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Morning awl from a cool, grey and breezy Bedfordshire.


This week has been mainly about virtual briefings and town halls. Organising them, running them, delivering them. All from my kitchen table. It's been a bit of a slog and I've been focused on one topic for more or less the last two months, so a chance to do something a bit different is always welcome. One of the benefits of being considered a Zoom expert (I'm not really) is that departments occasionally ask me to help them run their various professional development  webinars. This week I had the opportunity to learn about a fascinating topic from some top-notch external speakers, that I would never have the opportunity to otherwise. Although quite a technical subject, I was surprised just how much I understood.


It seems HMG is hinting/leaking/testing the water on reopening gyms "in the next couple of weeks". This gives me a dilemma. There's no doubt my exercise regime has suffered in the last few months and my waistline deserves to be bigger than it actually is. Sometimes, I've been unable to find the time or even the energy for a walk. I'm not a treadmill pounder or iron pumper - they're tedious. My preferred workout style is group exercise. The group dynamic, accountability and social interaction turn something to be endured into something enjoyable. I can't see though how it can be undertaken in a safe, socially distanced way. There's lots of running about, shouting, sweating and breathing heavily - all in a confined space. Little wonder gyms are well recognised as outbreak sources. I've previously reported on here that hygiene standards in mine left a lot to be desired. Even though I'm not at any particular risk, I may continue to suspend my membership or even cancel it until I can be assured it won't damage my health instead of improving it.


Talking of confined spaces, I will not be visiting the pub either. I do need some milk today though and as the short walk to Sainsbury's takes me close to the local hostelry, it will give me a chance to observe (from a distance) just how many sheep, sorry, punters, are crammed inside. Instead I shall visit the BRM virtual exh******n along with other weekend type activities. 


Muesli has been eaten, second muggertea has been drunk and a bacon, egg and mushroom sandwich will be consumed later. And I worry about my waistline...


Regards to awl.

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Ey up!

Wet again this morning. We did get about a half an hours worth of gardening done yesterday ..a bit of hedge clipping was completed but more is required as is grass cutting.


I need to 5ake beast for a run. A big warning message is telling me to get 4 gallons of new petrol..a planned trip to see Dr Eldest Herbert on Tuesday may just fit the bill.


Jamie, good luck with the wiring, not sure I would be happy with how it is done in France but..c'est la vie!


Interesting look of the Empanadas.. look lie a fatter version of a Samosa.. obviously pasties are similar but not deep fried (as far as I know). Whatever they look good and are probably bad for my waist line.


Stay safe! Have a good day!


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Just a thought about the editing and formatting options that seem to appear and disappear randomly.   I only get a limited selection when using my Android tablet, but get the full bag o' mashings on my Windows PC that I use when uploading photos.


Empanadas also used to be on the menu of an Argentinian restaurant that Beth and I used to patronise when on holiday in Cannes La Bocca.   The steak was also excellent.



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Mooring awl, Inner Temple Hare, struggling on SWMBOs lap top while it updates.


El Banditos, comments in his line and first paragraph, are exceedingly familiar to me, it's a description of most nights..


Ben the hot Collie woke me up, at 02:00 padding around the room, trying to find a cool spot. we both went downstairs to the much cooler living room.


We've been out on patrol, it's quite warm out there, but dull and over cast.


breakfast has been scrambled eggs with bacon in it.. we have a surplus of eggs at the moment..


I shall observe the road out side to see what the cockwomble count is today, we will not be venturing out, except for Bens long walk.. 


SWMBO will be going to weaving group Tuesday weather permitting, as they are holding outside  group meetings. For that she has started looming up a portable loom, she's going to make some sail Ties for me, emblazoned, with the boat name.. Blue Moon.

Baron Blue Moon, was the Middle Rough Collie in the Avatar, later I'll venture to the garage to make the base for little Baron, a needle felted, 3d model of Baron Blue Moon, which will grace the back of  Blue Moon the boat while sailing.


Hmm I'm having problems with the position marker changing places randomly in the text, also when voting on how i feel on peoples posts, it's coming up with unable to do it, but it does it anyway.


Heathrow seems to be in business, there's an interview in west London on at the moment and every few seconds a jet goes by..


