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Greetings All

Had a busy day flat looks like a bomb has gone off still the new bathroom suit has arrived and the old bath has been ripped out the new bath will go in tomorrow

once the walls have been fixed the tiles have been purchased so I will be playing Tiler tomorrow I can get all the tilling done behind the "throne" before the cistern goes in

it won't take long as the tiles are 60 cm x 30 cm  its only 105 tiles in total on quick drying cement should have it tiled by Wednesday afternoon if my hands don't give out.

Kitchen arrives Wednesday the fitter will crack on with that while tile, once I tile around the sink that can be fitted in place and sealed along with the bath with silicone.

At the weekend I will be back in Essex with my partner:wub:.

Must get on stay safe :superman: Roger Ringinbedd.:biggrin_mini2:

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Train trip today, first in over 3 months, quite likely the longest period without going by train since my teens! (Took madam's car for its annual service, travelled home and then subsequently to collect by train.) Almost forgotten how pleasant an experience it is.  The 700 units are ever so roomy when you are the only passenger in a carriage, and station stops exceedingly brisk with only 2 or 3 alighting or boarding. The convenient elbow operation of the door buttons is useful in this situation.


1 hour ago, TheQ said:

...On the way home, lots of teenagers / low 20s out, not social distancing...

Based on my walk from station to dealer's premises in the mid afternoon, I concur. But at that age we are looking at 'golden lads and girls all must', and no government anywhere can switch that off.

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3 hours ago, Ian Abel said:

Monday moaning...

Yesterday was another delightful day, punctuated with various large-scale protests and another curfew. Hard to get a first hand perspective as we've no intention of joining in or getting close to the locations, sadly too old to want to risk all that. 

Secondhand and relayed details continue to show much is peaceful, but increasing amounts of incendiary materials being found stashed around the city, some at least 48-hours old apparently. Friends have found gallons of kerosene in out-of-the-way places on their city alleys. :(


Enjoyed the Zoom with our UK friends, and the early evening happy hour/Indian meal with friends. Given the volatility of the situation, the local supermarket decided to close all day Sunday out of an abundance of caution and safety issues for staff and shoppers. Not sure how long this is going to play out, and more importantly how much the unrest (warranted) but in some cases unrelated, distracts from the real issue and the death that was a catalyst for it all in the first place.

As usual/always the divider-in-chief made matters worse by once again opening his !@$!@$ mouth - having him buqqer off and play golf isn't that bad really! :butcher::triniti:


Another nice day here, 22 and sunny, heading for 31.


Stay safe everyone...

Stay safe too, Ian. The news from across the 'lantic isn’t exactly pretty indeed. Alas, I wouldn’t place any bets on things actually changing in the aftermath of all that turmoil... :(

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A good mornings work finally cutting the hole in the shed and fitting the spray booth extract duct. its only taken me a year to get round to it. makes a big difference when using Tamiya Acrylic paint as gave it a test!


The cardboard, glass / plastic / tin cans all taken to the recycling bins on our way for food shopping. It annoys me that some people just dump all their bags of general rubbish in the first bin they come across which is normally the glass bin. We then drove past the yet again realigned queues outside Sainsburys. We havent been in there for three weeks now. So a drive to a much more pleasant Morrisons in Reigate. No queues to get in and both of us allowed in together. Plenty of teenagers especially of the female variety scantily clad in very close proximity to each other. Must be a lot of twins / triplets around here. There is a large park right next to the store hence a big thoroughfare into the town.


Food items obtained for much except for the icing sugar as the shelf was empty. Even managed to get a sensible sized bag of flour for her.


Now back in the shed having fitted an old decoder into my Q1 and given it a run on the rolling road. being Hornby, I did check the back of the factory fitted socket and all was OK so no blown decoder.


No beer o'clock today either as it is our day off the beer.

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no worries but the ONS data (which, admittedly was not fully complete) did show a major uprise in the R figure last week...after last weekends chaos goodness knows what it will be in a weeks time..


"use common sense" .. OK if you can also use your brain....



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1 hour ago, Barry O said:

I have been in communication withthe keeper of the Awl. Debs is training up on the 32 awls at once multi awl flinging device...gulp! Practice makes perfect!!


UnFortunately, the authority required to licence such an activity is in lock down and will remain so for the foreseeable future. The year 2023 being the earliest that we can hope for the check tests and the issuing of the licence for authorisation to use such a complicated contraption.


Biggles, Jaymee le Gendarme and I believe that the document to release the licencing authority from lockdown is currently stuck in a motor cycle Pannier,  on a rock, somewhere in the middle of the Irish Sea.

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52 minutes ago, Happy Hippo said:

UnFortunately, the authority required to licence such an activity is in lock down and will remain so for the foreseeable future. The year 2023 being the earliest that we can hope for the check tests and the issuing of the licence for authorisation to use such a complicated contraption.


Biggles, Jaymee le Gendarme and I believe that the document to release the licencing authority from lockdown is currently stuck in a motor cycle Pannier,  on a rock, somewhere in the middle of the Irish Sea.


surprisingly enough..she seems to be perfectly capable of licencing herself.. and that means....more awls!



