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  • RMweb Gold

Moriong alll


Another beautiful day in the North East. I can't see any clouds, not even to the west.


Did anyone else hear that idiot prattling on about the end of the world yesterday? I can't understand why the Beeb even gave it air time. Unless of course he was correct and the world did end yesterday, in which case, just ignore this post.

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Morning All (again),


The morning has dawned clear and bright - not a cloud in sight (at least, not out of the window that I am currently looking).


Good to hear this, Robert :yes: . I assume this means another date's in the cards?


Well, it's obviously early days. However, I think we can safely assume that there will be a second date.



Did anyone else hear that idiot prattling on about the end of the world yesterday? I can't understand why the Beeb even gave it air time. Unless of course he was correct and the world did end yesterday, in which case, just ignore this post.


Yes, I did hear it (but not from the Beeb) and No, the World didn't end. I assume that it was given air time because it has been such a big story in the States. Pastor Camping has been wrong before, and he was wrong again.


Anyway better get on and have some coffee. I have to be at least half awake because I'm taking the morning service at Church today.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

(...) not a cloud in sight (at least, not out of the window that I am currently looking).


This reminds me the windows could need some cleaning, what with all the pollen floating around these days! :blink:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It has rained but now looks bright and sunny.

Not too much planned for today. I may watch the motor racing later but I find it more difficult to summon up the enthusiasm I used to have for F1.


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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, I long for the days when you watched the start of a GP to see if there was a crash and then turned on at the end to find out who came second to Michael Schumacher.

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  • RMweb Gold

That sounds a rather drastic decision Mick. I hope that it is being made for positive reasons. Whatever, I'm sure you will make the most of it. Good luck.

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Guest Max Stafford

Man, this is the worst May weather we've had round here in six years. The last time I did a long range check it didn't offer up much scope for improvement either!

I'll be off to the park with Abi shortly but she's not showing a great deal of enthusiasm for leaving bed at the moment. I'll take a look at my new coach kit today I think then off to the local curry house with the Outlaws at 5.30.

Have a good one chaps (waves at passing Mike...)!



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  • RMweb Premium

This house is a money pit and to be honest if we put the time and money needed into the house then we will have very little equity in it when it is fully finished. We made two mistakes and need to accept that it has lost us around 90-100K. We should have ended up with a house worth around £225,000 with plenty of room for our children and easy to sell at retirement instead we have a house which is about worth the mortgage needs £35,000 spending on it to bring it up to standard and the estate we live on now has 4 bedroom homes for around £185,000. Walking away now means any cash we get back from the bankrupt builder and the endowments that are due soon could be used to buy a small house to start again on the housing ladder.

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  • RMweb Premium

This house is a money pit and to be honest if we put the time and money needed into the house then we will have very little equity in it when it is fully finished. We made two mistakes and need to accept that it has lost us around 90-100K. We should have ended up with a house worth around £225,000 with plenty of room for our children and easy to sell at retirement instead we have a house which is about worth the mortgage needs £35,000 spending on it to bring it up to standard and the estate we live on now has 4 bedroom homes for around £185,000. Walking away now means any cash we get back from the bankrupt builder and the endowments that are due soon could be used to buy a small house to start again on the housing ladder.


This must be a difficult choice to make, Mick – it certainly would be for me as I would hate to have to accept throwing away all the effort I would have put into getting things just so. Then again, if the only alternative would be staring into a bottomless chasm... :unsure: Whatever you may choose to do in the future far as housing is concerned, I'd like to wish you luck.

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Dominik is right Mick, you have a tough choice to make there. One of the significant disadvantages of the incredibly dynamic UK housing market.


There is currently am electrical storm kicking off here, and it has just started to rain.


Skies are relatively clear to the East, and black as pitch to the West!

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  • RMweb Premium

There is currently am electrical storm kicking off here, and it has just started to rain.


We were touched by the fringes of one, but apart from one or two lightnings, all we got was a brief but very intense shower. It's getting sunny again at the moment, and the wind we're having prompted me to open the windows real wide :yes: .

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello everyone!

I'm back (not that I've really been anywhere!) from what has been quite a relentless period of college work recently. Exam coming up on Friday which I've also been preparing for and then exams really begin in a couple weeks blink.gif. My last couple of months left at college - how scary is that?!

I've decided I will probably buy quite a few things from Poundland at Uni next year since I will be on a tight budget! laugh.gif

I shall have to work out what I can model whilst I'm at Uni - perhaps a long shelf layout depicting a narrow gauge line or maybe a few dioramas?

I think I would probably enjoy building dioramas more, although I've never tried them.

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I open the window when I get the wind too.

I wandered around my property yesterday and noted that no less than 4 trees have been struck by lightning (3 Pin Oak, 1 Red Maple) all about 50 feet high or more.


If any of you guys have a mild interest in anything North American may I please suggest that you join the "USA and Canadian Railroads" Group? There's some interesting layouts now turning up on there. When you enter the Group go to Group Forum.


Cheers, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for the good wishes lads just started the big sell off; the Porsche and the first surplus railway book are now on ebay. After the lack of interest in my MRJ collection on RMweb they will be on ebay shortly.

Edited by skipepsi
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I guess I will need more than one cup of coffee to be fully awake this morning. Weather has calmed down and it's forecast to be cooler by a few degrees. However, we're supposed to be back around 29° by Thursday.



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Mornin' all, already over 29c Here and heavy rain forecast which will not make my journey any more pleasant. For an hour or so the road that I will be on will run parallel to the railway, so I might even see a train. Theres some really ugly Brazilan built GM locos here.

Have a good un!

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Morning All,


It is rather a nice morning again here. Blue skies and sunshine. The temperature is currently around 11°C, but expected to rise significantly later on!


As far as the drama in Hampshire is concerned, didn't anybody notice that the "Tiger" wasn't moving?!?


Have a good day everyone...

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We get quite a few Black Bear stories locally. Mostly rummaging through trash cans, getting into swimming pools etc. We had one where a young Mom frantically called 911 about a Bear in her backyard that had climbed a large tree and was sitting in it near the top. So Cops, Fire Department and Fish and Wildlife teams turned up, armed to the teeth - the Fish and Wildlife with a trank dart gun.

After an hour or so they gave up trying to lure it down so the F&W guys got their marksmen with the dart gun. After 6 rounds or so (which he swear hit the Bear) they decided it must be unconscious and stuck in the tree........A climbing team was put together (with all the right gear, natch) and proceeded cautiously up the tree.


It was a large garbage bag lofted by recent high winds...........made a great TV story, however!


Best, Pete.




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