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Good evening everyone 


The sun didn’t show itself very much, in fact we had a very brief shower after dinner, by brief I mean less than 5 minutes from start to finish!


Removing the bathroom radiator didn’t take long, 10 minutes to drain and take it to the cellar. However, one of the valves was leaking, so that had to be sorted before anything else was started. I ended up making a plug that fitted into the end of the valve which once fitted stemmed the water. I then set about removing the paint from the radiator, by the end of the day I’d completed about 60% of it. Hopefully I’ll get the rest done tomorrow and then I can give the whole thing a good rubbing down and clean with a wheel type wire brush fitted to my electric drill. 


After tea I completed the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix, once again it was very quiet, but there are still a few people not wearing masks properly. I do wonder if it’s down to not knowing how to wear them or if it’s a case of some people showing a little bit of contempt at the government. 


Goodnight all 

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1 hour ago, iL Dottore said:

 So my question to my fellow ERs is “how old are your domestic appliances“?


So, my final questions to my fellow ERs are: how complicated are the features on your domestic appliances and do you use these features?




Bear signing in....


My own domestic dishwasher appliance was first tested in anger well over 45 years ago (though initial trials may well have been sporadic, with questionable results).  I have soft paws to prove it.


As for the cooker, if it isn't busted why dump it?   Gadgets you don't use on it?  No problem, just continue not to use them.  My own cooker has a digital clock on it with (I think) a timer function too - no idea if it's a simple alarm, or can actually turn things on and off as I've never used it.  As for the microwave, well that might  have some sort of grilly function but it's no good asking me.  The door opens and shuts, the light works, it makes a noise when working and it makes a beeping sound when finished.  And more importantly it cooks my baked beans just fine.

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Good moaning. It's a tad cooler here, just 22 at the moment but scatterred high cloud.  It could well be warm later.   Off out after breakfast to put up a curtain pole for some friends, then to Angouleme to get some supplies and whilst there I may even do a bit of trainspotting. It would be rude not to. Not a bad day in prospect.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning.


A few pints last night finishing off in Spoons with Twickenham brewery redhead and a pizza. Two pints and two pizzas cost just over £9 total. Spoons was busy but plenty of empty tables.


Another hot night and even hotter day forecast today. Our bedroom fan  is used most nights even in the winter. I bought it to use in our work site hut in Maidenhead 20 years ago and its still going strong. I bought a back up that sits behind me in the spare room, so that might get taken up to the shed later when the last out of my Hornby Bulleid light pacifics gets a check up and run on the High Line.


Stay safe and as cool as you can.

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Ey up!

No rain or thunderandlightning here ...yet.

Coller and fresher so slept well.


Oven, hob  etc in use for 4 years. Apart from a timer and a clock the ovens are simple to use.


Stay safe and well everyone, hope the driving goues well Dom!

Time to shake Tuesday up to wakefulness..



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4 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

Good morning one and all,


A very early start this morning, thanks to my old friend Mr Insomnia, who turned up in the wee hours with his new girlfriend Ms Hot and Steamy Weathergirl 

Depending on what weather app I am using, today’s weather will either bring rain or not. Either way it is supposed to get a lot hotter before it gets cooler. 

On the domestic front, our eight year old dishwasher failed last week and yesterday at the technician turned up to see what could be done. To make a long story short, the only thing wrong with the dishwasher is that the dryer component (a fan of some type) had failed. Something which, thank goodness, will be easy enough to replace. Now the reason I cite this mildly interesting bit of domestic trivia is to point out something I learned from the technician and that is: even for a very good quality domestic appliance, an 11 year lifespan is considered extremely good (additionally, I found out that whilst the average dishwasher at 11 years of age has about 5000 hours of use on it, our dishwasher – at eight years of age – already has 6 thousand+ hours of use on it). So my question to my fellow ERs is “how old are your domestic appliances“?


Finally, and again on a domestic note, I am thinking of replacing my eight year old “all singing, all dancing“ oven with something a lot simpler (some of the features on the oven I have never used and never will). In other words, an oven that turns on, quickly reaches the desired temperature, stays at the desired temperature, with no hot or cold spots in the oven cavity. Unfortunately, with one or two exceptions, the ovens available on the Swiss market (i.e. 55cm wide Schweizernorm - instead of the 60cm wide Euronorm) are all absolutely loaded with so-called “features“ including, believe it or not, Wi-Fi connectivity over an oven app! Some of which costing over Fr.4000 (£3300). Paradoxically, I can buy an oven for professional kitchen use at a quarter of the price of an “all singing and all dancing” technological kitchen marvel.


So, my final questions to my fellow ERs are: how complicated are the features on your domestic appliances and do you use these features?


Now off to snooze for an hour or so before taking the Wolfpack out for their morning stroll.


Carpe Diem


The cooker we bought was the ex demo one that was on display in the kitchen shop. When we got it home and fitted into the new kitchen we couldn’t  get the dam  thing to work. All the lights worked etc but no heat. After some time we realised that the cooker was on demo mode and everything worked but the heating element! How many cooker come with this ‘demo mode’ and how many of them actually get used in demo mode?


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On 09/08/2020 at 17:00, polybear said:


Were you successful with the refund?  Curry's have been known to have short arms and deep pockets whenever you mention the "R" word to them.