SWMBO's up time to go..






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Good morning all,

Dull, dismal and breezy here.  Chance of some showers and possibly one or two sunny spells later.

Although our wedding anniversary was 3 weeks ago today would have seen the celebratory party with family and friends coming from all over the UK and further afield.  The football club where we were holding it is still closed but yesterday I managed to contact someone at last and we have now rearranged the "do" for June next year. Let's hope that things will have improved enough by then to have a proper party!  

Another day of no real plans. The Boss doesn't really want to go anywhere until she has been  to the hairdresser on Tuesday although she may come for a walk around the houses.

However I hope to visit the virtual exhibition over the weekend.

Have a good one,


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Good morning everyone 


Wet here too, but the rain isn’t heavy, just constant! Once James has been round and dropped off our repaired watches I’ll head off to the workshop and do some testing of the new photo interrupters to see just how small a piece of wire will switch the off p, then I’ll install them and actually test the complete system. Other than that there’s not a lot else to be done today. 


We wont be going to the pub tonight, I think they’ll be far too many who do t know when to stop and we also think that social distancing will fly straight out of the window. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later 

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Morning! (just!)


On the verge of venturing into my nearest metropolis for some basic requirements. I cut my own hair and for over a year have hardly visited a pub but it will be interesting to see how the many starved and frustrated by the lack of such activities will respond.


4 hours ago, chrisf said:

Greetings one and all


Today parts of our worlds come back to life.  Should I fancy queuing all day I will be able to have my haircut, or perhaps that most unfamiliar of commodities, a pint.  If the scaremongers are right, and how often does that happen, I will not be able to do both.


Scaremongers - think Leicester!

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8 hours ago, Florence Locomotive Works said:

I wonder if they ended up there when that storm blew the Spanish Armada into the Irish and (possibly) Cornish coasts? 

Not sure if it was the same occasion (I wasn't there - it was a few years BG : Before Gwiwer ;) ) but the Spanish definitely hit Cornish shores.  They burned the village of Mousehole in 1595 leaving hardly a building standing except for one which proudly remains the oldest in the village.  Having grown up a mile or so round the coast in Newlyn I still feel an affinity with Mousehole folk as all of us little tackers went to school together.  


8 hours ago, AndyID said:


I've not bothered cleaning them for a few years. The shingles are now 25 years old. Fairly soon they will either have to be covered with a second layer or replaced.


I would replace them with steel but at my age that's hardly a sound investment.


7 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Asphalt shingles are 'good enough'.

For all having problems with their shingles, and for Chrisf and others who might appreciate this.  A gentleman we have had the great delight to see in concert many times and meet for a chat once at the Port Fairy Folk Festival in Australia.  On another occasion we were enjoying dinner in a restaurant along Fitzroy Street, St. Kilda before a concert when he just strolled casually past - Panama at its usual jaunty angle - and Dr. SWMBO instinctively waved.  He waved back, popped in and we wished him a good evening.  Two hours later he wished us a good evening from the stage!  


For all of us who are starting to recover from this rather nasty year and its afflictions - and for those for whom the light is still a bit farther away - this seems to offer something.  


Have a good weekend.  



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Morning All 

Been busy all week finally finished tiling the bathroom it's complete apart from the flooring, a small amount of paint required in the kitchen before I embark on the 300 tiles to go on the walls 

the fitter had not used any soft close hinges so spent yesterday swopping them over and a soft close draw to be messed with as well, the flat is looking close to being a home at last after living in a

mess for 6 months just the carpet to be replaced throughout my new Shark vac keeps removing the pile off the old carpet.

Wednesday the Electrician is here to replace the antique fuse board and check out all the new additions to the kitchen.

Back to Essex Thursday, will be meeting some of Elaine's family at last.

I've been out and about buying things for the home we were both wearing good quality masks and all the idiots gave us a wide berth it is a clear sign to stay away Elaine was allowed to stay here

overnight now and use the car park I told the estate manager we were trying the dogs next visit he said dogs are not allowed I said what about that one in the garden he went red then turned to

scarlet when I told him I have permission from his Head Office for Elaine mutts to stay it rendered him speechless :rofl:   

Enjoy your weekend say safe and mind the gap.  :superman: I.M. Inagoodmood :biggrin_mini2:


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3 hours ago, Barry O said:

Ey up!


