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A good day yesterday driving around Norfolk looking for closed stations. Wolferton was by far the best preserved. We went to Heacham that is now holiday accommodation but didnt venture to Hunstanton as I know the station has gone and there was a traffic jam in that direction. Melton Constable has a fair number of works building extant but the station has gone. County School was deserted apart form one DMU driving trailer and a couple of wagons. Last stop was Whitwell and Reepham railway centre. Open for outside drinks and snacks with trains running at weekends so was quiet.


Checked into the hotel in Norwich but was hard work understanding the girl on reception as she was wearing a face mask behind the perspex counter screen so need to recheck the parking voucher instructions when we depart.


Many pubs shut early these days with many not open till mid week so its hard work planning a pub crawl and the range of ales is much reduced in those that are open. Most were very quiet apart form Spoons which is now much easier to get served with the queuing system. I hope they keep this system after all this is over.


Today we are debating whether we try one of the new Anglia trains but needs to be a short trip to reduce the amount of time with a mask on. Long train trips for us are over for now.


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27 minutes ago, TheQ said:



Norwich.. who let Roundhouse in..?  you can only be a couple of miles from me at present. Though I'm sitting behind a Plastic and cardboard screen at work.





Thought I would let you know I was amused as a "like" rating did not cover this little bit. :D 



As one who lives in a "tourist" area...(keep out of my way) :jester:

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23 minutes ago, TheQ said:



Norwich.. who let Roundhouse in..?  you can only be a couple of miles from me at present. Though I'm sitting behind a Plastic and cardboard screen at work.


The journey in was enlivened by a BIg Mercedes cockwomble overtaking  On a Blind corner over the white lines.. He was very much in a hurry, Pity the police car a few hundred yards ahead coming the other way wasn't just  there..



We sneaked in on the back roads.

The multi storey car park we put the car in has a one way system down to bottom level for walking out but around two sides of the building to an upper level to get back in and it had a long queue with those paying at the ticket machines by the lifts. Something that I hadnt considered would be necessary. So tomorrow I will collect the car and then drive outside the hotel to pick other half and the bags up.


We had a white van man Cockwomble yesterday going very slow and weaving all over the road for many miles. When we managed to overtake my other half saw why - driver had mobile phone to ear.

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Good moaning to all. It's a tad cooler than last nights 30 and there is a bit of a breeze. Beth and I have the trailer load of logs to stack, then it will be time for a shower.  I'm then acting as support translator for a friend who is having the internet and a phone line installed in their holiday home. The technician is due at 13.00  but may ring our house earlier.  As it's due to get hot again later Not a lot else is planned.


Regards to all.



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Ey up!

Sunny at the moment. Slept very badly for no apparent reason.


Good win for England at cricket yesteeday. Not sure what will happen if Stokes can't play the next test.


Two games of cricket coming up..saturday (rain alll day forecast) and Subday (rain all day forecast) I need to get the message that the weather gods are sending!,


Mugatea to drink so..


Have a good day, stay safe and well!


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Good morning everyone 


Well I think I picked the right day for painting the workshop yesterday, it’s dull and looks like it’s going to chuckinitdarn any minute! Once breakfast has been consumed I’ll tackle a few domestic jobs that Sheila wants me to do, these include cleaning out some of the kitchen cupboards and also the fireplaces in the living and dining rooms. Neither are big jobs, but her Arthuritis makes them very awkward and painful for her. Whilst she’s out at the hairdressers I’m going to change a socket in the kitchen, it has two USB charger sockets built in, but one is faulty and I also plan to move the BT socket in the cellar, it’s currently in the big cellar room and it’s new home will be beside the computer in the new office area, this is where we have our modem, so the internet will be off for a short while. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 

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' morning all from red dragon land.


Who's nicked the sun?  Pine cone predictors forecast clear skies...and just as I was contemplating getting deckchairs and suncream out... :mosking:

Best day of the week, they said.  

Foiled again.

Picnic lunch still on, though - half of it prepared last night, including the making of a bun loaf, and the half-baked baguettes finished off in the oven at 7am this morning.  Just got to add the filling.


Fitt :training:and :danced: Elfie still working the calories off...


Take care and play safe. :senile:


Best wishes


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a bad night last night, until I rolled over and caught my sore ankle with my toe, ouch! Managed to get back to sleep, still a bit sore this morning but mostly just a terrible itch which despite the temptation I daren't scratch.

3 hours ago, TheQ said:
3 hours ago, chrisf said:


Thanks, Q, I was just reading all about it on the website.  Now I know when it is I might just go next year ...



Chris, Apparently there is a local pride parade going ahead here on September 5th.



EDIT just found out its not going ahead after all, so its going virtual.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Morning all.


