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54 minutes ago, chrisf said:

I suppose I could try to find a suitable CD player for the house. 

Plenty of options for relatively inexpensive CD players, though not as many as there used to be. Most of them double as radio receivers and will now also function as Bluetooth speakers as well should you ever desire that capability.


I recommend versions (more expensive) with an electric CD loading tray. I have a vertical loader I bought many years ago, but these days all I could find was horizontal tray loaders.


I did make the mistake of purchasing a very inexpensive one. It was junk and I was remiss in taking it back to the shop before their return policy expired. (Anyone want a CD player super cheap?)


54 minutes ago, chrisf said:

I would feel foolish sitting in the car for hours listening to music and the battery would not like it very much!

Which reminds me of someone I see parked in church car park every afternoon while I get my walk in. Why I don't know, perhaps he needs to get away from his cohabitants, but he parks outside a little church and listens to the radio. I think he snoozes as well but I don't make a point of examining him closely.

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2 hours ago, roundhouse said:

... Aurora IL

Famously the home of the fictional Wayne Campbell and his friend Garth Algar. I lived not far from there, within earshot of the CNW (now UP) mainline west of Chicago. once upon a time. Depending on consist, you can wait a very long time at level crossings for trains to pass - lots of auto racks and corn syrup tankers.


My oldest played a couple of high school basketball games at the Aurora high school.

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8 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

I do on occasion eat a lot of my ingredients that I have caught, foraged or grown raw, just to enjoy the flavour, a cob of sweetcorn eaten raw straight from the plant is a joy that I doubt anyone has enjoyed in a restaurant. I have eaten in French city restaurants', but much prefer a country pub or café and it would seem a lot of the French I knew were of the same opinion.


IMHO, there is nothing better that a cob of sweetcorn to which the only preparation is to remove the leaves. More nutritious and energy-efficient than cooking it to death!

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Ey up!


Still very cool for this time of year.


Chris, you are not alone. I could restart some cricket activities but the advice from the ECB and ECB ACO (Association of Cricket Officials) is not helping me make my mind up. A quick chat with a family member who is retired GP hasn't helped. I have missed a few exhibitions, several gatherings of friends and realatives and my annual pilgrimage to Robin Hoods Bay for walking, drinking and eating activities. Until recently I have been fine but its all getting a bit stupid coming out of lockdown.


I shall put wome extra music on..if you had lived in Leeds I could have supplied a cd player..two will go to the Charity Shop when that reopens.

Time for a pick me up..a nice mugatea!



Stay safe, make the best use of the day and...




Edited by Barry O
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7 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

I wonder if there's a misunderstanding there. 

Do bears eat their onion rings deep fried in batter with breakfast? I had assumed sautéed onions rather than these.


Deep Fried Onion Rings or raw seal blubber for brekkies?   Not a difficult decision for this Bear.....

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Morning All,


It is rather a muggy morning today.  The temperature is due to get up to around 30°C this afternoon, which will match yesterday.  Strange however, is that on Wednesday the temperature was down to 10°C and it was decidedly chilly!


Thankfully, the forecast has been revised since yesterday.  There was talk of a former tropical storm coming up from the South and causing super cell activity over much of Southern Germany.  That is still going to happen, but if the forecast is correct it will be further south than we are.


If you ask me, we should just cancel 2020!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning everyone 


Well we’ve had some rain this morning, I heard it hitting the bedroom window a short while ago, but it seems to have stopped now. It’s cooler than usual for this time of year, once again the heating came on this morning so the overnight temperature must have dropped quite low. Breakfast has now been consumed and I’ll shortly walk to the butchers to collect the weekly meat rations and hopefully a pastie for my dinner. Once back home I’ll make my a muggertea before heading off to the Trafford Centre to get the few items that we can’t get from Sainsbury’s, whilst there I’ll call at WHSmiths and pick up the latest RM. 


There are no plans for the afternoon, apart from reading the above mentioned magazine, but that could well change. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 

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9 hours ago, newbryford said:

My trusty EX8 has had a bit of TLC last week via a new chain, rear cassette and bottom bracket - fitted courtesy of a very good bike mechanic

I keep my old EX8 with it 26" wheels and 3x9 in running order as I find it better than my Whyte with a 1x11 on some rides.

