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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


There was a hot air balloon passing overhead about half an hour ago, though I cannot tell where it may have departed from. Other than that, it's quiet out here, and it looks like it's going to be a nice day. We may be going for a swim later on.


Cheers, everyone... ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Sky looking ominously dark at the moment. Paper shop doesn't open until seven by which time it will probably be splashing down.


Happy bank holiday weekend all.


Morning all


Sky looking ominously dark at the moment. Paper shop doesn't open until seven by which time it will probably be splashing down.


Happy bank holiday weekend all.

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Morning All,


It is a little on the cloudy side here this morning - but I still think it is going to be a reasonable day.


Robert, Just get stuck in!

Perhaps I ought to rephrase that..............what I meant was: Don't overthink it!


He he he :laugh:


Thanks Pete, it actually went very well. The thing is, I don't really know why I was nervous. I think there might be a date number three.


HELLO ALL. I'm back!


Thank goodness for that! We were starting to get worried Don.


Wonderful to see you back.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Pleasantly breezy here. Some creature has been crashing about in the garden in the night. It took Robbie a long time this morning to do his patrol, there was a lot of sniffing and re-marking of territory.

We'll be off to Buckhurst Hill later for lunch and afternoon tea. My nephew will be there as well, he got back last night from his work experience in India.



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I'm not happy. Dad and I went to the last Bruntingthorpe cold war jets open day last year and have been looking forward to the next one (today) for ages.

The forecast says cloudy and windy but no rain, and I have since found out the Vulcan will be taking off at the end of the day.

However, a stewing cold really kicked in on Friday and Dad is "delicate" after a day on the pop. Subsequently neither of us relish the prospect of seven hours in 20mph winds on an airfield.

I shall probably spend the day grumpy watching the Grand Prix.


Bah, C6T.

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Good morning. It's a bitterly cold, miserable, cold, grey day. Rain very much threatening but none yet. The Winter started on Easter Monday and it has been mostly cold ans rainy since, with very occasional Sunny daysin between.

I went for my 6 monthly medical check to my GP, two weeks ago. His surgery is just a few hundred yards fro my flat, down the street, around a corner and I'm there. I can't walk it, I drove and arrived a nervous wreck. I have decided to give up driving! My brother is 10 years my senior but still physically able. I have somehow deteriorated suddenly. :help: I still get up early, so qualify for Early Risers :) (Later tyoday, having been to Church!

Have a good Bank holiday weekend

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, glad to see the gang's all here. Not a lot to report here, very slow progress on Bodge City, sloth and lack of mojo have kicked in - again.


Had a few days in St Ives which was very nice, now back to the real world. Off to my son's for lunch in a bit, then I might do a bit on BC. Maybe....


Have a good one!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bit windy here but dry at present. Phil from what we have seen so far Bodge city it is not, may be if you look at it with a bit of pride in what you have achieved so far doing more would be easier?

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Don, I thought you had moved to a place where you were provided with assistance such as you need?


I learned last night from the Director that both of us have been nominated for an Award for work on a "Superman" web series. He for Directing (far more worthy than me, considering the budget was so low) and me for Arranging and Producing the Music. This is not an Emmy nomination...................we have been nominated by people who organize the "Superman" Convention this year (and maybe every year) being held in the town of Metropolis (I kid you not) somewhere in the mid-west.

Still it is the first time I have typed such a combination of of letters and words!


If you must hear a sample or two check out this site which has my music theme for "Fortress of Solitude" and the "Daily Planet Suite" (I know I need to update this with newer music and I will): http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=827583


Because I wasn't being paid for this work - I did it to help out the Director who was at the time a student at the Tisch/NYU - I did not score the movie series but rather wrote selected pieces which he then cut and pasted for each cue as required.


I only started doing orchestral type arrangements about two years ago - not bad for an old blues guitarist with zilch for proper learning!!!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, glad to see the gang's all here.

