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12 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

Evening All,

Again I’m not up to speed with what’s been going on but I know facemasks whilst out shopping hs been touched on.  This is a subject that I discussed with the manager at work. At the moment no customers are allowed in the pharmacy, social distancing is not really possible, especially at 2m. We are thinking about ‘opening up’ with the 1m plus requirement  and allowing two people in at a time. We were thinking of allowing this from the end of July, when face masks in shops becomes compulsory. We have however decided to wait a further two weeks for customers to get into the habit of wearing mask whilst out shopping. We haven’t time/ can’t be bothered explaining the requirement so think by then things will have settled down and people take it for grant3d that they should be wearing a mask.

Going back a little, approximately 99% of our prescriptions are received electronically now. That means the patient orders their  prescription and is sent directly to the pharmacy of their choice without actually having to go to the GP’s surgery. It can be assembled and made ready for collection.This means the prescription can be collected at the patients convenience, whilst in town shopping, at the supermarket or even at their local independent. Things aren’t so backward in the UK.

Thats it for now so goodnight,



Fortunately our pharmacy has a drive-through window.

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As Flávio has said, wearing a mask feels inconvenient but it’s like wearing spectacles, the fist time they feel uncomfortable but you do get used to it. When I’m getting fed up wearing them (spectacles steaming over etc) I think of the people at the front line wearing the whole PPE kit and how unbearable that must be.

Goodnight (again)



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4 minutes ago, AndyID said:


Fortunately our pharmacy has a drive-through window.

That reminds me, picking  your dispensed  prescription up from thr Dr’s (as described by Flávio ) denies you the opportunity to discuss your medication with another healthcare profession. 

Drive though pharmacy, I don’t think we’ve got any over here. I suppose if there’s no conversation needed then it’s ok but I would like to discuss my personal problems through a window. I presume there is an entrance if you do require the personal touch.

Goodnight again,


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Good evening everyone 


The painting of the bench parts is now complete and hopefully, it the weather is kind, I’ll be able to assemble it tomorrow morning. Just before I’d started painting I took a delivery of a package I was expecting, a few bits and pieces but it included an extension lead that will enable me to connect the HiFi set up to the PC, thus allowing me to digitise some of my old vinyl records. So, once the painting had been finished I was able to get everything connected to the computer. Over the next day or so, I’ll dig out a couple of old LP’s and give everything a try. After dinner I headed to the workshop to put away the rest of the order. I also made a start on replacing the temporary connection between the turntable and controller with a more permanent version. Despite the fact that I only need 6 cores, the cable I’m using (salvaged from the off cut during an instrumentation install) is 8 core, so I’ve gone for 8 pin DIN plug and sockets. The lead will have a plug on each end, both the turntable and the control panel will have sockets, the plugs and sockets are bayonet type and can be locked in position, reducing the risk of accidentally pulling one end out. So far the turntable has had a socket fitted, I’ve wired all 8 pins up, leaving the 2 unused wires as spare, should I want to add another exit road, the rest is yet to do. 


Goodnight all 

Edited by BSW01
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21 minutes ago, Erichill16 said:

That reminds me, picking  your dispensed  prescription up from thr Dr’s (as described by Flávio ) denies you the opportunity to discuss your medication with another healthcare profession. 

Drive though pharmacy, I don’t think we’ve got any over here. I suppose if there’s no conversation needed then it’s ok but I would like to discuss my personal problems through a window. I presume there is an entrance if you do require the personal touch.

Goodnight again,



Yes, normally you can walk in which is what I normally do but I think that's not an option at the moment. I could talk to the pharmacist by phone if necessary.

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5 hours ago, Florence Locomotive Works said:

It’s only the inside that vaguely resembles a bottle kiln. I never bothered to think about how they made those insulators. Do they still glaze them in different colors? The ones around here are all a deep red, which might natural. 

You'll find a picture showing part of the interior of a bottle kiln here - it is of course bottle shape tapered inside so it would be very difficult to get a spiral staircase into one



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5 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:


If nothing else all the US news coverage of the  virus is teaching me a lot about the US constitution. Which  many on one side of the political divide there seem to  treat much like they treat the bible - cherry-pick out the bits that suit them then bang on about their ;rights' endlessly.


Rather than a document that sets out the equality of all men (and women!),  in their hands it is just an excuse to act like selfish clowns and whinge about anything that they don;t like to do as being  a transgression on their 'rights' which are more important than anyone elses 'rights' let alone society as a whole.