Nice area, we did one there a few years ago but it was winter at the time so not quite the same. The previous day we had to abanbon due to a blizzard.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had an e-mail this morning from the printer repairs shop, my payment had been refused by my bank. I went on to the bank security straight away to find out what the problem was. Apparently a previous payment had flagged up as to a dodgy account so a stop was put on all internet and phone transactions. My bank has an automated system to contact customers about such transactions and I had in fact had two such calls. Problem was it was an electronic voice message with a female South Asian accent and whats more my name was mispronounced which immediately raised my suspicions so I put the phone down. Luckily it didn't take long to sort out and now all is well. Simon, I'm now glad that I opted to have my shed built for me even though it cost an extra £60. Only problem is that it should have been delivered and erected by the end of last month. I've now been told that I will be contacted next week to arrange delivery and construction the week after. About twenty minutes ago I heard a noise outside so I looked out to see a Spitfire heading in Tony's direction, about five minutes later I heard another Spitfire (or the same one?) this time heading in a south west direction. There's some events taking place today to mark the start of the Battle of Britain.

10 hours ago, PJT said:


Just had to stop myself dribbling into the keyboard at the thought of that one.




Pete T.


 The best way to fry bread in beef dripping is to melt the dripping in the pan then drop a dollop of the jelly from the dripping into the pan and drop the bread in on top of it. I will not be responsible for keyboards covered in dribble.:jester:

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Breakfast was a muffin with smoked back bacon, fried egg and cheese. A bit like the ones that McD's do but both SWMBO and I thought was better. I had a mug of tea while she had a coffee. 


On the subject of music, I have nearly given up with CD's and have about eight playlists on Spotify. I have a free account which means I get an advert after every third or fourth song but that does not worry me. On my computer the lists will play the songs in order or on shuffle play. On my phone it is always shuffle play. So music has now become radio or Spotify which saves trying to find a CD player that is worth having. 


I have been missing lots of things that I would in normal circumstances have been doing but have tried to fill the time by watching Virtual Railfan railcams on YouTube. I find Galesburg, Fort Madison, La Plata, Ashland and Revelstoke the most interesting. Also on YouTube my church has been streaming services while many of the singer/songwriters I enjoy seeing live have been streaming mini concerts. 


SWMBO has kept herself busy with lots of things she has crocheted but is still missing many of her regular pastimes. She should have been in Wisconsin all this month seeing her great grand daughter who was born in March this year. Now she will not see her until next year which is not going down at all well. 


I had bought tickets to see Santana on 27th March but that was postponed until next year but this week I received an email saying it was now cancelled and today the refund arrived in my account so SWMBO is not happy. 


Have a good day, wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Stay safe. 

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Greetings all from Sidcup where the air is cold but the sun is out. The rain seems to have departed for a few days.


Today has been a frustrating day dealing with colleagues from Spain - but will hopefully be dealt with in a call in 10 minutes' time.


Younger Lurker has been to see his new school today but I don't know how they went as they immediately set off for a walk.


and my dentist has just called so i have now rearranged my checkup/hygienist visit!


and now, coffee await before the call!

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5 hours ago, chrisf said:

I suppose we are all in the same boat as regards suddenly losing chunks of social life.  I do – or did! – many different things.  I would visit model railway shows in various parts of the country and have the good fortune to enjoy sociable conversations at the vast majority of them. 

I can appreciate your feelings there Chris. So far I have missed or future cancellations of nine shows, swapmeets, club open days etc, four trips to photograph main line steam, an MTB holiday in Yorkshire, three planned visits to heritage rail sites, three exhibitions at museums (non-railway) and some sporting events. I need to get back to swimming as that seems to have the most beneficial effect for body flexibility, I can't do the Joe Wicks stuff these days as I end up needing too much recovery time between programmes.

Anne has probably found it harder than me as she goes swimming several times each week and would normally be in the tennis league season at the moment with two matches most weeks. She is also carrying an injury at the moment but can't get a face to face physio appointment.


Up side is I have done a bit of catch-up on the muddling side finishing off incomplete projects. Two more programmed for later today as the postie has just delivered my order from Wizard for the bits I had run out of. We have got back into walking around the countryside more than we have for the last few years. In addition the backlog of cycle maintenance is no more, the allotment is the tidiest it has been for about three years and I know where all of my tools are in the garage.

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It is fortunate I wasn’t going anywhere. Aditi’s gardening supplies delivery has arrived. I found our sack trolley so she has trucked it all round to the back garden. The dark clouds that looked like rain clouds didn’t deposit any rain here 


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Just back from the Trafford Centre, WHS didn't have a copy of RM aaargg.

I'll have to hope Sainsbury’s has one when I go on Monday. 

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