Well they are now, as I've managed to get my backside onto a chair near a computer at last - yesterday was a disaster computer wise, as I had to go and change the broken toilet seat in the morning, then as the new one looked so good, 30747 decided that "if you're can changing the seat, you can change the seal round the bath and pull out the mess that the builder never finished last year" so then we were off round the bathroom shop getting some new sealing strips, glue, end stops, corner pieces and all the other bits to do the job. Of course, nothing is ever that simple, and when we took the old finishing strip off, the silicone sealant underneath had never been properly finished, and the new finishing strips wouldn't fit properly. Then there was the bit at the back of the bath which had to be shaped to fit the curve of the bath, as the whole thing was set into the wall space by about an inch, so the seal wouldn't fit without modification, as it also had to be cut round the whirlpool controls. Talk about an esay job made difficult....


Great to see Don back with us at last - sorry to hear that it's a slightly frailer version, though.


And great news about the nomination, Pete - might not be the Oscars, but recognition of any sort is marvellous. The music is, as I've said elsewhere, very good indeed.


I've a bit of catching up to do so..


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

... I only started doing orchestral type arrangements about two years ago - not bad for an old blues guitarist with zilch for proper learning!!!


There 'aint no proper learning for composition and arrangement as far as I'm concerned apart from doing. I have admiration for anyone that can as it's something I have never mastered.




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  • RMweb Gold

Just popped into ERs only to see Don is back!!

Welcome back Dondrinks.gif


I've now officially already had my last day of college - just the exams to go now. Unfortunately time is taken up mostly by revision. However, I did stay at my best friend's house yesterday. Not into footie, but we all watched the match of Barcelona v. Man U. Great stuff.


I'm 90% sure I am going to enter into the RMweb/Model Rail 2011 challenge. If I do it'll probably be based on a refinery (next door to Calshot as it happens!). Struggling to work out what I can fit in the tiny space though... still, it wouldn't be a challenge if it wasn't challenging! laugh.gif

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Afternoon all! Mostly enjoyed the Formula 1 today, though it was a slight anticlimax at the end. The red button forum was worth watching as Eddie Jordan went in the swimming pool three times and DC once...


Great to see that Don's back. We were worrying about you!


England v Sri Lanka is trundling steadily to a draw. Caught the end of the PGA, unlucky for Westwood, but a good win for Luke Donald.

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  • RMweb Gold

Back from a really nice afternoon out. Much food eaten (my cake seemed popular) and tea drunk. Various small children were disappointed that Robbie wasn't there so invitations have been accepted for a visit here to play with him!



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  • RMweb Premium

The Porsche has sold for a low price and it looks like my MRJ collection is going the same way. Shame but daughters violin and doll went for more than expected so you takes a chance I suppose.

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A very belated good morning for Sunday or a very early good morning for Monday. Had guests here all weekend with the last straggler staying until today. All very civilized as it was my wife's ex husband, his new wife and their 10 year old who had come up from the IOW for a wedding in Teddington.


Great to hear you are back on line Don, but saddened to read of your current health difficulties. Hopefull you will return to 100% health and fitness soon, but I now realise that speed of recovery is directly linked to your age, so I am constantly reviewing progress on a more long term view, rather than rushing to get to normal as soon as possible.


Congrats to you Pete on your nomination for your wonderfully atmospheric music.


Now reached that relaxing, but mind numbing time to ballast the new board. Even now, I have little to show for the numerous odd moments here and there put into the job so far.


Oh ......and it's 2.22AM in the morning on a Bank Holiday Monday and I've stood on my glasses...:rolleyes:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


I just thought there ought to be an equivalent for TGIF related to Mondays. Perhaps OBIM would do? :lol: Weather report predicts today to be a scorcher, with thunder being likely by tomorrow.


And that's me brewing another cup of coffee...cheers everyone!

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Morning All,


As Dominik said, we have another warm day in the offing. The morning seemed to come around ever so quickly today - and I don't feel as if I have woken up yet.


I watched the Grand Prix yesterday afternoon, and it was a bit of an anti-climax at the end. It is a great shame they had to red flag the race because I think it would have been a lot more exciting if they had been able to continue. Oh well, that's racing.


Time for a cup of coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather overcast here. I don't plan to go out anywhere today. The roads into Southend can get busy on a Bank Holiday but it doesn't really look a day to attract the day-trippers at the moment.



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