There are occasional rumblings here that we need a similar bill of rights or whatever but after this I am glad we havent got one, since it seems to be an excuse to be a selfish ar5e clown - there seems little of the spirit of the community as a whole coming together as a society like the UK in the blitz (imagine them there - "Its my RIGHT to leave my lights on!") or even here during the bushfires.


Stupidest thing I saw yesterday, and thats just yesterday.


Grilled cheeseshop owning woman in Florida announces she will give away free grilled cheese whatevers to the first 100 people who arrive without wearing a mask. Crowds converge, woman in flat upstairs rightly concerned about large crowd of simpletons calls police.


Police arrive, take away womans liquor -  I assume she broke some law. Protesters arrive and bang on about it being the USA not communist China. Then chant  stuff before saying a prayer for the cheeseshop owning lady, as you do

. Favourite woman is at 2:20 or so - "This is a virus that has a 99.6 percent recovery rate, this is virus that  is very well contained, this is a virus that the CDC is going to remove epidemic status from..."  And tells the woman in flat rightly concerned about viral spread in crowd  that its her 'right' to stay indoors with the windows shut!


Wonder where she gets her news from and who she'll vote for.



I edited the original post here because I thought it was to political.


And also, why would you go out and pay for a grilled cheese? They are some of the easiest meals to make at home! :mocking_mini:

Edited by Florence Locomotive Works
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5 hours ago, J. S. Bach said:

I suspect that they are a color in the brown family, red was almost never used. I just searched through about 620 photos in my collection file and could only find these that remotely resemble something in the red family:


If you can, a well-lit photo of one that you are mentioning would be appreciated.


They look to be salt glazed

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4 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

I am confident that the combination of mask wearing and distancing reduces the risk of viral transmission (from the mask wearer) by a factor much greater than 10%.


The necessity of mask wearing is to prevent the spread by infected people including those who are asymptomatic.


If we learn that this virus is spread by non-droplet aerosols (meaning free floating virus particles) all bets are off but there is no question that someone wearing a mask will greatly reduce the distribution of high-viral load droplets from free sneeze distances of several metres down to a 0.5m or so. This is simple physics and is demonstrated in a number of experiments.


To rigorously prevent being infected, one would need to wear the N95, faceshield, gown and gloves combination.


The combination certainly does and I'm not arguing against mask wearing in enclosed spaces, just the danger of people thinking that wearing one makes distancing unnecessary which I have observed.

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7 minutes ago, Florence Locomotive Works said:

Yes, here in America we do have a over obsession with our rights. The school system practically worshipping the Bill of Rights doesn’t the help the situation either. As an example, I live down in Oklahoma, deep anti mask country. Here, if you are wearing a mask, you subjected to constant sneering and threatening glances. Almost to the point where it would become somebody’s right to remove your mask, you know, “because you’ve got something more than me, so you shouldn’t have it, even if it helps both of us to not die.” That IMO seems to basically sum it up. 


When did freedom of speech give you the right to shout Fire! in a crowded theatre. 


Their attitide seems to be "Who needs a mask, an assault rifle will surely protect you from the virus."


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2 hours ago, Pacific231G said:

When did freedom of speech give you the right to shout Fire! in a crowded theatre. 


Their attitide seems to be "Who needs a mask, an assault rifle will surely protect you from the virus."

We don't do politics so I won't, or at least will try not to cross a line.


"Fire in a crowded theatre" is an often misplaced reference to "Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.'s opinion in the United States Supreme Court case Schenck v. United States in 1919" where the intent was that "FALSELY shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic" is not protected free speech.


The notion of a populist interpretation of the government abusing Constitutional rights is not new, but is most recently in the public mind with the rise of the so called "tea party" after the election of Barack Obama, particularly with regard to the use of executive orders. The "tea party" does not really exist though elements of it are present in the so-called "Freedom Caucus" in the US House of Representatives.  Since we don't do politics I won't discuss whether the supporters of this 'movement' were leveraged electorally in 2016 or whether this continues to this day. 


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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5 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

... woman in Florida ...

Florida set a record of 15,300 new CoViD-19 infections on Sunday. This is the highest of any state in the US, including New York at the worst of the early phase of the pandemic.


(While Florida is 5x the population of Oregon, this single day total is more than all the cumulative cases here in Oregon.)


In addition, test positivity was 19.6%. Test positivity is being closely monitored. Increasing test positivity is an indication that increased diagnoses are not merely reflective of increased testing.

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4 hours ago, AndyID said:


Fortunately our pharmacy has a drive-through window.

You drive through your pharmacies window!? 

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