No problems at all with it, as I'd already spoken to them about a refund, and they said that with the TV returned to the store, there'd be no problem.  I do think that I'd prefer to do business with other companies, but there's no independents round here any more.


Morning All


Still on the old laptop, as I am due a visit from a friend's son to help with the setup of the Dell. 


Generic greetings are, of course, on offer to fellow ERs.


Regards to All


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. There's something wet falling from the sky this morning, I wonder what it is? Seriously we are desperate for rain but no doubt it won't be enough. Oldest kitchen appliances? The cooker is 31+ years old, the washing machine is 37 years old and to top the lot the filter coffee machine is 46 years old though that has been used very rarely as I'm a tea drinker. Off now for a dunk in the bath, be back later.

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South west Cornwall, currently 16 degC, misty, high expected of 19 degC, cloudy.


Dishwasher - on third in 35 years, washing machine ditto, fridge replaced last year, which was the third in the same timeframe, cooker, on the second, new one waiting delivery.



Edited by Coombe Barton
typo that I can't blame on autocorrect
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone 


A bit late on parade this morning as I slept in a bit. We’ve had some much needed rain overnight, which was accompanied (apparently, unbeknown to me) thunder and lightning. Today’s activities will be a continuation of yesterday’s efforts of removing the paint from the bathroom radiator. I’m doing the work in the cellar, which has a couple of benefits, it’s cooler and the paint stripper doesn’t dry out as quicker either. 


Kitchen appliance ages, the cooker AKA ‘The Beast’ (2 ovens, a grill, 5 rings and a hot plate) is over 14 years old. The fridge freezer is a little bit older, probably 16 years or so. The dishwasher is about 10 years old (our 3rd) and the washing machine is less than 5 years old, but if you age it by it’s usage, then it’s probably well over 15 years old! It’s probably used on average, I kid you not, 3 - 4 times a DAY, sometimes even more!


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 

Edited by BSW01
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Morning, we had the two young grandsons visit yesterday, made for a perfect day apart from the 5 year old thrashing me at tennis, what really hurt was the comment "grandad you're as bad as grandma"....................

I've been doing a lot more on the family tree, having hit nobility there is a heck of a lot written and I was ploughing on back in time past a grandad who came over in 1066 with Bill the bosher, but now have come to a bit of a halt. Cerdic the King of Wessex came over from Saxony and along with Queen Withgar seem to be difficult to follow back any further, so a birth date of circa 460 AD is far back as I can go on this blood line, I shall see if I can find any other offshoots to follow.

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Good moaning all. 


Strange how some appliances seem to last forever and others barely struggle on to the end of their warranties. 

For us, apart from the fridge, washer, dryer, everything is pretty much 2 1/2 years old from when we had the house totally gutted and rebuilt. Cooker is a rather nice Rangemaster but I use the bbq probably about 10:1 over it. The offspring managed to use his John Lewis discount to save us 30%. 

Fridge is a big American style thing, 12 1/2 and probably needs replacing. It has a design flaw that causes ice build up in the fridge side, which then melts and leaks a bit. Cost to rectify means it isn't worth doing. It is on next year's house expenditure list. Washer and dryer are around 11 and have had a few repairs. I've managed to do them all myself. Strange that last time the washer refused to fill I ordered a replacement inlet valve. An hour later it started to work all on its own. 


Many of our older items have a second life with the offspring. Dyson, microwave (16 years of good service), slow cooker, toaster, kettle.........


In other news. Still waiting for the council to make a decision on next door becoming an HMO. 11 objections noted including 2 of the 4 local councillors. Just spotted the planning lady wandering about, so something is afoot. Update: she left rather miffed as the developer never showed up for his inspection appointment. 


Back to work. Yes it still sucks, thanks for asking. Things are drying up now as contracts that should have been signed in March-June for work beginning in Aug-Nov haven't happened. There is concern that some people will be out the door if things don't pick up. 


Enjoy the day. 

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Morning all. 
 It,rained here this morning. Just enough to dampen the dust. Aditi’s car was collected for its service. Nice chat with the driver. I had a nice chat with our postie when she left a parcel for me. 
Aditi is pruning stuff in the front garden and I can hear her chatting with people as they pass by. Otherwise it is really quiet here.  
I am not sure what our oldest appliance is, it was the freezer which was over 4o years old when we replaced it last year. It was starting to struggle but also used a lot of electricity. 0ur Kenwood Chef and Magimix food processor are over 40 years old. The Chef was remotored a couple of years ago. Our washing machine has a few options we don’t use. It is possible to have extra options  installed, like “soft toy” and “footwear” but we haven’t bothered. Our electric oven must be about 15 years old with a  30 year old gas hob. If the oven fails we can’t buy the same brand as they seem to have ceased making them but Miele make an almost identical model. Then there are appliances that look old but aren’t. We have a Cuisinart waffle maker and a Sebo upright vacuum cleaner that look like something from the 1950s. 


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For the third time in six days I find that I am not following this thread! I wonder how that happens? 


My mother always said that she didn't need a new dishwasher as the one she married in 1948 still worked very well and was more interesting to be with. 


Two aircon units in use every day during this heatwave but the flat is still very hot. Opening windows just let's more hot air in so they have been closed! 


Mask wearing on local buses was good but has now become a bad joke with very few covering noses and lots of people now having a drink and packet of crisps while on the bus. 

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