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Having been born and bred within a mile of the sea, i do miss it. But I don't miss the freezing winds in the winter. 


Goodnight all!


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1 hour ago, pH said:

We’ve been having quite a few wasps flying around the house for the last couple of weeks. It took some time to track down where the byke was, but we finally realized the entry was where a beam projects from an outside wall. So the whole area around that was sprayed yesterday evening with ‘nasty to wasps’ spray. We now have quite a few wasps staggering around the house, but none flying. Perhaps another spray application this evening, just to make sure.


Hopefully none of the 'killer wasps or larger hornets' that are coming our way!:o  


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6 minutes ago, brianusa said:


Hopefully none of the 'killer wasps or larger hornets' that are coming our way!:o  


Fortunately, no. But they aren’t just “coming our way”, Brian. They’ve already been found in northwestern Washington state and southwestern  BC.

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Happy birthday Keith - whether you'll get to read that on the day is at present somewhat debatable, of course.


The last two days Chez Hunt have been almost fully occupied with cleaning, fettling, transporting car loads of junk, garden rubbish etc. to the recycling dump, shopping and other satisfying and character building pursuits. Tomorrow looks like starting off the same way but there does seem to be light at tunnel's end. Or could it be the 6.15 coming the other way? We shall see. In the meantime cheery-by everyone until the far side of the shutdown is reached.



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CB - thamns for Peter Grines (Part thereof - a beautifully evocative piece of work by Britten, 


Thinking of Flavio looking for a 'tourist train and bearing in mind that he has now acquired a customer this might be just the thing for him (if the customer is that free with the largesse of course because the privces are eye watering) -



Not being at all sure what 'closed on Wednesday' means I say G'night all now just in case the closedown is triggered by the calendar!!  and many happy returns to Keith

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Good evening everyone 


Well it never rained today, in fact the sun came out and when Sheila walked to the hairdressers this morning, she had to don sunglasses! Actually, this was the first time that Sheila has been out since lockdown started, 4 months ago!


Anyway, all the tasks laid out for me to do today were completed, most before dinner, I even remembered to change the filter in the water jug as well! Now that the telephone line is now in the ‘office’ I can get on the internet via the computer that I moved in there a short while ago, something that I’ve not able to do for a few weeks now. But to be honest, I rarely use that one to go on line anyway, as it’s still running Windows ‘vista’, which of course is now unsupported. It's a very reliable machine and great for doing drawings on etc. I usually using our iPad for browsing or the old laptop, but that is very slow! Funnily enough, since I’ve re-routed the phone line the internet seems a bit quicker. But thinking about it, where the router was before, was about 20ft further away from the main incoming phone socket than it is now, I even got a good signal in the workshop!


I see the website will be down again tomorrow, perhaps we’re going to get a ‘groan’ button!


Keith, happy birthday for tomorrow. 


Goodnight all. 

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5 hours ago, New Haven Neil said:



Nice day, that's summer over then.   :lol:


Trying to set up whatsapp on my phone, I need a teenager.  I wouldn't bother but it's the only way two young relations will communicate.....#sigh# :rolleyes:



Whatsapp?! That's ancient! I use Imessage.:D


Here whatsapp is almost only used to communicate with people outside the USA. Or at least that's what most people I know use it for. 

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13 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

..... I see that they have 2+1 seating with tables. I hope the seats and tables are better than those I have experienced on Mk. I stock on a couple of preserved lines. The tables were fixed and extended to the width of the seats with a single support leg at the outer end. ...

What is it with modern carriage stock? Why do they absolutely have to have a table? Business travellers and tourists managed to travel perfectly adequately without fixed tables back in the days of long-distance travel with the LNER, GWR, LMS?

