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2 hours ago, Florence Locomotive Works said:

We had a steam leak in its gaseous form at one of the refineries on the river a few months ago. There was just a white cloud sitting above the refinery, tapering down towards it. You couldn’t actually see where it came from, because the steam was transparent, I would hate to imagine what would have happened had someone walked into it. 


What strikes me as odd is the number of politicians who obviously haven't the faintest clue about any sort of science, least of all Thermodynamics, seem to think if they wave their arms around enough they can bamboozle enough people into believing a body does not get hotter to maintain equilibrium.


That's tantamount to saying HH and I weigh the same, which we do, just not on this planet.

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7 hours ago, Simon G said:

SSD has now been installed into the ageing PC.  Cloning the old hard disk onto the SSD proved more difficult than I hoped, as my installed Acronis 2010 software recognised the SSD OK, but wouldn’t copy to it.  A visit to the Western Digital website found a 2016 version of the Acronis, which worked.  Once I made the SSD the first disk to boot from, the PC booted up in a fraction of the time it previously took.  Loading programs like Word and Excel was also very much quicker.  The SSD looks like a worthwhile investment!


It may be worth investing in an external HDD caddy for the old drive (less than a tenner from Ebay) and using the old drive as an external back-up drive for data, photos etc.  I'd erase it first (ideally multiple times), using one of the free programs available (often on the drive manufacturer's websites) and run one of their HDD test/diagnostics programs also, to make sure all is well.

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5 hours ago, Florence Locomotive Works said:

Indeed they are sir, and I have had my fair share of such encounters (with wet steam). Everything you see in the pictures above is completely temporary, and will be fully steam tight as soon the new regulator valve arrives. I’ve heard about those burns, apparently when working on a new or recently recommissioned marine engine it is best to walk with a broom held in front of you. This will go flying out of your hand when you hit a leak, and then you mark the offending area with something. Learned that from a book I have by Daniel Kinnear Clark, I believe he was with the Highland Railway for much of the 1870s.





Sadly Knowledge of the dangers of steam, Didn't help David Jones CME of the Highland Railway who was forced to retire in 1896 after a scalding incident..

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13 hours ago, tigerburnie said:

Hermes delivered my new walking boots bang in the middle of the allotted slot, now just need for wee Jimmie Crankie to let me out to try them in the Glens.

Please stop insulting the real wee Jimmie...

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34 minutes ago, polybear said:


It may be worth investing in an external HDD caddy for the old drive (less than a tenner from Ebay) and using the old drive as an external back-up drive for data, photos etc.  I'd erase it first (ideally multiple times), using one of the free programs available (often on the drive manufacturer's websites) and run one of their HDD test/diagnostics programs also, to make sure all is well.


A worthwhile consideration for 2 reasons:


  1. SSDs have a finite number of writes. The type of SSD generally determines the number of write operations it will take before it starts to fail, with SLC being the best (generally not available these days) and QLC considered the worst, but also the cheapest. A QLC drive should still give good service, though performance will drop off on reads/writes once the SLC cache inside the drive is full (QLC drives use a small amount of DRAM called SLC cache to speed up operations to counter the slower performance QLC offers (though QLC offers much more storage than others)).
  2. It is wise to have a back up drive externally anyway, that way if you go away you can keep a copy of important files in say a fire/water proof safe. Cloud backup is another option to create the best workflow for backups (1 local, 1 external, 1 off site).
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Mooring Awl Inner Temple hare, 899/562

A much better nights sleep of 5.5 hours + 3/4 of an hour. 

Ben the alarm clock Collie is still failing in his duties though, he didn't appear until I was ready to go upstairs with SWMBO's morning cuppatea.


Luckily for me Ben only wanted a splash and dash this morning, not a long patrol in the rain.


It's chuckingitdarn, puddles maximum size, right across the roads, including the major roads in places. The combination of full summer leaf and heavy rain means the branches are hanging lower.. All the way into town there were branches torn off by something very big having travelled down the road shortly before me. this required driving on the other side of the road to get past in a couple of case..


 Another mile stone is reached as there is less than 900 day till my retirement.. 


When to check the results this morning to discover I'd put the wrong cross check instrument on (there are 3 identical), each now has a slightly different purpose, and the correction files for each are different at the levels we work at.. So the correct one is now  on for another 12 hour run.. With the reduced output at the moment the users are not too worried about it..


Correction files... each instrument is measured to the best of our abilities, this produces a set of offsets from the nominal Value. So say 1Volt would be recorded as 1.0000065 V OR 6.5ppm ( Parts per Million) from nominal. This is therefore taken from the results when this unit is used to measure another.

None of our instruments is ever adjusted, that way you can plot the changes over time and not worry about an adjustment not being correct.

Some of our histories for standard resistors go back many years 30 to 40 is quite possible. But they become very stable over time, in the 14 years I've been here the 10 Ohm has gone from 9.999868 ohms to 9.999867 Ohms..


I have an SSD in my computer, put in a couple of years ago, that made a big difference, but it's really getting to the stage of needing a new mother board, the old one dates from 2007.. I must admit in the intervening years I've lost track of what the latest levels of chip and board development are, Some research will be required..


Must go I've measured 10, 19 and 100 MOhms during the typing of this message, but there's little wait while it settles time for below 100K ohms..


Time to start typing lots of numbers..


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Good morning everyone 


It’s a dull and wet day, it’s raining but not heavily, but enough to stop any sort of outside work being done, pah! So I shall spend most, if not all of the day in the cellar moving the computer etc into the office. However, before each bit is shifted, I’ll give it a thorough clean, both inside and out. 


Stay safe, stay sane, enjoy whatever you have planned for the day, back later. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bin wagons have been and gone with only the distant call of the lesser spotted glass and bottle wagon. It really persisted down last night but the garden certainly needed it but the back lawn is still very brown. I felt too knackered last night to catch up on Farcebook so I will have to catch up today. Thats it for now, be back later.

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2 hours ago, TheQ said:

Please stop insulting the real wee Jimmie...

In my opinion she's actually doing a better job than Boris...……………………………..but then I think we could all do that...……………….:jester:

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Morning,  Steady rain here which is due to last for a couple of hours according the forecasters before a short break then more rain.At least it stops me doing any outside jobs!


Congratulations on your anniversary  Aditi and Tony enjoy your day.

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