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Morning all, well typical holiday weekend weather here! It's chucking it down and has been for the last couple of hours.

That's going to make my journey into Lagos this morning "interesting", some of the pot holes are as deep as the car!.


Congratulations Pete on the nomination.


Mind you at least we don't have the commute to work like these guys! (Seen on Saturday)


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Guest tony graham

A rather fresh and spring like Morning here in Carlisle 'The Great Border City.


Sitting in my usual caffè Nero building myself up for what could be the longest 2 hours at work today all in the name of Health and Safety on the railway.


Hopefully sometime before December the sun and heat of summer will show face.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, late lie in today I pulled my back again yesterday like a numpty I was too casual and leaned too far, a small reminder that take it easy is a good scheme. I ebayed my MRJ collection yesterday and got a small amount for them, then this morning checking them into boxes I find myself 5 issues short. Oooh I am vexed !

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  • RMweb Gold

Amazing wasn't it?


I watched the Championship play off and flicked over to see what highlights/replay they were showing. When I saw the score I just assumed that it was some replay or other. It took a few seconds to dawn that it was actually live.

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Durham are doing pretty well against Lancashire in the County Championship too. Ben Stokes made his 100 off the last ball of the day. He's definitely one to watch, I'd be very surprised if he doesn't get an England cap in the next year or two.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Temperature's around 19°C as I'm typing this, though the sky's cloudy and looking sort of threatening. And once again there's the question of whether there may be any thunder...


Now for a cup of coffee – see you later, guys...

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Morning All,


I decided yesterday evening that I was going to cycle to work this morning. When I woke up, there was a shower in progress but I decided to go anyway.


It was a good decision. The rain had stopped by the time I left and it was dry all the way apart from one very short shower. The forest at dawn is beautiful!


Have a good day everyone...

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GOOD Morning all,


Bright sunny morning here too, after yesterdays & last nights rain. (Still the frogs seemed to have enjoyed it!)

Unlike yesterday(and Saturday) not to much travelling today


Have a good un.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Yesterday was a bit of a washout Don. It rained all day here so I spent most of the day tidying up the loft and study in anticipation of doing some more modelling this week. I can even find things now.


I have really gone to seed this winter but reading about an early morning ride in the forest makes me want to get my bike out again. Trouble is, it will probably need more of a service than I do. Do other cyclists here find it difficult to take that first step to actually get ready and get on the bike but once they are out there thoroughly enjoy it? Walking is the same with me these days.

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Morning all


Yesterday was a bit of a washout Don. It rained all day here so I spent most of the day tidying up the loft and study in anticipation of doing some more modelling this week. I can even find things now.


Really? You must have been unlucky, my folks said it rained until about 11. And the cricket went on at CLS during the afternoon.



I have really gone to seed this winter but reading about an early morning ride in the forest makes me want to get my bike out again. Trouble is, it will probably need more of a service than I do. Do other cyclists here find it difficult to take that first step to actually get ready and get on the bike but once they are out there thoroughly enjoy it? Walking is the same with me these days.

Funny you should mention that. I'm exactly the same. Unfortunately my neighbour across the shared landing has had a lot of work done to his flat recently and the landing (including my bike) have been covered in an inch of dust and plaster dust for the last few weeks. The lazy so and so hasn't cleaned up his own mess.


So I spent last night cleaning my bike and mopping the landing and one of the flights of stairs.


Took a lot of getting motivated to do it but now it is done I might be in the mood to get out on the bike. Another irritant before I cycle anywhere is that I have to carry the bike down 4 flights of stairs.

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Do other cyclists here find it difficult to take that first step to actually get ready and get on the bike but once they are out there thoroughly enjoy it?




When I woke up this morning, and saw that it was raining, it would have been all too easy to have jumped in the car!


I have had a few instances recently where I have deliberated where I should ride, and then ended up not riding anywhere. Fortunately, getting ready isn't too bad from my point of view - it is only a question of changing clothes and then getting the bike out of the garage.


This is the first time that I have ridden to work this year. What tends to put me off is having to ride through the Opel factory, and then Rüsselsheim town centre. Although I am doing it early in the morning, it still isn't particularly pleasant. This morning, I took a different route and avoided both. It is a couple of kilometers longer, but worth it for the improved traffic conditions.


I've seen deer and wild boar on my morning runs to work in the past, but this morning I only saw a few rabbits and a hare.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bright sunny day here I am hoping it will be the same in Cumbria, dads taxi today is a trip to Derby then up to Carlisle for DD2. The heated seat means my back doesn't hurt as much as it might so I will press on and the views should be as spectacular as usual as we drive through the velvet hills.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Bright one hereabouts. 'Twas grey and dismal all day yesterday so it's a distinct improvement. SWMBO is off doing genealogy things so I think I will head down to the shed for a bit of track laying.


Have a good one all.




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Also had to fix a puncture on my bike last night. Couldn't find the tyre levers to begin with (as Tony knows!).


It occurred to me this morning that while I'd emptied the drawer with my cycling shorts, shirt, puncture repair kit etc in last night to find the tyre levers, I hadn't seen either my cycling gloves or my Cat Eye computer. Cue frantic search this morning, eventually finding them in my helmet onthe top shelf of the wardrobe...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


We had quite a lot of rain last night but it looks like a rather pleasant day now. Just off to the post office to send off Matthew's CRB form. He sent it here for me to add all his ID documents. He needs to be CRB checked for his trip to Vietnam later this year.



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Morning all......Builders arrived this morning to take out a wall in the middle of the house.


With an open plan home, we can only imagine the amount of dirt and dust this will put through the whole place, even with polythene temporary walls in place to try and contain the mess. Like most houses, our dining room was rarely used although the kitchen was jammed solid if we had more than 10-12 round. So the wall is coming out to make one large room and increase he light in the kitchen. BIt scary at the moment as it's impossible to visualise what it's going to look like....


Otherwise it's bright and sunny with no octas in sight. Probably just as well, as I can visualise lots of dining room/kitchen furniture being parked in the garden for a few hours..


Whatever your plans are today, have a good one...;)

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  • RMweb Premium
... BIt scary at the moment as it's impossible to visualise what it's going to look like....


You mean to say you didn't map it all out with Templot and SketchUp!!!! :tease:




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