Tigerbernie asked about the awl... Well..the unwritten rules of ER include:


no politics

No model railways 


these can be dealt with else where on RMWeb.. ERs is for .. just about everything else.....



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8 minutes ago, Barry O said:

... Well..the unwritten rules of ER include:


no politics

No model railways.....

Well, that’s me well and truly stuffed. I suppose I will have to await arrest by the ER police and sentencing by the “awl”

I have just been scanning through the online newspapers about Britain’s first day of limited lockdown release and I can’t believe what a total clusterf*** it is.

Apart from the idiots who are refusing to acknowledge the need to keep at least some distance from other people to minimise the risk of picking up infection, there is the bizarre and often contradictory advice from the government. Apparently, whilst you cannot “get up close and personal“ with an attractive neighbour in your own house, doing so in the garden is apparently permissible. Going out is allowed, except when it is not. And the police will be checking on the number of guests that you host when you eventually get round to holding that dinner party you meant to hold a number of weeks ago. If you invite more than 4 people (assuming you and the SWMBO will also attend), then you‘re gonna be in trouble. 

On a slightly more positive note, some epidemiologists and clinicians in Italy are reporting that they seeing signs suggestive that COVID-19 is mutating to a less lethal form. This, of course, can happen and by becoming less lethal the virus will propagate more easily (it’s not a terribly good survival strategy to kill off your host each and every time a host gets infected). Whether this turns out to be a repeatable finding or a just an anomaly seen in a few patients remains to be seen.

Mrs iD is back with the Wolfpack after visiting her friend (who is a vet) as a sequalae to this, poor little Lucy has a new food and medication regimen (apparently Lucy continued to have GI problems during the visit - leading to a consultation with our friend, the vet).


Now off to bed.


G‘night All



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1 hour ago, Barry O said:

no worries but the ONS data (which, admittedly was not fully complete) did show a major uprise in the R figure last week...after last weekends chaos goodness knows what it will be in a weeks time..


"use common sense" .. OK if you can also use your brain....





Our nationwide  daily new infections are now so low we could name them individually (eg 8 yesterday), but one thing that shows is how fast outbreaks happen when they do - for instance a meatworks in Victoria suffered an outbreak that has infected 90 people over the last couple of weeks and a delivery driver infected 9 people at one Victorian Mcdonalds outlet.


Luckily we have well established testing and contact tracing regime , and small enough numbers now to ensure its comprehensive which keeps these outbreaks in check, I have no idea how the UK govt thinks it can handle cases there  in the same way given the still large numbers of daily new infections.

Seems a little mad from here, or your government is awesome.


One thing though, with all these new hygene skills and social distancing infection rates here for things like flu and  chicken pox has dropped off a cliff.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. The computer shut down earlier, not from overheating but because of a low battery, I'd forgotten to switch the charger on. :banghead:The fan has not come back to life but more like trying to come out of a coma, it tries to start but only runs for a second or two so I'm going to switch off for a while.

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14 hours ago, roundhouse said:

I have just seen a very large blow up workshop / spray booth that can take a car inside it and even comes with its own blower that will have it up in 3 - 5 minutes and separate ventilation blower. Very tempting to set up layouts in the garden and have my own private socially distanced show but must check if it will fit on the lawn first. Its got large clear windows so you cold in theory set it up in a public space where viewers could look through the windows at the layout (s):D



I have something similar to this:



I find it very useful for spraying/airbrushing larger items in the garden - spray the job, then zip the front up to keep the dust and flies out.  Works a treat, and cheap too; also it collapses down to a small bundle for storage.  Recommended.


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4 hours ago, Barry O said:

I have been in communication withthe keeper of the Awl. Debs is training up on the 32 awls at once multi awl flinging device...gulp! Practice makes perfect!!


Mon dieu when she reads about Richard and his black p@nn £r t@nk she'll blow her copper-clad stack! 


I'd not put money on 3 Para!


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48 minutes ago, tetsudofan said:

... collecting match boxes at hotels and restaurants was something I got into ...

At one point before smoke free restaurants, so had I. It was built on a collection started by my then significant other.


The combined collection was amongst my possessions and when I found them after a move I offered them to her.  She accepted, which pleased me. There was about a half a cubic foot of them and this much accumulated fire starter began to unnerve me in my new home.


They were in the garage which does not have any temperature control and can get quite warm. Theoretically they were "safe" of course. I had grown uncomfortable with them.

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1 hour ago, tetsudofan said:

Tony Roma's Ribs Restaurant, Tokyo

Which was apparently the first international location of the chain in 1979.


I was fond of the chain and had a birthday dinner at one in southern California (since closed) more than 30 years ago. My birthday is close to Halloween and the waitstaff were in costume.


Despite having 115 locations worldwide, they currently have only 13 in the US which seems much smaller to me than they did at one point. There's much more competition for more traditional regional southern barbecue than there was when the chain was formed.  Now you have to be regionally authentic - like Texas, St. Louis, Memphis, Kansas City, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina etc. The sauces, rubs and preparations all vary somewhat.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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