Many of the more enlightened railway companies around the world have carriage stock where the tables can be stowed away. Could it be that people designing the rolling stock for British railways (including current TOCs) are well aware of the propensity of the average British cockwomble to be a nasty little vandal (in addition to all the other, usual, “pleasant“ attributes that they have)?  And have thus decided that a fixed table is the least likely to be vandalised by CVs (Cockwomble Vandals) out of their heads on cheap lager on a Friday or Saturday night service.
Perhaps our very own Stationmaster could elucidate?

4 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

CB - thamns for Peter Grines (Part thereof - a beautifully evocative piece of work by Britten, 


Thinking of Flavio looking for a 'tourist train and bearing in mind that he has now acquired a customer this might be just the thing for him (if the customer is that free with the largesse of course because the privces are eye watering) -


Hmmm, I have mixed feelings about the music of Benjamin Britten. I enjoyed the music to the famous documentary film “The Night Mail“, but his opera “Death in Venice“, which I saw at the Bregenzer Festspiele - although beautifully produced and staged - sounded like a couple of cats being slowly strangled. And every time the music staggered towards having a recognisable melody, it immediately broke up into cacophony as though Britten, whilst writing the piece, caught himself inadvertently writing A Tune and that would never do. No wonder so much “modern classical music” has to be subsidised.


I had a look at the website that Mike posted and, yes, the prices are indeed eye watering (even by my relatively privileged standards). But that wasn’t the greatest surprise, what was unexpected was finding that all the very expensive tours (and I mean very expensive, as in north of £11,000 expensive) were sold out.


In comparison, the Japanese hotel trains seem relatively cheap. And they still are pretty expensive (and frequently sold out in advance). The following links will give you an idea as to what to expect: https://www.japan-rail-pass.co.uk/japan-by-rail/travel-tips/jreast-luxury-trainhttps://twilightexpress-mizukaze.jp/en/https://www.cruisetrain-sevenstars.jp/english/.  Additionally, you just can’t click a button and order your trip, you actually have to make an application for one of the limited amount of slots for each excursion. I’m not sure that this approach would work in the UK where instant gratification appears to be the norm, rather than the exception. Something I did find interesting, when reading through the various brochures, was an entry about the JRKYUSHU SWEET TRAIN “ARU RESSHA” in which the current version of the train is basically a scaled up model train – the story about this can be found in this link (https://www.jrkyushu-aruressha.jp/en/concept/)


Finally, even the impecunious and cash strapped can enjoy an overnight sleeper stay in Japan - albeit a stationary one (http://trainhostelhokutosei.com/).


Off to enjoy “hump day”


Stay Frosty





Edited by iL Dottore
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Greetings one and all


I found myself unblocking the kitchen sink yesterday afternoon.  This entailed removing the U bend, extracting the sediment that had built up over not that many years, putting it all back together and wonering where the drips had come from where there were none before.  It took ages to find them all.  No doubt most people have water disposal channels that flow freely and take the detritus with them so that it does not build up.  Meet Chris the cheapskate, who installed a new sink all by himself something over 20 years ago.  With any luck it is all done now but I did not fancy assembling a salad after all that contact with kitchen waste and made do with a couple of pork pies.


When I made the pork casserole over the weekend I managed to omit the mushrooms.  Fortunately there is still some left so there will be a modest subterfuge.  The theory is that I boil the mushrooms, bung them into the casserole and reheat the lot.  What could possibly go wrong?  Everything!


Today the fodder run will take place.  Fortunately the supermarket is much less regimented now and it gets me out of the house.  Then it will be home to attack the ironing and be suitably entertained, ie not at all, by Prime Minister's Questions.  There is other stuff to do as well, ie what did not get done thanks to the blocked sink.  I night find out why the radio in the lounge has started wandering off tune.  Perhaps it is the malign influence of the smart meter which is still running eight minutes fast.


Best wishes to all and see you on the other side



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The penthouse for the latest local 26-storey tower is complete. Tomorrow, they start jacking it up to build the other 25 storeys.




(Actually, there's only going to be a basement added.)

