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6 minutes ago, AndyB said:

What was before the sub-atomic particle? Or more interestingly, perhaps....how did it come about.

Perhaps you know, or might like to know, that the Big Bang theory was first proposed by Georges Lemaître, a Belgian, Roman Catholic priest.


Time, as a construct of physics does not exist prior to the initial singularity.

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Happy Birthday Andy.

Quiet day today due to cool and damp weather so a bit of the "G" word under glass and a bit of inspecting eyelids this afternoon, we intend to go out with the Bat Detector in an hour to see what's about, we seem to have found two separate groups and have plans to try the southern end of the village looking for more, they do apparently roost together in the winter.

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2 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

Better late than never - a happy birthday to Andy B.


The latter part of today has been a little difficult as SWMBO's anxiety has spiked yet again.  I really don't know what I can do to help her through any more than I am already doing which is mostly comprised of TLC, calm reassuring words and the provision of food and drink as and when requested.  She has also been sleeping less well and with a shifted pattern of hours compared with her norm.  


She continues to WFH but takes breaks as frequently as she can.  Whilst more of her staff are returning from furlough she cannot WFW until the workplace removes their own ban on higher-risk employees being in the workplace.  And now there is also talk of mandatory salary cuts and / or redundancies.  Only talks at this stage but it serves to drive her anxiety off the scale.  


All of which in turn has a knock-on effect here because I am not infinitely resilient myself.  The new requirement for front-line rail staff to effectively police the mandatory wearing of face-coverings has not gone down well here either.  We don't know yet how that will play out but I for one am not prepared to place myself in a position of greater potential conflict.  It will be hard enough having to wear the wretched thing for who knows how long.  Those fellow facial fungus-wearers might understand.  


I wish all a good and peaceful night.  I hope to have one too but the brain is racing while the eyes are tired which isn't a good combination ..... 


I can sympathsise with you and admire your ability to peacefully control the situation.  I try and ease my wife's day by doing a lot of chores and cooking etc.  Seems to work out OK! Luckily we don't have to go to work next day so theres a lot of recovery time available.

The facial fungus may have to go though as it looks as though facial coverings are here to stay for a while.



Edited by brianusa
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I was playing this en route to Moscow today. A niece piece in this troubled times. I might even buy the sheet music and take a shot at it on ye ancient Korg.






Edited by AndyID
Predict this!
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