Interesting look of the Empanadas.. look lie a fatter version of a Samosa.. obviously pasties are similar but not deep fried (as far as I know). Whatever they look good and are probably bad for my waist line.


Stay safe! Have a good day!


You can have pretty much anything deep fried in Stonehaven, the home of the deep fried Mars Bar also deep fry pies, pizza, Coconut Bounty Bars, though you will be pleased to know the sweet and savoury are fried in different friers.......................(and no I haven't tried any of them).

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3 hours ago, Barry O said:

bad for my waist line.

For which the term "Lockdown Lard" has been overheard used by others in these parts.  


I might have gained a couple of pounds.  The belt remains at the same tension and comfort level however.  Dr.  SWMBO assures me she is the same weight as six months ago.  

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I will have to go on a foraging trip later today. I know that I only went on Thursday but I will have to write out a list as I forgot a few things and I had some more milk turn sour and had to pour it away. Tomorrow will be the 72nd anniversary of the creation of the NHS and it was only just two days old when I came into the world. That was in the early hours that I arrived but by then almost 3,000 babies had been born already under NHS auspices. 

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3 hours ago, Happy Hippo said:


The miracle is I woke up with a clear head.  Bright eyed and bushy tailed as the saying goes.

I thought you were a hippo not a squirrel! 

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19 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

Has someone turned off your little light switch symbol (not that I can remember where the darned thing is - someone is bound to know).  this is what I have on my RMweb posting area -




I altered yours by copying it and then editing the copy using the relevant things from the above symbols


Thanks, SM.

Checking it out.  Will keep you posted....


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1 hour ago, tigerburnie said:

You can have pretty much anything deep fried in Stonehaven, the home of the deep fried Mars Bar also deep fry pies, pizza, Coconut Bounty Bars, though you will be pleased to know the sweet and savoury are fried in different friers.......................(and no I haven't tried any of them).

I remember being in an SYHA kitchen on one of our 1980s trips, possibly Kyle, when a lad from a Glasgow made himself a Mars Bar toasted sandwich for his evening meal.

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12 hours ago, Florence Locomotive Works said:

I wonder if they ended up there when that storm blew the Spanish Armada into the Irish and (possibly) Cornish coasts? 

I doubt it - they were mining tin in Cornwall long before the Armada got lost (sorry bits of the Armada) so the miners had long needed something to eat while working underground.   And the whole thing is nothing like a proper type of Cornish pasty with the meat (or fish) course at one end and the pudding course at the other end.     Pasties nowadays, and for a long while since, are quite a way from the truly original version - which used whatever meat or fish was to hand - and latter day pasty contents bear very little resemblance to that Spanish thing although it happens to use the same shape as a proper job pasty (and probably for the same reason).


Talking of which we shall be having pasties for dinner this evening - proper job to an old family (Mrs Stationmaster's family that is) recipe which obviously excludes such nonsense as peas (the spawn of the devil and ignoramuses when it comes to pasties).   It will obviously include swede,  the up country translation of the word 'turnip' used by some down west to describe the same thing; potato, some onion and seasoning.  That's all you need to get the real thing and beef skirt isn't essential provided some other form of steak is used - pilchards ceased to go into the vast majority of pasties a long while ago as the fishery became more specialised.

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Pasties and ingredients

They couldn't have had spuds as we know them until after Raleigh started growing them in Ireland in about 1585, only three years before the Armada. Prior to that previous credits of import are probably of the sweet potato.

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Morning all,


Here in the grasslands it’s my sisters birthday, so I doubt I will be posting much. A better sleep was slept last night, but still not back up to the normal 8 1/2 hours. Amazingly it rained again last night, which probably helped. As today is a national holiday in my country, I get fall asleep to the sounds of a small artillery barrage, as Tulsans really like their fireworks, even if they are illegal.

stay healthy,



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2 hours ago, Chris116 said:

I thought you were a hippo not a squirrel! 

Check the Cornish / Welsh translation of my nickname back into English :jester:

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