 , filling,  removal , root canal, 

Band 3 £ 269.30, crowns, dentures , bridges and anything more complicated. 


Rumble rumble,  Thor's arrived, Ben is hiding in his cage, then the room  just illuminated  for a second.. Before more noise. 

The illuminations are coming from out to sea,  and the interval between light and sound indicates about 3 miles.  It's getting considerably darker.  The radar now shows a huge rainstorm off the coast we're just under a not heavy edge. 


Time I went and made breakfast,  just in case we loose power.. 

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31 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

You’ve pretty much confirmed what I suspected: that many will not pay to keep themselves in good nick. Unless they can get it “for free” on the NHS, they won’t bother. So it would seem that the mindset would be that of “repair when necessary” instead of “routine preventative maintenance” - one of the curses of modern life... 


 Those who puppy farm (and even some “reputable breeders” who insist on the most perverted of “breed standards”) are the vilest of individuals and are deserving of the harshest of punishments. An Old Testament retribution “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth” would more than appropriate here. Having a few puppy farmers die, slowly and painfully, from an avoidable disease would be fitting punishment indeed...



A friend of mine often used to say "I've really got a headache - I reckon I've got a brain tumour...";  we were milk-bears at the time, on the local Express Dairies Milk Float.  He was the sort that would go to the dentist once he'd got tooth ache, but not before.  Anyway,  his eyesight was playing up (he's in his 20's at this point) but did he go for an eye test?  Nope....

He eventually went when he started seeing double.  The optician remarked "Oh yes, there is a slight problem - I'll give you a letter to take to your doctor - you're to go now, and I'll phone ahead to tell them you're coming...."

You've guessed it - brain tumour.  He went thru' the surgery, treatment etc. etc. and made a few years, but it got him in the end.  Some years later his dad went the same way, apparently.

I saw his son a few years back - he was at about the same age as when his dad and I were "on the milk" together.  He was the absolute image of his father - it spooked me, I can tell you.


28 minutes ago, chrisf said:

I was working for Green Shield Stamps in Edgware on that fateful day. 


A few years ago I wondered what had become of Green Shield Stamps - it seems they became Argos....


As for iD's wonderful idea regarding Puppy Farmers, can I add those that think it acceptable to "own" and "train" Dancing Bears (if you don't know how they "train" them, take a look - but I warn you, it isn't pleasant) as well as those that run Bear Farms for the purposes of obtaining "Bear Bile".  I could have real fun educating some of those little scrotes, I can tell you.

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Ben wouldn't come out of his hidey cage even for a piece of bacon,  so I placed it on the floor just outside,  a nose appeared,  sniffed,  gently took the bacon,  and then disappeared inside. 


When we moved here, the nearest dentist with places was 20+ miles away,  after couple of years we turned up for the routine annual check up as per the appointment they issued,  and got told" we don't do NHS anymore. "

We got that treatment but we're I thought given it very grudgingly .

I noticed a couple of months ago they were advertising for nhs again. 


It took us a while but we found places at a dentists 5 miles away,  and have been generally very happy with them.  They are part of a local chain of about 10 surgeries, which has however, a turn over of staff,  as new dentists move off to become a partner somewhere rather than an employee. 


It's still. Very dark and rumbly out there.. 



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3 hours ago, Florence Locomotive Works said:

Might I ask what the SSN is? It's probably something really obvious.

As far as I know it's the US navy abbreviation for a Nuclear attack submarine.  SSBN is a ballistic missile sub. The Letters are usually folliwed by a number.  



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7 minutes ago, AndyID said:


And yet another "boot in" from "I'm neutral. I'm Swiss."


There are plenty of things wrong with the NHS  just as there are plenty of things wrong with health-care in USA. It's good to know the Swiss have it all figured out, just as they did eighty years ago.

Why do you think that this is a criticism of the NHS? It is a criticism of people who do not take care of themselves and then expect the NHS to sort it out all.

Just one example: do you think that it is acceptable to drink yourself into liver failure, get a liver transplant and then drink yourself into a second liver failure and then demand a second liver transplant? because I don't.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility.

BTW your gratuitous digs at the Swiss are getting tedious.

Edited by iL Dottore
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5 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

Why do you think that this is a criticism of the NHS? It is a criticism of people who do not take care of themselves and then expect the NHS to sort it out all



You might be missing the point. The NHS is not responsible for determining the reasons behind a patient's potential self-destruction. It's simply not their job.





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Good morning everyone 


It’s a bit duller and greyer than the recent weather we’ve been enduring having, it’s also a lot cooler currently 17C. Once I’ve finished my breakfast I’ll go for my short walk to the butchers to collect the weekly meat rations and a pastie for dinner. Once I’ve returned I’ll make myself a second muggertea before heading off to the Trafford Centre for a few more comestibles. After that there’s nothing planned, so a day of doing nowt important may be on the cards. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later.   

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Morning. After much rearrangement of the furniture upstairs all night long and the liquid sunshine still holidaying here instead of the Lake District, a sight never previously seen in 25 years our present location. Raingauge brimful, so something like 60mm in 24hrs (it's only calibrated to 50mm) that's all of Hertfordshire's typical summer month rainfall in one go. I wonder how deep the water is at the bottom of the hill? 

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Morning all.

It is very overcast here. I don’t think it rained at all here last night. We did hear some thunder.

I have no idea what we will be doing today. Certainly no doctors or dentists appointments. No bin collections. Perhaps the weather in Southampton will permit some cricket to be broadcast and watched. I may have a haircut (diy), I put the clippers on to charge last night, I know I am not going anywhere but I don’t want to wander about the house with half a haircut. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I must admit that I never went near a dentist for almost thirty years. The dentist I had before that was basically incompetent and on the fiddle as well. The incompetence I experienced myself and resulted in the 30 year absence from the dentists chair. He put the anaesthetic in the wrong place and then proceeded to drill into a nerve. And that was his 'fiddle', he wasn't qualified to administer anaesthetics but was doing it himself and claiming the cost of an anaesthetist from the NHS. It all came to light a couple of years later when a patient died in his chair from excessive administration of gas. He ended up being struck off and in prison. I was eventually persuaded to go back to the dentist for a check up after more than 30 years where I was pleased to find that I didn't even require a filling, all that was required was the removal of some plaque. I put that down to my not having a sweet tooth, apart from my mum's bread pudding. Back when I was in my teens/twenties I knew of several people of similar age to myself who had false gnashers even at such a young age. My father had false teeth but he lost his teeth due to war service in the Burmese jungle where diet and lack of any means of daily dental care were a contributing factor.

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  • RMweb Gold
4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:


Just one example: do you think that it is acceptable to drink yourself into liver failure, get a liver transplant and then drink yourself into a second liver failure and then demand a second liver transplant? because I don't.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility.



I knew someone who did just that. I can only agree.


Same for bariatric surgery (gastric bands).


What happened to personal responsibility? That's easy. Ambulance-chasing no win - no fee lawyers and irresponsible media reporting.

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Afternoon all 


Glad to hear baby Grace is improving hope it continues. Much more pleasant here today temperature wise. Bit of sunshine and cloud cover.


Feel really tired, garden bin emptied yesterday but cant motivate to csrry on with heavy duty hedge cutting today. 



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What planet are some folk on,or what drugs it seems.


As my Grandad would have said 

"Typical American hillbillies "

Picking up earlier comments i do like the scandi noir myself 

My favourite has to be the Arne Dahl series. Although the Swedish version of Wallander are quite good. 

But nothing beats midsomer murders though especially the more bizarre methods of murder

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