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17 hours ago, BokStein said:



Sir, may I respect to quote the ancient adage that a bad workman blames his tools? :)


As an eay adopter of Flying Fish brand hacksaw blades, originating in a certain SE Asian country, I would venture to suggest that particular adage became obsolete c1984 ;)

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15 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

We too have been shielding, however the next person that tells me "we have GOT to go out and start living and mixing with people" might just meet with a sticky and untimely end.

Frankly, I thought that sort of advice was a load of cobblers for decades before Covid. Why is it so unacceptable to be an introvert content with one's own company? 

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6 hours ago, newbryford said:


Mr RH doing his impression of NHN's Donk?




With suitable apologies to NHN for borrowing a previous pic.


I feel an apology to Donk is called for too.....

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Reading through today’s posts, I saw that BaZ wrote “bought in curry for tea...” which - to me as a “continental” raises the intriguing, and possibly disturbing, image of mutton vindaloo on a scone with clotted cream and chapatis filled with either fish paste or egg mayonnaise.

Quite a few posters on ER refer to the evening meal as “Tea” and I wonder is this a regional usage or is it a class construct? As a German speaking “furriner” I have a single, catch-all, term to describe any foods taken after, say, 5 pm and that is “Abendessen”.  And when German speaking Swiss Anglophiles say “come over for tea on Sunday“ they mean what the Brits would describe as “afternoon tea“. Namely small sandwiches, small patisserie and, of course, a pot of tea (although, as we have discussed previously on ER, in Switzerland this is likely to be a teabag waved at a glass of hot water).

I also wonder if using the term “Tea” to describe the evening meal is perhaps a carryover from childhood. Although I was raised in a family that always ate “Dinner” in the evening, until I was about eight or nine years old I had my evening meal separate from my parents at about 6 pm and it was referred to as “Tea” presumably an abbreviated version of the term “High Tea“ (which I understand is a hot meal taken after luncheon but earlier than dinner).

Additionally , even if the continentals may agree that the evening meal is called “dinner“ in whatever language is being used, there is still the thorny topic of when do you eat “dinner“. I was horrified, when I first met Mrs iD, that she normally ate her evening meal at about 6 pm. Which I think is far too early. In Italy, the evening meal is taken about 8 pm, whilst in Spain the evening meal can be taken as late as 9pm or 10 pm (although you do hit the Tapas Bar before then).

So, a question to my esteemed colleagues on ER: whatever you may call your evening meal, when is the “correct” time to eat it?

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Ben the early collie wanted out at 05:30 ish, it's clear bright and for the moment cool. 

Breakfast as in straight bacon and eggs has been eaten.  Muggacoffee number 1 is being consumed. 


It's that time of year again, some insect has had breakfast on the back of my hand,  I need to give the jungle a good mow this week,   that reduces their numbers.. 


Elsewhere , not on this forum, there has been links to reports that locals are frightened to go out in Cornwall, due the covid ignoring tourists. It's getting that way here. We won't  be going down to the Beach,  and will be avoiding the local town for the duration,  unless necessary. It's actually less crowded in the "Extra " supermarket in Norwich than it is in the grokle infested local TES and Coe. 


Yesterday the strong ladies delivered a memory card for this tablet,  so the memory has gone from 98% used to 2% used. Also a set of metric ratchet spanners was delivered,  caused by the need to tighten up the keel bolts in a confined space,  most of my other tools are imperial. 

They put the parcels in one of the two self locking cupboards... And then pushed to lock the other one!? 


Tea time,   traditionally for me 17:00, that would not be the main meal as that was dinner was about 13:00.  Supper was a half hour before bed time,  milky coffee or chocolate with a biscuit or two. 

These days,  breakfast around 05:00 weekdays,  07:00 days off,  a sandwich at 12:00 at work,  main meal, dinner when I get home between 16:00 and 17:00. This is because SWMBO has two meals  a late breakfast about 09:00 and dinner when I get home,  with biscuits and a cup of tea later 


20 minutes or so it will be off trousers and on overalls , but first.. Muggacoffee no2.

Edited by TheQ
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Good moaning from the Charente.   Oh that there was such an emporium as discussed above in close proximity.  There are rumours of one about 22 miles from here but I only know an approximate location. I need to solve the mystery.  The pool is now about half full.  Filling will resume soon. 


We had a pleasant evening last night with some friends who have now completed their 14 days self isolation. What was noticeable was that there was at least one contrail visible whenever I looked up.


Breakfast has been taken and after a shower we will be heading for the market. After lunch my main task will be to assemble the pump, filter and associated pipework ready for the grand commissioning aka splashdown.


Regards to all.



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Tea for us is from 6pm onwards. I don't like eating too late but last night due to cricket we ate at about 8:30...


Chicken Puri and salad starter

followed by

Grand Slam Karahi with a Roti...


helped down by a large glass or tow of Shiraz...



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19 minutes ago, Barry O said:

Tea for us is from 6pm onwards. I don't like eating too late but last night due to cricket we ate at about 8:30...


Chicken Puri and salad starter

followed by

Grand Slam Karahi with a Roti...


helped down by a large glass or tow of Shiraz...



Well Baz, just goes to show how un educated some of us (well me anyway):P are, apart from the words Chicken and Salad, the rest of the me and you was Double Dutch to me, haha.:no:

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I have been to an afternoon tea at a hotel that allegedly specialises in such events. I hadn’t been to one before but my nephew was visiting the UK (until today he was living in Germany, moving to Switzerland today!) with his Austrian girlfriend. Although she had lived in England for a year a few years ago she hadn’t experienced “afternoon tea”. So lots of us went. The waiter did lean over and ask if I and my BiL would like an extra plate of sandwiches as the first lot disappeared quickly. Magda enjoyed the tea but I don’t think it has changed her afternoon cake and coffee habit. 


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I used to take my main meal mid-day, when there was a canteen at work. But the management decided to close it so I went over to a packed lunch. The canteen served up some very good grub even though the menu was limited (steak and kidney pie so it must be Wednesday). Not long after it closed I started putting on weight and I put it down to having my main meal of an evening. I still have my main meal at evening time despite being retired for more than 12 years. 

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Greetings all from a sunny Sidcup - the middle of a week off and the in laws visiting. The usual stresses and strains of having people staying and lots of catering by Mrs Lurker. The weather has been good so we have got in the garden and on Friday Younger Lurker and I managed our walk before the heat was too intense. He has also enjoyed all the live F1 coverage this weekend and is building up to the race itself by playing F1 2020 on the PlayStation.


stay safe and enjoy your day 

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