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15 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

I am a big fan of summer.  It often brings out the best in people.  Occasionally it also brings out the worst if the heat gets too much for them but so far the "hot tempers" have largely been absent.  I was approached by an elderly chap who spoke with a broad Scots accent of the sort one might hear around Perth.  He asked "Did you see THAT?"  I had indeed seen "that" and replied that yes, I had done so, but had maintained my professional and respectful gaze slightly askew of the referred-to young lady.  "B*ll***s to professionalism" was his response - "That's the bonniest wee lassie I've seen in years".  I maintained my diplomatic silence whilst privately agreeing that there was indeed more interest than is sometimes the case!  Mr. Scots-accent went on his way still gawping back over his shoulders while I tried to replace his eyes in their sockets :jester:  And I carried on with my day.  All in a day's work at the House of Scantily-Clad Customers Fun ;)  Even my (middle-aged female) platform companion remarked, disparagingly, about the standards of (un)dress on display. 


I have an appointment with the shower and later with a chilled ale and the outdoor chair.  I'll see you later.  



A picture (or even better, several...) is worth a thousand words..... :)

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3 minutes ago, polybear said:


A picture (or even better, several...) is worth a thousand words..... :)


Difficult to take with any discretion though!


Supposed to be sipping it down here, with 40mm rain foreguessed and blunder and ligit-ning with a yellow weather warning.  Currently sunny.........:scratchhead:



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Hi Guys,

After the usual:


Now belated congratulations to the hunts, superb pictures of said collie and of the wolf-pack, our Australian friend extolling the 'virtues' of his tourism attraction, soap powder enzymes, polymer needs a groan but amusing, syphillis came to be 'known' because of the work of John? Hunter in Glasgow and as an aside have seen his work in their medical museum; dripping water sagas, and of course the weather - where would we be in this neck of the woods without our discussion on weather - outside today sunny but forecast as thunder ...  nearly forgot


Covid guidance - clear at delivery but manacled and distorted by the media and by a number of pXXXxxaas with a grudge.    I'll leave it there but apart from those who think 'its all over' and congregate as previous normal and of those who thin it is ll part of a government plot, those who think its a threat to their freedom - the latter is fine but with it comes responsibility to others, the part that it seems a great number of people forget or perhaps don't even realise.  History beckons here and that was also just a few days ago.


Getting used to the 'web' not working and how 'forgetful' I must be!

Edited by PeterBB
Typo error
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I had a collegue on a previous job that became adept at taking photos of young ladies without them noticing. I will point out that they weren't upskirting or anything perverse like that.

When i worked for the council this weather was great you would see some lovely sights and some that sadly would have looked better under a burkha

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2 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:


Difficult to take with any discretion though!


Supposed to be sipping it down here, with 40mm rain foreguessed and blunder and ligit-ning with a yellow weather warning.  Currently sunny.........:scratchhead:



It was the same here two hours ago, but just as we decided to have a cup of tea outside, the rain decided to arrive!  We were out for a walk earlier this afternoon and it was very humid and sticky.  While still about 20. Instead from home, we heard a rumble of thunder and had a few spots of rain, but it didn’t come to anything, so we got home dry.


This morning was spent back at the dentist getting a filling repaired, which was done in very quick time, but still with a substantial bill!  We then decided to do a bit of shopping and ended up with all sorts of things.  We are not convinced that there won’t be another lockdown, so we replenished stocks of basmati rice, arborio rice and bread flour which had got quite depleted over the last 5 months.  In truth, we probably overdid things this morning and I had a headache when we returned home, but that has since gone.


Something else that had suffered during lockdown was the state of the battery in the car, which I replaced on Saturday.  The old battery was returned to where I bought the new one for recycling.  At least we have had no problems since I fitted the new one.

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' afternoon all from red dragon land.


Sunny this morning but the shrub demolition site was in the shade.  I reckon one more stab at it and it will be time to bring in the strong arm of saw into play, aka Ray, but I have not told him yet. :mosking:

The forsythia is full of surprises.  I had cut it down to the crown well over 10 years ago but it has bounced back and sent out eager branches into the ground and layered itself to create at least 2 more bushes - only with all the greenery in front I had not noticed it and, because I never looked up its maintenance, I did not know to look out for it!  No wonder my Rose of Sharon found it hard to find room to flower and the fuschia got pushed out of the way by both.