Sorry Polly but we appear to be the folk who have pinched your sunshine.  You can have it back if you like  and I;'ll take the rain (good excuse to avoid gutter wrestling although I'm still trying to suss the best way to do that job: it might take some time (that is just the 'sussing' bit)/. and I am also commanded to clean the vacuum, which in places is rather full of shed cat fur so will have to be done with care to make it look as if I've done all of it to the same standard.


The grockle season would also appear to be underway here because there were quite a few folk about when I drove back from Root One via the tourist part of the town (the riverside) yesterday.  Easy enough to tell the grockles because they look even more lost than the locals and seem to find the river incredibly attractive.  i don't think that the River and Rowing Museum is yet open for business but  'travellers'  took over the car park for all of one day last week before being ejected - makes a change from its seasonal flooding I suppose.


My parcel from Jessops arrived early although I've yet to open it but it was along drawn out battle to get their webshite to function properly - no wonder they're in the financial soup  (and were so before March).  The big challenge I suppose will be to see if what they have sent is what I ordered - fingers are crossed.


Anyway off to domestic duty, have a good day one and all.

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4 hours ago, TheQ said:

The journey in was enlivened by a BIg Mercedes cockwomble overtaking  On a Blind corner over the white lines.. He was very much in a hurry, Pity the police car a few hundred yards ahead coming the other way wasn't just  there..


For those with a dashcam I do believe there are now official websites whereby you can send clips of d*ckbrains driving like tw*ts - presumably the clip would need to include visibility of their number plate to be of any use.  I've never had cause to send such video (I have come pretty close though, several times), though if I were to do so then I'd have no intention of including personal details - unless said tw*t had caused a serious accident.  My dash cam footage doesn't include my own registration number in the video....

I'd hope that the police would at least pay a visit to said tw*t to discuss their driving.

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47 minutes ago, newbryford said:

Yesterday saw an increase of large metal things travelling on parallel bits of metal passing me disturbing my work schedule.....

Some of you may have seen a report about it on the BBC this morning.


Thrice-daily/six days per week Appleby-Skipton and return with "proper" locos.








For those that have a bit of spare time on their hands, the services are currently very lightly loaded - book via Rail Charter Services.




I saw that this morning. They described it as the UK's first ever 'Tourist train'. Really? I can think of a few others, Kyle of Lochalsh for instance, (and that was steam hauled).

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17 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

I saw that this morning. They described it as the UK's first ever 'Tourist train'. Really? I can think of a few others, Kyle of Lochalsh for instance, (and that was steam hauled).

Twice daily Fort William to Mallaig

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7 hours ago, chrisf said:

The experts are arguing about the usefulness and effectiveness of those wretched facial masks that we are all being made to wear.  If they are so good, might we not have been made to wear them from day one of lockdown? 

I tend to agree with you Chris.  Wretched, uncomfortable and arguable though I suspect succumbing to the virus might be worse.  More to protect others from us, they tell us, as they probably offer no protection to us from others.  I'll go with the flow for the moment - wearing one for the 25-minute commute despite the discomfort and occasional objection from the asthmatic parts.  Sporting my newly-acquired sunflower lanyard with Notwork Rail exemption badge whilst on duty.  The latter will also be deployed in shops come the weekend.  


7 hours ago, chrisf said:

At least on some faces they bring about an improvement.

Indeed.  The best one yest seen was sported by a gent I took to be Rastafarian with a huge head of dreadlocks and his attire generally matching that way of life.  Including a face-mask in Ethiopian colours with two knee-length locks attached one either side of the nose!  Full marks, mon!!!


7 hours ago, chrisf said:

I never thought the day would come when I walked into a bank wearing a mask without being challenged.

Now there's a thought to boggle the mind.  AS cheques under £1000 may now be paid in online and I have only once in recent years received one of larger value my need to attend the bank is extremely infrequent.  Sadly that in itself diminishes the need for High Street branches though ours has survived as the regional outpost while many around have closed.  I wonder what the automated "chat bots" would make if I suggested I was wearing a mask and wished to relieve them of the contents of the safe? 

Edited by Gwiwer
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1 hour ago, PhilJ W said:

I saw that this morning. They described it as the UK's first ever 'Tourist train'. Really? I can think of a few others, Kyle of Lochalsh for instance, (and that was steam hauled).

It was also quoted as being a "High Speed Train" in a few places which caused eyebrows to raise.  No HST sets were allocated to the operation but the loco-and-coaches set was.  


Light loading is one thing.  Getting there and back for some of us is another.  East Coast and West Coast routes are enforcing mandatory seat allocation (the new word for "reservation") to ensure you don't sit too close to your friends.  Or others.  That of course quota-controls long-distance trains and whilst they too are still lightly loaded at times there are occasions when they book out i.e. operate with all "available" seating allocated.  Half a carriage per train, or about 6 seats using 2m spacing, is nominally "unallocated" assuming there will be a few walk-up and hopefully urgent cases needing to travel.  

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