Edited by pH
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1 hour ago, pH said:

The penthouse for the latest local 26-storey tower is complete. Tomorrow, they start jacking it up to build the other 25 storeys.




(Actually, there's only going to be a basement added.)

That has some resonance here in the UK, as one of the latest proposals from government, is to allow the increase of in height of a house by one level, without planning permission..

Wouldn't try it on my house though, the foundations can barely support what is has..


Mooring Awl Inner Temple Hare,  865/541

A much better nights sleep, 4.5 hours plus 1.5 but the point being they were solid...My back has eased off so much more comfortable.


The trip in was unusual overtaking two cars and two tractor mowers of the type with an arm that sticks out to mow the verge.  There was a third mower, as well coming the other way, all busy cutting away. This was followed close to work, by a lycra clad cyclist coming through the lights towards me when I had the green turn right traffic light.


2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

What is it with modern carriage stock? Why do they absolutely have to have a table? Business travellers and tourists managed to travel perfectly adequately without fixed tables back in the days of long-distance travel with the LNER, GWR, LMS?


Off to enjoy “hump day”


Stay Frosty





Having tables in a railway carriage is a darn sight better than the airline style seating, now in some carriages where you are sat half under the seat in front..


Last weeks Major system finished yesterday very good figures, so handed back, This weeks major system is finished, but the results need processing, So I've started a Customer high accuracy Thermometer. They've bought a Gold service contract, so this year they get a full pre and post Accredited calibration which takes almost 2 days instead of last years measurement only factory cal.


Time to ...Go get on with that work.



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8 hours ago, Barry O said:

Having been born and bred within a mile of the sea, i do miss it. But I don't miss the freezing winds in the winter. 


Goodnight all!


Yes I remember freezing at an August wedding outside a church at Ryhope. The wind off the sea was definitely  cold and we were all wanting the photographer to hurry up.


Anyway good moaning to all.  Firstly happy birthday to Keith and hope that all goes well at the hospital, same for Tony on that score.  


Anyway I managed to help my friend get broad band installed yesterday. He is now working from home, only it's his home in France rather than Warrington. In the evening I managed to repaircanother pair of Beth's glasses. Araldite and 14BAnuts and bolts used again. At least I shouldn't get any flack next time I order more supplies of small nuts and bolts.


Today I'm off to Angouleme to see where our new pool liner has got to and also buy various supplies.  I might even see some trains.


Now what am I going to do with the rest of the day whilst this site is down.  Answers on a postcard please.



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Ey up!

Quick visit before the site goes down a plughole..hopefully to return later fitter and stronger!

Cleaning duties beckon. Pah!


Jet2.com really getting into this flying malarky again. We have no scheduled flights planned but we do have a few cricket matches.


Hayfever not good so far today. Hopefully it will be overcome by my early morning anti hystamine.


Yes @TheQ  I know one of the senior guys in a Train lending company. He reckons if a long distance train has a broken table or seat back (airline flip up type) table is unavailable they get a fair number of complaints.


Good luck for the shutdown!

Positive thouhts to all ERs particulary our missing ones.



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Morning all.

It is a pleasant sunny morning here. Pigeons have been cooing for ages. I put the rubbish bag out. Still waiting for instructions about pre appointment COVID test. If I don’t hear today there won’t be time for the results to be a available for the outpatient visit on Monday. 
ChrisF, Is it the in-house display for your smart meter that is wrong or the time on your actual smart meter? When our display has lost sync with the meter I turn the in house display off and back on again. I googled smart meter display and the name of our electricity supplier for the instructions. If the actual meter is incorrect you need a visit to sort it out.

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Major system processed, and now on cross check for the next 9 hours.

A Peaceful day should now take place on this thermometer, set up, press button, wait, type results , set up, press button, wait, type results, and repeat for about 5 hours followed by the adjustment procedues. Plenty of time to surf RMWEB...Err um...

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