Thunder rolling in the distance and pitter patter of rain on the terrace.


More thunder...and lightening....Time to get off of here...


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On a visit to TES and Co,  All I can say,  is ...


I wouldn't let my daughter go out undressed like that... 

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Moaning all :(


Weekend was quiet and pretty uneventful, until last night! We had a huge line of thunderstorms go through around 2am.

Woke this morning, rain gauge registered 5 inches of water and there's once again water in the basement :(

Sump pump failed apparently, and we've someone cleaning it up now <sigh> at least nothing is a "loss" best we can tell as it's only surface water, being sucked up with commercial vacs and then dehumidifiers and fans...


Cool this AM, around 16, expected to reach 24 later, overcast.



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Strange weather in the North West Leeds Highlands. It feels like it should be chuckinitdarn but..it isn't.  Indeed the weather peoplease at the Met Office seem to think our friends on the wrong side of the Pennines will be getting the storms...


Sister Drac has not rung today..that is 4 weeks since my tests...pah!



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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Another hot one today, so nothing done outside. My new reading glasses arrived this afternoon so I've been testing them out. Everything seems to be OK but I'll still be keeping the old reading glasses as neither the new glasses nor my distance glasses are any good for watching TV, the screen (10'/3 metres away)  only appears clear through the old reading glasses. What seems remarkable is that my distance vision has little changed in almost ten years. I popped into the big green shed this afternoon for some screws, I'm sure I had some somewhere so they're bound to come to light now. 

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Evening all.

Did a circular Umberto Escher walk today. Let's just say for a circular walk the majority of it was up hill - according to my knees.

Did another few miles walking into town twice and picked up a couple of 2nd hand railway m*dell£ng books.


1xRyvita for breakfast and salad leaves for tea/dinner.

My measure of fitness and fatness shall be improved return of heart rate to normal levels after a brisk walk uphill, and which notch to use on my belt.

N.B. I didn't need a belt last week! 

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7 hours ago, polybear said:


A picture (or even better, several...) is worth a thousand words..... :)


7 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:

Difficult to take with any discretion though!

Wot he said ;)  


Attempting to cool myself down on the lawns with a large bottle of water. Rain didn’t arrive. Sun finally set. 34C had become a mere 24C. 

Not keen on trying to sleep but needs must.  Night all. 


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Evening all,

Been quite warm and muggy here with little sunshine. Rain has been threatened by the forecasters but non has appeared yet so several trips around the garden with watering cans. The water buts are now empty so if there’s no rain tomorrow then the hosepipe will we sought out. 
Sydney has gone home after his week with us and SWMBO and I are missing him already. He has basically ruled our lives for the time he was here but we didn’t care. I’m sure he will be back soon and in the meantime we’ll get some work done.

Relativey Early night as work tomorrow,



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120 year old house has as usual turned into a pizza oven. 24 on the patio 31 upstairs in the bedrooms. Tempted to grab an air mattress and sleeping bag from the camping gear and sleep in the garden. 


I’m more used to a - in front of these temps. Gut knights awl. 

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We have a little rain here just now, but the lightning show isn’t far from continuous a few miles to the south.  The resultant thunder is simply rumbling in a seemingly never ending way.  The earlier teatime rain didn’t amount to much, but it has come and gone a couple of times since then.  Having had a PC hard disk destroyed by voltage spikes during a storm many years ago, I have turned off the PC, TV and freeview recorder to protect them.

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15 minutes ago, AndrewC said:

120 year old house has as usual turned into a pizza oven. 24 on the patio 31 upstairs in the bedrooms ... I’m more used to a - in front of these temps. Gut knights awl. 

Calgary’s currently at +26.

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Good morning all, just. Thunderstorm yesterday morning which has washed a lot of straw along the gutters to the next gulley.  It's still in the mid 20's here.  A good evening with friends has been had, lots of cool rose wine followed by a smooth local Cognac after a bit of shooting star spotting.


Goodnight all.



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